Developer posed a simple question, "Will you shun your feelings to appease your son, or will you give in to your carnal desires and possibly destroy what's left of your relationship?"
Restated the question for clarity, will I let an adolescent's immature angst that has been making everyone miserable for the last five years or so control my life and condemn me to a desolate undeserved ceibacy, or will I listen to my little head, my dear friend and the author of so many of my bad decisions for the last 35 years, and let it lead me to lusty, passionate adventures in unrestrained sex with beautiful young women before old age drains my powers?
See? Simpli restating a problem can make the solution obvious!
Answer key:
If you chose the second path, A+ and go get 'em!
If you chose the first option, F- and just leave your weiner in the wastebasket as you leave the classrooom