Hunting for what to caress is too cumbersome. This is how you have to play the game over and over to progress. Clicking through menus to find the one thing she allows you to touch, if any. It it click click click click left screen, center, bottom right, click click click, buttons move all over the screen and often do nothing of value. Annoying gameplay loop.
I have to get close to interact. Sometimes so close I almost run into girl and she gets max pain level and leaves. Interact should work from infinte distance. When girl is faced away against wall you have to get too close... Just make it infinte distance, easy, done, never worry about this again.
"Can I" middle right of screen. Buttons here should be bigger. Still seem randomly placed. Maybe just pick left for UI elements while leaving room to show the girl
Next can only press "Caress..." Why is this even here, why do I have to click again if there is only one choice?
Back to the 5 button layout. Pick something, lets say Arms.
Now a dialog appears and I have to click at the very bottom right. This is bad design. Tiny button in the corner, moving my mouse all over the screen.
Now five large buttons appear that spans almost the entire screen width. Not consistent. Put all the buttons in one place so I only have to move my mouse small amounts.
Now I select shouldersor whatever. Again, dialog and I have to click a small button at the bottom right of the screen. Very annoying, unnecessary steps. You do not need to jump the button around all over the screen.
In general, why 5 arms? Make ONE arm. Why would a girl be ok with forearm touching but not hands, etc? This design makes no sense!
Waist, hip, belly, how can you possible touch one without the other? Combine these to ONE. It is impossible to play if the the girl does not accept touching of one of these and you need to touch one of the other 2. You will touch all of them without the ability to control what you actually touch. Again, this all makes no sense and is far too fine-grained. Keep it simple!
After dismissing girl there is no reason to move around the room. Movement is clunky anyway. Turning is is difficult. You should just display a full screen 2D menu to rate or move on to the next day. There is nothing in the room to do but click the computer. Don't make me move in 3D to click the computer if it is the only thing possible to do. I do not suggest adding more to do by moving around the room. Just use menus, only need to move around the room while inspecting girls.
I do not like the 3D rating menu. Make it simple 2D.
Also, press 1 to bring out hand, it flies out at 100mph and hits the girl, and now the encounter is ruined. So annoying.