Again, your a fool. This is not a $16000 project. Mass Effect 4 = $16000+. Dragon Age 4 = $16000+. But a hentai game done by a privet individual in his home at his PC with a art pad and a Unity program, that would not even break $1,000. Use Your Brain. Geeze.
"Use Your Brain."
First, lets take a look at Mass Effect: Andomida. Started development in 2012, finished in 2017. Had a budget of 100m canadian dollars, 114m when accounting for inflation. That is ekvivalent to roughly 94 million modern US dollars. The game took roughly 5 years to "complete", meaning 60 (5*12) months of development. That means that their average monthly budget would be 1.6 million dollars. Meaning gunsmoke games uses roughly 1% of the mothly budget to make ME:A. And Mass Effect 4 will likely have a higher budget than the previous game.
Second, the average salery of a software engineer at bioware makes 8k (7.8) a month, which is roughly half the entire mothly budget gunsmoke games. And there are 3 people as far as I am aware who work on the game. Even if you argue that the pay isn't split evenly, the main guy (whatever his name) is not getting the full 16k.
Third, even if he is paid more than he should (whatever that means), nobody is being forced to continue being subscribed to the patreon. If they feel like ending their subscription, they can.
I get that you guys are really passionate about this, I understand being impatient. but this is getting kind of sad. Maybe go out for some air, take a walk or something before posting something like this. Sorry if I come off as overly antagonistik. Bad math makes me mad.