Oct 12, 2017
The full unlock is usually available after the part 3 of the stage is out and you completed it, and then you go to the shop in the upgrades session to unlock the scene separately, at least that what I need to be doing in previous version.
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Nov 5, 2020
I really want to like this game but it's a mess...

On my first attempt in 2-1 I had to restart while facing the boss because my character taunted an invisible character so the game softlocked.

On my second attempt in 2-1, I had to restart at the bossfight again because after beating a character my character froze in place. Another softlock.

On my third 2-1 attempt I finally beat the stage without any softlocking. However, this time I did not unlock 2-2 on the map, and the game moved on as if nothing happened. I earnt Corruption and Credits for beating the stage however, also I think my character level remained the same??

So I re-re-redid 2-1. On the fourth time I chose to proceed to the next stage immediately after beating the boss, instead of returning to the menu and then going to the map. This proceeded to the dialogue after beating the 2-1 boss, but the game treated it as if I beat my opponents and not fucked them.

Maybe it's because 2-1has no dialogue variations? I also don't know if after 2-1 you're supposed to have an event in the Grand hall. Does anybody here know?

I finish 2-2 and return to menu. The same issue persists. No level gain, no dialogue, no 2-3. I redo 2-2 and choose to continue right after beating the boss. This works, and the dialogue is still as if I beat my opponents and not fucked them. No Grand hall either. Again, I don't know if I missed some triggers.

I don't really want to keep playing like this. Right now I'm at 2-3 and did not try it yet. My character is Level 6 and its Corruption is 8. Is there a fix to all this?

EDIT: I restarted again. Finished 1-1 and chose to continue to 1-2. I saw a dialogue featuring 1-1's boss (genderbent for whatever reason) that I've never seen before (the dialogue still went on as if I fought my enemies, but that must be because it's the first level of the game and my Corruption is level 0). Does this mean you're meant to always continue fighting after beating a boss so you don't miss out on the "story", but immediately return to menu so you can actually upgrade your character, buy stuff and not miss out on the stuff at Grand hall? If so this is terrible design.
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Jul 26, 2020
I really want to like this game but it's a mess...

On my first attempt in 2-1 I had to restart while facing the boss because my character taunted an invisible character so the game softlocked.

On my second attempt in 2-1, I had to restart at the bossfight again because after beating a character my character froze in place. Another softlock.

On my third 2-1 attempt I finally beat the stage without any softlocking. However, this time I did not unlock 2-2 on the map, and the game moved on as if nothing happened. I earnt Corruption and Credits for beating the stage however, also I think my character level remained the same??

So I re-re-redid 2-1. On the fourth time I chose to proceed to the next stage immediately after beating the boss, instead of returning to the menu and then going to the map. This proceeded to the dialogue after beating the 2-1 boss, but the game treated it as if I beat my opponents and not fucked them.

Maybe it's because 2-1has no dialogue variations? I also don't know if after 2-1 you're supposed to have an event in the Grand hall. Does anybody here know?

I finish 2-2 and return to menu. The same issue persists. No level gain, no dialogue, no 2-3. I redo 2-2 and choose to continue right after beating the boss. This works, and the dialogue is still as if I beat my opponents and not fucked them. No Grand hall either. Again, I don't know if I missed some triggers.

I don't really want to keep playing like this. Right now I'm at 2-3 and did not try it yet. My character is Level 6 and its Corruption is 8. Is there a fix to all this?
Dang, have you had that issue before or just on 8.1? I tried recently a gameplay with a new character on 8.1 but I barely finished area 2-1 precisely and then didnt bother further cause with the whole copgirls spamming gunshots I was getting more annoyed than enjoying the experience so didnt explored further.

But yeah sadly this game seem to be having the issue that some devs follow that is keep adding needless mecanics to the game like the AI overhaul when there's base issues from before like how some enemies when punched they get literally yeeted flying out of the screen or slide in a Smooth Criminal M.Jackson's fashion like if they're dancing on ice.

Cause even if those overhauls were planed from the very begining (Which I sincerely doubt) it would make things much worse since the base game lacked stability in the way the mecanics behaved, such as you knock out an enemy and for some fucked up logic they manage to stand back up again while in fukin midair and are ready to punch you again.

Those issues were redeemable if at least the base experience didnt felt somehow punishing in some ways like btw they already felt before such as a cluster of enemies spamming attacks like if you're trying to beat a living human sized spinning sawblade, which now they dont do (Not always but still) with the added bonuses of some enemies having annoying abilities while pretending that we ignore how certain enemies seem to already have them, like the stupid natural health regeneration that the minions in red/black outfits seem to have, that you knock them out with a fast punch and by the time they stand up they have regenerated their health to a higher level it was before you even punched them. Yet THAT stayed the same but now other enemies like the medics can bring the same annoyance to the group around them.

The game needs to fix it's shit together first to be consistent, specially now that the dev seem to be following the stupid trend of making games as hard and punishing as possible. Guess what, something those games REQUIRE is stability and consistency in their mecanics to even be worth a second of your time.


New Member
Nov 5, 2020
My way of finishing the stage is beat the stage, back to the hub, go to grand hall until all grand hall event is done and then next stage is unlocked that way for me, maybe you can try this way?
Unfortunately this does not work for me starting from 2-1 because it does not unlock 2-2, as I've written before. I am now finishing each stage, immediately moving to the next one, and then returning to the hub. It seems if there's an event at the Grand hall the game refuses to advance to the next stage anyway and just puts you in the hub. Right now I'm in 2-2 again and I haven't had any issues (yet).

Dang, have you had that issue before or just on 8.1? I tried recently a gameplay with a new character on 8.1 but I barely finished area 2-1 precisely and then didnt bother further cause with the whole copgirls spamming gunshots I was getting more annoyed than enjoying the experience so didnt explored further.
I haven't played this game before so this is on version 0.8.1. I didn't have any difficulties with combat since you're meant to spam Taunt anyway (it makes you invulnerable and regens HP like crazy) I guess. My biggest problem is that each stage takes like an hour to beat if you play this way (which is clearly how this game's meant to be played), and if you softlock there's no failsafe button so you have to start all over. I wish there was a way to speed up the animations and bars filling up at the very least.
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Oct 13, 2019
Is there any option to unlock all scenes with all enemies?
If you want to do that by playing, you can either unlock everything via random drops from enemies or, after finishing each chapter (every 3 stages), you can buy the enemy data packs in shop which unlock enemies and positions in simulations.

An alternative would be to use someone's save or (I'm not sure if that works in this game) CheatEngine


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
Unfortunately this does not work for me starting from 2-1 because it does not unlock 2-2, as I've written before. I am now finishing each stage, immediately moving to the next one, and then returning to the hub. It seems if there's an event at the Grand hall the game refuses to advance to the next stage anyway and just puts you in the hub. Right now I'm in 2-2 again and I haven't had any issues (yet).

I haven't played this game before so this is on version 0.8.1. I didn't have any difficulties with combat since you're meant to spam Taunt anyway (it makes you invulnerable and regens HP like crazy) I guess. My biggest problem is that each stage takes like an hour to beat if you play this way (which is clearly how this game's meant to be played), and if you softlock there's no failsafe button so you have to start all over. I wish there was a way to speed up the animations and bars filling up at the very least.
I don't think that that's the case. Remember that the game has a SFW mode so no sex involved, which makes me assume that by design is a hybrid between beating enemies while having some ocasional sex. The sex itself doesnt seem to have major issues now besides some oddities respect the adition of threesomes, but the combat.... The combat wasnt in a good state before but it was overall dealable, no major game breaking issues, not the best but didnt had anything that made it somehow unplayable or right ahead frustrating to deal with besides some specific scenarios like the health regen black&red minions, but now about half the enemies have some kind of BS that makes dealing with the combat not great. And I dont think this game is designed for you to defeat the enemies in a succubus kind of way cause the same way sex drains their life, it pushes you closer to cum, which anytime you do you get a max health reduction and if you ever reach the minimum health you get defeated (I never reached that scenario or got closer to before 8.1, which got me far too frequently on it with among the easiest settings) so the more you sex them the more you push your character to a scenario that youll ideally avoid. And even if you use corruption that works as a double edge sword of sorts since it gives you a more "Succubus-like" tool set but by also making you vulnerable to cumming yourself.

Not criticising that particular part, actually I think it's awesome but that reinforces the perception I have on how the game seems to be designed as. Like a hybrid where you have to beat enemies by punches, kicks and other abilities/tools while ocasionally sexing them out. The issue is that the sex play should regen health or special way faster than what it does by default, then it would made sense why pretty much anything seem to be designed to force you into sex. Specially with how frequent in the sex interactions you get into that "sexloving" state that locks you to try to scape or gain domination. Which ngl, happens far too frequently, for way too long and you cant do nothing while at it. Specially when things like the dominance bar locks itself after reaching an absolute value like 0 or 100.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
I hope that escaping / dominating during sex become harder / more complicated. Like a QTE, or struggling while you are in the love stage decreases your struggle / domination meter. And / or struggling / gaining domination costs a resource so you can't just spam it.
Right now it's just smashing the attack and movement keys.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
I hope that escaping / dominating during sex become harder / more complicated. Like a QTE, or struggling while you are in the love stage decreases your struggle / domination meter. And / or struggling / gaining domination costs a resource so you can't just spam it.
Right now it's just smashing the attack and movement keys.
U can modify that in the settings already tho....


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
Really? I find no settings to make escaping out of a sex move harder...

On that note, maybe the game is so easy for me because I play on hard mode. You take but also deal more damage. Maybe it's because of this that I defeat the Villains before they can lay down too many traps / healing fields.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
Really? I find no settings to make escaping out of a sex move harder...

On that note, maybe the game is so easy for me because I play on hard mode. You take but also deal more damage. Maybe it's because of this that I defeat the Villains before they can lay down too many traps / healing fields.
Meanwhile I had to remove the game cause it was starting to feel annoying for me to play it for begining to turn into something far too frustrating to deal with, and the worse is that things that I had tolerance to before in previous updates now felt BS for me to face after the whole abilities overhaul. Guess I began to pay attention to the flaws the game had previously that were annoying but that somehow I got "used to" and when you try to play in a "non-punishing" kind of way it's by far among the worst kind of games to play in such way.


New Member
Mar 24, 2019
quick question are there cheats in the patreon version?
yes, but the save file is plain text and you can just enable the cheats in there. located AppData\LocalLow\Skyflare Studios\Solas City Heroes. just search for the word cheat and change = true then in game you can turn on any of the cheats in options.

while you're there you can edit cash and Talent points if you want.


Jun 17, 2020
Haven't chimed in for quite some time, but I have this idea

A toggleable setting called MIA mode (missing in action)

When a character gets defeated/captured, they STAY captured. Attempting to "continue" with that character just brings you to the capture scenario in the enemy lair again. No access to the hub for that character while captured. Basically they are locked out from play and become a perpetual gallery mode as a captured heroine.

In order to have access to the character again, the player must send a different character on a rescue mission. Success frees the captured character.

Not sure if the technology for the game would allow this sort of crossover of saves, but might be neat.


Dec 11, 2019
copy/pasted answer I gave in the KFC forum but is relevant here:

SCH is still in the oven and IRC Zed has already said the way it is now is not intended. I get why he wants to add some more varity in the game aspect of a Superhero themed game & overall I prefer that theme over that of KFC (also its hard to look back at the older KFC/DC models with their weird nipple palcement :cry: ). So I do expect some changes for the better down the line. Meanwhile I'm still happy with my outdated old SCH version though :p

I would have vastly preferred though he had spend the time to integrate the kink in the story instead of shooting and traps. Its annoying to defeat the stage boss by orgasm and get a dialouge that not just ignores that but clearly states the opposite as if a regular boring fight just happened.

If Solas is not the prime example of a game where you could (and should! ;) ) interrogate a sexy boss via edging what else is?

Right now the sex part feels tacked on and ignored from the story perspective which seems to proceed as if it where a normal action side scroller while it should IMVHO the other way around.


Mar 4, 2021
yes, but the save file is plain text and you can just enable the cheats in there. located AppData\LocalLow\Skyflare Studios\Solas City Heroes. just search for the word cheat and change = true then in game you can turn on any of the cheats in options.

while you're there you can edit cash and Talent points if you want.
ngl that sounds complicated even though its not, imma just hand over the money.
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Aug 23, 2020
Love the new Dare stuff! But i've got a bug.

I'm getting a bug during the sex interaction. The enemies are dieing and disappearing when they die from cumming, leaving my character sitting there unable to leave the sex interaction. I'm not sure it might be because of the new talent "Ahegao" that deals a lot of extra dmg below 30% domination when you cum.

Anyone else had this?

Yeah I am having the exact same problem with this and what's the worst part ? I cannot even unlock sex positions due to this bug I am left helpless when enemies die in a Sexual Interaction anyone else know how to fix it???
May 10, 2020
Can the sex descriptions be more specific? specifically to include what fetish type the sex move fall into? is leg trap missionary a breathless fetish? I can see it being one but because i dont have some indicator that shows during the sex fight if thats the case and because mr zed could simply choose if this is or isnt that fetish type, then an added description on the "sex preference" section and/or an added icon showing the fetish activate during the sex fight would be cool. Also does one fetish add more arousal than others? by how much? its hard to tell just by looking at the meter rising
Aug 23, 2020
Can the sex descriptions be more specific? specifically to include what fetish type the sex move fall into? is leg trap missionary a breathless fetish? I can see it being one but because i dont have some indicator that shows during the sex fight if thats the case and because mr zed could simply choose if this is or isnt that fetish type, then an added description on the "sex preference" section and/or an added icon showing the fetish activate during the sex fight would be cool. Also does one fetish add more arousal than others? by how much? its hard to tell just by looking at the meter rising
Are you talking about the fetish and weakness we have to choose when we start as a new game ? , if so my fetish was - wrestling and weakness - nothing and no this applies randomly whether fetish is active or not also I cannot buy the new Ahego talent it just says "You dont met the prerequisites to buy this talent" . I am level 15 and have 95000 talent points is there something I am missing ?


Dec 11, 2019
Are you talking about the fetish and weakness we have to choose when we start as a new game ? , if so my fetish was - wrestling and weakness - nothing and no this applies randomly whether fetish is active or not also I cannot buy the new Ahego talent it just says "You dont met the prerequisites to buy this talent" . I am level 15 and have 95000 talent points is there something I am missing ?
Have not tried the new version; but there is (thankfully :p ) a setting to turn Ahego off entirely. Maybe you cannot pick if disabled? Also you have put enough points in the talent tree it belongs too? Later talents require a certain amount of point spend in the tree already.
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