- Mar 24, 2018
- 335
- 40
i have made it until the part 03 "the auction" but I didn't implement it just yet, I'm currently working on pregnancy to 1.1when will we see alisa on boom my cherry?
my current plan is; pregnancy on 1.1, a puzzle game on 1.2, Beastiality intro on 1.3because it would kinda work the ur current planned content
i won't promise anything but yeah somewhere between 1.4~and so on I'll work on itso 1.4?
I'm not supposed to say that but, when I began to do somatra my only goal with it was to make a good game a different onei dunno if its bugs or game mechanics or im doing something wrong BUT i cant seem to play any longer then a few clicks
game without warning closes
i know its not my pc ive plenty of power and so on BUT im very much interested in trying out your game sounds like a fantastic game and dont worry ill stick around and see this through with you as im very much wanting and looking forward to playingI'm not supposed to say that but, when I began to do somatra my only goal with it was to make a good game a different one
that people play and say wow, "pretty good", in particular away I achieved that a lot of people like it, but somatra have a lot of problems on renpy, simple and direct isn't a game for the reply and for that I pay the price, a lot of people like you, who are willing to give the game a chance and could be a future game fan even a supporter, won't be able to play it, cause well this happens in some gpucards I tried everything god knows how much I search in every corner of the internet who to fix it even talking with the renpy creator, my game goes too far from the renpy propose, so I'm currently working in 2 games keeping the renpy version update so I won't lose all my fan base and at the same time I'm currently changing the renpy to rpgmaker mv I know a lot of people won't like it but at least it's playable at any pc even with lowest specs.
star8up I'm really sorry for this, you are not the only one I lost so many people in one year of working, because of this engine
if you are willing to give a chance to somatra, please wait until the rpgmaker mv version should reach the current state of the game in 2~3 months.
i'm current doing something like this View attachment 2077483
Hello Somatra,I'm not supposed to say that but, when I began to do somatra my only goal with it was to make a good game a different one
that people play and say wow, "pretty good", in particular away I achieved that a lot of people like it, but somatra have a lot of problems on renpy, simple and direct isn't a game for the reply and for that I pay the price, a lot of people like you, who are willing to give the game a chance and could be a future game fan even a supporter, won't be able to play it, cause well this happens in some gpucards I tried everything god knows how much I search in every corner of the internet who to fix it even talking with the renpy creator, my game goes too far from the renpy propose, so I'm currently working in 2 games keeping the renpy version update so I won't lose all my fan base and at the same time I'm currently changing the renpy to rpgmaker mv I know a lot of people won't like it but at least it's playable at any pc even with lowest specs.
star8up I'm really sorry for this, you are not the only one I lost so many people in one year of working, because of this engine
if you are willing to give a chance to somatra, please wait until the rpgmaker mv version should reach the current state of the game in 2~3 months.
i'm current doing something like this View attachment 2077483
The main reason is: I'm not quite a fan of visual novels, I never read one I don't like at all so, I don't see myself having fun doing one, I do not add too much grinding in the game there are little things that you need to repeat in somatra, basically, work and watch de boom my cherry to unlock a new scenario and I plan to keep like that.Hello Somatra,
the game as is today is really breaking the RenPy Engine but I am not sure whether going for an RPG engine is the right way to fix this. This will allow to better manage the Sandbox elements of the game for sure but even more break the story.
So is that the right way to go? I love this game but I am rather annoyed by the grind elements of the sandbox. Why not focus on the story and move to a visual novel on RenPy instead of focussing on the stats. You can also implement stats by choices if necessary for the progression. On the other hand where is the need to repeat an action 5 times in order to proceed if that iis mostly a linear story anyway.
Hope the technical issues dont prevent you from continuing with this great story. This may be a bit late as you already invested in the RPG version but still wanted to give that aspect.
That funny part of this is that I'm playing somatra on my phone without laggingyeah no not any pc that much i know for sure almost any pc u mean because i have an old del lattitude d510 that cant run this game with out crashing 8 or 9 time on boot up.