VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sorcerer [v1.0.0] [Talothral]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v 0.23.5b...

    I really like this game. A lot of work has gone into this game, and it has paid off.

    The story is great. Not a lot of games I’ve seen that use the fantasy element, but this is probably the best one I’ve played. A lot of thought and creation has gone into the characters and deep lore to create the world.

    The characters are good. There is a lot of diversity of character types…humans, gorgons, imps, demons. The magic effects look great as well. I also really like the auto-progressing stills that simulate character movement. Although I think they do a small bit of disservice to the lewd scenes as it makes them pass quickly.

    The only real criticism I have is the script text. There are a lot of grammar and punctuation errors throughout the text. Nowhere near bad enough to confuse you, but it’s either a half ass translation or English isn’t the writer’s first language.

    I would highly recommend this game. I really enjoyed it and look forward to it hopefully being finished.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Sorcerer by Talothral is one of the most unique and interesting stories I've played in a while. The cast is interesting and diverse, the game is both sexy and funny, and doesn't take itself too seriously, but has some good roots in classical lore. I recommend you give it a try~
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Like like with Terminus Reach, Talothral hits this one out of the park. The world building, characterization, plotline complexity and pacing are what we have come to expect of this developer.

    This visual novel is not your average quick spank dross. The beauty here is not superficial, but deep in the characters and story. Do not expect beautiful models or evocative audio, the beauty is all in the writing, just like a good book. The best praise I can give this VN is that I wish more existed like it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great characters, great dialogue and a fantastic story that seems to get more exciting every update.
    For me, one of the top 3 games on this site.

    I'm not usually a big fan of fantasy games, wizards and mystical creatures.

    But after i finished the first game of the developer i gave this game a chance and played it.

    what can i say?
    i have rarely experienced such a gripping story in a game.

    the story develops from update to update.
    It gets more exciting from update to update.
    New characters are added and develop.

    For me, this is one of the most beautiful games here, and I can hardly wait for the latest update!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Writing is fine, story is about a dude who suddenly becomes a sorcerer. There is a lot of magic, mythical creatures, and generally unscientific mumbo jumbo all throughout. MC is an emotionless courier who has about as much personality as a piece of cardboard. The writing tries to shine him in a altruistic light but falls flat. E.g. he apparently has close to infinite money (because he is so "good") - why is he so good? Dunno, he just is. It's never shown or explained what makes him worth his cash, except for stating that he is "just that good".. Also due to him having infinite money paying for someones food at a cafe or bar is not "altruistic", it's literally less than a penny equivalent. Since he is also so good apparently there are no stakes, he can do anything and defeat everyone etc, with ease.

    Audio is entirely missing. No sound effects, no music, not even background noise, or any of the sort, so be prepared for complete silence all throughout.

    Characters are.. fine. Some better than others and due to the nature of the somewhat hamfisted magic everywhere a bit weird, but I didn't find them annoying at least. However a lot of the characters are also ugly (old, misfigured or looking like an Orc/Tauren) and so far my MC mostly has Scenes with characters I find unattractive. It would be better to give a player the choice which characters to persue so they can avoid the ones they find hideous.

    As for the scenes themselves, straight up bottom tier. We are talking 1 or max 2 out of 5. Very boring, very short, and no fidelity at all. If you are coming for good sex-scenes, skip this.

    Overall the scope/length of the game seems bigger than expected.
    I'd say overall in it's sum the game is pretty average, doesn't excel at anything. I'd recommend this if it had any audio or even remotely acceptable scene-quality but alas that isn't the case.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This game could EASILY be 5 stars. The only thing holding it back is graphics/models, which rates 2 stars.

    I had very low expectations coming into this game mainly because of the screenshots. I have seen the game floating on the site for months now, but had no interest in playing it and thinking it was a low-grade game with very little content. I only took the chance on it because I had played everything else I wanted.

    Boy, I'm glad I was WRONG!

    The game gets 5 stars on the writing, story, and characters. It hooked me until I finished to its latest point--which already has substantial contents at the moment, more so than most completed games.
    If dev could improve on the models of the ladies, they could easily knock Sorcerer out of the park. As it stands none of the girls are super attractive, they are just "meh".
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent work, hold up to the high standards set by Terminus and offers a varied and entertaining set of characters that span a lot of different planes, magic and not magic alike. Keep up the good work!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. The game has great story, good renders and models.

    I very much apperaciate the dev. He's working very well, the updates coming really fast. He is very fond of his own game indeed, and I love this game for this.

    The MC's very cool guy. The dev made him very perfect. He is a mature and uncompromising person. I like it.

    The only drawback of this beautiful game is the lack of animation, hell, there is no animation at all. I think that if there was animation in this game, it could reach very high places.

    I really love the game and looking forward to the every update :)
  9. 5.00 star(s)



    I love the story. I love the character development.

    I am not a fan of the animations, but they work.

    Not a fan of some of the sexual partners, but the story more than makes up for it, dont change a thing. Variety is the spice of life, and you nailed it.

    Not a fappable VN for me, but i imagine somewhere out there someone probably loves it. Again though, story more than makes up for it.

    The "cutscenes" or transitions, not really sure what you call them, are a nice touch. Maybe animations? They really slow down the story, keeps me from fast forwarding through it and missing things.

    Two points of advice:
    1. Find someone good with music, not the generic stuff either, and you have something you could easily sell. Several of you scenes are dramatic enough that some sounds would really enhance. Dont go overboard though.
    2. Story plots, dont make them too easy. Loss, or negative emotions are useful to make the highs seems higher, or vice versa. I know it sucks to spend all that time developing a character, and you get attached, just dont forget, they are tools for your plot, to make your plot better. Dont be afraid to kill off a character to really drive home how dangerous what they are doing is. Or maybe not kill, but really hurt. When the MC always wins unscathed, it gets tiresome.

    Love it.

    I am "patiently" waiting the next update.

    Thanks for sharing your hard work. Congrats on your success.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Realy love this game. The MC is a cool guy, the scenario is great, girls are unique and beatiful. Storybased game with enough lewd (not only "fucky fucky fucky"). Have enough creative things. So lets hope the creator stays on his good work. Can't wait for the next version!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Splendid game in which you play a protagonist who is actually cool and collected, instead of a beastly horndog. Yet, he's no woman's fool either and holds his own in the (very interesting) story that makes you root for the characters and wonder what happens next.

    One of the coolest parts of Sorcerer is how the demon magic that awakens within the main character is hugely powerful but he's held back by his own lack of understanding about it, yet he needs every little shred of his power because everybody is trying to kill or take him over... It's great, and the way he brings his friends and various girls into this struggle makes you attached to everybody because you're all on the same mission together to try and not die horribly. Super highly recommended, it's perhaps rough and unpolished right now but it's already a gem!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is good. Maybe because I'm a sucker for modern paranormal settings since I love series like Angel, Dylan Dog, Preacher, American Gods, Constantine, Good Omen, and other similar series. Overall the side characters and the lore are written quite nicely. My only irks that the MC is not that interesting for me since he's kinda bland of a character (could use more personality like being aggressive/diplomatic/humorous)other than the fact that I love an older MC.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall just a solid 3D VN game. Doesn't do anything spectacular, but definitely doesn't do anything to detract from either. Only major complaint is the slow start (not too bad, but a bit too long before you get scenes with a main girl). If you are intrigued with the story or just like power fantasies then this is a solid choice. Bonus points for having an asian main love interest. Not too many 3d games have one as the lead girl.
  14. F
    2.00 star(s)


    This game has a boring story. MC is an indifferent/emotionless male Mary Sue (don't know the male equivalent lol). The sex is stale af and for a good chunk of the game your sex partners are ugly. The Japanese woman is pretty but you won't get lucky with her for quite some time. Sex scenes themselves are really bad, no animations just back and forth pictures and all MC does is thrusting a few and that's it.

    I really was expecting much more given the high rating. Wouldn't recommend.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Hi there! Gonna say my points and go F myself ^^

    Joke aside, this is a great game but there is a "big" but. As a VN game it's awesome as an adult game it's not so great.

    The first thing to say positively about this game is the story and the characters! That's a AAA class writing and i love the setting and the environments. There is some choice but apparently they are not that impactful (for now?). That's a shame by me but ok let's continue.

    The graphics are great for the engine but i'm quite split in this concern. As for a general overall look, it's pretty nice and charming. I do love the MC BTW. The scenes are really nice until you arrive to the sex part... That's a no go for me, diverse characters ( to cripled to granny ) that's too much, the animation and the sex scene are near non existent. But the worse about all that there is NO DIALOGUE during scenes... Come ON! like someone said bellow, that's a slide show with no emotions, no desire, nothing. A big empty failure according to me. I'm sorry to be rude or blunt depends of what side you are ^^

    So i enjoy playing it there is no denying it, but as a game not an adult game. That's why i rate it so high. I'm no crusader of the lust or anything like that. If i enjoy the game and its content it gets a good rating. If you seek a nice adult game with little story in it, you may pass there's is plenty of brainless beautiful games outhere.

    That's all i got for you so as i said earlier now i ....
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game continues to impress me as the story develops. Great original story, excellent characters, nicely done art. The updates have been solid, without any significant bugs. I look forward to the future releases to see where the story goes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Only tried your game Terminus Reach: Sentinel after it was finished, and loved it. Now this follow up is definitely just as good and even better at some aspects.
    Your story is settled in the fantasy genre, so you obviously have some difficulties in making it immersive, nonetheless you succeed. The characters are as real as one can get, react according to situations, rarely brainless and very believable. Here is also a point which got better from Terminus, they arent as emotionless. You made them more lifelike in comparison and its a great improvement.

    The only downside I can come up with would be the slightly lacklustre sexscenes. They are rather monotone. But overall everything else is very well done and outweighs this point by far. A very good visual novel, that deserves more attention, coupled with an active, stable and capable developer. Thanks for all your work and I hope to continue enjoying your work/s in the future.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Didn't know what to think of it at first as the plot progressed, I slowly became more and more engaged. It's rather well thought out game in terms of dialogue and premise and explanation of the world of magic

    Renders for the most part are pretty solid and at least having some form of animation in there is always a plus. It's not a sex-driven and dominant game but there when needed to transition on to the next plot point

    As it stands, it provides a pretty fun experience as well plenty of anticipation for what is to come in the subsequent updates. I'll be keeping a close eye on this one
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game got all the basic's down right.
    animations are jumping, but you understand what is happening and i am guessing it cuts down on the rendering time. so more contents for us. Woot!

    i find this a Good VN, it s not a game, but i dont feel like it try's to be more then a VN. and you play as a intelligent, middle age guy, something we dont see that often.

    what i find sad is that the MC is already at the top of he's game. he starts out with a great job, and a good guy hero having saved a veteran army platoon.

    i tend to enjoy storys that are zero to hero, i enjoy seeing the MC grow from a random nobody to something big.

    i am not asking the Dev to changes anything, he's got a good thing going, what i am doing is planting a seed for the next story. in the hopes that he will make more room for growth with the next great hero story.

    anyway. thanks to the Dev for sharing he's work. i dit enjoy playing it. and encourage anyone else to try it out.

    i do hope i will see more from this developer.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful game! A story that draws you in with action, suspense, sex, cuteness... and just enough action per day to keep you coming back!
    The fairie dragon alone is a new level of vicious cuteness! :>)

    The Renders fit the story, not too flashy and they help drive the mood and the story. Engaging characters with their own stories, personalities and agendas.
    Just enough sexy stuff to keep it interesting!
    All in all - a nice mix of story, sex and visuals. Bravo!
    (Even got my 'other' to start playing it! That is no small feat!)

    I look forward to future updates and any future game this author creates.