Create your AI Cum Slut for Valentine’s Day 60% OFF Now


Jan 24, 2018
Hello everyone, i have a question:

If I'm using Monkey to cheat on my model's look and body properties during the interview, does this new look is considered by the game as legit for the rating system? or is it still considering her original ugly look in the rating and ignoring my modifications?

Same question for personality traits.

Thank you very much in advance.
If I remember correctly what Thora said before, yes, the changes are reflected in the rating system
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New Member
Sep 19, 2018
If I remember correctly what Thora said before, yes, the changes are reflected in the rating system
I'm not super well-read when it comes to machine learning and neural networks, but I wonder if the algorithm this game uses would give better results if instead of rating undesirable traits 0/10 I just took every model, used Monkey to give them all traits I'd rate 10/10, then feed that back into the algorithm. I'd experiment with it, but I'm not sure I have the needed attention span.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2018
Is your profile complete or simple?
Just did some with complete and it seemed to work a lot better. The only issue I have now is the fact that the game forces new girls in after level 3. If you actually wanted girls to meet all or close to all the standards on there you should be able to keep just group 1 in for as long as you want.
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New Member
Feb 17, 2018
Is there a difference in the way you dispatch the women? Are there different effects if you say "Thanks for coming" as opposed to "That's it"?


Formerly 'gille'
Jun 23, 2018
Hy over there, long time not been here!
So i realy do like the game and the way it go.
- Is there a plan to let girls like me go in the oposite way (beeing a man ok but beeing a woman interviuwing man :p niiiaaaaaa) ...
- In the profile settings i found those for some body parts
* Favorability requirement (visual - tactil - exposure - ...) i dont realy get it as low what will that changer to the verry hy option
low mean the girl wont give autorisation because she asen't got enough attention to that body part to alow the contact ?
quite confusing me ( might be because of my pore level in english?)

still the game is great i can play a man wo's meeting somme girls and find myself (nearly) in those girls and let him grab me eh eh eh ....
why always games are made to please men??? :p :p :p

hope to see some new updates soon :p keep on the good work over there mister dev (or missis dev)

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Formerly 'gille'
Jun 23, 2018
Can I fuck the exact girl I customized on the profile editor somehow? Thanks
as fare as i know you've to meet girls and set your prifiled girl on level 1 you'll meet many girls and you'll hav to rate them type by type, and one day in the week you'll meet a gril a lot look like the one you mad on the editor she'll be more like here, when you've rated here you'll have more girl looking like here (in fact like the rating you're giving to girls) it is not a one shot game you've to be patien like in the real live :D good luk with your made dream grill :p
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Jan 2, 2018
- Is there a plan to let girls like me go in the oposite way (beeing a man ok but beeing a woman interviuwing man :p niiiaaaaaa) ...
why always games are made to please men??? :p :p :p

Those are good points. Actually the game could be made so it is gender agnostic: so M-M, F-F, M-F and F-M interactions should work. The concept of a modeling agency works regardless of the gender involved.

I suspect however this would require a LOT of work; males have been de-prioritized in code; there is no way to customize them, no proper way to handles skin color, no clothing, no pose/animation, no dialogue, etc.

The reason 'why' as always is... follow the money. This is not limited to porn games - most of the sex industry caters to a mostly male audience.

I'd suggest you hop over on his discord to propose this; the board could benefit from different views.



New Member
Sep 4, 2020
The game has one major drawback. For example, if we try to rate a face, we will notice that it consists of parts including face-cheeks-chin-jaw-eyebrow which in turn consist of many parameters(we can look at it in a profile). Behind one slider "face", which we can change from 0-10, there are ~35 parameters (which can take 5 different values). If you use "Auto Rating" and you had no luck with the face gen in the first week (the game generated an ugly face but most of the ~35 sliders are close to what you chose in the profile, so Auto Rating will give it a high score in face slider), then most likely you will generate in further iterations ugly faces, and fixing it will be very difficult and only by manual rating (better start all over again and wait for good luck in generating in first week).

This is a problem not only for the face, but also for all sliders that include too many parameters.
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New Member
Sep 19, 2018
I suspect however this would require a LOT of work; males have been de-prioritized in code; there is no way to customize them, no proper way to handles skin color, no clothing, no pose/animation, no dialogue, etc.
Earlier in this thread the dev (T valle) said something about part of the game's premise is that your character is supposed to be a creepy, ugly bastard. But yeah, despite the development overhead I agree that a sandbox game like this should let you customize the player character. I'm willing to wait until he finishes his initial development goals, though - scope creep can be a real project killer.

Actually the game could be made so it is gender agnostic: so M-M, F-F, M-F and F-M interactions should work. The concept of a modeling agency works regardless of the gender involved.
This would be A-tier, honestly. I'm pansexual and not enough games let me be an equal opportunity pervert.

why always games are made to please men??? :p :p :p
Because by and large these games are personal projects men who are essentially just making porn for themselves and most of the time aren't interested in making anything that doesn't cater to their own tastes. Which is understandable but disappointing!
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Formerly 'gille'
Jun 23, 2018
Earlier in this thread the dev (T valle) said something about part of the game's premise is that your character is supposed to be a creepy, ugly bastard. But yeah, despite the development overhead I agree that a sandbox game like this should let you customize the player character. I'm willing to wait until he finishes his initial development goals, though - scope creep can be a real project killer.

This would be A-tier, honestly. I'm pansexual and not enough games let me be an equal opportunity pervert.

Because by and large these games are personal projects men who are essentially just making porn for themselves and most of the time aren't interested in making anything that doesn't cater to their own tastes. Which is understandable but disappointing!
I might do the same, if i could make a game like him.
i should make it my way first, then as it's going well, make some extra to mine point of line.
:D i dont blame anyone here :D
i'm just a frustrated shy girl, willingly to have a so well made game with a so good idea i a way that i can jump on my toys to enjoy ma loneliness driping every where in my room ... :D
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