Here is the code block:
if $args[0] = 'gg_study_english_sleep':
if $data['events_alena_slept_on_vapors']>6:
if month = 12 or month = 6:
if $data['events_alena_first_rape'] = 0:$data['events_alena_first_rape'] = 1 & gt'univer','start_first_rape_english_teacher'
So, If you have slept during english at least 6 times (which this will bump to 7, hence the >6), the month is December or June, it will go to the next block:
if $args[0] = 'start_first_rape_english_teacher':
'<div id="right-column">'
'<div id ="main-show"><video preload="metadata" autoplay loop height="500"><source src="pic/unique_npc/alyona/first_rape_1.webm" type=''video/webm;''></video></div>'
'<div id ="text-show">'
'- Smirnov! – stopped me woman, I winced, dump failed, - I congratulate you, Smirnov!</p>
- What? – I obviously did not expect anything good from that congratulations.</p>
- Congratulations, now you can join the same empty-headed guys in the army, where you and the place is fucked up seeing my face she smiled, before the competition I don`t let it happen, so soon you`ll be cheerful and fun March! And I won`t see your moronic face!'
'<div id="acts-buttons">'
if $character_Alena['Open'] > 0:'<a href="exec:gs''gs_time_loc_city'' & gt ''univer'',''first_rape_english_teacher_grope''">To grab his throat</a>'
'<a href="exec:gs''gs_time_loc_city'' & gt ''univer'',''rector_end''">Go</a>'
Its the "if $character_Alena['Open'] > 0" line that gets tripped by hanging out with Elsa's dad. Without it you go to the dean and either get a Bad End or buy your way back into class.
If you're already in January and dont feel like grinding out another 6 months, just use a QSP editor (I like qgen) and change the "if month = 12 or month = 6:" line to month = 1 or month = 2 (etc.)
For ease of hunting, its line 392 in the "univer" location.