Closest thing to cheats is save editing. You can open your save with any text editor, but obviously something like Notepad++ is highly recommended if only for how it makes edits a little easier. Editing money and such is pretty simple, just check what you should have from in game after you save then search for that specific number with CTRL+F within the file. Generally, saves are structured in order of furniture data, then things like your money, influence and rep, pop limits you've set and such, artifacts unlocked, special milestones or scenes finished, etc. Then you'll see data for people in the station, which includes stats for every slave and visitor, even one for you're main.
Slave stats are a whole different beast, though, so hold onto your butt. There's a ton of variables that the save tracks for each slave and there's not really an up-to-date cheat-sheet on where each stat is in a slave data block. Again, this means a lot of trial and error by looking for the stat and finding data that at least looks like it, changing it to something else, booting up the game and seeing the relevant stat actually changed, then doing it all over again if not until you find the right one. Again, N++ is highly recommended as it caches changes made to a file even after saving them so you can easily and quickly revert to previous save states for the file, so you don't have to remember what you just changes if you want to undo them. Regular Notepad doesn't track changes after saving them to the file like that. Fortunately, slaves data is universally organized so once you found where one slave's age or fetish strength or obedience is kept, it translates to where those same stats are kept for other slaves. In other words, finding the stats are a pain in the dick, but at least you really only need to find each stat once to apply the changes you want.