VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sorcerer [v1.0.0] [Talothral]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Gave this a try at v0.29.0.

    There is a lot to going on in this game, but it isn't sex. Sorcerer is an adult VN with its primary focus on telling a story instead of fapping. Regarding the scenes that are present, while there are a handful of odd scenes I didn't care for, a lot of other scenes are actually very vanilla, and my interests are also quite vanilla (surprisingly?). This is good, but last I checked, fapping was why most people play adult games, and I am no exception. The scenes are just too few and too far apart for me.
    I would not judge anyone for liking this game as a VN, it is simply not what I am looking for.

    I do not like Gary Stu's, and the MC of Sorcerer is a BIG one. He is in perfect physical shape, he's endowed, he's filthy rich, he's a persuasive talker, a natural leader, has excellent marksmanship, is extraordinarily perceptive, becomes a gifted magician practically overnight, and might as well have an IQ of 200 for how quickly he learns and adapts to everything.
    There is no tension, no suspense, nor any sense of wonder. In short, I think he is extremely boring.

    And then holy shit, there is so much to read!! The worst culprits are the lore dumps. I would grow bored and begin skipping after a while to bypass huge swaths of the game until I saw a render that looked interesting enough to start reading again.
    But I suppose the worst crime would be too little dialogue.

    My gut feeling tells me, like most similar games, Sorcerer is being made by just one person. If my guess is correct, he seems to be one of the more competent developers and is putting in a strong effort. I didn't run into any bugs or errors, the spelling and grammar errors are minimal, and the character models meet expectations. So, 5/5 stars for the dev's hard work.

    I was very tempted to give Sorcerer only 3 stars, but I'm giving it 4/5 stars because I recognize this game does exactly what it was designed to do. You might like the game better if you enjoy a long story about an overpowered protagonists with mix/matched fantasy and only a dash of sex. But I am not interested enough to return to play it again for all of the aforementioned reasons.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.28

    The animations of the sex scenes are horrible. I won't bother mincing words on that one. The renders themselves aren't half bad and many of the models are quite delightful. So then having such stilted and short frame rate animations was just disappointing.

    But I gave the game a 4? Yes.

    The story for the game was actually really engaging and I found myself more interested in learning more about the world and the NPCs that I expected to. It didn't completely make up for the animation, but it definitely helped to balance the books considerably.

    Some of the choices for LIs were likewise unique. Counted among these were a midget/dwarf, several elderly individuals, and even a woman with a prosthetic leg. Not all of them I was a fan of, but it was refreshing to see something besides the usual models being used.

    The bottom line: The game has a lot of promise and I'll be eagerly awaiting the next installment to see where the story goes. Whether this is the game for you depends on whether you're more interested in story or smut. It's great for the former, but there are better options out there for the latter.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I play this one every like 5 or 6 updates, tldr; story won't hold interest click on through.

    So if there's anyone that's read any of my other reviews they know I nit pick about this all the time, but the UI is just "I fired up RenPy and left it as is." It's boring and takes me out of any personability of the game. The models are /mostly/ unique but it's still the same DAZ stuff you'll see everywhere.

    The story. You play as Stephen Stra-- Wait no, you play as Alexander Abomination or whatever the default name is. He's a super rich, amazing, nice guy that never does anything wrong and never has anything bad happen to him. BUT HE WAS AN ORPHAN so his story is sad. Right? I get it "Porn game! Me Horny!" But this is a visual novel, sort of, there's supposed to be an interesting story. The Saitama strongest hero works in parody and self awareness but its over done for one, and MC just keeps getting stronger no matter what. It's just not for me.

    If you like the Saitama and Goku character type, and don't like hardships this is for you. I can see the audience for this and I won't shame anyone for liking this. I think I'mma pass on this one until if or when it's completed.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Flawed but engrossing.

    I like the characters, the world, and the plot. I am quite interested to see how things continue to play out.
    While the start is... bumpy, and people playing for the story might wonder why some things are just not explained (example for me was, when he got the note, why did it take him so long to read it, and why did he really have no reaction to what it said and how weird it was?), as the story unfolds, you do get answers. Not just about what is happening, but also about character behavior.

    I find this to be a solid game, aiming for a well told story. Almost more "adult" in how it wants to present a story rich in world building and detail, than "adult" in the sense of sex.

    So, biggest flaw the game has?
    The sexual content is... boring. Stiff animation, no dialog.
    Truthfully, I will return to this project more to continue the story than for any of the sex.

    YES, there is lewd content. Yes, the girls look good. Yes, it is even somewhat fulfilling to finally get a girl. But the scenes themselves are supremely lackluster.

    I just feel the game, potentially, offers a solid enough story experience that I can not rate it lower, as it does not deserve to be mitigated to a mere 3 stars.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    great game always hanging for the next update, Check out Talothral's other game Terminus Reach: Sentinel it's awesome too check them both out as thay have great stories, its one of the few creators that i subscribe on patreon
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The story and characters are excellent. This is one of my favorites out there. It does feel like a series. My biggest issue is the sexual animations feel very bland. I know it's an odd thing, but not having the text giving their expressions of passion and banter during the scenes makes these scenes feel very robotic. That doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the story. I can't say enough about that
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    When i picked this game up i didn't really have high expectations but I've been pleasantly surprised as this is one of the best VN's I've played . The story is good and engaging, your choices matter and play out in the story sometimes very unexpectedly, this makes it easy to miss some parts but adds great replay value. After the first time i played through it i did another run through right away since i missed the immersion the game brought me.

    If you start looking for things to knock in the game it'd be the renders and animations can be a bit clunky or grainy/unnaturally posed but it's a very minor issue overall and the dev will get better and better as he keeps going.

    I'd highly recommend this game!

    Thank you for your hard work bringing this gem to us!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my top favorite games on F95zone. I have been following this one since the initial release and have enjoyed the journey thus far.

    With an incredible story plot and above average renders this one only disappoints when it comes to animations. For me the adult scenes are usually skipped over since I find the animations extremely basic.

    Still overall I do not have much to complain about and do enjoy each update release.

    Thank you Talothral for all your hard work invested into this project! I will continue to look forward to additional releases in the future!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying the story so far. Love having a competent mc that's actually not a push over. Characters are well written and the dialogue is very good thus far.

    If there is anything that needs improvement it's the animations. They're so bad that I wonder why you have them in the first place. In any case that's no reason to dock the score of my review as the story and everything else elevate this to five stars for me.

    Keep up the great work!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty disappointed in this one from the description and the overall positive reviews going in.

    It's a poorly written fantasy smut with stilted dialogue, unsexy encounters, dull characters with no emotions.

    Graphics and routing are unimpressive as well. Dropped.

    Would be a 2 star but I always give a bonus +1 for well-implemented VNs without any garbage grind.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, it has excellent art and a very good story. The story puts your character in precarious and often morally questionable positions. Its is full of action and interesting interactions. The artwork is of very high standard and the it has a big diversity in models , from old to young and from tall to tiny. I do not often give a review but this game has certainly earned 5 stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is nice story with contemporary fantasy setting. Mixture of modern world and supernatural has always nice feel to it. Characters and their motivations are depicted well and they have certain logic behind their actions that is easy to understand.

    The game is visually great, with beautiful character models and the magic effects make it seem like it is truly a force to be reckoned with. There are few places where environment could use bit more sprucing and details or decorations, but all in all pretty nice looking game.

    TLDR: Intriguing story with interesting characters. Writing is entertaining and i like the renders in the game. Reviewed using 0.26.0 Extra with Shaddy's mod.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the story in this game. The characters are diverse and interesting. You never know what is coming next. I'm glad they corrected some of the grammar in version 25. If you like the supernatural this should be right up your ally. The animations could use some improvement. but overall I rate this an excellent game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really awesome game, but I have to remind that this isn't for everyone. It has some unique characters with scenes that might be off-putting for some. It isn't my thing either but it was hot.
    Now, to what really shines here: the story! If you like the Urban Fantasy genre, you can't miss this, it's really awesome. The story is original, really fresh and the characters are very interesting without the usual cliches. You'll see a real growth with the characters and they feel alive in a realistic kind of way.
    There's some mysteries that keep us on our toes and we can't help but wait for the new adventures and characters that will pop up.
    Now, about the renders, they're good. Not great, but quite well done and the models are hot and unique. But it's not animated, so if that's something that you need to have, forget it. Also, it's somewhat low on the sex, as the focus is the story and characters. I can only hope this gets more attention and love.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    what can i say.I love this game compared to a lot of the games on this website this one updates pretty.i Love the characters.I absolutely love the magic aspect of the game i wished this site had 10 stars because i would rate a ten star if i could.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A rich, interesting story set in modern magical world.

    A harem is possible there, and the girls are rather pretty.

    Most of the sex scenes are not super exciting, but there are some unusual fetishes (you can take the anal virginity of an old Asian lady, bang a dwarf girl etc).

    For me, the story (and its good visual depiction) is the most appealing part.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent VN.

    I'm normally not a fan of VNs - the large majority is too wordy for my tastes and I get bored quickly as they ramble on and I've to press "Next" 100 times before a single point is made.
    Not so this VN!

    The writing is well done, interesting and intelligent.
    It kept me wanting to know what's next and the pacing is excellent - no boring endless clicking of "Next".
    Graphics are also good and the images support the story well.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v 0.23.5b...

    I really like this game. A lot of work has gone into this game, and it has paid off.

    The story is great. Not a lot of games I’ve seen that use the fantasy element, but this is probably the best one I’ve played. A lot of thought and creation has gone into the characters and deep lore to create the world.

    The characters are good. There is a lot of diversity of character types…humans, gorgons, imps, demons. The magic effects look great as well. I also really like the auto-progressing stills that simulate character movement. Although I think they do a small bit of disservice to the lewd scenes as it makes them pass quickly.

    The only real criticism I have is the script text. There are a lot of grammar and punctuation errors throughout the text. Nowhere near bad enough to confuse you, but it’s either a half ass translation or English isn’t the writer’s first language.

    I would highly recommend this game. I really enjoyed it and look forward to it hopefully being finished.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Sorcerer by Talothral is one of the most unique and interesting stories I've played in a while. The cast is interesting and diverse, the game is both sexy and funny, and doesn't take itself too seriously, but has some good roots in classical lore. I recommend you give it a try~
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Like like with Terminus Reach, Talothral hits this one out of the park. The world building, characterization, plotline complexity and pacing are what we have come to expect of this developer.

    This visual novel is not your average quick spank dross. The beauty here is not superficial, but deep in the characters and story. Do not expect beautiful models or evocative audio, the beauty is all in the writing, just like a good book. The best praise I can give this VN is that I wish more existed like it.