
New Member
Jul 15, 2017
2. When laying out the station, as a slave decides they need to go to sleep, do they path to the nearest open bed, or a random open bed? Is it worthwhile to make a second slave quarters room on each half of the station, so my Suite slaves have a shorter commute to work?
I have found that they seem to do whatever the hell they want even if you put the option right next to them.


Game Developer
Jan 14, 2018
Intelligence boosts learning rate for mental stats. There are some other odd ones, but the physical stats are mostly straightforward.

All artifacts (except the Sword of Entropy) boost appeal, which draws richer people to your station. They don't need anything like bleachers to run.

As for the political stuff:

I'm not going to spoil the main plot here, but Entropy isn't quite what you think it is. It's a good guess though.

I see this as more of a modernized 1984 situation (without the bullshit feel-good epilogue). Given sufficient technology, a state can suppress any dissent in its crib. Given immortal leaders, such a state could become eternal. The only reason the PC has any chance at all is the outside help from Entropy, but he is necessarily the same sort of tyrant that the rest of them are (and also started out with enough wealth to own the station). Stability is only maintained because open war between any two powers would open the door to a third party exploiting the chaos. In such an equilibrium, words are meaningless (That's also why none of them know what the fuck to do when you break the millenia-old truce).

Economically, I see there being three basic classes. There are system owners, serfs, and slaves. Serfs have enough assets to maintain apartments and lives, but only with the permission of a system owner. There's some variation in assets between serfs, but anyone who doesn't own their station/planet is subject to the laws that are unilaterally written and enforced by the person that does.

Corrupted: Cryptic and possibly omniscient
Insane: Ax-crazy
Mindbroken: Living zombie


Aug 17, 2017
Someone mad a small cheat-mod to increase your slaves stats when you inspect them. Since I haven't seen a new one, I updated the old one to the current (24.a) version.

First make a backup of the original in case something doesn't work (so far I've had 0 crashes and bugs when using this little wonderful mod) which you can find in (stationmaster_data/StreamingAssets/text) and then replace the file with the mod.
I did set the values rather high other than strength, so if you do not want those high numbers, just edit them to your liking in the file.
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Apr 9, 2019
Genetics gone awry, these ladies have some very exotic genes. I would love to understand how these happened. I might like elongated finders on my Station Master. I spend a few hours trying to decode the save data. Not much luck so far. I hate to burn or space them. They are my Research Dream Team. I keep telling them to stop experimenting on themselves.

Bearded Slinderwoman


NPC|Slave|1.971324|1.401298E-45|8.88484|e0d8ecac-001a-478c-9b27-1df47aedc0a9|Trained in one of Piaoliao Nuli's finest slave schools|27.6300002288833|-100|Slave|Blake|Fei gave her to you as a gift during the Nuli Festival.^100^0^Research^False^False^0^44^0^1|PHMCheeksDepth,25.1581/PHMCheeksSink,53.57638/PHMChinCleftHD,34.49707/PHMEyelidsFoldDown,52.27007/PHMEyelashesLength,85.83118/PHMEyesAlmondInner,15.47888/PHMEyesAlmondOuter,62.25663/PHMEyesAngledInner,74.08996/PHMEyesAngledOuter,47.44811/PHMEyesHeight,76.24237/PHMEyesIrisSize,47.58717/PHMEyesPuffyLower,77.27805/PHMLacrimalsPinch,58.69414/PHMNoseBridgeSlope,34.43665/PHMEarlobesAttached,54.40956/PHMEarlobesLength,56.81667/PHMChinWidth_NEGATIVE_,49.21267/PHMJawCurve_NEGATIVE_,20.26749/PHMJawHeight,58.30428/PHMJawlineDepth,31.3201/PHMLipLowerSize_NEGATIVE_,81.33758/PHMLipsHeart,12.67773/PHMLipsSquare,3.158867/PHMLipUpperSize_NEGATIVE_,41.11367/PHMMouthCurves,39.44827/PHMNoseBump,27.6452/PHMNoseSize_NEGATIVE_,23.71904/PHMNoseTipHeight_NEGATIVE_,14.83151/PHMNoseTipRound_NEGATIVE_,50.42913/PHMNostrilWingSize,57.80306/PHMNostrilWingWidth,13.34535/PBMBreastsDiameter,86.6638/PBMBreastsPerkSide,58.29741/PBMBreastsUnderCurve,27.8146/PBMNeckSize,64.24831/PBMStomachLowerDepth,68.21147/PBMSternumDepth_NEGATIVE_,13.42505/PBMRibcageSize_NEGATIVE_,73.02447/PBMForearmsSize_NEGATIVE_,20.11551/PBMCalvesSize_NEGATIVE_,61.1207/PBMLegsLength_NEGATIVE_,20.99669/PBMThighsSize,77.74954/PHMFaceYoung,100/CBMOlderTeen,83.5/Youth_Head_Proportion,100/PHMFaceFlat_NEGATIVE_,3.246429/PHMNoseBridgeDepth,40.9111/PHMFaceSquare,7.582647/PHMFaceRound,8.651688/PHMFaceHeart,0.0006103516/PHMJawAngle,25.80996/PHMLipsSquare_NEGATIVE_,34.77029/PHMNostrilWingWidth_NEGATIVE_,35.63705/PBMSternumDepth,74.89752/PBMCalvesSize,85.1713/PBMLegsLength,5.346581/PBMBreastsSmall,0.3930588/FBMBodyTone,64.37034/PHMEyesSize_NEGATIVE_,11.52727/PHMFaceHeart_NEGATIVE_,100/PHMMouthWidth_NEGATIVE_,76.87486/PHMLipsHeart_NEGATIVE_,30.33373/PHMLipLowerSize,18.40799/PHMNoseBump_NEGATIVE_,71.59698/PHMNosePinch_NEGATIVE_,25.98663/PHMNoseRidgeWidth_NEGATIVE_,71.46834/PHMNoseWidth_NEGATIVE_,44.3951/FBMBodySize,64.44202/PBMRibcageSize,82.6853/CBMYoungTeen,16.5/FBMThin,6.673927/PBMGlutesSize,1|Female|Sterilization Implant/Devoted|a739d6d4-56ea-4a3d-bd5e-eaedf9f1a171|Chace|00CBE0-1|E7E6DE-1|0|||0|0|21.45678|50|100|100|False|0|0|0|-1|-1|-1|1|1|1|54FFFF-1553CC-54FFFF||RESERVED||||0||||1|7|2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|9.630125|0|0|100|41|None|17|22|DefaultFace|NoMakeup|0.9183875|SpeciesHuman|1||FFFFFF-1|FFFFFF-1|FFFFFF-1|White|White|White|White|0|Female|False|False|True|True|True|1|0|0|-48.14955|-1|Female1|Scale Down,24/Shaft Shorten,4/Shaft Bend Curve,6/Shaft Inflate,16/Scrotum Inflate,15/Scrotum Scale,5/Scrotum Cleavage,12/Scrotum Silicone Inflate,20/Glans Flatten,28/Glans Fantasy Bumps 1,25/Glans Fantasy Bumps 2,15|1|-1|1

Red Crown with eye cheeks

NPC|Slave|1.990045|-0.106|11.91758|328a58d1-ae0a-4fba-8e50-6acbddf6f2b0|Was married to a wannabe superheroine|27.6899996948257|-100|Slave|Giavanna|You enslaved her to draw out her wife^100^0^School^True^False^0^36^0^100|PHMCheeksSink,55.76361/PHMChinCleftHD,43.85204/PHMEyelashesLength,100/PHMEyesAlmondInner,9.133133/PHMEyesAlmondOuter,85.01971/PHMEyesAngledInner,100/PHMEyesAngledOuter,17.32173/PHMEyesHeight,47.84125/PHMEyesIrisSize,27.57573/PHMEyesPuffyLower,100/PHMLacrimalsPinch,56.70889/PHMNoseBridgeSlope,27.22581/PHMEarlobesAttached,83.25515/PHMEarlobesLength,77.6357/PHMChinWidth_NEGATIVE_,77.26364/PHMJawAngle,37.5715/PHMJawHeight,74.00835/PHMLipsSquare_NEGATIVE_,34.77029/PHMLipUpperSize_NEGATIVE_,19.59129/PHMMouthCurves,21.28097/PHMNoseBridgeDepth,63.27022/PHMNoseSize_NEGATIVE_,17.81167/PHMNoseTipHeight_NEGATIVE_,8.69281/PHMNoseTipRound_NEGATIVE_,70.83415/PHMNostrilWingWidth_NEGATIVE_,35.63705/PBMBreastsDiameter,59.62073/PBMBreastsPerkSide,75.72282/PBMBreastsUnderCurve,49.33406/PBMNeckSize,60.80009/PBMStomachLowerDepth,32.74885/PBMSternumDepth,60.72662/PBMRibcageSize_NEGATIVE_,74.6566/PBMForearmsSize_NEGATIVE_,35.61332/PBMCalvesSize,18.2098/PBMLegsLength,35.61185/PBMThighsSize,76.24661/PBMBreastsSmall,47.21745/FBMBodyTone,43.19827/PHMEyesSize_NEGATIVE_,11.52727/PHMFaceYoung,100/PHMFaceHeart_NEGATIVE_,100/PHMFaceSquare,11.52888/PHMFaceRound,10.72305/PHMJawCurve_NEGATIVE_,8.891258/PHMMouthWidth_NEGATIVE_,76.87486/PHMLipsHeart_NEGATIVE_,30.33373/PHMLipLowerSize,18.40799/PHMNoseBump_NEGATIVE_,71.59698/PHMNosePinch_NEGATIVE_,25.98663/PHMNoseRidgeWidth_NEGATIVE_,71.46834/PHMNoseWidth_NEGATIVE_,44.3951/PHMNostrilWingSize,78.62402/FBMBodySize,50.59224/PBMForearmsSize,28.74156/PBMLegsLength_NEGATIVE_,34.41323/CBMOlderTeen,50/CBMYoungTeen,50/Youth_Head_Proportion,100/FBMThin,48.22327|Female|Muscle Limiter Implant/Anal Lubrication Implant/Dental Rubberization Implant/Sensitivity Implant/Sterilization Implant|476d3a3f-cc17-44e1-814c-fcba8b244c94|Sultry|C1000F-1|E7E3D0-1|0|||-2|25.59575|14.39942|50|26.39127|0|False|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|3|846700-847454-734100||RESERVED||||0||||1|7|4|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|9.690126|0|0|100|100|Sadism|2|35|DefaultFace|NoMakeup|0.9750479|SpeciesHuman|1||FFFFFF-1|FFFFFF-1|FFFFFF-1|White|White|White|White|0|Female|False|False|True|True|True|1|0|1|0|0|Female1|Scale Down,12/Shaft Shorten,9/Shaft Bend Curve,24/Shaft Inflate,0/Scrotum Inflate,27/Scrotum Scale,26/Scrotum Cleavage,9/Scrotum Silicone Inflate,25/Glans Flatten,28/Glans Fantasy Bumps 1,13/Glans Fantasy Bumps 2,1|0|0|1

Hands-so-far-behind-her-back-they-are-inside-her, oh and eyes in her forehead

NPC|Slave|-21.47|0.167|2.338|ab868bed-aaf9-42e7-aa82-9d3b8ea1ca9e|Timid|27.6300002288833|0|Slave|Jessica|She was an orphan who grew up in slave training.^100^0^Research^True^False^0^16^0^100|PHMCheeksDepth,70.43429/PHMCheeksSink,33.65993/PHMChinCleftHD,30.32414/PHMEyelidsFoldDown,45.12072/PHMEyelashesLength,67.51778/PHMEyesAlmondInner,46.87934/PHMEyesAlmondOuter,54.67306/PHMEyesAngledInner,46.22673/PHMEyesAngledOuter,55.1557/PHMEyesHeight,34.98391/PHMEyesIrisSize,42.495/PHMEyesPuffyLower,59.81089/PHMLacrimalsPinch,55.45667/PHMNoseBridgeSlope,9.272126/PHMEarlobesAttached,38.15521/PHMEarlobesLength,64.11968/PHMFaceHeart,9.23217/PHMChinWidth,26.02145/PHMJawAngle_NEGATIVE_,92.51978/PHMJawCurve,37.3192/PHMJawHeight,74.96778/PHMJawlineDepth,48.49837/PHMLipLowerSize_NEGATIVE_,96.62173/PHMLipsHeart,41.51488/PHMLipsSquare,29.9335/PHMLipUpperSize_NEGATIVE_,66.26302/PHMMouthCurves_NEGATIVE_,59.76229/PHMNoseBridgeDepth,59.53464/PHMNoseBump,17.76067/PHMNoseSize,11.66683/PHMNoseTipHeight_NEGATIVE_,62.44606/PHMNoseTipRound,21.28423/PHMNostrilWingSize,18.0003/PHMNostrilWingWidth_NEGATIVE_,51.6748/PBMBreastsDiameter,50.4184/PBMBreastsPerkSide,16.19664/PBMBreastsUnderCurve,74.63181/PBMNeckSize,37.88425/PBMStomachLowerDepth,64.85283/PBMSternumDepth_NEGATIVE_,41.39673/PBMRibcageSize_NEGATIVE_,63.43856/PBMForearmsSize_NEGATIVE_,28.30024/PBMCalvesSize_NEGATIVE_,11.75023/PBMLegsLength,12.45936/PBMThighsSize_NEGATIVE_,68.27019/FBMBodyTone,78.91008/PHMChinWidth_NEGATIVE_,5.350479/PHMJawCurve_NEGATIVE_,38.05606/PHMMouthCurves,67.85576/PHMNoseSize_NEGATIVE_,32.95616/PHMNoseTipRound_NEGATIVE_,18.52261/PHMNostrilWingWidth,13.34535/PBMLegsLength_NEGATIVE_,33.6663/PBMThighsSize,34.13922/PHMFaceYoung,100/CBMOlderTeen,50/Youth_Head_Proportion,100/PHMFaceFlat_NEGATIVE_,3.246429/PHMFaceSquare,1.412079/PHMFaceRound,5.412781/PHMJawAngle,7.418907/FBMBodySize,46.65791/PBMSternumDepth,32.53951/PBMForearmsSize,10.27047/PBMCalvesSize,97.43741/PBMGlutesSize_NEGATIVE_,35.49879/CBMYoungTeen,50/PBMBreastsSmall,53.80632/FBMThin,60.02626|Female|devoted/Muscle Limiter Implant/Anal Lubrication Implant/Dental Rubberization Implant/Sensitivity Implant/Sterilization Implant|ee152050-245c-45d5-8c4d-498e4f83da0c|Bald|D700E0-1|D4C3AD-0.8|0|SlaveTop^SlaveBottom|0^0|-2|0|26.30336|50|100|100|False|0|0|0|-1|-1|-1|1|1|3|54FFFF-1553CC-54FFFF||RESERVED||||0||||1|6|2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|9.630125|0|0|100|22|Exhibitionism|30|25|DefaultFace|NoMakeup|0.9796458|SpeciesHuman|1||FFFFFF-1|FFFFFF-1|FFFFFF-1|White|White|White|White|0|Female|False|False|True|True|True|1|0|1|-48.14955|-1|Female1|Scale Down,15/Shaft Shorten,6/Shaft Bend Curve,25/Shaft Inflate,14/Scrotum Inflate,12/Scrotum Scale,5/Scrotum Cleavage,16/Scrotum Silicone Inflate,2/Glans Flatten,12/Glans Fantasy Bumps 1,14/Glans Fantasy Bumps 2,6|1|-1|1
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Deleted member 434267

I've had the same issue happen as DrXman, some of them get fixed when I move the leg length slider up or down, others don't.


May 18, 2017
idk for you guys but i have problem , after gathering 100 slaves the game make them disappear. Is't a known bug or somting ?


Active Member
Apr 17, 2018
Been running 23 then saw 24a came out and moved save game to 24a, No real issues besides Texture for Battleship, Workbench and AI Workbench is mesed up like on few of these prior posts. My MC after about 5 mins into opening game, takes off to a Suite bed and keeps humping what ever slave is there until i restart, and so does he lol
Missions/Quest lines seem to be popping up with in good time.
I have met the FEA captain stuck in HyperSpace for docking but its been like 4 hours and she still has yet to dock.
The one female trader Flotsum has been to my station 2 times, so thats working.
Not sure about Brimstone and Harmony, they have yet to show up. All science is done... just patience now.

As far as weird looking Human like a couple posts above mine, i have run into that once but i changes there looks and or cloths and that fixed the issue.
Sep 17, 2017
A few bugs I've noticed in both 23 and 24a (I have left out anything that happened solely in 23):
Playing for an extended period of time (at least 45 minutes) will cause the Escape key to stop opening the main menu, it can still be opened via the button at the top left of the UI - this fixes itself by closing and reopening the game.

I've occasionally had the displaced eyes/hair issue with new slaves, but it always resolves itself for each individual slave after assigning them their first job, closing out, then reopening them from the station map.

One thing that is a bit rarer (only happened five times across both versions so far) but far more annoying is that occasionally a new slave will not appear on the "viewing platform" when first being checked out, their avatar will appear far *below* the platform at almost the max view distance you'd have on the station map before everyone turns into colored icons, requiring a massive amount of camera shifting to see what they look like. This issue does not correct itself for future slaves without restarting the game.

One of my slaves somehow altered their name, from a "normal" human name to 0/100. I'm not mistyping that, they actually changed their name to a series of numbers. The slave was a captured station leader who had a normal name, I am not certain what caused the change, but I did not notice it until after having closed and restarted the game to resolve the Escape key not working (I don't think that is related, but the restarting itself might be).

In both versions, I will occasionally be contacted by various other factions *before* getting the galactic map desk built. Not sure if this is intended or not. Additionally, the Diplomacy and Bodies UI buttons will not be visible at game start, but after a restart both will appear *regardless of if I have built the desk or not*. The Galactic Map button does not appear until the desk is placed.

Related to the last, the tutorial for placing the desk/military base/drones will sometimes start when you hit the appropriate cash amount (1.5m?), but the tutorial prompt itself will not appear, while the tutorial still locks out all other building options to force you to place the desk, then build the military base and your first drone, then highlighting the map button to be used, all before it finally releases control back to the player to do anything else.
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Nov 20, 2017
Once you get 200+ models running around the game gets laggy like extremly laggy. Iv got about 4k right now and it doesnt even want to live anymore lol.
Sep 17, 2017
Ok, just played a few more hours and time for reporting a couple more bugs as well as some feedback on game balance. This is purely from playing 0.23 stable, but I double checked nothing was listed as being addressed in the 0.24a changelog.

I had a one-time occurrence where the galactic map button sort-of broke. I could press it, be sent to the map, but the map would center on what appeared to be just outside the grid edge (a bunch of red zones with no planets) and was unable to be moved or centered on any other point until the game was shut down and reopened. I could click "Return to Station" and get back to that without any problem.

The time travelling assassin's mother event repeats itself (not a big deal), but every time she spawns, choosing the "capture her" option leads to a miscarriage... however, she is *always* flagged as being a virgin. Not sure immaculate conception is on the books here. I've also seen the superhero/superhero's wife both spawn as virgins, which while *possible*, seems unlikely.

Not sure if this is intended or not, but children appear to inherit the "listed below the base stats" traits their mother had. In most cases this isn't too big a deal, but it makes things awkward when - for example - getting the one "alien" from the black hole ship unique event that Hates Sex, impregnating her on the first try, then her kid pops out Hating Sex, too, despite having the randomized tube upbringing of being raised to be the perfect slave.

Onward to balance: I'm finding it a bit of a challenge to *not* have the game snowball dramatically once hitting enough Appeal to have Rich tourists/citizens start showing up. Tourists aren't as much of a problem since they default to using the cheapest hotel rooms, but citizens seem to outright stop spawning at lower financial tiers once you hit the higher ranks. For example, by the time I've gotten enough ships to take over the starting stations/planet in the home system, with nothing in place but about 15-20 windows, the three event acquired xeno cages, and two reception desks (one with a b-list celeb, the other with someone who trained up charisma while working it), I stopped seeing *any* lower or middle class citizens show up. Only Rich were appearing from that point onward, and picking up additional artifacts from conquest just secured that further. I ended up having to bulldoze a bunch of lower class homes to make space for the top level homes, and as citizens don't appear to leave on their own, it seems the only way to deal with the massive change in economic status is to enslave the original lower class ones then get rid of them via the normal means that way, to allow for bulldozing their homes to gentrify the area.

For an idea of scale here, my station currently has around 60-70 citizens total, 3 planets and 5 stations under my control. 29 lower class citizens, 9 middle class, and 25+ rich - with only the rich population increasing at all. This kind of makes the middle class population superfluous beyond the initial stage of pre-invasion/conquest construction. Maybe there should be a longer buildup toward getting only rich citizens to show up? Or a mix implemented where it creates new citizens alternating between tiers with a higher weighting toward middle class/rich citizens as appeal increases over time? Or possibly some kind of artificial impediment to placing appeal-generating items/diminishing returns on certain things (like spamming windows)?


New Member
Apr 27, 2017
On several occasions when loading from a save, I receive the tutorial welcome message again and my tourist and citizen caps are reset to 50.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
I noticed when using policies on owned worlds that the "remove all" button doesn't actually remove the policy from the rest of the planets and they have to be removed individually.

Not quite a bug but I thought it's worth pointing out: the tutorial for building the brothel nudges you to make an arcade station, but those can only be used by disobedient slaves and it's possible to get an obedient one (the first market you get averages 40-60 obedience as far as I can tell).
Sep 17, 2017
Played a bit more, I think I have isolated what causes the Escape key to stop opening the Main Menu - opening the Galactic Map *appears* to be what is breaking it, or something related to doing that. I tested this closing the game completely, firing it up, loading my save, then immediately going to the map and exiting back out to the station view. It did not seem to matter whether I used Escape or the clickable Return to Station button, both methods resulted in the Escape key no longer working in station mode.

I hit a few occasions where I got the "idle slave" notice, but nobody was actually idle anywhere that I could find. The closest I could guess at would either be insane slaves assigned to the spa (just a wild guess since their fear/devotion resets when they get out), or more than one Suite slave trying to head to the desk blowjob position when one had already occupied it. All other jobs had a surplus of available slots, and only one Head Girl was assigned (no Madame was assigned yet).

I did some testing on a new game as well, to compare balance between a pure citizen run vs pure tourist, and have a bit of feedback there, as well as an unexpected oddity. First the oddity - the Time Travelling Assassin event chain does not operate within the regular order of space-time. What I mean is that I got the *second* stage of that twice (finding the mother), without ever having the first stage (the actual attack) happen. The third stage did fire off before the second stage repeated itself, so that flag appears to be recognized properly, at least.

Next, the balance feedback: Running a pure tourist station is actually fairly well balanced if you aren't spamming Appeal objects. There's an early shortage of Influence, but Reputation rolls in steadily, and money is far faster than a pure citizen station. Conversely, as a pure citizen station, you get a *ton* of Influence, and Reputation is a bit slower - money also suffers quite a bit early on, but can be made up for with judicious slave capture/sale decisions in events.

One thing that throws the balance off a bit, as well as can directly cause one of the bugs I mentioned previously (the tutorial breaking for the desk/fleet) is the Rival StationMaster event. Taking the "don't ignore it" route gives a huge chunk of cash, which seems to confuse the tutorial system a bit, especially if you have built a suite for dancers without having built the desk yet. It may be worth adding a requirement to that event for the player to have a minimum amount of Influence (5k? 10k?), both to maintain early balance and to provide the more immersive idea that you aren't a target anyone gives a shit about until you start having a greater impact on the sector/galaxy.

Finally, I've got one question, that isn't exactly clarified by the tooltips - what stats does a Head Girl focus on to improve performing her job?


Game Developer
Jan 14, 2018
Wow. Thanks for the detailed feedback! I agree on almost every point, and will try to address those in the next couple patches.

As for the question: IIRC, head girls are improved by both intelligence and charisma, and will train all stats. They get a bonus to obedience training if they have the domination fetish, and both obedience and fear if they have the sadism fetish.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
A few suggestions I think may be useful:

First in the economic report, you should make the assigned/available job list more detailed, for example "work" seems to include both brothel rooms and arcade stations, but since different slaves go to each of those there might have idles you don't notice. there's also about 3 or 4 items there labeled "master" which I assume are related to the suite but have no clue what the difference is (though I did notice the orgy bed adds a lot of positions to only one of them)

Also, with the prompts at the bottom of the screen for idle slaves and such, it would be good to know which are still active, for example "you have idle slaves, build more furniture", ok I built more rooms in the brothel, but did that fix it or are there still idles?

Lastly, the slave list should really show stats, and allow you to sort by intelligence/charisma/etc (on the note of sorting, I think the species is broken, and trying to sort them by this only shuffles randomly, but I don't really have enough xeno slaves to tell for sure, I'll set up a bunch of breeding colonies and get back)

Oh, I know this is minor but maybe the "let your citizens break her in" option for new slaves shouldn't be available if you don't actually have any citizens
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3.60 star(s) 56 Votes