
Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
Tried the game and got one question. Is it possible to avoid futa on male content while you are courting one of the futalians, or is it going to be mandatory as part of their route? Asking since it is listed as avoidable but does that mean avoidable only by avoiding the LIs in question?
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Jul 3, 2017
hello, if you don't mind me asking, how did you fit the futanari penis in the panties ? like did u use daz for that or another program? please and thank you!!


Active Member
Apr 2, 2017
Pretty fun romp. *Almost* ticks every box I'm looking for, were it not for the lack of a feminine appearance for the MC or some fun gender bending shenanigans/futa on futa action, bwahaha.

Still, the dev is obviously enjoying themselves with this creation, and that's fun to see.
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Deleted member 1571565

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
I don't really get what's going on with the story here. It...seems to want to allow/focus futa content, but the MC is always being a bigot and you just auto don't like it/hate it? ...? This is almost as bad as games that make you have to lose to see the content you want.

There is a lot of grammar and spelling issues and some things just outright don't make sense.

Also I am not sure if I broke the game or not since I did something that I am not sure if it will be a problem, but right now its not. I was supposed to go buy an outfit or something, but I was in my room, checked the wardrobe and the "disguise" outfit was already there. Things SEEM like they are okay...but like I don't know for sure.

Honestly, the biggest thing turning me off from the game so far is the MC himself. Why is he kind of a douchebag? Like there is better ways to write surprised by "Oh my god she has a dick!" and have him gradually come around to the idea. As it is...I just feel like he hates it and I should be avoiding all futa content based on his narrative?


Sep 13, 2020
wait...did they remove the dwarf girl except the intro? ... she had at least 2 tiny event before....and she was super cute as a shortstack

Deleted member 1571565

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
Yeah, okay. I feel like I got baited now. The quest with lana now was to tell her I'm not into that, and then make her cry/screw things over and honestly done now.

Why the hell is this got futas on the banner and shit? The MC is his own character, it doesn't reflect me, the player, at all. Hes just creepy and a douche. I am sure you have neat scenes or whatever that are perfect to "Get people off" but you made the MC unlikable enough to me that I don't even want to keep playing. His inner thoughts and goals are way different than mine. This isn't a insert self sorta deal, and this guy doesn't inspire me to help him "get the chicks" or whatever he wants.

This was a waste of time.

As a futa lover I think things are going great lol
How so? MC is trashy in how much he dislikes it. However good the scenes and art is, the MC is just bad and ruins it.

quick question in the dev notes the dev says futa on male is optional, is that the type of optional that pretty much takes away 90% of the game? im not criticizing or saying the dev should do it different just trying to gauge my interest going forward.
He may as well remove it. The MC straight up hates futa, he's made that *VERY* clear by this point after like playing for 40 minutes. Why bother with it? It feels like the dev has it for a cash grab to hook an audience for a bit, I really don't appreciate that at all.

EDIT: I might be too harsh since this is dev's first game and he's obviously putting effort into it. If I can advise something, if the futa content is "optional" and you can avoid it from the get go, you definitely need to rethink how you present your MC. The players who make the choice to pursue futa content, are INTO it. So the MC shouldn't be rejecting or against it. If they opt out then sure, go ham with his "disgusted" attitude. But like otherwise he should be more curious or turned on or...honestly just about anything is an improvement over his current thoughts and feelings. Once someone chooses a content type...whatever it is, the assumption should be the MC is at very minimum curious about it. That's about as much constructive criticism as I want to offer right now because for real, the MC is just completely unlikable to me to the point I don't wanna keep playing.
Last edited:
  • Angry
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Sep 4, 2017
wait...did they remove the dwarf girl except the intro? ... she had at least 2 tiny event before....and she was super cute as a shortstack
Yeah, I as trying to find her. Wonder if she'll be added later?

Also, that sequence of trying to find Lana is way too easy to break, and now I'm stuck. I checked everything, just like the little "guide" video did. I used the search function for this thread. Nothing is helping, and if you changed anything, just make that sequence a full scripted event. Thing's a mess.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
EDIT: I might be too harsh since this is dev's first game and he's obviously putting effort into it. If I can advise something, if the futa content is "optional" and you can avoid it from the get go, you definitely need to rethink how you present your MC. The players who make the choice to pursue futa content, are INTO it. So the MC shouldn't be rejecting or against it. If they opt out then sure, go ham with his "disgusted" attitude. But like otherwise he should be more curious or turned on or...honestly just about anything is an improvement over his current thoughts and feelings. Once someone chooses a content type...whatever it is, the assumption should be the MC is at very minimum curious about it. That's about as much constructive criticism as I want to offer right now because for real, the MC is just completely unlikable to me to the point I don't wanna keep playing.
I agree that the MC needs a MUCH needed reality check now that he is living with all these stunning Ladies and Futas, with meeting more exotic non-human ones in the future.

Here's hoping the MC either.
Accepts the fact that he's never going back to his original life, and finally accepts the futa and falls for them just as easily as he does for full female.

His mind breaks from consantly being around them all and falls unconcious, when he wakes up his mind rewired itself to a more accepting type where he can say i love futa.


May 29, 2019
Yeah, okay. I feel like I got baited now. The quest with lana now was to tell her I'm not into that, and then make her cry/screw things over and honestly done now.

Why the hell is this got futas on the banner and shit? The MC is his own character, it doesn't reflect me, the player, at all. Hes just creepy and a douche. I am sure you have neat scenes or whatever that are perfect to "Get people off" but you made the MC unlikable enough to me that I don't even want to keep playing. His inner thoughts and goals are way different than mine. This isn't a insert self sorta deal, and this guy doesn't inspire me to help him "get the chicks" or whatever he wants.

This was a waste of time.

How so? MC is trashy in how much he dislikes it. However good the scenes and art is, the MC is just bad and ruins it.

He may as well remove it. The MC straight up hates futa, he's made that *VERY* clear by this point after like playing for 40 minutes. Why bother with it? It feels like the dev has it for a cash grab to hook an audience for a bit, I really don't appreciate that at all.

EDIT: I might be too harsh since this is dev's first game and he's obviously putting effort into it. If I can advise something, if the futa content is "optional" and you can avoid it from the get go, you definitely need to rethink how you present your MC. The players who make the choice to pursue futa content, are INTO it. So the MC shouldn't be rejecting or against it. If they opt out then sure, go ham with his "disgusted" attitude. But like otherwise he should be more curious or turned on or...honestly just about anything is an improvement over his current thoughts and feelings. Once someone chooses a content type...whatever it is, the assumption should be the MC is at very minimum curious about it. That's about as much constructive criticism as I want to offer right now because for real, the MC is just completely unlikable to me to the point I don't wanna keep playing.
I'll try to take a stab at this from the perspective of a futa enthusiast. I like the groundwork in this game. The setting, the characters, the art, and the ideas are all in good places to make an excellent game in my opinion. Where people have some problems (myself included on occasion) is in some of the execution.

I think the story feels a bit rushed and the dialogue tends to read unnaturally at times which breaks immersion. I'm not sure if English is a second language to the dev or not but regardless writing convincing engaging dialogue is difficult and is exacerbated in this game because the story is told in dialogue from the MC's point of view. I think getting someone to edit the dialogue would go a long way in fixing that.

While I appreciate the location design and I'm happy that you have characters who look significantly different in body type and not just a range of palette swapped thiccc bodied MILFs or women with all exaggerated curves and huge breasts. That being said movement is tedious. I can get around the shower if you're covered in sexual fluids but clicking through three-five locations screens to go back just to change clothes to go outside the ship or to the club feels like unnecessary effort and having to remember the five or more areas to click to get to another part of the ship for your quest is also irritating when I'm just trying to get to the next part of the storyline.

I agree that the futa doesn't feel very optional when the MC clearly states he does not want to engage in sex and ends up getting forced into it only to not care that much about the sexual assault 10-15 min later. I was also hoping that in the VR video gaming scene when Lana takes her dick out the MC would just tell her that's a horribly porntastic way to get a BJ and he's not falling for it but alas it was not so. I think any scene should have an opt out option in adult games for people who don't like certain fetishes or just for player choice. If you only want to engage with one or two characters on the ship that's fine.

That brings me to our largest gripe. The MC. My guess (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) is that the goal is to portray the MC as a man from our world suddenly thrust into a strange futuristic one and forced to find his feet quickly to right the wrongs of his body's previous possessor. In some ways his reactions make a lot of sense. I think most of us would have some degree of confusion or apprehension to discover not only aliens but aliens looking exactly like human females just with large penises instead. Those apprehensive feelings would likely become exponentially increased had those aliens then become very sexually forward before you could even decide how you feel about them. An outburst or two is warranted in this case.

The problem is that the MC feels like he doesn't quite gel into the real world. He comes in action and behavior as a sort of incel turned wannabe chad. I think it's highlighted well in a few scenes. First is when we see Zara and Ashalanora walking and the MC wants to talk to Zara. He then follows them to the spa with the ladies sauna in it. He eavesdrops on their conversation (which is very normal for an adult game) but as soon as they mention that he might be gay his inner alpha male roars to the front and he storms the womens' locker room to proclaim his staunch heterosexuality as any mention of faggotry is obvious an intolerable stain on the reputation of any good alpha chad. It ends up feeling like a creepy guy listening to the girls talking as they change and then barging into what is very obviously a change room to awkwardly say "hey I'm not gay" as if he expected them to just brush it off and say "OMG I'm so glad you could clear that up! lets do sex now." when its actually a very unnatural social interaction where you as the MC are forced to be in all of the wrong. The other scene that struck me was when Zara insists on a blowjob and mentions that polyamory is accepted among futaliens that the MC immediately forgets the impending blowjob that he's ardently arguing against giving (again because of his need for alpha-chad-maleness) and daydreams about having a harem quickly until Zara basically cockslaps him in the face.

I get the sense that the dev is trying and I appreciate that and the effort that has gone into this game. I really do want to see it succeed and I believe that I can do so. I do also however, believe that its being held back by writing and an MC that feels to me like he's one step away from the obviously a fuck boy Chad character. He seems the type that if he was rejected he might hack a bot into drugging a chick to get back at her. He certainly didn't try to stop her when he thought she might be drugged, and the sudden knee jerk reactions and random thought tangents and lack of real choice throw me off when I'm trying to get into the story but all of those things can still be fixed, so I hope the dev can go back and make some change since like I mentioned I really like the idea of this game and I definitely want to see it succeed.


Mar 24, 2020
I get the following error message when trying to talk to Mr Marr in the repair shop for part 15 of Lana's quest. And clicking ignore just takes me back to before I tried to talk to him, so I can't progress.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/RepairShop/RepairShopLabel.rpy", line 71, in <module>
NameError: name 'CanWorkMoney' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
[Previous line repeated 3 more times]
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Living Compartments/LivingEnter/livingenterLabel.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
[Previous line repeated 1 more time]
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
[Previous line repeated 1 more time]
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/RepairShop/RepairShopLabel.rpyc", line 45, in script
File "D:\StarMars-0.5-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1903, in execute
choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set, args, kwargs, item_arguments)
File "D:\StarMars-0.5-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 976, in menu
condition = renpy.python.py_eval(condition)
File "D:\StarMars-0.5-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1080, in py_eval
return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
File "D:\StarMars-0.5-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1073, in py_eval_bytecode
return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/RepairShop/RepairShopLabel.rpy", line 71, in <module>
NameError: name 'CanWorkMoney' is not defined

Windows-10-10.0.19044 AMD64
Star Mars 0.5
Sat Oct 29 04:50:50 2022
  • Angry
Reactions: Nixi~
Apr 1, 2019
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/RepairShop/RepairShopLabel.rpy", line 71, in <module>
NameError: name 'CanWorkMoney' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 71, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 71, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 71, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 71, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  [Previous line repeated 2 more times]
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Bridge/BridgeEnter/BridgeEnterLabel.rpyc", line 37, in script call
  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 34, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/TehLab/TehLabEnter/TehLabEnterLabel.rpyc", line 57, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Tactical Combat Department/TCD Enter/tcdenterLabel.rpyc", line 84, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  [Previous line repeated 3 more times]
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 70, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/HyperdriveEnter/HyperdriveEnterLabel.rpyc", line 32, in script call
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/RepairShop/RepairShopLabel.rpyc", line 45, in script
  File "D:\Downloads\Game\StarMars-0.5-pc\StarMars-0.5-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1903, in execute
    choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set, args, kwargs, item_arguments)
  File "D:\Downloads\Game\StarMars-0.5-pc\StarMars-0.5-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 976, in menu
    condition = renpy.python.py_eval(condition)
  File "D:\Downloads\Game\StarMars-0.5-pc\StarMars-0.5-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1080, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "D:\Downloads\Game\StarMars-0.5-pc\StarMars-0.5-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1073, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/code/Hunter/Сompartments/Hyperdrive/RepairShop/RepairShopLabel.rpy", line 71, in <module>
NameError: name 'CanWorkMoney' is not defined

Windows-10-10.0.22000 AMD64
Star Mars 0.5
Sat Oct 29 13:02:33 2022
  • Angry
Reactions: Nixi~


Aug 29, 2017
BaasB you have done a very good job on my game page, if I may I would like to rely on your further help with managing the page. I made a request for a developer tag.

Planned Fetishes:

-Harem( optional )
-Futa on male (avoidable)
-Male on futa(avoidable)
-Tall women
-Family( optional )
-Traditional Sex
-Long Tongues
-Big Dicks(Within a reasonable size)
-Big Boobs(Within a reasonable size)
-Blow job
-Aliens girls
-Group sex(avoidable\ optional )
It should be added sissification tag to this game, cause I see, you've already implemented it into the game.
  • Like
Reactions: Konius
3.50 star(s) 37 Votes