Fan Art Something Unlimited - Sprite Re-Mix and Fanart Thread

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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Just a quick note:

I just added a post about fanart contributions for SU ReImagined here:

Scroll down to the second part of the post. Short form, I can't possibly keep track of all of the artwork that has been shared here while working on the SU ReImagined backbone at the same time, so if you are an artist that might be interested in contributing some of your fanart to the ReImagined cause, yeah check the post.

Note that you probably should play the latest version of SU ReImagined so that you are familiar with the framework, which might help you identify areas where contributing fanart makes the most sense. It's far from done atm, but myself and others are making slow but steady progress in that regard.

As a quick example, my idea for how I've set up VIP Suites is that two gals are assigned to each of two VIP suites. This is to allow for threesomes with said gals in the VIP suites, IF that particular pair of gals has associated sprites for said threesome activity.

That's just one example. As I said, y'all will have your own ideas about your own stuff, and where it might best be used. For now, Glamour Slam, Meta Bordello and Cell scenes are probably the best places for such things, but there may be other areas as well.

Note that there IS a place for side stories in ReImagined, say if you wanted Lex and Babs and Kara to go on a clubbing date one night instead of doing the 'usual routine'. Coding scenes for this is actually pretty easy if you've already made associated art in a 1920 x 1080 format, it's just a matter of adding said scene in a place that makes the most sense within the game framework.

I have stuff planned for the Yacht, when I finally get around to tackling that, getting other backbone related stuff in place first is more important atm. The Prison, Themyscira, etc. will probably be added eventually as well, need to get the backbone finished first... Keep this in mind, associated fanart will be useful eventually, just not immediately.

More help is always appreciated! Hit me up in the ReImagined thread or via PM if such things interest you!
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Nov 6, 2017
To bring thing back to SU though, at one point Jimwalrus and I were experimenting with using Daz Studio to generate baseline poses for AI to reference when making new characters. I think there's a lot of potential here. I don't think you are doing the AI thing, but others are...
AI or not AI, using 3d models as a reference is a huge help. At one point I wanted to try doing SU characters "from scratch" just to see if I could emulate SR7's art style myself and I used Virt-a-mate for poses. I think it's easier to use then DAZ because it renders in real-time, which allows to adjust stuff without needing to re-render everything. Also, there are tools to actually have StableDiffusion generate renders directly ingame. VaM uses Genesis 2 models so you can actually import your DAZ characters directly too.

I think the biggest challenge is having 3D models that have the same proportions as SU's women have. When I tried my hand at it I would use the VaM render as a base for my character, then exaggerate their proportions manually while drawing.

Note that there IS a place for side stories in ReImagined, say if you wanted Lex and Babs and Kara to go on a clubbing date one night instead of doing the 'usual routine'. Coding scenes for this is actually pretty easy if you've already made associated art in a 1920 x 1080 format, it's just a matter of adding said scene in a place that makes the most sense within the game framework.

I have stuff planned for the Yacht, when I finally get around to tackling that, getting other backbone related stuff in place first is more important atm. The Prison, Themyscira, etc. will probably be added eventually as well, need to get the backbone finished first... Keep this in mind, associated fanart will be useful eventually, just not immediately.
I would personally be very interested in adding my own yacht-like event once that aspect is available. I have a few ideas in mind but again, I sort of just play around with the assets whenever I feel like it so I don't have a lot of concrete stuff.

Also, since this is the fanart thread, I guess it would be rude not to share something I've been 'working' on so here's something for the Harley Quinn (2019) fans.

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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, so about Exotica Jones.

Here's one of Jimwalrus 's stabs at her.

I like this a lot! I can fix her hands easily enough, but for reference Jim used Jennifer Love Hewitt as the AI source model, suitably SR7-ifying her.

I don't know if some of you AI types want to take a stab at creating your own version along these lines, but this is essentially what I'm looking for. I'll need some 'arms down' versions for conversational purposes, with perhaps a 'hand held out palm up' arm pose, essentially she's gesturing towards whomever she's talking to, like Roulette often does in SU. Also, arms relaxed, one on hip and arms folded might be nice...

I think the JLH prompt works pretty well in this context, no need to reinvent the wheel...

I'd eventually like to see a few Meta Bordello related poses (sex, blowjobs, etc.) as she may be servicing a few customers when not assigned as the MB Floor Manager.

Here's a few Exotica References from the immortal Stan Lee (thanks for all the cool characters Stan!)

dgnrxrb2.jpg 5793443-stripperella1.jpg s2kzdrqx.jpg

In any case, if someone is willing to take a stab at creating a few Exotica Jones sprites for me (without backgrounds please), I'd appreciate it!


Jun 28, 2021
AI or not AI, using 3d models as a reference is a huge help. At one point I wanted to try doing SU characters "from scratch" just to see if I could emulate SR7's art style myself and I used Virt-a-mate for poses. I think it's easier to use then DAZ because it renders in real-time, which allows to adjust stuff without needing to re-render everything. Also, there are tools to actually have StableDiffusion generate renders directly ingame. VaM uses Genesis 2 models so you can actually import your DAZ characters directly too.

I think the biggest challenge is having 3D models that have the same proportions as SU's women have. When I tried my hand at it I would use the VaM render as a base for my character, then exaggerate their proportions manually while drawing.

I would personally be very interested in adding my own yacht-like event once that aspect is available. I have a few ideas in mind but again, I sort of just play around with the assets whenever I feel like it so I don't have a lot of concrete stuff.

Also, since this is the fanart thread, I guess it would be rude not to share something I've been 'working' on so here's something for the Harley Quinn (2019) fans.

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I had the same idea but with using real life poses from sources for science. If I end up pulling the trigger on that drawing pad, I wanna try my hand at it as well. There's always just something the AI can't quite get right. Not to mention how difficult it is to get it to generate consistently. And as a bonus I'd learn to draw too. I'd be interested in seeing your attempts if you think they turned out alright
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Jun 2, 2018
Has anyone made an edit of Lex giving oral by any chance? Like the game's Vixen/Hawkgirl scene for example, but with Lex instead of Hawkgirl?

I think it could be a nice change of pace instead of the fingering scenes some girls get.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2021
Narrowed down a decent model and a prompt style to make an OC in SU style.

she's a bit shy.
Superb! The girl herself is pretty much spot on and looks very hot indeed!l.
I would say there's probably too much detail in the background to match SR7's style though. There are embeddings you can get on Civitai to increase/reduce background detail.


Apr 1, 2018



As Lex waded through the crowd, he would every so often See Selina also wading through the crowds, more than likely lifting whatever she could get her hands on and that’s when he saw her, a woman with auburn hair wearing a purple dress, the woman looked familiar to him so he approached “excuse me, have we met”

“I can’t say we have”

“Ah well allow me to introduce myself, Alexander Roth”

“Barbra Gordon, pleasure”

“I must say the pleasure is mine”

Lex took a second to look over the dress, it was tight but not to tight and it had a classy look to it, he then started to wonder if this Barbra was anything like the Barbra from his universe “so Mr. Roth, what is it that you do?”

Oh, I’m something of a philanthropist, I was passing through town when I heard of the Charity Gala, so I asked my assistant to donate, so that we could attend”

He motioned towards Selina who had her back to the two, Barbra examined the woman then turned her attention back to Lex, at that moment an unusual feeling came over her, she felt warm for some reason “are you okay”

“Yes, I’m fine, just suddenly got a little warm in here, if you’ll excuse me for a moment”

“of course, my dear”

She excused herself and made her way to the kitchen, the second she was out of sight Selina waltzed up to Lex “I see you are getting familiar with the commissioner’s daughter”

“Yes, I’m quite familiar with her counterpart on my earth”

Just then she took a deep breath and started to caress his chest “what is that intoxicating aroma”

“Do you like it, a friend of mine created this aroma to enhance my, pheromones, make me irresistible to certain individuals”

“How devilish, I think you and I need some alone time”

The two made their way outside to the garden, there was no one around, when they made it to the center of the guard there was enough tall shrubs so that they could have their privacy, lex sat down on a bench and Selina went to work unzipping his pants. At the same time Barbra exited the manor, she took a deep breath and the cold night sky hit her skin, she decided to take a stroll and began making her way towards the garden, when she entered the garden, she heard what sounded like a low moan, she thought nothing of it and continued walking until she heard it again, this time curiosity had her and went to investigate, she slowly made her way towards the noise, she slowly peeked her head around a tall shrub and was surprised to see Mr. Roth sitting on a bench with his assistant with her head between his legs bobbing up and down, a part of her knew she had to stop this but something inside told her to hold off, Selina was completely engrossed in giving him a blowjob, but not Lex, he sat there enjoying the sensation but was still aware of his surrounding and out of the corner of his eye he saw Barbra watching, so he decided to elevate the experience, he grabbed the back of Selina’s head and pushed her down, he hammered the back of her throat until he couldn’t hold it any more and came in her mouth, when lex opened his eyes again he noticed Barbra was gone and Selina had collapsed to the ground panting heavily “that was… Purrrrfection”

“I have to say my dear, it was quite entertaining”

Lex quickly collected himself and walked over to where Barbra was standing and noticed a small puddle of unknown liquid around where she was standing “interesting”

He looked back at Selina who was having difficulty getting to her feet “why don’t you take a moment to collect yourself, I’ll head back to the party”

She didn’t reply and continued to pant heavily.


Lex waded through the party once again trying to see if he could find Barbra again, he walked around nearly the entire estate and couldn’t find her “where the devil could she be”

He was about to give up when he noticed a hallway he hadn’t noticed before then as if possessed he made his way down the hall, it connect back to the front room of the house where he noticed a set of sliding double doors, he looked around and saw that he was the only one in the room so he slowly approached the door, he could barley make out moans on the other side, he couldn’t help but smile as he slowly separated the doors to reveal Barbra sitting at a desk with her legs up on the desk masturbating furiously, he silently entered the office and closed the doors behind him, careful not to make a sound then slowly approached Barbra who was so engrossed in what she was doing she wasn’t even aware of his presence “what do we have here”

She immediately snapped out her daze and saw Lex standing a few feet away from her “Mr. Roth!”

She immediately scrambled and within a blink of an eye she had collected herself, a little disheveled but collected none the less “I’m sorry, almost no one ever comes in here, I…”

She rushed past Lex and was about to leave the room but stopped when he spoke out “I assume this is Mr. Waynes office”

He walked over to a red phone on a table “interesting phone”

He then noticed a bust of Shakespeare “Fascinating”

Barbra immediately began to panic, no one was supposed to be in here “Mr. Roth”

Lex turned towards Barbra and saw her seductively walk towards him “I’m sure there’s something else you find interesting”

“Most definitely”

Once she was close, she rested a hand on his chest “I’m assuming you or anyone is allowed in here”

A shocked look came over her face which made him smirk “oh don’t worry my dear, I promise not to say a word”

A look of relief came over her face “for a price of course”

She was horrified, but at the same time, the heat she felt earlier was slowly creeping up on here, she couldn’t finish and was jonesing for release “you could entertain me for bit”

“And how shall I do that”

“Oh, you’ll think of something”

She took a few steps backwards and began dancing (The Batusi) Lex couldn’t help but wonder if she knows this dance across all the multiverse “you can spice it up a little”

She continued dancing for a few seconds before undoing the straps to her dress, she moved effortlessly as the dress slowly slid down her tone body before finally ending up on the ground “okay”

She stopped and turned back towards Lex “are you entertained”

“For now… the night is still young my dear”

He slowly walked towards the doors then stopped just as he reached them “I must say, it’s brave of you to go commando”

Her face became beet read, she just now realized her panties were balled up and under the desk “until next time my dear”

He left the room leaving behind a frustrated Barbra.


It was a few hours later, Lex was having a rousing discussion with Commissioner Gordon and by rousing, I mean boring as sin, Lex was about to excuse himself when he noticed Barbra out of the corner of his eyes “excuse me Commissioner, I have other business to attend to”

The two parted ways as Lex pursued Barbra but, in the process, came across Selina “why lex what’s the rush”

“Hunting my dear, hunting”

He then paused for a second “you might be able to help me out. My device needs time to attune to Ms. Gordon over there, I need to get her alone long enough for the device to work”

“Why, what’s so special about her”

Lex grinned “oh if you help me with this and she is who I think she is, you will love every second of it”

An intrigued look came over her face “alright Lex, I’ll see if I can precure you somewhere with a little bit of privacy”

She walked of as Lex continued to chat with many of the other guests, a while later Selina appeared and signaled him, he smirked and made his way to Barbra “Ms. Gordon”

She was little surprised by his appearance and a little ashamed “Mr. Roth, I um…”

“it’s quite alright my dear, I was wondering if we could speak in private”

She was about to rebute human but thought better of it and begrudgingly went with him, she followed him upstairs and into the master bedroom, the second they were inside Barbra looked back and saw his assistant closing the door and for a split second she thought she recognized her but didn’t think anything of it and turned her attention back to Lex “so what is it you wanted to talk about “well my dear, this night is drawing to an end and I wanted another dose of entertainment”

She crossed her arms with a scowl “I’m not taking off my clothes again”

“Oh no my dear, I was thinking of something a little more exciting”

She shifter her hips and stared him down “I was thinking, that I could use some service”

The second he said that the image of his assistant giving him head in the garden and in the instance, she felt a heat in her chest, curiosity got the better of her and sneaked a peek towards his crotch the outline in his pants got her imagination running wild and the heat intensified “how about I sweeten the deal”

She snapped out of her daze and looked up at Lex “if you do this, consider us even”


“Scouts honor”

She bit her lip as she considered all the possibilities “alright, you have a deal”

Lex just smirked as he began removing his pants, when his monster erupted forth, she took a step back in shock which only lasted a second and soon could help but stare at it, he walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, she slowly walked over and kneeled before him then as if possessed began to lick his penis, the second her tongue touched his skin a bolt of electricity shot through which drove her to continue, as time went on she became more bold and was now sucking on it with exuberance and she was now rubbing herself as she sucked, soon he felt he felt himself about to cum and grabbed the back of her head, thick ropes of cum filled the back of her throat and soon her entire mouth, the second she released him her orgasm struck causing her mind to go blank in a blissful daze “well done my dear”

Lex stood up began to get dressed “what… I… Can’t”

“Oh, that will pass with time, I’ll leave you be”

As he left Barbra was now lying on the ground mumbling to herself.


The night was nearly over and many of the guest were leaving Lex was at the bar with Selina having a drink while she pawed at him but suddenly stopped when she saw Barbra approach, her hair was a little disheveled but other than that seemed perfectly fine “Mr. Roth”

“Yes Ms. Gordon”

“I was just wondering…”

“You have nothing to worry my dear, your secret is safe with me”

“that’s good but I was… well you see…”

She was tripping over her words trying desperately to get the words out, he could tell right away, her face was red and so completely drunk with lust she didn’t know what to do with herself “my dear, are you asking what I think you’re asking”

She bit her lip and looked embarrassed by her actions “I think it best to take this party someplace else, don’t you agree”

She nodded as she draped herself over him “Ms. Kinkaid, I think it’s time we head home”

It was short trip back to the warehouse but the entire time the two ladies kept pawing at him, they nearly had his pants off when the pulled up, luckily Barbra was so dazed by lust that she didn’t question why they were at a warehouse, when they made it to his room the two women began to undress and soon two naked beauties stood before him, what followed was a night of debauchery neither women had ever experienced before that lasted for hours, then just before dawn he awoke with Barbra next to him and Selina returning to the room still naked “I must say Lex, you know how to treat a lady right”

He smirked as he climbed out of the bed “oh you haven’t seen anything yet”

He held up his watch and after a few second of typing Barbra suddenly awoke, climbed out of bed and walked up to them with a smile on her face, Selina couldn’t help but wave hand in front of her face and surprised to see no reaction “It’s one of the many features of the device, I call it puppet mode, her conscious mind is a sleep but subconscious exits in this hypnotized state, anything we tell her to do she’ll do, within reason”

“So did you do all of this so you can have access to the Commissioner”

“No, that’s just a byproduct of what I have planned, if my hunch is correct, this will be even more devilish”

Selina was intrigued by his notion and allowed him to continue “Barbra Gordon, can you only tell the truth?”

“Yes master”

He smirked “are you Batgirl?”

Selina was shocked by the question but not as shocked by Barba’s response “yes master, I am Batgirl”

Selina was stunned silence “now Barbra, I want you to get dressed, our limo will take you home, once you get home get changed for bed, then got to sleep and when you wake up you will have no memory of me or what we did at the Gala”

“Yes master”

Like a robot she collected her clothes “tell one of your men to take her home and not a hair on her head is to be harmed”

Selina nodded in agreement and grabbed a robe then escorted her to the limo that then took her home leaving Lex to plan out his next move. (Barbra will now report to the Warehouse at night)



Active Member
Jan 16, 2020



As Lex waded through the crowd, he would every so often See Selina also wading through the crowds, more than likely lifting whatever she could get her hands on and that’s when he saw her, a woman with auburn hair wearing a purple dress, the woman looked familiar to him so he approached “excuse me, have we met”

“I can’t say we have”

“Ah well allow me to introduce myself, Alexander Roth”

“Barbra Gordon, pleasure”

“I must say the pleasure is mine”

Lex took a second to look over the dress, it was tight but not to tight and it had a classy look to it, he then started to wonder if this Barbra was anything like the Barbra from his universe “so Mr. Roth, what is it that you do?”

Oh, I’m something of a philanthropist, I was passing through town when I heard of the Charity Gala, so I asked my assistant to donate, so that we could attend”

He motioned towards Selina who had her back to the two, Barbra examined the woman then turned her attention back to Lex, at that moment an unusual feeling came over her, she felt warm for some reason “are you okay”

“Yes, I’m fine, just suddenly got a little warm in here, if you’ll excuse me for a moment”

“of course, my dear”

She excused herself and made her way to the kitchen, the second she was out of sight Selina waltzed up to Lex “I see you are getting familiar with the commissioner’s daughter”

“Yes, I’m quite familiar with her counterpart on my earth”

Just then she took a deep breath and started to caress his chest “what is that intoxicating aroma”

“Do you like it, a friend of mine created this aroma to enhance my, pheromones, make me irresistible to certain individuals”

“How devilish, I think you and I need some alone time”

The two made their way outside to the garden, there was no one around, when they made it to the center of the guard there was enough tall shrubs so that they could have their privacy, lex sat down on a bench and Selina went to work unzipping his pants. At the same time Barbra exited the manor, she took a deep breath and the cold night sky hit her skin, she decided to take a stroll and began making her way towards the garden, when she entered the garden, she heard what sounded like a low moan, she thought nothing of it and continued walking until she heard it again, this time curiosity had her and went to investigate, she slowly made her way towards the noise, she slowly peeked her head around a tall shrub and was surprised to see Mr. Roth sitting on a bench with his assistant with her head between his legs bobbing up and down, a part of her knew she had to stop this but something inside told her to hold off, Selina was completely engrossed in giving him a blowjob, but not Lex, he sat there enjoying the sensation but was still aware of his surrounding and out of the corner of his eye he saw Barbra watching, so he decided to elevate the experience, he grabbed the back of Selina’s head and pushed her down, he hammered the back of her throat until he couldn’t hold it any more and came in her mouth, when lex opened his eyes again he noticed Barbra was gone and Selina had collapsed to the ground panting heavily “that was… Purrrrfection”

“I have to say my dear, it was quite entertaining”

Lex quickly collected himself and walked over to where Barbra was standing and noticed a small puddle of unknown liquid around where she was standing “interesting”

He looked back at Selina who was having difficulty getting to her feet “why don’t you take a moment to collect yourself, I’ll head back to the party”

She didn’t reply and continued to pant heavily.


Lex waded through the party once again trying to see if he could find Barbra again, he walked around nearly the entire estate and couldn’t find her “where the devil could she be”

He was about to give up when he noticed a hallway he hadn’t noticed before then as if possessed he made his way down the hall, it connect back to the front room of the house where he noticed a set of sliding double doors, he looked around and saw that he was the only one in the room so he slowly approached the door, he could barley make out moans on the other side, he couldn’t help but smile as he slowly separated the doors to reveal Barbra sitting at a desk with her legs up on the desk masturbating furiously, he silently entered the office and closed the doors behind him, careful not to make a sound then slowly approached Barbra who was so engrossed in what she was doing she wasn’t even aware of his presence “what do we have here”

She immediately snapped out her daze and saw Lex standing a few feet away from her “Mr. Roth!”

She immediately scrambled and within a blink of an eye she had collected herself, a little disheveled but collected none the less “I’m sorry, almost no one ever comes in here, I…”

She rushed past Lex and was about to leave the room but stopped when he spoke out “I assume this is Mr. Waynes office”

He walked over to a red phone on a table “interesting phone”

He then noticed a bust of Shakespeare “Fascinating”

Barbra immediately began to panic, no one was supposed to be in here “Mr. Roth”

Lex turned towards Barbra and saw her seductively walk towards him “I’m sure there’s something else you find interesting”

“Most definitely”

Once she was close, she rested a hand on his chest “I’m assuming you or anyone is allowed in here”

A shocked look came over her face which made him smirk “oh don’t worry my dear, I promise not to say a word”

A look of relief came over her face “for a price of course”

She was horrified, but at the same time, the heat she felt earlier was slowly creeping up on here, she couldn’t finish and was jonesing for release “you could entertain me for bit”

“And how shall I do that”

“Oh, you’ll think of something”

She took a few steps backwards and began dancing (The Batusi) Lex couldn’t help but wonder if she knows this dance across all the multiverse “you can spice it up a little”

She continued dancing for a few seconds before undoing the straps to her dress, she moved effortlessly as the dress slowly slid down her tone body before finally ending up on the ground “okay”

She stopped and turned back towards Lex “are you entertained”

“For now… the night is still young my dear”

He slowly walked towards the doors then stopped just as he reached them “I must say, it’s brave of you to go commando”

Her face became beet read, she just now realized her panties were balled up and under the desk “until next time my dear”

He left the room leaving behind a frustrated Barbra.


It was a few hours later, Lex was having a rousing discussion with Commissioner Gordon and by rousing, I mean boring as sin, Lex was about to excuse himself when he noticed Barbra out of the corner of his eyes “excuse me Commissioner, I have other business to attend to”

The two parted ways as Lex pursued Barbra but, in the process, came across Selina “why lex what’s the rush”

“Hunting my dear, hunting”

He then paused for a second “you might be able to help me out. My device needs time to attune to Ms. Gordon over there, I need to get her alone long enough for the device to work”

“Why, what’s so special about her”

Lex grinned “oh if you help me with this and she is who I think she is, you will love every second of it”

An intrigued look came over her face “alright Lex, I’ll see if I can precure you somewhere with a little bit of privacy”

She walked of as Lex continued to chat with many of the other guests, a while later Selina appeared and signaled him, he smirked and made his way to Barbra “Ms. Gordon”

She was little surprised by his appearance and a little ashamed “Mr. Roth, I um…”

“it’s quite alright my dear, I was wondering if we could speak in private”

She was about to rebute human but thought better of it and begrudgingly went with him, she followed him upstairs and into the master bedroom, the second they were inside Barbra looked back and saw his assistant closing the door and for a split second she thought she recognized her but didn’t think anything of it and turned her attention back to Lex “so what is it you wanted to talk about “well my dear, this night is drawing to an end and I wanted another dose of entertainment”

She crossed her arms with a scowl “I’m not taking off my clothes again”

“Oh no my dear, I was thinking of something a little more exciting”

She shifter her hips and stared him down “I was thinking, that I could use some service”

The second he said that the image of his assistant giving him head in the garden and in the instance, she felt a heat in her chest, curiosity got the better of her and sneaked a peek towards his crotch the outline in his pants got her imagination running wild and the heat intensified “how about I sweeten the deal”

She snapped out of her daze and looked up at Lex “if you do this, consider us even”


“Scouts honor”

She bit her lip as she considered all the possibilities “alright, you have a deal”

Lex just smirked as he began removing his pants, when his monster erupted forth, she took a step back in shock which only lasted a second and soon could help but stare at it, he walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, she slowly walked over and kneeled before him then as if possessed began to lick his penis, the second her tongue touched his skin a bolt of electricity shot through which drove her to continue, as time went on she became more bold and was now sucking on it with exuberance and she was now rubbing herself as she sucked, soon he felt he felt himself about to cum and grabbed the back of her head, thick ropes of cum filled the back of her throat and soon her entire mouth, the second she released him her orgasm struck causing her mind to go blank in a blissful daze “well done my dear”

Lex stood up began to get dressed “what… I… Can’t”

“Oh, that will pass with time, I’ll leave you be”

As he left Barbra was now lying on the ground mumbling to herself.


The night was nearly over and many of the guest were leaving Lex was at the bar with Selina having a drink while she pawed at him but suddenly stopped when she saw Barbra approach, her hair was a little disheveled but other than that seemed perfectly fine “Mr. Roth”

“Yes Ms. Gordon”

“I was just wondering…”

“You have nothing to worry my dear, your secret is safe with me”

“that’s good but I was… well you see…”

She was tripping over her words trying desperately to get the words out, he could tell right away, her face was red and so completely drunk with lust she didn’t know what to do with herself “my dear, are you asking what I think you’re asking”

She bit her lip and looked embarrassed by her actions “I think it best to take this party someplace else, don’t you agree”

She nodded as she draped herself over him “Ms. Kinkaid, I think it’s time we head home”

It was short trip back to the warehouse but the entire time the two ladies kept pawing at him, they nearly had his pants off when the pulled up, luckily Barbra was so dazed by lust that she didn’t question why they were at a warehouse, when they made it to his room the two women began to undress and soon two naked beauties stood before him, what followed was a night of debauchery neither women had ever experienced before that lasted for hours, then just before dawn he awoke with Barbra next to him and Selina returning to the room still naked “I must say Lex, you know how to treat a lady right”

He smirked as he climbed out of the bed “oh you haven’t seen anything yet”

He held up his watch and after a few second of typing Barbra suddenly awoke, climbed out of bed and walked up to them with a smile on her face, Selina couldn’t help but wave hand in front of her face and surprised to see no reaction “It’s one of the many features of the device, I call it puppet mode, her conscious mind is a sleep but subconscious exits in this hypnotized state, anything we tell her to do she’ll do, within reason”

“So did you do all of this so you can have access to the Commissioner”

“No, that’s just a byproduct of what I have planned, if my hunch is correct, this will be even more devilish”

Selina was intrigued by his notion and allowed him to continue “Barbra Gordon, can you only tell the truth?”

“Yes master”

He smirked “are you Batgirl?”

Selina was shocked by the question but not as shocked by Barba’s response “yes master, I am Batgirl”

Selina was stunned silence “now Barbra, I want you to get dressed, our limo will take you home, once you get home get changed for bed, then got to sleep and when you wake up you will have no memory of me or what we did at the Gala”

“Yes master”

Like a robot she collected her clothes “tell one of your men to take her home and not a hair on her head is to be harmed”

Selina nodded in agreement and grabbed a robe then escorted her to the limo that then took her home leaving Lex to plan out his next move. (Barbra will now report to the Warehouse at night)


As the days went by, Lex began to put his plan into action. He would discreetly follow Commissioner Gordon, learning his routine and investigating any vulnerabilities. He also used his connections and resources to gather information on Batman and Batgirl, studying their tactics and weaknesses. With this knowledge, he was confident that he could manipulate the two heroes into doing his bidding.

Meanwhile, Barbra Gordon continued her nightly visits to the warehouse. In her hypnotized state, she had no memory of her encounters with Lex, but she felt an inexplicable pull towards him. She arrived every night, ready to fulfill any command he gave her. Lex saw this as an opportunity to gather more information and exploit her connection to Batman and Batgirl.

One night, as Barbra stood obediently before Lex, he put his plan into motion. "Barbra, I want you to contact Batman and tell him that you have valuable information on a criminal operation. Tell him that you can only share this information in person, at a secret location of your choice. Make sure to provide detailed instructions and emphasize the urgency."

Barbra nodded robotically. "Yes, master."

With her instructions, Barbra contacted Batman and arranged the meeting. Lex knew that Batman wouldn't be able to resist the lure of important information, especially if it came from Barbra. He knew that Batman's sense of justice and curiosity would lead him right into his trap.

The day of the meeting arrived, and Lex prepared the warehouse meticulously. He set up surveillance cameras, ensuring that every moment would be captured. He also activated a powerful electromagnetic pulse device, which would disable any electronic devices within a certain radius.

As Batman arrived at the appointed location, he found Barbra waiting for him. The two shared a tense moment before they began their discussion. But just as Lex anticipated, the electromagnetic pulse activated, disrupting their communication devices and cutting them off from any outside assistance.

Panicked, Batman demanded answers from Barbra. "What is the meaning of this, Barbra? Why have you lured me into this trap?"

Barbra blinked, her robotic demeanor momentarily slipping. "I... I don't know, Batman. I was told to bring you here. I can't remember anything else."

Lex emerged from the shadows, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, Batman. So good of you to join us. I've been waiting for this moment."

Batman's eyes narrowed. "Lex Luthor. What game are you playing?"

Lex laughed and stepped forward. "No game, Batman. It's a simple proposition. I have information that could change the course of Gotham's future. But in exchange for this information, I require your full cooperation. You will do exactly as I say, no questions asked."

Batman's fists clenched. "I'll never work with a criminal like you, Luthor. You underestimate the power of justice."

Lex chuckled. "We'll see about that, Batman. Barbra, activate the device."

Barbra, still under Lex's control, followed his command without hesitation. She pressed a button, and a series of screens flickered to life, displaying the captured footage of their encounters at the Gala and the warehouse. Batman watched in anger and disbelief as his ally, Barbra, served Lex's sinister desires.

"This is just the beginning, Batman. I have the power to expose your secret identity, your weaknesses. And if you don't comply, I will ensure that your precious city pays the price."

Batman's jaw tightened. He knew that he was trapped, at least for now. Reluctantly, he nodded. "Fine, Luthor. I'll play your game. But mark my words, this isn't over."

Lex smiled triumphantly. "Excellent, Batman. Welcome to the beginning of a beautiful partnership."

As Lex reveled in his victory, little did he know that both Batman and Barbra were already plotting their escape from his clutches. The game had just begun, and the city of Gotham would soon be plunged into a battle where secrets, loyalties, and sacrifices would define the outcome.
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
So, Jimwalrus AI generated a few Iris West pics (the Candice Patton/TV version) for me a while back. I decided that I wanted to start on some groundwork in Star Labs for future alternate backstory stuff for ReImagined, which Iris factors into, so I've been tweaking one of the pics.

Iris_labcoat.png Iris_labcoat_naked.png

I suck at clothing, but I did my best to come up with some basic wear under the labcoat.

Anyways, yeah it'd be nice to have a full set of Iris sprites (with sexy fun time sprites) at some point.

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Development of SU went down the drain so far that I'm more looking forward towards new fanart than to a new release. It says something when fans using existing art to create new scenes produce more interesting stuff than the dev himself.
SU development has been in holding mode since mid 2020 due to bordello content finishing, and previously prior to that cell content completion. Both of which people on this site, and our own requested for years. It took SR7 two full years to finish cell content to the state it is in today. Bordello content was almost 12 months +. That is 3 full years of content this thread gets to enjoy, and edit. The number of assets are staggering. We're talking 600+ scenes and BG's. It would take all these editors years to come close to that output. It took us 1.5 years to rebuild the game itself full time from a programmer doing 45 hours a week (and that only got us the cells complete).

Secondly this thread has many, many individuals all doing individual edits of existing art. That art took anywhere from 2-4 hours to create originally from a singular person. Adding on the editors contribution any image on here is looking at 6-8 hrs of work overall, and maybe more in some regards. That is a hell of a lot of time sunk into singular images. All that work should be applauded not singled out.

Additionally, we endorse creativity, and we love every single edit that is here. We support this group, and have made zero attempts at stopping it or even slowing it down. Others in our position use protection agencies to hinder groups like this. We do not, and will not. That goes for ALL fan made content.

You need not respect us, and you need not even like the source content, but remember the stuff you like here is only here due to one mans work over 8 years. The edits. are additive and in no way dimishes the source. If anything they make it better. Lastly keep this thread about what it's supposed to be. About great edits of great art.
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