Fan Art Something Unlimited - Sprite Re-Mix and Fanart Thread

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Active Member
Sep 15, 2021
BBSxDMFxDBL - Could you please edit the above to add the reference images as thumbnails - otherwise it's a lot of irrelevant large images for everyone to download and wade through? Thanks.

EDITED: Thanks :)

I'm looking into doing this on Monday, but if anyone else feels like doing this over the weekend, feel free
Last edited:


Jun 28, 2022
BBSxDMFxDBL - Could you please edit the above to add the reference images as thumbnails - otherwise it's a lot of irrelevant large images for everyone to download and wade through? Thanks.

EDITED: Thanks :)

I'm looking into doing this on Monday, but if anyone else feels like doing this over the weekend, feel free
Like I said, I couldn't find a reference to all the outfits or the closest to what I envision, so they're just a general idea.
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Mar 10, 2018
After tweaking some settings I produced various Fire Emblem characters: Lute from Sacred Stones, Lyn from Blazing Blade, Rebecca from Blazing Blade, Sonia from Blazing Blade, Sully from Awakening, bonus Taylor Swift, and Tharja from Awakening. Turned out pretty okay!

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What keyword did you use for the twintails to look like that? I can never get them working right


Apr 1, 2018
Something Unlimited: L.M.D. (Lex's Marvel Domination)


“My name Is Vanessa Fisk, and you are in New York”
“Alright… wait, did you say Fisk”
Suddenly Vanessa ran over to the bed, grabbed the gun, and again tried to shoot Lex but again she couldn’t pull the trigger “I should probably tell you that anyone attuned to my devices can not harm me in any way”
Lex walked over to the large man and examined him, the first thing he noticed was how familiar the man looked and then as if being stuck by lightning “you said this was your husband, what was his name”
Vanessa didn’t respond and just sat down on the edge of the bed “you know I could force you”
She sighed in irritation before answering “Wilson Fisk”
Lex stood up and walked over to her so that he was standing directly in front of her “my dear what I’m about to tell you may sound outlandish but I swear it is the truth, I am from another universe”
Vanessa did not blink at his statement “ah I see you are accustomed to visitors from other universes”
She didn’t respond but an odd look of recognition came over her face which Lex took note of
“I see you’ve noticed it too, the uncanny likeness” he said motioning towards Wilson “so what is it your husband did for a living”
“He was a businessman”
Lex couldn’t help but smirk at her answer “really, just a business man”
Vanessa crossed her arms “he had other, ventures, that occupied his time… to much of his time if you ask me.”

She whispered that last part to herself which Lex barley caught but still smirked at the comment, at that moment an idea popped into Lex’s head “tell you what Vanessa, I’ll make you a deal”
A curious look came over her face as she crossed one leg over another “I’m listening”
“You help me find an old friend that may have traveled here with me and find a way back home, then I will assume your late husband’s identity and make sure his… ventures stay operational”
“This sounds more like a win, win for you, what do I get out of it”
“Once my duties are complete, the keys to his ventures are yours”
Vanessa pondered this for a moment then stood up from the bed “well I don’t really have a choice in the matter but you’ve got yourself a deal Mr.…”
“Luthor, Lex Luthor”
“Well Mr. Luthor were shall we begin”
“How does his ventures operate, who are the people that directly answer to him”
Vanessa smirk for a second “funny you should ask, in one week, Wilson holds a giant party to celebrate his birthday, all of his associates will be in attendance”
“Excellent, now if you would be so kind as to deal with your late husband, I wish to explore this new world, I have a feeling I going fit right in here.”

Lex proceeded to explore Fisk Tower with Vanessa in tow, luckily it was the weekend so they only had to deal with the occasional custodian which she was able to right off Lex’s appearance with some mandatory diet from his doctor, Luckily Wilson did not venture into the legit business floors of his tower that often so many of them haven’t seen him in years and just kind of wrote it off, the two continued down until they reached the sub-levels where his real business was conducted (this is where the Lab, Living Quarters, Defence and Vault will be, I’m not 100% sure) they entered the lab which looked like it had not been touch in months “an associate of my husbands used to run this lab, unfortunately they cut ties some time ago.”

As lex looked over the machinery he caught a glimpse of vanessa out of the corner of his eye, she was slightly bent over looking over some of the machinery, the tight blue dress left little to the imagination and with her bent over like that it left even less, her dress rode up just enough that her panties could just barley been seen, Lex couldn’t help but admit that even at her age she could have any man she wanted, a devious smile crossed his face as wild thoughts crossed through his mind of all the wonderful things the two of them could do, after another few seconds of staring he walked over to her “this will do nicely”
At that moment she realized that she had just given him an eyeful and immediately stood up and pulled down on her dress “I’m glad”
She walked around to the other side of some machines so that he would stop starring “so what’s the plan Luthor.”

Lex stood there for a second looking around the room, clearly the gears in his mind turning “I’d like to be left alone to work on some things”
“Oh, alright”
Vanessa was about to leave the lab but then stopped when Lex called her back over “one last thing”
“I need a strip club”
“To go to”
“No, I need you to buy me a strip club, on my earth you’d be surprised how often naked women tend to loosen the lips of those with vital information”
Vanessa wanted to question the logic of that but paused for a second and just shrugged but again before she could leave Lex spoke up “as soon as you procure an establishment, we’ll need to find… new management, preferably someone we can trust, or at least one I can convince to trust”
Vanessa smirked before responding “I’ve got someone in mind, they’ve been out of the game for a little while, but I’m sure she would be perfect for this”

“Then let’s see to it”

Vanessa sneered at Lex before leaving him behind while he fiddled with the various machines as one by one, they turned on.


Now for those playing at home I purpose a question, who should run the Strip Club

Emma Frost (White Queen)

Cleopatra Nefertiti (Asp)

Heidi Franklin (Pretty Persuasions)

Or if you have a better option, I would very much like to hear it.


Jun 12, 2022
Something Unlimited: L.M.D. (Lex's Marvel Domination)


“My name Is Vanessa Fisk, and you are in New York”
“Alright… wait, did you say Fisk”
Suddenly Vanessa ran over to the bed, grabbed the gun, and again tried to shoot Lex but again she couldn’t pull the trigger “I should probably tell you that anyone attuned to my devices can not harm me in any way”
Lex walked over to the large man and examined him, the first thing he noticed was how familiar the man looked and then as if being stuck by lightning “you said this was your husband, what was his name”
Vanessa didn’t respond and just sat down on the edge of the bed “you know I could force you”
She sighed in irritation before answering “Wilson Fisk”
Lex stood up and walked over to her so that he was standing directly in front of her “my dear what I’m about to tell you may sound outlandish but I swear it is the truth, I am from another universe”
Vanessa did not blink at his statement “ah I see you are accustomed to visitors from other universes”
She didn’t respond but an odd look of recognition came over her face which Lex took note of
“I see you’ve noticed it too, the uncanny likeness” he said motioning towards Wilson “so what is it your husband did for a living”
“He was a businessman”
Lex couldn’t help but smirk at her answer “really, just a business man”
Vanessa crossed her arms “he had other, ventures, that occupied his time… to much of his time if you ask me.”

She whispered that last part to herself which Lex barley caught but still smirked at the comment, at that moment an idea popped into Lex’s head “tell you what Vanessa, I’ll make you a deal”
A curious look came over her face as she crossed one leg over another “I’m listening”
“You help me find an old friend that may have traveled here with me and find a way back home, then I will assume your late husband’s identity and make sure his… ventures stay operational”
“This sounds more like a win, win for you, what do I get out of it”
“Once my duties are complete, the keys to his ventures are yours”
Vanessa pondered this for a moment then stood up from the bed “well I don’t really have a choice in the matter but you’ve got yourself a deal Mr.…”
“Luthor, Lex Luthor”
“Well Mr. Luthor were shall we begin”
“How does his ventures operate, who are the people that directly answer to him”
Vanessa smirk for a second “funny you should ask, in one week, Wilson holds a giant party to celebrate his birthday, all of his associates will be in attendance”
“Excellent, now if you would be so kind as to deal with your late husband, I wish to explore this new world, I have a feeling I going fit right in here.”

Lex proceeded to explore Fisk Tower with Vanessa in tow, luckily it was the weekend so they only had to deal with the occasional custodian which she was able to right off Lex’s appearance with some mandatory diet from his doctor, Luckily Wilson did not venture into the legit business floors of his tower that often so many of them haven’t seen him in years and just kind of wrote it off, the two continued down until they reached the sub-levels where his real business was conducted (this is where the Lab, Living Quarters, Defence and Vault will be, I’m not 100% sure) they entered the lab which looked like it had not been touch in months “an associate of my husbands used to run this lab, unfortunately they cut ties some time ago.”

As lex looked over the machinery he caught a glimpse of vanessa out of the corner of his eye, she was slightly bent over looking over some of the machinery, the tight blue dress left little to the imagination and with her bent over like that it left even less, her dress rode up just enough that her panties could just barley been seen, Lex couldn’t help but admit that even at her age she could have any man she wanted, a devious smile crossed his face as wild thoughts crossed through his mind of all the wonderful things the two of them could do, after another few seconds of staring he walked over to her “this will do nicely”
At that moment she realized that she had just given him an eyeful and immediately stood up and pulled down on her dress “I’m glad”
She walked around to the other side of some machines so that he would stop starring “so what’s the plan Luthor.”

Lex stood there for a second looking around the room, clearly the gears in his mind turning “I’d like to be left alone to work on some things”
“Oh, alright”
Vanessa was about to leave the lab but then stopped when Lex called her back over “one last thing”
“I need a strip club”
“To go to”
“No, I need you to buy me a strip club, on my earth you’d be surprised how often naked women tend to loosen the lips of those with vital information”
Vanessa wanted to question the logic of that but paused for a second and just shrugged but again before she could leave Lex spoke up “as soon as you procure an establishment, we’ll need to find… new management, preferably someone we can trust, or at least one I can convince to trust”
Vanessa smirked before responding “I’ve got someone in mind, they’ve been out of the game for a little while, but I’m sure she would be perfect for this”

“Then let’s see to it”

Vanessa sneered at Lex before leaving him behind while he fiddled with the various machines as one by one, they turned on.


Now for those playing at home I purpose a question, who should run the Strip Club

Emma Frost (White Queen)

Cleopatra Nefertiti (Asp)

Heidi Franklin (Pretty Persuasions)

Or if you have a better option, I would very much like to hear it.
Emma frost


New Member
Mar 9, 2023
Nubia has agreed to travel with Lex to the world of man. However, she is unaware that someone else will also accompany them on the long voyage.
Vixen: Leeeex! Its been to long!
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Immediately tension arises between the women. When Vixen asks Nubia if she and Lex are togheter, she replies:
Nubia: Where i come from we do not bealive in monogamous relationships. We are free to love whomever we please.
Vixens eyes narrow in a devious smile. She turns towards Lex while she slowly unbuttons her suit.
Vixen: Then you wont object if i remind lex what hes been missing all this time.
Nubia: Hmph!
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As the night progresses tensions continue to rise and Nubia gets more and more agitated. She walks off to cool her head and Lex finds her at the bow of the ship.
Nubia: I just dont understand why she irritates me so much.
Lex: Its only natural to be territorial, you come from a secluded island after all.
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When Vixen hears from the captain that she wont be sleeping in the suite she immideately complains to Lex. Nubia steps in between them and tells Vixen that she needs to know her place. In response, Vixen tells her that they should have a competition to settle who gets to be Lex's "bottom bitch".
Nubia: I am unfamiliar with your terminology, but no amazon backs down from a challenge!
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The rules are simple; whoever is unable to continue loses. All three head to the suite and the women begin to undress, swaying their large hips from side to side.
Nubia: You cannot hope to compete with my physique.
Vixen lets out a laugh and says: honey, war and sex are not the same. Isn't that right Lex?
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Nubia begins to lick Vixens already wet pussy. Juices spread all over her face and makes a mess of the sheets beneath.
Vixen: *moans. You're good, i admit. But this isnt my first rodeo.
Nubia doesnt reply, only muffled moans can be heard under her vast raven black curls.
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Lex finally joins and grabs Nubias heavy breast. Her chest is massive like watermelons, soft like marshmellows, yet perky and firm. Nubia lets out soft moans and pushes her back towards him. Her dark, curly locks smell of cinnamon and blackberry and it envelops Lex like a fur coat. Vixen starts to lick Nubias toned body as Lex milks her unbealiveable bust. He starts to press her breast and nipples harder and harder as Vixen explores every inch of Nubias body with her tounge. Nubia tries to contain her moans, but her breathing just speeds up; faster, heavier, deeper. In the end she cannot resist. She bites her lips and closes her eyes as her body begins to shake uncontrollably. Hot, pearly white drops of milk leak out of her supple breast.
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Nubia: N-no fair, it was two against one.
Vixen lets out a bright laugh but doesnt respond. She moves seductively to the bed and gestures to both of them to join her. For a while no words are spoken, only moans, licks and kisses can be heard. Slowly the two women work themselves down Lex's body, until they reach his erect member. They dont just suck his cock, they worship it.
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Suddenly Nubia pushes Vixen aside and climbs untop of Lex. She guides his dick inside herself with fierce passion and lust, amplified by the device. Her body is burning and she simply cannot wait any longer. Like a wild animal in heat she starts to bounce up and down the throbbing cock. She no longer tries to contain her voice and her earlier gentle moans are transformed into feral howls. Her boobs wail around in a circular motion and her cheeks smack down in perfect rythm. *Clap *Clap *Clap
Vixen: You wont be able to last very long like that.
Nubia: J-just... ahh, be... uhhh, quiet.
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Before long Nubia reaches climax and her entire body begins to whimper and shake even harder than her previous orgasm. She collapses back onto the bed and her moans echo in the room. But Lex does not let her rest. He immideately inserts his dick into her again and starts to fuck her hard without remorse. Nubia is overwhelmed by the sensatory overload as waves upon waves of pleasure resonate through her body. You said Vixen needed to learn her place, Lex thinks to himself. You should have saved those words for yourself. I will make you eat those words.
Instinctively Nubia tries to close her legs, but Vixen pushes them back out and holds them in place. With a devious smile she looks up to Lex as he keeps fucking Nubia mercilessly.
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Finally Lex realeses Nubia. She grabs her head and stares of to the wall, unable to make any other sound than what can only be described as incoherent noises.
Vixen: Hah! Safe to say that i win. Good teamwork!
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Just as Vixen finishes her sentence Lex grabs her by the neck and pulls her in. The sudden touch to her skin sends jolts of electricity through her body, amplified by the device. She closes her eyes and gasps for air.
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Before she can open her eyes, Lexs throws her back unto the bed and mounts her from behind. He starts to fuck her even rougher than he fucked the amazon. He pulls her short hair and spanks her firm ass. The continous whimpers and cries from Nubia only eggs him on, and he thrusts his cock as far and as hard as he can. She feels his large dick push deep inside her, and her eyes roll up to the back of her head.
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Finally Lex reaches his limit and starts to spray his cum unto both the women who's minds seem to be elsewhere. When he is finished he goes to take a shower and when he comes back the women seem to have slowly regained their composure. They both approach Lex as quickly as their wobbly legs will allow them, the glistening cum still dripping from their ebony skin. They both stare deeply into his eyes with lovely, almost childlike, expressions and they seem to be waiting for his approval. When Lex begins to turn around without saying anything they desperately break the silence:
Vixen: Thank you, daddy...
Nubia: ...for your seed...
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When Lex goes outside the following day he is greeted by an unexpected surprise. Vixen is wearing a villainous costume and Nubia is dressed like a common street hooker. Nubia is being led around by Vixen who has her constrained to the lasso of thruth. Vixen keeps asking her pointless questions like who won the contest and who her owner is, which is answered by a muffled ", misstress".
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Vixen: Oh isnt this wonderful Lex? She makes for such an amazing pet, i see why you like her.
But Lex Luthor does not answer. Hes neither watching nor listening. He walks towards the front of the ship and breathes in the rich salt-water air. His eyes are set on the horizon, his mind on the next conquest.
Solid post, dude


Apr 7, 2021
Could I request some of the AI people here try to make an FMG sequence with any of the characters? I feel like it should be easier now considering all the models and images available.


Jun 28, 2022
Hello, I would like to know if chi-chi could be done in the SR7 style?

It's the first time I've done this, I really don't know how it works.

I don't know if I should be specific in what I'm asking for or if that's not possible, please consider this a test.

I would like the chi-chi to have two appearances, the one from the martial arts tournament at the end of Db and the one from dbz,
I mean one young and the other mature.

Also that she has several outfits eg.

In Db's: The combat outfit I wear in the tournament, Casual wear, Chinese clothing, Underwear, Lingerie, Nightwear, Nude, One-piece swimsuit and bikini, Workout clothes, School clothes, Short dress or fitted length.

In Dbz: The combat suit, Casual dress, Chinese clothes, Underwear, lingerie, night suit, nude, one-piece swimsuit and bikini, exercise clothes, teacher clothes, tight short or long dress, training suit like the one they used in the cell saga.

Reference images:

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Note: I didn't find images for everything, I hope it helps you get an idea.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes