
Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
you know, if this was a marvel game, the purple man would be an amazing choice for a villain, since that's already the shit he does.

so you could always do a multiverse of horniness, and use him instead if being true to the character is that important.
My personal 'Pet theory' here is that Lex ended up seriously upping his Libido levels in some lab accident, fight with a superheroine or some such, which is why he can now cum so many times in one night.

This has also changed his attitude. He's more prone to satisfy his heightened sexual urges now, which while he won't admit this to himself consciously (the 'I'm bored and wanted to try something different' angle), he's finding more satisfaction in harem building these days (in SU) than he did constantly trying for open world domination...

Of course, things could get out of hand...

(some thing I threw together for the Fanart thread)

But since Lex is now able to have sex with over 3 dozen women in one night (assuming that most of them are at Lexcorp at the time), yeah I think he's up to this new challenge...

Another interesting side effect could be his ability to cum inside so often without impregnating all of these gals. He mentions 'having this situation under control' several times while having sex, so he's either taking some supplement of some sort that trips up his boys, or the control devices include birth control protocols, or some other thing. Or maybe his boys can swim, but can't get the job done anymore...

It's an interesting case study if you think about it! But this is a porn game, so logic schmlogic!
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
with access to the dialogue and inside stuff, a talented guy could probably not only port, but also optmize the game in ren'py in probably a month, 2 if he took his time.

people talk as if the game is this massive 3d open world game. when in fact it is basically a CTRL C - CTRL V. could even be done in rpg maker! this game is not that complex. the complexity comes from the spaghetti code. not from what the game actually is.
I'm mostly agreeing with you here, but the tricky part will be re-combining the sprites in the new framework and re-animating them as needed.

The sprites currently take up about 2.2 GB of data, and there are over 10,000 of them. A trick that gets used in Ren'Py as 'shorthand' is to align the sprites inside of an image that is the same size as the default game window size, but that would balloon the size of the sprites folder to ridiculously large levels. The head, mouth, etc. sprites are cropped to minimize file size, so you'd have to (re)align these manually.

Once you've done this a few times, it would probably become fairly routine, but it's still going to take some time to code in the xy info for most of those 10,000+ sprites.

As for the rest of the framework, agreed easy peasy if you know what you are doing. And it should be pretty easy to streamline the gameplay in a few places. I've posted examples before on how you could combine the Glamour Slam and Meta Bordello gal assignment windows to save time, with a suggested layout for this.

Ren'Py certainly does have 'drag and drop' functionality (not something I usually mess with, but I've read up on it), but there may be other ways to do this that involve less dragging but still get the job done. My point here being that there are multiple areas that have room for improvement as far as click-thru counts and such.


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
i did the yacht event then left but it was stuck on the yacht event
Did you try quitting and restarting the game? The game likes to hang at odd places, but it does constantly save your progress so when you restart you should be able to continue from where the game froze before.


Jul 13, 2020
Anyone else get the bug that prevents Zatanna from being placed in the Glamour Slam/Meta Bordello after you reset her device and remove her from the Cells?


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Anyone else get the bug that prevents Zatanna from being placed in the Glamour Slam/Meta Bordello after you reset her device and remove her from the Cells?
I've seen this bug with a few characters. Not always the same character, but I usually end up having to start a new game as it's 'hard coded' at that point into the save, so I end up working around whichever character this happens to.
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Active Member
Oct 31, 2021
Rant on:

Just a quick note:

F95Zoners being shunned aside, 'cuz ya know, many here are playing the game essentially for free...

Opinions here will generally be ignored, but hopefully there are a few patrons watching this thread that pass along bug reports and such.

What bothers me is that, with this kind of money coming in, you'd think that it'd be worthwhile to update the game engine at this point. There are currently around four dozen significant female characters in this game. Significant in that they are either working with you (Talia, Roulette, Catwoman), or are available for hire (Villianesses) that you can have sex with, or that you can capture/acquire and end up in rooms/cells.

The problem with this game isn't the lack of characters, I think we are at the opposite extreme at this point. The problem is that since so many characters go through the same general 'wash, rinse, repeat' progression, it gets repetitive really fast.

Some of the dialogues are actually quite interesting (Wonder Woman, for example), but since all characters are shoehorned into the 'rule of three' progression -

I.E.: talk to her a few times, then watch her dance three times, then strip, then 3 handjobs, 3 blowjobs, then vaginal sex 3 times and anal sex three times with a couple of costume interludes thrown in, at which point the gal is a huge slut that asks what nickname you should use.

It tends to lessen the impact of each character's storyline and background. One particular example that I find slightly annoying is Vixen. Vixen pretty much states in her earlier interactions with you that she wants to jump your bones, or something along those lines, but we are STILL forced to follow the rule of three with her. Which drags out the game unnecessarily in her case. Multiply that by 3-4 dozen other characters also following the 'rule of three' and it gets really grindy...

Add to this that once characters are introduced, if the content isn't there out of the gate, so far we often don't see the 'followup' content. Note the number of characters that don't have all of their associated Meta Bordello art for the relevant assignments completed.

I, along with a number of you here, was really looking forward to more Mercy content this update. Mercy's story is a bit more convoluted, which makes it kind of unique in this framework, but that story has been put on the backburner for multiple updates now. I get that it was delayed for good reason, I don't mind it getting pushed back a month, but this game has been in development for many years now...

Which brings me back to why I linked the graphtreon tracker in this post. If this was some obscure developer that had say 50 or less regular patrons and was raking in less than say $1,000 a month, or worse yet just doing their game for free, I could more easily 'give a pass' to neglected content. But for the money we are talking here, this is essentially 'full time job' income, and it SHOULD be worth it to the developer to just buckle down and tackle the game's issues in earnest.

Sure, other highly popular developers are also guilty of this (not naming names), but I'm sure that the software bugs are slowing down development, and multiple people have commented in this thread that the developer really should re-build things from scratch and use more up to date backend software (the Fungus thing holding the game back).

And, while I don't mind new characters being introduced, there really should be a strategy in place at this point where for every new character that is introduced, at least two existing characters get their Meta Bordello content completed, etc. Sure, Cassie and Donna had leash scenes added in this update, but the leash scenes are probably the easiest to do, due to the 'nekkid chick walks around' formula.

And sure, I get that the art here is hand drawn, but as the fanart thread has shown, it's possible to fill in a number of blanks with just minor edits to the existing sprites ingame, for now at least. And I get that SR7 is following his muse so to speak, but then I come back to the graphtreon thing... Other artists could be brought onboard to help fill in those gaps for now via photoshop editing tricks and such, until SR7 is ready to give said scenes the 'full treatment'.

Not me though, I have enough on my plate. I just edit the sprites for fun when the whim strikes... I have my own things going on. Plus prolific is NOT a term I would use to describe my artistic efforts. Others are MUCH more prolific than I am, it takes me years to get anything done...

In any case, I just really think that the developer(s) need to take a month or two to port over the existing content into an updated framework. I personally think that, as I've said before, moving it over to Ren'Py would solve a few things, but it would require learning how Ren'Py animations and such work. If I was raking in that much cash for a game, it'd be worth MY time to take the time to learn, but that's just me.

Plus then, other people could help in your 'bug killing' quest due to their own familiarity with how Ren'Py works. Unity is a 'locked' framework, so it's a LOT harder to try to fix things on the 'release' end. I get that 'locking things down' helps discourage unauthorized distribution of the ingame art, but it's almost trivial to extract the sprites from SU at this point if you have AssetStudio. See the fanart thread...

It's a cash cow, I get it, but if the bugs are getting so bad that you are spending a lot of your time bug hunting/killing, instead of on developing the story, it's time to update your framework.

I've said much of this before, but I feel like it needs to be said, often, until the developer addresses these issues in earnest.

Maybe someone will pass this along. Mainly I just needed to get this off my chest again...

Rant off
Maybe I've been lucky and I haven't really encountered a bug so far, though my luck maybe ran out because Roulette still tells me about the Wonder Girls even though I've captured Donna and Cassie.. Still what you are saying makes good sense. For the incredible amount of money the dev makes, it should be easy to hire some temporary help to import the game in another platform and eliminate bugs.

To be honest my personal peeve with the game is story progression or lack thereof. I adore the art and I'll admit that's enough to keep me playing, however I feel frustrated with the repetitiveness of the format (the "rule of 3" as you put it). Not because it's bad in itself and should stop, but because the game could easily mix it up a little.

I said a couple of times in this thread that it would be nice to have some character progression. Some girls are fully corrupted by now (e.g. Batgirl and Stargirl) while others still try to resist (e.g. Hawkgirl). Introducing those scenes with Bullock and Flash visiting the strip club for example were great because they make the player feel that Luthor's plot is actually progressing. Build on that, have them return, maybe even find out the truth and entice them to keep silent with free access to the ladies. Or Bullock could find the truth because he's sleezy and won't mind, while Flash can just go to live his fantasies believing he's fucking lookalikes and then be blackmailed when Lex tells him he has footage of him with his actual teammates. It would only take a few lines of dialogue and then a handful of screenshots MB style with a specific girl.

Speaking of MB, it's been terribly overlooked. Some girls don't even have their basic scenes yet, let alone Private and Exhibition. Let's finish that at least. And to mix it up, we could have some of the fully corrupted girls work in the MB without needing to be sexbots. Just Lex ordering them to work there for the night and they now actually enjoy it. He can even re-use the scenes, but change just the dialogue to reflect that.

Anyway, that's my own rant over too :ROFLMAO:
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Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Maybe I've been lucky and I haven't really encountered a bug so far, though my luck maybe ran out because Roulette still tells me about the Wonder Girls even though I've captured Donna and Cassie.. Still what you are saying makes good sense. For the incredible amount of money the dev makes, it should be easy to hire some temporary help to import the game in another platform and eliminate bugs.

To be honest my personal peeve with the game is story progression or lack thereof. I adore the art and I'll admit that's enough to keep me playing, however I feel frustrated with the repetitiveness of the format (the "rule of 3" as you put it). Not because it's bad in itself and should stop, but because the game could easily mix it up a little.

I said a couple of times in this thread that it would be nice to have some character progression. Some girls are fully corrupted by now (e.g. Batgirl and Stargirl) while others still try to resist (e.g. Hawkgirl). Introducing those scenes with Bullock and Flash visiting the strip club for example were great because they make the player feel that Luthor's plot is actually progressing. Build on that, have them return, maybe even find out the truth and entice them to keep silent with free access to the ladies. It would only take a few lines of dialogue and then a handful of screenshots MB style with a specific girl.

Speaking of MB, it's been terribly overlooked. Some girls don't even have their basic scenes yet, let alone Private and Exhibition. Let's finish that at least. And to mix it up, we could have some of the fully corrupted girls work in the MB without needing to be sexbots. Just Lex ordering them to work there for the night and they now actually enjoy it. He can even re-use the scenes, but change just the dialogue to reflect that.

Anyway, that's my own rant over too :ROFLMAO:
BTW, I kind of think it's intentional, but Starfire can work at the MB/GS while still being in a cell. At least in my playthroughs as of 2.3.6.

So it's possible, and it'd be cool to see this implemented with more girls. Huntress and Vixen seem to be pretty much there.

I'd like to see the supervillainesses also doing the GS/MB girl thing. Within limits of course! Poison Ivy and Killer Frost could be problematic...
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Active Member
Oct 31, 2021
BTW, I kind of think it's intentional, but Starfire can work at the MB/GS while still being in a cell. At least in my playthroughs as of 2.3.6
It's the same in my game for Starfire, so unless it's a bug for everyone, then maybe it's indeed intentional. However like I said, I'd like a (short) dialogue that makes it clear to the player that she is working in the MB willingly now, not just mind controlled. It can either be a slight dialogue change during the MB scene or the girl can reference her MB activities during a cell visit, indicating that she remembers because she was fully aware this time. Just little and easy things that imo make a big difference to the impact of Lex's scheme.

Yes Vixen and Huntress are pretty much there and so seems Supergirl, Batgirl and Stargirl I think are definitely there.

And yeah Poison Ivy and Killer Frost probably not a good idea, we don't want to kill our kind patrons :ROFLMAO:
  • Haha
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Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Rant on:

Just a quick note:

F95Zoners being shunned aside, 'cuz ya know, many here are playing the game essentially for free...

Opinions here will generally be ignored, but hopefully there are a few patrons watching this thread that pass along bug reports and such.

What bothers me is that, with this kind of money coming in, you'd think that it'd be worthwhile to update the game engine at this point. There are currently around four dozen significant female characters in this game. Significant in that they are either working with you (Talia, Roulette, Catwoman), or are available for hire (Villianesses) that you can have sex with, or that you can capture/acquire and end up in rooms/cells.

The problem with this game isn't the lack of characters, I think we are at the opposite extreme at this point. The problem is that since so many characters go through the same general 'wash, rinse, repeat' progression, it gets repetitive really fast.

Some of the dialogues are actually quite interesting (Wonder Woman, for example), but since all characters are shoehorned into the 'rule of three' progression -

I.E.: talk to her a few times, then watch her dance three times, then strip, then 3 handjobs, 3 blowjobs, then vaginal sex 3 times and anal sex three times with a couple of costume interludes thrown in, at which point the gal is a huge slut that asks what nickname you should use.

It tends to lessen the impact of each character's storyline and background. One particular example that I find slightly annoying is Vixen. Vixen pretty much states in her earlier interactions with you that she wants to jump your bones, or something along those lines, but we are STILL forced to follow the rule of three with her. Which drags out the game unnecessarily in her case. Multiply that by 3-4 dozen other characters also following the 'rule of three' and it gets really grindy...

Add to this that once characters are introduced, if the content isn't there out of the gate, so far we often don't see the 'followup' content. Note the number of characters that don't have all of their associated Meta Bordello art for the relevant assignments completed.

I, along with a number of you here, was really looking forward to more Mercy content this update. Mercy's story is a bit more convoluted, which makes it kind of unique in this framework, but that story has been put on the backburner for multiple updates now. I get that it was delayed for good reason, I don't mind it getting pushed back a month, but this game has been in development for many years now...

Which brings me back to why I linked the graphtreon tracker in this post. If this was some obscure developer that had say 50 or less regular patrons and was raking in less than say $1,000 a month, or worse yet just doing their game for free, I could more easily 'give a pass' to neglected content. But for the money we are talking here, this is essentially 'full time job' income, and it SHOULD be worth it to the developer to just buckle down and tackle the game's issues in earnest.

Sure, other highly popular developers are also guilty of this (not naming names), but I'm sure that the software bugs are slowing down development, and multiple people have commented in this thread that the developer really should re-build things from scratch and use more up to date backend software (the Fungus thing holding the game back).

And, while I don't mind new characters being introduced, there really should be a strategy in place at this point where for every new character that is introduced, at least two existing characters get their Meta Bordello content completed, etc. Sure, Cassie and Donna had leash scenes added in this update, but the leash scenes are probably the easiest to do, due to the 'nekkid chick walks around' formula.

And sure, I get that the art here is hand drawn, but as the fanart thread has shown, it's possible to fill in a number of blanks with just minor edits to the existing sprites ingame, for now at least. And I get that SR7 is following his muse so to speak, but then I come back to the graphtreon thing... Other artists could be brought onboard to help fill in those gaps for now via photoshop editing tricks and such, until SR7 is ready to give said scenes the 'full treatment'.

Not me though, I have enough on my plate. I just edit the sprites for fun when the whim strikes... I have my own things going on. Plus prolific is NOT a term I would use to describe my artistic efforts. Others are MUCH more prolific than I am, it takes me years to get anything done...

In any case, I just really think that the developer(s) need to take a month or two to port over the existing content into an updated framework. I personally think that, as I've said before, moving it over to Ren'Py would solve a few things, but it would require learning how Ren'Py animations and such work. If I was raking in that much cash for a game, it'd be worth MY time to take the time to learn, but that's just me.

Plus then, other people could help in your 'bug killing' quest due to their own familiarity with how Ren'Py works. Unity is a 'locked' framework, so it's a LOT harder to try to fix things on the 'release' end. I get that 'locking things down' helps discourage unauthorized distribution of the ingame art, but it's almost trivial to extract the sprites from SU at this point if you have AssetStudio. See the fanart thread...

It's a cash cow, I get it, but if the bugs are getting so bad that you are spending a lot of your time bug hunting/killing, instead of on developing the story, it's time to update your framework.

I've said much of this before, but I feel like it needs to be said, often, until the developer addresses these issues in earnest.

Maybe someone will pass this along. Mainly I just needed to get this off my chest again...

Rant off
You know.I am shocked that planned characters like Fire and Ice,Batwoman and some green lanterns,didn't make it in the game but we got a lot other characters for the last years.And Fire and Ice were mentioned on a draft 6 years ago,before the appearance of Hawkgirl,Supergirl and Wonder Woman.
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Aug 1, 2018
To unlock Lana Lang you need to visit Darci in her cell.
If the dialogue doesn't trigger right away, there's a little fix:

- Run -> Regedit -> \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Someguy\Something Unlimited
- Find suSlot01_lanaVisit_h2949199914
- Change the value to 0
- Visit Darci in her cell
- Lana's cell unlocked in the end of the cells list
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Feb 7, 2018
Is there a bug with star fire and private room, the one in bordello? I upgraded her device and put her in the room, but the game wont let me see the scenes when i select the room


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Yay Hentagram !

Do Jr. Uploaders have OP editing privileges? The current Save linked in the the OP is your upload from 2.3.2, at least it was when I checked just now.
4.00 star(s) 163 Votes