4.70 star(s) 40 Votes


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Man, I Loved The visit and this one was promising but still : earning 2k$ /month on his Patreon even AFTER announcing he drops it; This is impressive !
Same, but even though his numbers are listed on Patreon, I don't believe anyone is still being charged because billing paused. Someone can correct me if I am wrong on that. Anyway, Stiglet could be making a lot of money if the game had kept going, but hats off to him for being honourable and not milking his previous success. The visit still has positive feelings from players even though it is now several years old. Hope Stiglet comes back, but the longer the break goes on the less hopeful I become. :(

Wish he had a buymeacoffee account or something like that. He really deserves some form of income0 if for nothing else than appreciation to the completed game: The Visit.


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Why it got abandoned so fast though? the game was actually good and pretty popular.
Basically Stiglet began production of SoS after completing The Visit game, but soon realised that he needed a break (i.e. burned out). He paused his patreon billing and notified his followers and that is all you can ask of a dev. It is sad that his heart is no longer in it, but at least he is not stringing people along with lies and false promises. Stiglet did provide some hope that work would eventually continue, but after this long of a break, that hope fades.
4.70 star(s) 40 Votes