Unfortunately, it seems that when you are kicked out of a clan you are divested of all property. Yrsa says that she doesn't even get to pick which hut she lives in, much less know where she will end up when she delivers her daughter to Nox. Come to think of it, we don't know whether or not Yrsa ever took Randi with her to the DR because in the DR path Helga and her sister are released back to their burned village. We can assume she would because Yrsa is a good person, but until we see it we won't know for sure. Helga is left behind, though, and will need to try another daring escape if she wants to leave the BB camp for the White Wolves village as the areas are not contiguous. We will need another update to reveal their fate, but they're not in a good position currently.
again another logic fail though.
if something is a Viking's its Theirs until they're dead or willingly part with it via sale or barter/trade.
because they will kill you for trying to take it. might makes right and all that.
yrsa left not even understanding she was going to live in a cave with a bunch of other people.
with Nox's fleeing to the hidden city, none of them know where they will reside.
the You lose all your stuff if you leave the clan translates to - its not your stuff, you get to use it.
that whole you will own nothing and be happy bullshyte.
that is definitely not the impression you get about vikings.
Thorsten's greed got him killed, if none of it was really his..... he is retarded, not blinded by greed.