Playing around with the save data editor has made me realize that there's too many variables to control, which leads me to think that there should be more categories (makeup, tan) to help players rate more easily.
Here's some stuff I figured out. Thankfully, because each side (left and right) can be set differently, it's easy to figure out the difference and effects if setting to 1 and 0.
Hairstyles are limited between straight and curly versions, depending on your hair settings. For hairstyles: .1-.2 gives the single bang in front. .3-.4 gives you long hair with bangs. .5-.59? long hair, no bangs. .6-.7 bob haircut. .8 bangs, with helmet hair. Unfortunately, hairstyles are very limited atm. Gimme dem buns and ponytails anyday, and differing lengths should be a thing.
Softener settings for breasts and ass (jiggle) work with 1 being the firmest, and 2 being the most jello-ey.
Height displacement for chest positions breasts either high (1) or low (0).
Breast horizontal rotation determines separation 1 being wide apart, 0 being stuck together.
The reason why lip colors are odd, are because skin type is based off of RGB colors, which blend with the lip color. So if skin is pale blue, set red lip color, and the resulting lip color on the model is purple. Mix and match.
Facialdcals governs makeup which runs from a range of .12-.20. Note: .12 gives red blush. .15 vibrant blue eyeshadow, red blush. .20 cartoon style blue eyeshadow, intense red blush. Facialdecalsalpha sets the intensity.
You mave have noticed some of the models have delicious tan lines. I'm trying to figure it out between the texturer and color settings for the skin, with some results.
scaler settings for the legs and arms simulate musculature to some degree.
This game badly needs variables to control shoulder width, chest thickness, torso length, breast perkiness (shape).
I'm uploading the test model I used to test my changes on, note, the personality is a bit bugged and she's hypersensitive from trying to figure out which settings increase pleasure. So you might want to find a good base model personality during the game and swap, or swap appearance, etc. Cheers. Note: You can make her orgasm from slapping her tits or ass hard enough.