If you care, I did some tinkering. (This is from memory)edit save file possible? slave stat? open with acroEdit
NPC|Slave|-7.082423|-0.2224|13.00995|85d7e71d-7275-4235-b9d5-d2b46bc770ce|You dated her back when you had to date|39.12|-20|Slave|Carmen|You bought her from a distant slave market.^66^0^School^False^False^0^30^0^12|PHMCheeksDepth,44.97108/PHMChinCleftHD,32.09293/PHMEyelidsFoldDown,59.61618/PHMEyelashesLength,88.81187/PHMEyesAlmondInner,39.9348/PHMEyesAlmondOuter,93.38224/PHMEyesAngledOuter,66.8186/PHMEyesHeight,13.37871/PHMEyesIrisSize,63.81938/PHMEyesPuffyLower,65.14806/PHMLacrimalsPinch,53.81321/PHMEarlobesAttached,41.75629/PHMEarlobesLength,75.99925/PHMChinWidth_NEGATIVE_,92.35049/PHMJawAngle_NEGATIVE_,40.52493/PHMJawCurve,9.982273/PHMJawHeight,71.32275/PHMLipLowerSize_NEGATIVE_,74.03407/PHMLipUpperSize_NEGATIVE_,52.04014/PHMMouthCurves_NEGATIVE_,70.88748/PHMNoseBump,29.53865/PHMNostrilWingWidth,75.919/PBMBreastsDiameter,93.30804/PBMBreastsUnderCurve,84.55204/PBMStomachLowerDepth,62.04132/PBMSternumDepth,88.04359/PBMRibcageSize_NEGATIVE_,14.45197/PBMForearmsSize,21.28887/PBMCalvesSize,79.01379/PBMLegsLength_NEGATIVE_,24.19382/PBMThighsSize,68.87776/PBMBreastsShape08,67.77167/FBMFitnessDetails,96.01358/FBMFitnessSize,96.01358/FBMBodyTone,3.98642/PHMMouthWidth_NEGATIVE_,76.68103/PHMLipsSquare_NEGATIVE_,5.764534/PHMLipsHeart_NEGATIVE_,15.90578/PHMNoseTipHeight,54.14339/PHMNoseSize_NEGATIVE_,68.01624/PHMNosePinch_NEGATIVE_,25.9838/PHMNoseTipRound,31.39601/PHMFaceSquare,100/PHMFaceCenterDepth,28.15245/PHMFaceHeart_NEGATIVE_,72.189/PHMNoseBridgeDepth_NEGATIVE_,47.57227/PHMNoseWidth_NEGATIVE_,54.78196/PHMNostrilWingSize,65.57408/PHMEyesAngledInner_NEGATIVE_,92.32017/PHMCheeksSink,41.24315/PHMEyesAngledInner,9.202587/PHMFaceRound_NEGATIVE_,9.259193/PHMJawHeight_NEGATIVE_,9.388985/PHMLipsHeart,11.91025/PHMNoseBridgeDepth,43.04175/PHMNoseTipHeight_NEGATIVE_,1.481804/PHMNoseTipRound_NEGATIVE_,40.18914/PBMSternumDepth_NEGATIVE_,1.778282/PBMCalvesSize_NEGATIVE_,81.87375/PBMLegsLength,10.09172/PBMThighsSize_NEGATIVE_,59.19235/PHMEyesSize_NEGATIVE_,44.39272/PHMFaceFlat_NEGATIVE_,62.79697/PHMFaceSquare_NEGATIVE_,2.173378/PHMNoseRidgeWidth_NEGATIVE_,43.31479/PHMNosePinch,46.55293/PHMNoseBump_NEGATIVE_,35.32575/PHMTemplesNarrow,6.497215/PHMLipsSquare,2.697777/FBMThin,73.739/FBMEmaciated,26.261/FBMCoralBody,100|Female|lipstick/Reward Center Stimulator/EnjoysSex/Anal Lubrication Implant|01846003-785f-45d5-83ef-3279a72d93be|Ranger|FFE4BB-1|E7E6DE-1|0|||-4.120003|6.0416|65.33786|50|83.88583|0|True|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|A68E75-984305-A68F75||RESERVED||||0||||1|1|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.12|0|0|25|19|Pet|5|10|ThickMakeup|NoMakeup|0.9454998|SpeciesHuman|1||FFFFFF-1|FFFFFF-1|FFFFFF-1|White|White|White|White|0|Female|False|False|True|True|True|1|0|0|-0.4|0|Female1|Scale Down,16/Shaft Shorten,25/Shaft Bend Curve,14/Shaft Inflate,1/Scrotum Inflate,19/Scrotum Scale,5/Scrotum Cleavage,28/Scrotum Silicone Inflate,2/Glans Flatten,28/Glans Fantasy Bumps 1,0/Glans Fantasy Bumps 2,6|1|-1
...I don't know what means;;
Yea, I wasn't able to figure out the cause of my boredom notifications. That would be nice!(TL;DR at the end)
So I had read in the changelog that you now had random events to spice up your station management life. I played and...saw nothing? Confused, I kept on playing. At one point, I decided to check how much money hydroponics make. Opened up the economics screen and there, I saw the latest random events.
Bad, really bad place to put them. Most players wouldn't even notice! Random events are fun because you have to play around them. If you don't even know they exist, then they're worthless. I'd suggest to change them into regular events, give that huge empty column on the left something to be filled with other than "Boredom". They could always be filtered out if the player so desires.
Speaking of "Boredom" events, these probably shouldn't be events at all. You could have icons at the top of that column (rather than at the bottom). If the "boredom" icon is lit up, you have entertaining issues. If greyed out, all is well.
Alternatively (probably the better option too), you could have gauges you want to keep maxed. If "boredom" falls below I don't know, 75% for instance, the gauge starts changing colours to indicate a rising concern. Other gauges would be "lodgings" (for tourists), "apartments" (for citizens), "beds" (for slaves) and... and wait, that's all? Shouldn't there be something to make the management part challenging at first (rather than sit around, waiting for money to accumulate), before you take on the galaxies head-on with your fleet? Such as:
- expenses (I don't think you can lose money other than via events or buying stuff, the only staff you have are slaves)
- security
- satisfaction (tourists)
- happiness (citizens)
- appeal (some buildings increase that yet it's shown nowhere - if tourists are bored, this should get negative, reducing the number of tourists)
Citizens... Lazy bastards who you accomodate without being given anything in return. They don't even work, they do nothing. If they were employed, you'd actually want to keep them happy or risk losing your staff. If your military men are citizens, that means no more army. Wouldn't that be a shame?
Last point, selecting several slaves at once to change their job in bulk instead of one by one (in the slave list screen). This would be I think a fairly welcome addition to the game. Some could be "favourites" - indicated with a star symbol. There could even be the creation of groups of slaves. An example of how it could be useful: let's say a random event renders your brothel much less productive than porn studios or dairies for a short while. Select a group of slaves, switch them from brothel to porn studio or dairy. Event ends, switch them back to brothel. Saves lots of clicking and looking through all your slaves to send them where you want.
- random events occur out of sight. Make them regular events so players know and play accordingly (option to filter them out).
- "Boredom", "Citizens tired" and the likes... these events could be removed in favour of "warning icons" or better yet, "stat gauges". If "satisfaction" is >75%, tourists are satisfied. Below that, it starts becoming an issue.
- introduce one or a few elements to make early management more challenging. Expenses, satisfaction + appeal, citizens' happiness...
- give citizens a use. Why keep them happy? Because they're working for you, possibly manning your fleet. Unhappy citizens, no citizens. No citizens, no fleet.
- selecting several slaves at once in slave list screen.
- add an option to have "favourites" (with a star symbol). Maybe create groups of slaves too to avoid looking for the slaves you want through the entire list every time.
Wait what? When does that happen and how the hell have I yet to come across it when I have the extreme mod in my game?Why was the graphic violence tag removed? You have the option to literally put your dick in a slave's brain during surgery.
It's an event tied to a rare slave trait (insomnia) that you can find sometimes in the markets.Wait what? When does that happen and how the hell have I yet to come across it when I have the extreme mod in my game?
With the extreme content mod you can get a slave event from one of them that has insomnia, you have the options to cure them, keep them that way and dissect them. Dissect option also allows you to put your dick in said slaves brain during surgery or give them a quick death."option to literally put your dick in a slave's brain during surgery. " w-w-w-what? I need to know more.
Sorry it took so long to get back to this. I have fully done as you suggested and I still get the same problem of the slaves ending up in limbo. Here is a pic to show how I have my current arena area for slaves set up.Hmm here's a thought. In my current playthrough I haven't had this issue. Only thing I did different is to make sure that there is space for the slaves to walk to any assignment. I usually put the Arena slave cages/pods (can't remember their name) in whatever corner is free. This time I made a room just for them and put them so they don't block eachother. Slaves now walk into and out of them freely instead of having to be teleported to go anywhere. I suggest you try doing this and then assigning slaves to the arena. I am curious to know if that fixes it
Edit: I am attaching a screenshot of my Arena Slave room.
Hmmm. Sorry I couldn't help. If you're still up for trying stuff, remove the ones in the edges because they are technically blocked. Use the same logic for everything slave related in the game (beds, pods, brothel stuff etc.). I still haven't had any slaves stuck in my current playthrough (~20 hours). Maybe this has to be done from a new game? It could be that once a slave gets stuck it breaks the code in the game?Sorry it took so long to get back to this. I have fully done as you suggested and I still get the same problem of the slaves ending up in limbo. Here is a pic to show how I have my current arena area for slaves set up.
Also I'm pretty sure by now the ones trapped in the center of the station have nothing to do with the arena as I got rid of all slaves in the area, saved and closed the game, before opening it again and they are still there.
Was hoping to avoid having to start over, but if it can't be helped then there's nothing I can do. Thanks for all of your suggestions. I'll be sure to follow your suggestion in my new save and see if I run into the same thing again.Hmmm. Sorry I couldn't help. If you're still up for trying stuff, remove the ones in the edges because they are technically blocked. Use the same logic for everything slave related in the game (beds, pods, brothel stuff etc.). I still haven't had any slaves stuck in my current playthrough (~20 hours). Maybe this has to be done from a new game? It could be that once a slave gets stuck it breaks the code in the game?
All of this is pure speculation.
Here are screenshots of most of my station. As you can see, I don't have the white wall in the center. It used to appear every time.
I have started a new game, spread everything out with plenty of room for everyone to walk only for two things to happen.Hmmm. Sorry I couldn't help. If you're still up for trying stuff, remove the ones in the edges because they are technically blocked. Use the same logic for everything slave related in the game (beds, pods, brothel stuff etc.). I still haven't had any slaves stuck in my current playthrough (~20 hours). Maybe this has to be done from a new game? It could be that once a slave gets stuck it breaks the code in the game?
All of this is pure speculation.
Here are screenshots of most of my station. As you can see, I don't have the white wall in the center. It used to appear every time.
I have the same issue, also on occasion I see a furry tail swishing around, I suspect its one of the slaves that's stuck in the center, but its coming from the ceiling.I have started a new game, spread everything out with plenty of room for everyone to walk only for two things to happen.
1. The arena slaves get stuck teleporting from their prep stations to their assigned arenas and thus appear in limbo in the center of the station.
2. Some of my room service people are getting stuck on nothing in random places in the station that they shouldn't have gone to to begin with. Like one of them got stuck in my suite for some reason!
At this point I am doubting it's a path finding problem but I'm not really experienced when it comes to game programs and that kind of thing so I'm more guessing then anything else. If the dev could maybe find a moment to check into this that might help, but I understand that they are busy with other things both regarding the game and RL so I know it might take time before they can comment on this matter, so I will wait and hope that either I accidentally find the answer myself or the dev is able to find a moment to spare.
Yeah I once had a giant tail going through my station and when I removed the tail from the only slave that had it the problem didn't go away. I really hope the dev fixes bugs like these in the next upload. This game is great and different from most other games out there, but the bugs are really starting to get annoying.I have the same issue, also on occasion I see a furry tail swishing around, I suspect its one of the slaves that's stuck in the center, but its coming from the ceiling.
Seen that too, it's very distracting.I have the same issue, also on occasion I see a furry tail swishing around, I suspect its one of the slaves that's stuck in the center, but its coming from the ceiling.
This game seems quite broken every time I play it. Guess it's technically still alpha but yeah, the last time I played was 0.19 and still a lot of the same bugs and some new ones that are blockers in my eyes but oh well I guess. Of course I think it's mainly new features get priority then bugs somewhere down further.Yeah I once had a giant tail going through my station and when I removed the tail from the only slave that had it the problem didn't go away. I really hope the dev fixes bugs like these in the next upload. This game is great and different from most other games out there, but the bugs are really starting to get annoying.
Pretty sure the Dev said he fixed it the last patch (0.22a). Can't be sure because I've never had it happen to me. 0.22 proper will contain more bugfixes so lets hope it solves this issue completely.I have the same issue, also on occasion I see a furry tail swishing around, I suspect its one of the slaves that's stuck in the center, but its coming from the ceiling.