Hey everyone,
I’d like to share that I just updated the game to the latest version (9.0).
And in this update Keen gets to meet the
, a team of 3 girls who are training for the intergalactic wrestle championship! But as usual, things don't go exactly as planned. And Keen will be pulled in yet another strange & sexy story!
Additionally, there are also 2 new XXX scenes for
added... So, time to revisit that spa!
Well, I hope you like it!
This has been added -in more detail
- New Location: Hallway for Guest Rooms
- New Location: Hallway for BioGarden
- New Location: The Bridge
- New Location: The Bridge S.O.S. Screen
- New Location: Guestroom 1
- New Location: Guestroom 3 (Wrestlers)
- New Location: Storage Room -left side
- New Location: Gym left side
- New Location: Gym right side
- Added 'moving space' to the Guest Lounge.
- Scene 'Keen builds a room!'
- 1 new character: Bosra
- 1 new character: Tonda
- 1 new character: Neeva
- 2 XXX scenes for Mindy (it's a continuation from the previous scene).
- Many new character poses, two music tracks, various items and additional story art.
- I fixed the spelling errors you found, thanks!
Please keep in mind while playing...
- Old save games can't be re-used.
( If code changes, saves break. Re-using them will cause bugs). Instead go to -> main menu -> start -> and just start again where you left off.
- When someone tells you to
come back later;
pass through Keens room.
- Be ware: I added some 'hallway'-screens to the game, but they don't correspond with the map yet.
- Be ware: The battery that you always had in your inventory, is hidden elswhere now (For Sophie her story).
- Press 'L' to show the game logo.
- Press 'S' to make a screenshot!
Are you stuck? Then maybe the
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can help?
You can also find it on the sidebar of the store-page. There is a link to the ‘manual’, which is the Walkthrough-guide.
Behind the scenes
Well, I made a lot of new art for this update. And as usual, I like to show how that art gets made. So, one of the new rooms in this update is the
Now there is actually a lot going on there For example, there are retractable beds, a closet with shutter, and there's a hatch. And this is just the empty room. Throughout the game the room will be occupied by several (rescued) guests as well. This makes the room of course very interesting...but also tricky to draw; for it has to work in every situation.
Well, here you can see part my drawing proces for this room - I hope you find it interesting
And that's all the news I have for now. But meanwhile I already started working on the next update, which will continue the story of the
Wrestle Team
. And I hope to release it again in about 3 months.
Well, please enjoy this update & of course I'd love to hear what you think of the wrestle team
All the best & till next time!