Could be a god game IF the Mc get a lttle shorter and fixed so he look a little younger... Like now he is almost a head higer of step-mom, and look's he are around 30-35 years old and not 18..... I now someone here gone ask me go to "Hell"... But the funny thing is, if the females in game's look like the are around 13-16 year old no F***ing complain...
Have A Big Nice Day All....
I understand your criticism on the one hand, but it bothers me more when the MC says he's 18 but looks and acts like 13. Brendon is a young adult having to deal with early adulthood. He's not a high school student and shouldn't look like one.
I was concerned with keeping the heights in a realistic range, so Brendon is 1.78m while Jane is 1.69m. That may be influenced by the fact that I live in a country where people vary a lot in height. But weirder than thinking of a son a head taller than his mother (which seems to be the rule, I have a brother almost two heads taller than my mother), is to think that people in their 30s must be taller than people in 18 since it's around 18 that you stop growing.
I also put in a genetic factor, so Brendon's family, the Nutters, are a little taller. Chloe Nutter is 1.73m and Tiffany Nutter is 1.77m. The Sackriders are shorter, so Penny Sackrider is 1.56m and Misty Sackrider is 1.53m.
But I have to agree (and confess) that at the time of writing the story, I gave more importance to the short women and left the tall ones in the background. I believe that unconsciously I have more sympathy for petite women, and it showed. I think it's a problem especially in the interaction between Brendon and Penny.
Anyway, the characters are already created and it's very painful for me to modify them now. But this is a concern I intend to look at in future creations.