You have to still her panties three times then jerk off between 16-19How do you even get the HJ i have used her panties in my room at her house but nothing ever happens is says do it between 16-19 but you cant do it at 16 unless im doing something wrong:/...also i was wondering how you get the stepsister HJ/BJ you see in the folder all i can do with her is play cards and touch her
Also, anybody that wants to know how to start the stepsister, you need to invite her to the park, the shopping center to get a swim suit, walk with her on the beach, get her drunk on the beach, buy her a dress, sweater, sports sweater, tank top, light jacket, short suit, black top, green top. The clothes are based on a random system so you may encounter the same item more than once. All of this can be done on the weekend