ohh i've been asking for a save for a while but nobody seems to have itDoes anyone have a fully completed save file for this game that I can have? Walkthrough gets stuck for me on every char at some point :/
Pretty sure it's the same actress , just a different stage of her career .One thing about this game that has bugged me for awhile is the Sister, there are like 3-4 different actresses that he used to portray her, I think the Kitchen one is the ugliest (during sex).
actually she is the sameOne thing about this game that has bugged me for awhile is the Sister, there are like 3-4 different actresses that he used to portray her, I think the Kitchen one is the ugliest (during sex).
Edit: not a mod (just a super user which has almost all the abilities of a mod) but usually just linking in the thread hasn't caused issues, just a heads up, if it's found to be malicious then you might be banned.
I think he has used at least scene wise the same actress every time but the sister outside of scenes changes from time to time, like you said the kitchen being the worst offender. The night groping as well. The mother also has different Night groping pictures than we he uses most of the time/One thing about this game that has bugged me for awhile is the Sister, there are like 3-4 different actresses that he used to portray her, I think the Kitchen one is the ugliest (during sex).
Edit: not a mod (just a super user which has almost all the abilities of a mod) but usually just linking in the thread hasn't caused issues, just a heads up, if it's found to be malicious then you might be banned.
My bank isn't supported by Yandex Money or any other method that he has besides PayPal but if members have access to it and can keep providing updates, I won't have an issue with putting up the games when they are released.I appreciate the answer and have done what I said I would do way back when this blew up.
I'll reiterate though that whatever he decides to do is entirely within his judgement and not at all your fault or the fault of this site. He can choose to cut off his nose to spite his face if he so desires - the people who are donating to him donate because they want to see the game developed and not necessarily because they want access. This is the key point that everybody has missed here. Superpowered gets leaked constantly yet is pulling in ~350,000 rubles a month and they're obviously not a one off example; the correlation between financial success and restricted access just does not exist and the industry is ever moving towards service based economies. Free to play games should have shown people that let alone major successes in the adult market
I got the last version and this one because Avenger pissed me off. I think his whole attitude was wrong; the only way I know of the existence of this game was through this site and was originally trying to find a way to throw money at him; if he could have looked the other way and continued just developing he'd have an extra couple of thousand rubles a month in his pocket and a supporter on board. But he made it an issue then the mods here picked the wrong side - I do understand the reasons why, I just disagree with them vehemently to the degree where I felt the need to make a point. Avenger is a good game developer who is worthy of support but he's got this issue wrong and is hurting himself and his product. This decision has just basically made it one more click to download it which didn't seem to solve anything at all - in fact 8ch is indexable by search engines unlike this site so all it has done it make it MORE easier to find.
You say he can take PayPal down. That's fine, Yandex works perfectly well and VPNs are cheap - after the next version instead of renewing I'll switch to Russian then run it through the translator - only adds 30 minutes on for me. If he wants to throw a decent wedge of cash away to achieve nothing then that's on him - all those donating to him can just come here and get it for free instead. If he wants to rage quit then that's fine because we can pick up development.
I know you don't want this to turn into a big debate again so I'll make this my last post on this issue, I think I've made my point.
Either way I'll need to post an updated QSP at some point because there's some bugs and mistranslations that he missed that are rather irritating. I'll put a note in here directing people to the other site. The QSP that comes with the leaked copy is the original rather than cheat/modded and he's made it significantly less grindy so I'd argue it's worth just playing through that way first.
Complete Antonina quest or at least the part that opens her house. Then go in and talk to her and she'll say that she has a offer from a magazine or something along the lines of thatAnyone know how to get the photographer to speak to you? Keeps saying he's not interested in me
What's the issue? You're suppose to pay her so you can grope her. It helps with progression of the sisterCould anyone help me with Yana(stepsister)? I have 2 save files, 1 where you pay her to be able to grope her and 1 where I haven't clicked that dialogue, but I can't get past those phases.
honestly i wish he would finish the stepsister that is my favorite partWhat's the issue? You're suppose to pay her so you can grope her. It helps with progression of the sister
I'd second that motion. That's what I was hoping for in this updatehonestly i wish he would finish the stepsister that is my favorite part
A small bit. No sex scenes but some sexy scenes.Is there any content with sashas mom?
i guess it's a common problem with those aweso..../qsp gamesJust a heads up, with 15 you need to restart the game. He added a buncha new stuff that breaks old saves