VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sorcerer [v1.0.0] [Talothral]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games that I've played in a while. Good graphics, animations, and a deep story with multiple branches. I played several different choices with this game to see the various outcomes. I highly recommend trying this game. Definitely 5 stars.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This has to be the least arousing porn game I have ever played and I'm not talking about the abnormal characters. Every single sex scene has very little or no setup, features NO dialogue , has 1 camera angle the whole time and has 1/2 four frame animations looping for 20 clicks then its over, add 2 variants and swap around the girl and you have every single sex scene in the game.

    Because the erotic aspect is so lacking I have to judge the game as if its a normal story in which case its an overly ambitious story about a magic in the world, which has effort put into it but it is held back by a lack of depth and very stiff dialogue, the characters mostly being one note and uninteresting does not help.
    The protagonist might be the least nuanced human being ever written he is simply a man who has everything and wants to help the people he knows, there is literally nothing more complex about his personality no desires, no emotions, no flaws. Inhuman.

    Honestly can't understand what people see in this one, not hot, unfeeling , and the story is grand in scale but lacks depth
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    God, I wanted to like this. I really did. Most of the characters have about as much depth as a puddle. The only ones who have any level of dimension to them is Alex (through interacting with so many people), Kai, Mei, Susan, and maybe Miyuki. The plot is rushed, the fight with Malachai boring, and within five sentences of meeting a new girl, Alex sleeps with her. I get it, it's a porn game; it's why I downloaded it in the first place. However, the fact that it's so frequent and sex scenes play out more like montages that I have to click through to get to the plot is not a good thing.

    This game has potential but it seriously suffers from character bloat.

    I liked the magic and worldbuilding of this though. The houses idea is actually a cool piece of lore. Just wish the story was done better. Wish the porn was done better. It honestly felt lifeless most of the time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best AVN's I've played so far here on F95.
    Talothral created a compelling and really interesting story that see the MC being projected in a world full of marvels, mysteries with great action but also very beautiful and introspective moments.
    The flow of the story is carefully balanced and while the MC gradually discover incredibles magic creatures, face powerful enemies and discover a great menace that can destroy the world, he will start a personal journey that will help him discover his true nature, being something different of what he always thought.
    Talothral play play with great knowledge and skill with myths, legend story and literature giving the users a believable and amazing world, filled with beautiful creatures that are well defined and with great personalities.
    His ability to play with the story can be seen in every little detail, nothing is casual, a gesture, a gaze everything work in order to give depth to this amazing game.
    Great story with a very deep and interesting flow from the start to the ending, filled with humor that balance the serious and often touching moments;
    Lots of different characters that space from real historical myths and legends, to those from historical / fantasy literature such as The Lord of the Rings or other great literary sagas.;
    A great MC, with a mysterious past to uncover, not the usual alpha male that have all the girls served on his lap without doing nothing, he fight, he fall and rise again with them during the whole unfolding of the history;
    Beautiful and very uniques girls, all with a defined and loveable personality, not the dumb dolls you can find sometimes in a harem story, they all have something different that make them stand out , being it their race, personality, shape, age, this make them always interesting and funny to interact with;
    Beautiful renders with lots of attention to even the little details, with good animation and icing on the cake no talking during the sex scenes ( this could be considered a cons, but honestly I found it very fitting with the story and interesting, and in my personal humble opinion a breath of fresh air), because sometimes too much dialogues can kill the flow of the scene for me something that never happen with this game;
    Nothing came to mind honestly;
    This was the first story from Talothral I discovered and I was hooked immediately, the game is totally worth to be played, and gives you lots of great content and hours of fun I highly recommend it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I was not expecting to enjoy this VN as much as i did. It isn't 100% perfect by any means but it has a really well written story and very good looking renders. I tend to avoid AVN's that have sci-fi/supernatural aspects to them but i gave this one a shot out of boredom and i am very glad i did honestly its one of the top 10 completed VN's i have played. Honestly i know i probably wont find many other sci-fi/supernatural AVN's with the same quality of this one but after playing this one i am going to give a few others i have seen a shot.

    Story 10/10 Great story very well written. there where a few text errors such as words i don't think where intended to be in certain sentences but that is to be expected especially on a story of this magnitude.

    Renders 10/10 Really good renders of the few sci-fi/supernatural games i have actually played none of them have been anywhere near the quality of this one render wise. All of the supernatural creatures and magic aspects looked great. not that i was looking very close but i didn't see any major flaws in any of the renders other than occasionally i would notice a characters foot being in the floor.

    This is a pretty long game as it took me around 15-20 hours playtime to complete it. If i remember correct pretty much everything was tied up at the end you weren't really left wondering about anything the only real mystery i wish they would have solved is who the mc's parents where and a littlie about his ancestors but to be honest the story didn't really need it that's just my curiosity.

    The only real bad things i can think of to say about this AVN is the fact there are no actual animations which i understand they are hard to make but honestly if the dev ever decides to go back and remake it with animations for the lewd scenes and some of the different magic stuff it would make this game 10 times better. The only other bad thing i can think of is there is absolutely no music or sound effects for the game it would enhance the game a lot if music and sound effects where added.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Finished playing the game, have to say it was for me a little undiscovered gem! I can recommend this to others
    complete and good duration (think about 10+ hours playing time)
    nice pacey story (you have to save the world from a falling angel, while dealing with a hostile company takeover and managing your harem, can't get any better then this ;))
    good looking renders (bodies of the girls are really nice)
    possibility to bang a complete zoo (imp, werewolf, fox, titan, fairy, tiger, troll, snakes etc.. )
    different well rendered fantasy locations (dungeons, castle, ruins, ....)
    some nice little animations in certain renders (for example the mini demon riding on a rabbit while your wife imp is chasing the demon with a mega hammer), this got me really laughing out loud

    lewd scenes are abit static, they are animated from start till finish, but they look "stiff" and not natural (hence 1 less star)

    I really liked the game, it got me hooked and I really wanted to see the end the story.

    Good job Talothral, I will certainly play your 2 other games too.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Good little finished game, but lacks a central hook (incest, romance or something like that). Sure you have harem, but theres pretty much no gangbangs and harem mechanic doesn't come up in convos between members. Just feels like you are banging everyone and nobody minds, not really a harem.

    Also as mentioned no incest and no cunny either. I think Myiako or whatever should have been a cunny and more clingy etc. if everyone in the harem is ok with it it kind of loses the edge. Like you need people who feel differently about it. That gives you conflict and funny/interesting convos between people and build character. But thats just me. I just didn't really care about anyone all that much as they didn't seem to either. And all good games need at least one cunny, come on.

    Not a lot of conversations in general about life and feelings and what not. Its not most interesting but every once in a while you need it to give characters some background. Instead it feels like you have a bunch of conversations that move the story along, then a sex scene sprinkled in. It moves the game forward nicely but it gets hard to care after a while when new people keep getting introduced who you don't really care or know. (Eve the werewolf girl for example. Like shes hot and all and interesting to bang a werewolf girl in human form but thats it. I don't really care about her)

    And yes you bang monsters. Ogres, fox girls, demons, grannies... Jk but there is a lot of granny stuff.

    Also sex scenes are kind of vanilla. As in very vanilla. Meh

    But all in all it has a good story, lots of sex scenes, storyaltering decisions, sexy ladies (a lot of em), monster girls, and you can have a harem. But no incest, cunny girls, romance and frankly none of the girls are all that memorable. Still absolutely worth playing
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I truly did enjoy the game. For me, it was a very nice swath of variety when it comes to the body types of encounters... not to spoil much. enough humor and comebacks to have a good laugh while submerge yourself in the story.

    i may replay and give the game the old gotta catch em all try but, i would come back to the game and enjoy the same play through really. not sure how many endings there are but the story completion i ended with was satisfying enough to get me to hop on today to write this and look to see for more content from this creator.
    thanks for the good times thus far.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuine 11/10

    Amazing story, amazing characters.

    The porn was a bit weak for me, guess I'm too much of a degenerate nowadays, but the story is so well crafted and enthralling that I kept playing.

    Definetively one of the best games on this site.

    I'm reviewing this game just after finishing it so I left out what I believe is the true largest flaw of this game, the total lack of music, or any sound for that matter, fortunately @Zang 's music recommendation for this game fits perfectly, Link for those who happen to read this review before playing.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Sorcerer is a standard choice based VN following the trials and tribulations of a newly minted sorcerer on his quest to survive in a world full of fantasy mischief, a good deal of which is out to kill him. It’s got a wide variety of pretty character models, a vast fantasy world filled with all sorts of magic and creatures, and a main character who certainly isn’t your bargain basement blank slate.

    Alexander Ward solidly breaks the mold of the vast majority of sex game protagonists. He’s not some sort of isekai’d helpless chump yeeted naked into a world in which he has no hope of surviving. Instead, he’s a 38-year-old business professional with more competence in his pinky than most have in their whole body. He’s lived nearly a whole life before the game even started. In general, I find him to be a breath of fresh air.

    Unfortunately, the information above is something you learn in dribbles over the course of the first half of the game. It makes being Alexander something of a chore in the early game, as everyone around knows him except for the readers and no one seems interested in introducing him. Tack that onto the fact that he ends up being uncomfortably broken, whether in wealth, sexual prowess, magical competence, charisma, and any other arena you can name, and you’ve got yourself an irritatingly flawless character.

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    I feel like a handful of training montages of some variety would have made him more likeable. The guy goes from learning magic exists to fighting the final boss in about a month. There’s no amount of broken pedigree that makes that reasonable, but watching him get kicked around by Aya and Miyuki would have at least made things more palatable.

    Sorcerer’s story is pretty interesting overall, but almost the entire game suffers from a single flaw – a lack of depth. There are frankly just too many characters and too many factions for Talothral to do them all justice simultaneously. The end result is a game full of single scene snapshots trying to cover dozens of different characters and factions, all of which end up being thimble deep because there’s so many other scenes and characters that need attention.

    This also applies to the girls and sex scenes. While I don’t think I’ll ever get much from the stop motion type animation Talothral uses, the sex scenes could actually be interesting if I had any sort of emotional connection to the girl featured. Instead, it feels like half the factions and races in the game were introduced just to add another girl for Alexander to fuck. None of them feel like they ended up with much personality outside of the main five, but there’s over a dozen other one shots. Heck, even the main five ended up feeling a little thin since they had to share screen time with so many other girls.

    Overall, Sorcerer felt like a game that was close to being very good, but ended up over-ambitious. I really enjoyed parts of the early game, particularly when trying to ally with the gorgons, but as more and more factions were piled on, everything started to feel more and more disjointed and fractured. In the end, I can’t really recommend it.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Renders decent
    -Worldbuilding feels like a rough sketch rather than full painted picture.
    -Plot threads are thrown about everywhere and aren't encapsulated in a well thought out narrative
    -Characters do not have any personality out side of getting saved by the MC and the subsequent sex reward.
    -Dialogue is incredibly hollow and wooden
    - Pacing is all over the place
    -MC is unbelievably generic

    All in all a painfully mediocre experience showing just enough tits to get your fapping.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed as of 1.0.0. Solid, interesting story. One of the first harem games I played where there was an actual reason for the characters to pursue (and be okay with) a harem, as opposed to either the "we're all just chill and kind of falling into this" or "we're already too in love to leave MC even after betrayal" camps.
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    Overall, quite a fun ride.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    has a nice story and graphics but the sex scenes felt emotionless for me, big lore for even side girls like gail and teagan, they are nothing for the story so why care about them if there is no sex scene?, or maria that knows MC since he was born and than one day " i can have sex with you" and they have sex. also MC seems have a alternative taste for woman, of the four principals 2 are japanese and the others a dwarf and a girl with one leg
    worth playing but i wouldn't replay it
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Canto Forte

    The plot is all the rage in our games. We enjoy a good plot that gives us the right backstory and motivation.
    The sorcerer is all of that and more .. so much more.
    MC grew up with women:


    That babe is to die for. Literally one of the most astounding caring heartfelt powerful woman in the game.

    Coming off all of that, his heart is just sunk: has no emotion, was trained not to feel or show any.
    All of those phenomenally beautiful and caring and tough women were nuns.
    All their adventures stopped when they were caring for him in their coven.

    MC got his going away present from the fantastically drop dead gorgeous angel - finding women in his life.

    Then he was basically doing hook ups.

    In that game, MC can literally say no to any and all babes.

    The pure babes are literal angels, fairies, actual elementals that all are drop dead gorgeous and all out pure.

    But the fact is: they are pillars of the game reality.
    They guard everyone and everything.
    MC is their only hookup. They are pure and they are not looking for anyhting more.
    MC is the only one phenomenal peer they shag and hold dearest in their hearts.

    There it is. MC can and will have the purest of pure.
    MC can be a real sweetie and do good on any other babe looking for love or a good shag.
    MC is written so marvelously that he is a sweet caring cuddly real man in bed with any and all hotties.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice and rich story, there's deeph into it, there's many characters to flirt with !
    My favs are Susan and Aya ♥
    Not enough monster girls to my liking, but oh well, the diversity of them is still nice.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    fekk you

    Best game i've found on F95. Story was good enough that i actually skipped through some of the sex sceans to get back to the story. Don't get me wrong the sex sceans where great as well. However i enjoy games with story more. I can't wait for him to take up this story in the future!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 1.0.0
    Time played: 10+ hours. Completed all content.

    I'm a firm believer that erotic games can go beyond simply smut with pilfered assets and barely intelligible writing and Sorcerer is one of those games that proves why. Pretty much from the opening moments, the game get its narrative hooks in you and you're eagerly clicking to know what happens next. Indeed, I had several sessions where I was genuinely there for the story with no plan to commit onanism. The progression was logical, the sex plentiful and the ending satisfying.

    + Excellent story, world building and characters
    + Tons girls of varying ages and races
    + Complete!
    + Bush!!! (A fine example of my firm belief in bush as means to show character traits)

    - Animations are laughably bad
    - Pacing between sex scenes is uneven (sometimes you'll be in the sexual Gobi then it's scenes that happen so closely together you wonder how the MC's dick isn't sore and chafed)
    - The sex is about as vanilla it gets (not a bad thing per se)

    If you think an adult game's primary function is the pr0n and the pr0n alone, Sorcerer might be a tough sell for you. While it does feature the ever-popular harem trope (pretty damned well done too, I must say, and I generally despise harem games), there isn't a ton of sexual variety. There's a couple group play scenes, a little bit of anal and a few scattered oral scenes, but by and large, expect a lot of missionary activity. Overall, the game is very tasteful with its sex and is honestly a breath of fresh air amidst the incest, non-con, misogynistic fare that a lot of games feature. I'm not saying there's not a place for those things (though I'm personally pretty down on those last two), but I feel a lot of games use those as a crutch to mask a dearth of ideas, story telling chops and engaging characters.

    When taken as a whole and against more mainstream media, there is still a long way to go, but Sorcerer is a great step in the right direction for what adult games can be. If you are interested at all in narrative in adult games this is a must-play. I cannot wait to see what the dev has next!

    Note to Devs: Thank you very much for this fantastic world and characters. I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for them in the future! Please consider adding a link to a one-time payment method (like as I would very much like to properly show my appreciation for the game, but do not care for a monthly model.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Another great game from Talothral with an interesting setting, a cool MC and a lot of sexy (and some less sexy) women.
    I really enjoyed playing this game not only because of the adult content but because of the setting, the story and the characters.
    The game has now finished, and the ending was satisfying enough so it doesn't fell unfinished, but there are still enough open questions remaining, and a lot more to discover about this universe so I hope it will return later in a form of a sequel.

    Why not 5 stars if I have such a positive opinion of the game?
    While the game was really great and enjoyable, a lot of it's aspects are average, so I couldn't justify giving it 5 stars. For some people, who value these aspects more, or care less for those that I really enjoyed, even 4 stars might seem too much.

    Setting: I'm a big fan of the urban fantasy genre so I really enjoyed exploring this universe. The universe seems to be well built with enough of it showing that you feel as if you can only see the tip of an iceberg with a lot more below the surface to be discovered.
    The Houses and their relationship seemed to be really interesting, It would have been nice to see and interact more of them. Maybe in a future sequel.

    Story: As an introduction of the supernatural world to the MC it was OK, but quite generic. The villains also felt flat and one dimensional. Some of the villains that seemed important at some point of the story (Miyuki's father, the redhead woman in one of the promo screenshots who was involved with the kidnapping attempt) were barely shown at all and later killed offscreen by someone else. The later of the story is mostly consisting on characters going to some random places to get some MacGuffin in preparation of an attack on the current villain, attack him, repeat. Story is certainly one of the aspects of the game that could have been improved a lot by making the villains more 3 dimensional and giving them more screentime so we actually care about them.

    Characters: The MC is somewhat detached and emotionless. The story has some explanation for it, but I don't know if this is a deliberate choice by the developer or he just knows about his shortcomings of creating a cool but still emotionally driven MC and using this explanation to cover for it.
    Even with this, the MC is certainly likeable. He is cool, rational and loyal. He also has dry wit and sarcastic humor.
    The other characters are ok, there is no one I really hate but none of them is shining either. Most LI-s are rather bland character wise with cliche personalities. Maybe Sabrina is a bit above the others and I'd loved to see Hannah having a more important role in the later parts of the game.

    Graphics: The game doesn't look bad, and there are some very sexy looking woman in it, but mostly it's just average looking. Especially the locations and background looks very generic.

    Sex scenes: The graphics aspect of these scenes is average. No fluid animations, only short loops with 2 or 3 frames. While there is a lot of variety in the sexual partners, from super hot to disgusting and there are all kinds of fetishes that can be found in all the sex scenes during the game most of it is relatively boring. There is no buildup. No flirting. No gradualness. Usually the female expresses her wish to have sex with MC, and he agrees. A lot of this is only casual sex or sex with the intent of having children (explained in the story), but in other cases the female is one of the love interests who will later become one of MC-s wives.
    Also, while as I said there are a lot of fetishes are represented among the sex scenes, most of it only comes from what the female partner is (muscular giantess, midget, fox girl, old woman, amputee etc. ) the only sex scenes I remember where the fetish wasn't circumstantial and one of the participants actually expressed their interest in it was with Sabrina, who wanted to be bound down. She is also the only one from the main LI-s who participated in a threesome. While harem doesn't necessarily mean all the love interest have to participate in an orgy at the end, I'd loved more members didn't just accept that they will have to share MC but also shown some proactivity for this sexually.
    There are also some sex scenes that I were not for my tastes (grannies, troll) but having played Talothral's previous game I have already learned to expect things like this and they can be avoided without any negative consequences.

    To sum it up, if you are only in for the sex scenes, there are a lot of games out there with much better ones. If you are also interested in the world and like to have a logical and relatively good story binding the whole thing together, then it's certainly one of the better games on the site.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish I could give this game 2 ratings. One for the quality of the game and one for how much I liked it. I think the quality is a 4/5. The story was excellent, the main character nuanced, the renders were high quality and I appreciated that there were a large number of characters to interact with. For me, the story was the high point, it was a really well done story (especially on an apples to apples comparison with some other games on this site).

    If I was going to rate this for how much I enjoyed it, I have to go with 3/5. Again, great story and a lot of characters...but the fact of the matter is this game missed most of my kinks. I didn't find many of the models all that attractive (several notable exceptions) and I found the sex too vanilla for my tastes...but it doesn't seem fair to punish on the official ratings for what is clearly personal taste.

    The one piece of critical feedback, and it was enough for me to knock off a star: the sex scenes lack both dialogue and sound effects, which makes them boring (in addition to vanilla). There are probably routes and characters I missed and my lack of interest + the boring sex scenes means I'll just move onto the next game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    awqsrem man

    It's been a year that I have been following this game.
    And somewhat of a rarity, it has ACTUALLY been completed.

    This game is great has a classic "fated encounter, gain magic" start, but the protagonist is a well-behaved multi-facetted man with many talents outside of being "the chosen one". This makes it quite satisfying, knowing that the girls COULD be attracted to you(the MC) without magic fuckery, which there no doubt is a lot of.

    The world is decently fleshed out and the harem hunting great. Sex scenes are pretty well made with 3d assets put together in a generally-speaking good way. Then there's 2 frame repetition, which is decent(beats still frame by a lot).

    All in all the game has some decent story with an interesting world and fun things.