
Game Developer
Sep 6, 2024
Shame it was short, I really enjoyed it! I love idols so an idol management game is a dream come true for me.

Also, was that NewJeans? Did you pay royalties or get permission? :whistle:

That splash animation is super cute. I have high hopes for this game. Goodspeed, I'm looking forward to more updates.

Yup! I have some NewJeans songs in the game. I plan on having a lot more Korean songs like Pop, R&B, etc. since I am a fan of that genre and it fits perfectly within STELLA's setting.

No, I don't pay royalties or do anything like that since this game is just a FREE passion project. If my small, little porn novel game ever gets DMCA'd or copy-right striked, I'll deal with it when the time comes. But right now, I like to think I am safe to choose any song I want without having to recycle the same ol' copyright-free or royalty-free music that you hear everywhere else (even outside of AVNs). In other words, fuck it lmao

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'll always keep people like you in mind while I happily work on my future updates for the game (I'm really happy how my logo and its animation turned out too. Fiverr people are honestly amazing.)


Game Developer
Sep 6, 2024
Saw the game featured in some of the disc servers I'm in, and gave it a shot.

First off - I'm surprised that the premise of manager of an Idol/popstar group is relatively rare among AVNs...

Anyhow, it was a nice start, but much it's too soon for me to have a solid take on it. Looking promising though, and I liked almost everything.

My min criticism is that the dialogs can be very rambly and yappy at times, going in circles too much. Two instances in particular stood out for me: the talk with the best friend in the KBBQ and the first meeting with Ruby where she and the MC start talking about gaming. There are a couple other instances, but those two were the ones that really made me think "can we move on already?"

Those two instances in particular could've had 60 to 70% of the dialog cut with no loss at all to the game or character development.

In instance 1, the friend wants to catch up with the MC and offer him a job, but there's too much parallel talk with the friend and in instance 2 we want to learn that Ruby is a bit of a rulebreaker (what with sneaking out anon at times), super chill and very cool gamer girl, but the characters geeking out on each other's gaming knowledge/habits could've stopped at super smash bros - we already get the point there. But there's a lot of talk of League, Apex, specific characters in all the games and internal mechanics of each game (like the sweet spot for Roy vs Marth) that is just INSANELY boring to read unless the player themselves is also having a nerdgasm over those things.

Comparing the dialog interaction in those two cases with every other character introduction would hopefully make what I mean crystal clear. All other interactions have much better, more focused and interesting executions. We got the sense that Tiffany is very shy and reserved, that Beaumont is a very blunt straightshooter who's also a bit of a fitness freak, Eva is an adorable clumsy ball of energy... See what I mean?

The characters so far all seem very likeable and distinct, each with strong (different) foundations from the get-go and that's awesome.

I want to see the next update brings already, and hope it drops soon (though the game literally just launched, so it might be a while).
Thank you for taking the time to write and share all of this insightful feedback with me! I completely agree with your criticism about the rambling conversations. This is definitely my weakest part of the update, and I will make sure to keep this in mind when I work on future updates and conversations. For more context, I already talked about it in this post here:

I do agree with what you are saying. I think my writing can get too yappy, especially if the player is not interested in that topic. A huge contributing factor to that is the fact that these conversations with Jay and Rin only used one or two render angles, so it was just a yapping spree with no visual difference besides body language. I will try to work on this weakness for my future updates by either adjusting the conversation topics, length, or actions.

All in all, taking you soooo much for taking time out of your day to share all of your thoughts with me. I really appreciate it, and I love receiving constructive criticism like this to help me make STELLA a better game and story for you all to enjoy!
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Jan 12, 2023
I'm definitely keeping an eye on this game.

I'll keep my expectations in check cause I've felt disappointed at other stories before where the writing went to a very different place to what I wanted/expected. That's mostly on me, though also in part on those authors hinting at a narrative promise and not coming through.

However... I'd be lying if I said it's gonna be hard to keep my expectations in check with this game. The tags are damm near perfect in content, clarity and presentation for my tastes, and what the game presented thus far (minus the issues I've already mentioned before) is just urging me to get hyped.

Can't wait for the next drop!

Thanks for your hard work!


Engaged Member
Aug 15, 2023
Not to sure about the idol thing, maybe it's because I am an old man and think the idol thing is kinda dumb. But that is a personal view. That said a new harem game is always great and the planned tags look promising. HS is my third choice of art style but does not detract from the AVN. Also not a fan of unnatural hair colors, one female has pink hair another purple. I do like the story so far and I am looking forward to more. Thanks dev for entertaining us perverts here.
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Sep 26, 2021
So far I like how the game is going and what it is about, in my opinion it has potential.

Points worth highlighting: Crystal's little flirtations are very good, I like that little aura about her, each of the girls looks like they have their different personalities, I like that, however my favorite is the redhead girl Tiffany, honestly redheads are my weakness, having a redhead in the game is like 90% approved, 5% the Harem fetishes, without a doubt and that nothing is forced or can be avoided (femdom, lesbians, Ntr (this one shouldn't even be considered, I speak for myself)), hence the other 5% is the animations, renders and the plot.
I must say that Rin, Sophia and Crystal are not far behind Tiff, Eva would also be close, but well that is only as a first impression, it will be time to see how the game evolves in all aspects.

So negative points, the MC seems to need to grow a bit of a backbone, it seems to me that he is a bit of a loser and is obsessed with the idol team, he also mentions that he is good at reading people and then you see him act like a virgin schoolgirl in front of Crystal's flirtations, that would be better change and a new haircut, honestly the MC's long hair does not look good at all, well without further greetings and good luck eggrik .

PD: My English is minimal, I hope I am understood and finally, say Do not abandon the game, it has potential and more
Last edited:
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Lucid Lancer

May 29, 2018
"It's not enough for me to not see it"
"You need to write a slightly different narrative around the fact that MY FEMALES never interact with each other if I'm not there and they NEVER EVER are allowed be in a room with their friends alone!"

I bet they won't get the comparison to the psychotic fan whose the reason MC got his job in the first place :KEK:
Way to put words in mouth, the objective behind asking clarification about any particular fetish is that those who do not like it can simply move on from the game/thread, nobody asked or asking the dev to alter the story for them. Or is it an offense to ask for detail about a tag/fetish before diving into the game? In all honesty i don't give a damn even if it is, i will still ask it.

Take it easy.


Oct 7, 2023
Apologies in advance for the huge wall of text...

Man, what a great start to a game. I have probably played more AVNs than I should and if this first release is any indication of the future of this title, I think I'd place it at the very top tier. So much so that I'm going to put it in my signature after making this comment.

First, the idol manager setup is a home run of an idea. I think as someone else commented on the thread, you'd expect it to be more common in AVNs given how great of a setup it is, but alas, someone had to do it first. At the risk of stating the obvious, I think the reason it makes for such a great story is because it becomes easier to write a diverse set of characters with each girl having their own personality that fits together because they have a shared interest/job, live in the same house, they all know the MC and each other well, etc. and with the MC as their manager there's a real in-world reason for them to get closer over time and develop relationships.

All of that would already be great, but then having the MC be a newbie who works under an older, would-be idol (who also happens to be the best LI in the game thus far and really well written) is just chefs kiss and shows how thoughtful the writing here is. So world building and characterization for this novel score a 10/10 in my book.

On top of that, there's all the attention to detail which comes through in the richness of the menu options (custom fonts and text size, fuck yeah), the little dialog floating explanations on hover, thoughtful e m p h a s i s littered over the text liberally, the rich soundtrack built-in from the very first update... again a 10/10!

Personally I'm a big fan of HS games, but I know is not everyone's cup of tea. I just think it suits the adorable type LIs really well, which again makes it a great choice for this particular game. I guess in the spirit of not being pure hyperbole I guess there are other HS games with a bigger team that can extract even more from these models and those would be 10/10 renders whereas this one is more like a 7/10 on that department.....except the assets seem pretty varied, such as the richly detailed mansion for the girls, the local street with the burger shop, the KBBQ restaurant so I would give another 2 points for all of that, totaling 9/ an extra point for the fact that this is a sole dev on their first AVN wrapping it up neatly at another 10/10.

I played this today after feeling a bit shitty for life reasons that I really wish I wasn't getting bothered by...I went in blind, not knowing what to expect, and for a moment I was transported to another world, feeling blissful, excited about what the next idol was going to look like and how their personality would be, looking forward to making a move on my boss and eager to start on Monday!

Then I came here to say how much I liked it and saw the planned and unplanned tags which literally map almost perfectly 1-to-1 with my interests (as a maledom fan, I don't care about femdom but even that is going to be optional) how kind, considerate and responsive this dev is to everyone's, this is almost too good to be true. I know this just launched but I can't wait for the next update already

Finally, to turn this otherwise glowing review into a ever so slightly more balanced one, I agree with whoever said the dialogue could indeed be cut down a little in both the KBBQ scene and the Ruby intro. I think those two were the only clear instances that needed editing, although maybe I would consider cutting down a line or two in the chats with Crystal too. Basically, if it doesn't need to be said to advance the plot or characterization, it can be left out. And one piece of unsolicited advice: you mentioned not knowing how the story is going to end yet, which is understandable given you just started, but I encourage you to write as much of it in advance as you can. We are all just passengers and you are the sole captain. Some of us aren't even paying for the ride! Based on what I could read of your personality in your interactions above, you do come across as self-assured (in the most positive sense) but knowing where you're going is the first step in any journey, and it can get overwhelming when you're 8-9 updates in and every fan is complaining about something different, you're feeling burnt out from working on the projet too long, and you still haven't figured out where to take the story... that's when devs quit.

TL;DR this is an outstanding job, eggrik! In my opinion, you should be feeling super proud of yourself for this excellent first entry and if you keep this up I am certain you will be super successful.
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Reactions: eggrik and Ka1tzer


Game Developer
Sep 6, 2024
Apologies in advance for the huge wall of text...

Man, what a great start to a game. I have probably played more AVNs than I should and if this first release is any indication of the future of this title, I think I'd place it at the very top tier. So much so that I'm going to put it in my signature after making this comment.

First, the idol manager setup is a home run of an idea. I think as someone else commented on the thread, you'd expect it to be more common in AVNs given how great of a setup it is, but alas, someone had to do it first. At the risk of stating the obvious, I think the reason it makes for such a great story is because it becomes easier to write a diverse set of characters with each girl having their own personality that fits together because they have a shared interest/job, live in the same house, they all know the MC and each other well, etc. and with the MC as their manager there's a real in-world reason for them to get closer over time and develop relationships.

All of that would already be great, but then having the MC be a newbie who works under an older, would-be idol (who also happens to be the best LI in the game thus far and really well written) is just chefs kiss and shows how thoughtful the writing here is. So world building and characterization for this novel score a 10/10 in my book.

On top of that, there's all the attention to detail which comes through in the richness of the menu options (custom fonts and text size, fuck yeah), the little dialog floating explanations on hover, thoughtful e m p h a s i s littered over the text liberally, the rich soundtrack built-in from the very first update... again a 10/10!

Personally I'm a big fan of HS games, but I know is not everyone's cup of tea. I just think it suits the adorable type LIs really well, which again makes it a great choice for this particular game. I guess in the spirit of not being pure hyperbole I guess there are other HS games with a bigger team that can extract even more from these models and those would be 10/10 renders whereas this one is more like a 7/10 on that department.....except the assets seem pretty varied, such as the richly detailed mansion for the girls, the local street with the burger shop, the KBBQ restaurant so I would give another 2 points for all of that, totaling 9/ an extra point for the fact that this is a sole dev on their first AVN wrapping it up neatly at another 10/10.

I played this today after feeling a bit shitty for life reasons that I really wish I wasn't getting bothered by...I went in blind, not knowing what to expect, and for a moment I was transported to another world, feeling blissful, excited about what the next idol was going to look like and how their personality would be, looking forward to making a move on my boss and eager to start on Monday!

Then I came here to say how much I liked it and saw the planned and unplanned tags which literally map almost perfectly 1-to-1 with my interests (as a maledom fan, I don't care about femdom but even that is going to be optional) how kind, considerate and responsive this dev is to everyone's, this is almost too good to be true. I know this just launched but I can't wait for the next update already

Finally, to turn this otherwise glowing review into a ever so slightly more balanced one, I agree with whoever said the dialogue could indeed be cut down a little in both the KBBQ scene and the Ruby intro. I think those two were the only clear instances that needed editing, although maybe I would consider cutting down a line or two in the chats with Crystal too. Basically, if it doesn't need to be said to advance the plot or characterization, it can be left out. And one piece of unsolicited advice: you mentioned not knowing how the story is going to end yet, which is understandable given you just started, but I encourage you to write as much of it in advance as you can. We are all just passengers and you are the sole captain. Some of us aren't even paying for the ride! Based on what I could read of your personality in your interactions above, you do come across as self-assured (in the most positive sense) but knowing where you're going is the first step in any journey, and it can get overwhelming when you're 8-9 updates in and every fan is complaining about something different, you're feeling burnt out from working on the projet too long, and you still haven't figured out where to take the story... that's when devs quit.

TL;DR this is an outstanding job, eggrik! In my opinion, you should be feeling super proud of yourself for this excellent first entry and if you keep this up I am certain you will be super successful.
WOW!!! Thank you for much for all of the love and support, Max! I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to try out my game, enjoying it, and leaving all of this amazing feedback with me. I can't lie: I was grinning the whole time reading your comment. It feels indescribably amazing knowing the project I've poured so much work and time into is being so appreciated by people like you and everyone else in this thread.

Thank you for your vote of confidence, and I hope I can continue to develop an amazing game with an enjoyable story and (eventually) steamy, hot porn for you all to enjoy! I will be happily working on this game for the foreseeable future knowing I have you and others kindly supporting me.
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4.80 star(s) 6 Votes