VN Ren'Py Stories from the Gloryhole - Dev Thread

What kind of View do you prefer for scenes?

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Nov 29, 2020
As i said i found a better Location for this. The Night Lounge. Which already is a scene ready to render plus it fits better to the Theme of the Game.
I already implemented this in the Game. I will do some more Renders next week and write a bit more Story (hopefully ^^" )
I still have to figure out the best size if i want to Render Images which can be used as Overlays for a Background Image like the empty Bar so i dont have to Render the Full Scene every time. But i guess i will heck that tomorrow.
I do have a long day tomorrow so it might be later till i can wrap my head around it. But well i will get some good ideas when i head to bed i bet ^^ Its always like this i go to bed and then i get the Ideas. Even though it might stop me from sleeping i am grateful about that.
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Nov 29, 2020
So i managed to get some ideas regarding the Overlays which might actually work.
I will try that in the next days. Depending how i find the time to make some renders since the last ones turned out to be to small.

Also i thought a bit more about the stuff regarding the path and how i said i want everyone to be able to choose which paths they want to play and which not.

This puts me in quite the predicament.

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Sorry my thoughts are on the loose again and spilling all over the place xD

I might not be able to make you unsee certain stuff if you choose to do that stuff with one of the characters. You will most likely be able to skip that scene though if you already made your choice with another char though. I am still trying to figure out how to implement it the best way since instead of most other VNs i have played we are not focusing of just one character (which might make this easier for me *cough*) but you will be able to play all characters and experience their individual Stories.
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Nov 29, 2020
So yesterday i wanted to play around with animations so i have some nice content for you to look at in the Game.

For this i choose the first two characters you might have a go at. This will be not in the Game though.

I dont want you to have only Images you click through.
Unfortunately the premade Animation did not quite work the way i thought it would.
223 Frames were rendered in 320x540 and i needed around 10 hours for this.
So today i had to do another shot since it seemed that if you move the models from the animated scene it will bug heavily. You can see the result attached.

So i redid the whole thing and instead of the models i moved the whole environment to align it with the models so they wouldn't just fuck in the air. This worked way better but since i knew 223 Frames in 320x540 took me 10 hours i decided to go with 1280x720 instead of Full HD and only 61 Frames. The result works great as loop after i cut some additional Frames.

Enjoy the result. I also did one Full HD and 4k Render of the Scene. Which cost me for the 4k one another 90 minutes so i will stay with Full HD for the main Scenes. This might change as soon as i get my new RTX 3080 which will reduce the rendertime to a quarter of the time (at least i hope so).

The 320x540 will surprise you if you check it Frame by Frame.
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Nov 29, 2020
So 10 Days already passed since my last post. There isnt much which did change. Unfortunately im kinda stuck timewise. This will change next month hopefully. I do have some new Ideas though which i might or might not add to the Game like a Bowling Minigame or a TV Series / Movie which might get a Spinoff in a Future Game (if i ever finish this game xD ) at least i hope i will. I am still waiting to receive my new Graphics Card. Unfortunately i still dont have a Date when it will get here :/ When that will happen i will start with more renders. For now i will try to focus on the Code and ideas of what the scenes should look like.
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Nov 29, 2020
Alright. So i am still busy as heck. Especially since i have to go Job hunting it seems. If i am lucky one of my first two Applications will work out. If not i have to write further Applications. But that aside i still managed to do some new Renders i need for the first part of the story to at least start properly and hopefully it will work out. So we are getting closer to somewhat of an ultra ultra early v0.00001 or something like that. The "hardest" part will be the lewd Scenes and Animations since i still have some Problems with the usage of the Gens.

I am also still quite unsure how i will handle the problem with the not showing other characters in the lewd Scenes. Normally when having Gloryhole scenes you would expect to see it from kind of and Observer / Aerial position so you can see both characters. But thats kinda not how its written. So normally i would have to either rewrite it or make it POV. Which would mean in the Blowjob / HJ and Fuck Scenes you would see almost nothing except for your own Body Parts (as male) or the dick from the Female POV.

So i will most likely do a 1st/3rd Person mix for the Storytelling. So you will see more then you would normally if it would be yourself. That also makes it easier to "follow" characters around. I already have an Idea how i can implement that into the Story at the End. And yes that will be something which will be resolved at the real end of the Game.

Which also brings me to more stuff Storywise.

Some of you might be afraid that there will only be brief Gloryhole Stuff woven into the Story. As for the Mainstory this might be true if we get to the Part with the Loveydovey Stuff like Marriage and Pregnancy and Stuff.

My initial Goal always was to start in the Gloryhole and see the different Paths which led the Characters there and what will happen after they visited the Hole. With you the Player deciding which Storys they want to see/play and which they are not interested in.
Some will be hooked by the Gloryhole. Others will only have a brief visit and might never return cause its not their world or they find love on the other side.

Like i wrote in my previous post i also plan to implement some stuff like a TV Series which you can "watch" which might be the next project after this Game. But i dont expect that happening anywhere soon. The Bowling Minigame will be skippable if you dont want to play it. Personally i guess i will have fun creating that. But thats planned for somewhen after Part 1 for Mike. This will be included in the Ben/Jen Storyline. (I am still not sure if i would like to Rename Jen cause their Names sound so similar but otherwise i like the name.)

Meh who cares its all about the sex anyway eh?

And the answer to that at least from the Story and my side is nope. Its not. I will try to create Characters you might like or hate and you will be able to click through the stories like Maniacs to skip to the juicy Parts. But i myself like it to get to know some stuff and have a real Story. Being a DIK, WVM, Rebirth and some others being the Games that are written great and being the influence for me of getting into this.
There are other Great Games as well out there but also some which are highly blueballing. I will promise that my Game wont be one of those titles.
It might be that there will be an update solely focusing on story but most likely you will be able to click through it quite fast and i will try to have at least one naughty scene in each of the Updates being avaialble. But that will be up to the Players later.

When will there be a release?

I dont have a hard release cycle since there are other things in my life taking up time like Gaming, Series and stuff so dont expect this to be completed in 2021. I hope i can release the first part of the Story (which will be like v0.1 and have only one story path) at least till mid of the Year depending how challenging my new Job will be if i get one. Most likely i will translate from 35h a week to 40h a week. And since the Rendering takes place on my Gaming Rig since i only have one System its hard to play and Render at the same Time ^^


Nov 29, 2020
So i did some stuff :D

I made some more renders and played around with the dissolve function.
Let me present (partially) the first Minute of Gameplay for Mike.

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There is one Render missing which i forgot to create but i wanted to share this with all of you. I might tweak the dissolve speed a bit or use fade instead. I am not quite sure about that. It feels a bit wonky.

But well enjoy it. Even if there is no lewd stuff in this preview ^^


Nov 29, 2020
So good news and bad news. Over the weekend i was totally busy rendering (instead of Jobhunting *cough*) Unfortunately I forgot to make the ceiling visible again which also made the lighting invisible. This means i have to rerender the scenes i rendered in the Toilet the last two days <.< So there are two options now. Leave the scenes as they are and rerender them once i get the 3080 which will make rendering faster + the releasedate will be closer to now or Rerender them now before releasing v0.1.

The thing is all Lewd Renders are without that lighting which makes it somewhat ok cause they all look the same BUT the Toilet Renders themselves do have the Lighting. Which makes it look dissonant. Which is triggering my inner quality complex.

I will attach two images for you so you can decide for yourself. Plus Bonus Image.
The Yellow looking Render is with the Lighting and Ceiling enabled. The White/grey looking ones are those without the Ceiling.

This would mean to remake almost 25 to 30 Renders which i have finished.

The Bonus Image is me playing around with Cum Effects. It will not be in the Game or well it kind of will be as Bonus Image.

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Nov 29, 2020
So Good and Bad news. (At least for me.)

Today i received a Mail from the Company where i ordered my new Graphics card. Stating that i haven`t payed it yet.
And if i still want to receive it i should contact them.

So i looked at their Homepage and saw to my surprise that the Card is available from the Link where i could see my order and being due to be shipped tomorrow.

Which wouldnt work if they say i haven`t payed yet. Thing is i already payed when i ordered with paypal. So tomorrow im gonna raise some hell on them. Cause ffs this is no way to treat a paying customer especially one who waited for over 2 month on their *** **** new Graphics Card.... I really hope for them that they haven`t sold it to someone else so i would have to wait even longer for it.

As for the Game there was no real progress cause i was quite busy over the weekend. If the card really will arrive the day after tomorrow i will of course Test it and create something special for you folks.

Update: According to the Seller its a Database problem cause the System isnt "used to" having such long delivery Times. They dont have any Graphics Cards available nor do they know when they will receive some.
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Nov 29, 2020
Update in regards to the Game:

This week i did some renders which were missing from the first part i have written. A few more are still missing. I already rendered two versions of the lewd Scene. Next i will also Render another alternative for the Lewd Scene. Cause for the first part this will be randomized at least partially. Till the second part of that story from the female pov is written and coded.

Just to mention. If you play the Story of Mike as the Male character and havent played the female Char yet. (Which is most likely since Mike will be the first storyline) the choice you make as Mike will have an impact on the story for Laura. This will be partially randomized in Mikes story to at least have the glimpse of differences that could happen if you play the other story. I will try to anonymize it as good as possible. But that only works to a certain degree if i still want to have Lewd Scenes for you to enjoy. If you dont want to see those scenes from the opposite story you will be able to skip them. If you decide in one of the storyline to take no actions you wont see them in the other story and vice versa. Same if you take an action it will also happen in the other Storyline IF you choose to play it.

The Storys itself will not depend on each other. They will have a slight "crossover" but you dont need to play all the Stories if you dont want too. So if you dont want to play an interracial Storyline you dont need to do that. If you dont want to play the Female Storylines thats fine as well. (Since i am not into MtM there wont be any stories with that content since i am not feeling up to the task of writing stuff like this which might be interesting. Same goes for FtF with the exception that i might try to write something for that.) I might include some threesomes later on since i already have some ideas what to do. But first i am focusing on Mikes Story. Once i am happy and have all the Scenes Rendered for the first part i will release it as Early Alpha Build. Since it wont have much to see so far. Only a few lines of dialogue but around 3 to 5 different things that can happen partially random as lewd scenes.

Personal Infos:

I hope i will receive a new Graphics Card in the near future. I am currently trying to get a 3060 in Addition to the 3080 i already ordered. Hopefully if the 3080 takes longer i might get my hands on a 3060 sooner. I also thought about going for a 1080 TI as addition but decided against that. Since the 3060 is cheaper has the same amount of Cuda Cores and more Memory.

Also i am still Job Hunting. I had some Interviews already and i am still awaiting an initial reply from two of the companies. I declined 2 Jobs so far and got declined by a third company (which wouldve been a short term employment and the payment wasnt enough) so i am not mad about that. One of the other Jobs i declined wouldve been also less pay then i currently have but with more hours. I was invited by one of the companys for a day to meet the team and check what the work is like. Also i am still waiting for one of the Jobs i already interviewd for for a reply. (But i guess the chance that they will decline too is quite high.) There might be also another Job i get an interview for through a friend which would be close to 100% Homeoffice if not 100%. Which would give me time to make more Renders while working. But that remains to be seen.

Good for the work at the renders is that i currently have some Internet issues with 20 to 30% of Paketloss so streaming is currently not possible for me. But my ISP says they will check that and hopefully have a Solution for it.

Aside from that so far everything is running fine.


Nov 29, 2020
Here is a little something for you.

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Aside from that currently i am rendering a new scene. After that the Lewd Stuff for Mikes first part should be done. At the moment i am currently thinking about a Screen for the Startmenu and testing some Fonts for that.
Most likely i will create some Test Images and let you decide which one is the most fitting.

Currently i have some choices already but will search for more. Unfortunately my Graphic Skills are really lacking ^^" But i will try my best so it does look at least somewhat decent.
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Nov 29, 2020
Game related Stuff:

The scene is almost done. Currently it consists of around 72 Images (6 per second so the Animation will be longer then 12 Seconds when its finished). I will try to bump it up with the help of AI but i am not quite sure how well that works. I still have to render the final facial for it before i do that though. After thats finished most parts for the prerelease should be done. I still have to create some sort of Intro for you guys and especially the Main Menu/Start Screen. This might happen next week. Since i am not quite sure how much time i have this weekend.

Private Stuff:
This brings me to my private life. I will be busy on Monday since i will visit one of the companys i applied for to meet the Team and check what my work would be like. So something like a Trial Day. On Wednesday i will have another Interview for another company. Which would be quite nice too since i would work in the same field i currently work in whereas the other company would be general IT Support from 1st to 3rd Level. (With 2 hours more per week and most likely less pay) But it would still be a Job after all. Aside from that i have a production Job on Monday and on the Weekend most likely too. (At least if my Internet decides not to fuck up.)

And now a Render which most likely will not be in the Game but its nice enough to share with you.


This is one of the Mirrors on the Wall behind the Male Group. And i really like how DAZ even utilizes the Mirrors.


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Keep going Lord Brocival, you've already made more progress than most other would-be developers. The secret is to just do a little bit more each day.
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Nov 29, 2020

Thanks for the kind words. Really appreciate it. As beginner its quite hard to keep pushing forwards if you dont get almost any reply on your work.

Game Infos:

So the Main Menu finally has a Background Image. I am currently working on something to swap the Image randomly each start.
I am not quite sure if this works correctly.

Currently i am still having the issues with the Gens of some of the Characters being completely white. Which is annoying as hell.

I am and i will try my best to at least get the first part finished this or next month so all of you have something to test and decide if my time and effort are worth your while.

Here is one of the Images i currently have for the Menu.


Personal Infos:

Tomorrow i have my trial day at one of the companys i applied for and i am nervous and overthinking almost every aspect of my life currently xD None the less i am looking forward to it and to the Interview on Wednesday. Most likely this will decide my future financial and work life balance. I dislike change and if my old employer wouldnt have decided to let a few hundred employees go i would have sticked with the job i currently have. But that left me with little choice then to change my life.

To the Lurkers:

To everyone lurking around and checking the progress of this and my work. I know some of you just want to lurk. But a like on the work does not hurt and it provides us developers with a rough knowledge of you liking or disliking our work. If you dont want to spam this thread (more then i already do xD) feel free to shoot me a PM with suggestions or stuff or feel free to post it here in the Thread like osanaiko, Ashbringer and namdu already did. For those of us devs who are just starting or not doing it for the money this is something to keep us motivated be it negative or positive. Any and all feedback is valuable to us so we can improve our work to you liking.


Nov 29, 2020
Game Infos:

So some more progress today.
Thanks to this post we now have random Main Menu Images.
I also rendered some more of those. Here are three additional examples.

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Personal Life:

The Trial Day was a success i guess. The colleagues in the company are really nice and one of them is even an old accquaintance of mine. The Manager is also nice. But i am still not quite sure if its the right work for me. On Wednesday i have another Interview with another company. That company would most likely pay me more with less weekly worktime plus the work there is what i am doing currently just with different tools. If the Interview does not work out most likely i will sign with the company i visited today if they want me (which i think they do). Which would mean more hours and most likely less pay then the other company with less interesting work. But it would be a great team and i would not be without a Job and with someone i know already working is way easier imho.
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Nov 29, 2020
Another Day another Update even though its from past experiences since i didnt do much this week.

Game Infos:

Like i said i didnt do much aside from playing around with the AI i talked about earlier.
To be honest? The results are quite awesome aside from a few things.
It seems the AI has Problems with movement of limbs. The Movement itself seems fine but the Interpolation is laking which makes the Animation itself looking wonky. I will append some samples for you. Considering the AI interpolated it from 6 FPS to 48 FPS its glorious. As soon as i can fix the hickups this will speed up the time i need for animations DRAMATICALLY!
Considering that i still have yet to receive my RTX 3080 (or the 3060 i want to order as alternative till i wait) this will help with production too.

Hopefully i will be more motivated to do more Renders next week so i can finally finish the first part. Also i still have to find out why the animations dont want to play. Also i still have to figure out why some of the Female Gens dont have Textures.

Private Life:

One Reason i did not more Renders this weekend was that the Lamp of my Projector decided to blow. Which left me without something to do while my Gaming Rig would do the Renders. I was able to repair it this afternoon but was still fairly demotivated to do anything despite chilling on the couch and watching Movies.

Currently i am beating myself up a bit cause the company i had my interview with on Monday wanted to talk with me on Friday from what i understood. Unfortunately they wanted to talk with me TILL Friday. So they did call me on Thursday and i had to keep them waiting longer cause the Interview i had on Wednesday is way more promising then the other one. Higher Pay and Instead of 40h per Week it would be only 38h per Week and most of the time i could work from home. I know this is just complaining on a high level considering that many people work way more hours then i do and get payed less.

But i hate to leave people hanging.

This weekend was also quite expensive from a financial view.

I bought a new microwave, had to buy a new Lamp for the Projector (or rather bought two one with a cage one without), made my weekly run to the grocery store and i bought some merch from the Group i work with as kind of a second job (its in the E-Sport Business so we have some merch for that Team). Nothing i wouldnt be able to pay though.

The Weekend had one good thing though. Since i bought the Microwave used in a city a few hours away i incorporated the help of a friend of mine whom i met today so he could give it to me.
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Nov 29, 2020
This program will continue after a small ad break.

Game Infos:

Currently i am rerendering the scene i did the last time so i can check if with double the Images (12 FPS instead of 6) the interpolation will work better then before. If that is the case i will most likely rerender the whole scene (the rest will still stay at 6 FPS to speed it up) so i have the same angle on all of them. I now know why i had to re setup the Camera everytime and that nuisance is fixed now. Which should make the Animation even more fluent without a shaky Cam. Currently the scene is at 144 FPS (with 12 FPS) which would be around 77 FPS (with 6FPS) so its a quite long scene without a Loop. I might even add a Loop and split the animation into more Parts so you will be able to have a longer lasting Animation instead of one fixed in length which you would be able to skip in miliseconds. Currently one Frame for the Blowjob Scene takes around 30 to 35 minutes to Render in FullHD. Considering that i have to Render 42 Images only for one part of that scene (with the moving arms which is giving the AI its headache) that alone will take 21h in which i am not able to use my Gaming Rig. When i am done with that and the Result is as good as i hope it is i will then rerender the other frame which will take an additional 28h+ to finish. I am currently trying to think about if animating the Cumshot scenes would make sense or if i should leave it with just a few images. To be honest if i would have the choice and the power and money i would animate EVERY Scene so this game would be more like a Virtual Novel Movie. Unfortunately this is just a dream for now.

I will add a Poll to the Mainpost so you are able to Vote if you would like to have the Animation for the BJ Scene as a whole or split to more Parts. To explain further:

One Part: The whole Animation will be one big part including moving and stuff without a Loop so it will be fixed in length but you are able to Skip it. Unfortunately that would kinda break the animation if you decide to do it after like one second so you would rush from the start of the Blowjob to the cumscene within the blink of an eye.

Split Parts: Splitting the Animation into more Parts would mean more clicking for you. But i would also be able to Loop the Animation partially. Which would make sense. Currently the Animation is quite long already but all moves are only used one time. The DAZ AI is doing a great job of Animating it already but it would feel a bit rushed imho. This would play out something like Start of the Animation (Grab the dick and start to lick it and stuff), Middle of the Animation (Head bobbing back and forward in a Loop till you are satisfied with the length), End of the Animation (Head stops bobbing finish with the other Animation stuff and proceed to Cum Scene).

Let me know in the Poll what you would prefer.

Private Life:

Unfortunately i got a Mail from the second Company that they wont consider me further since they found someone better suited for that position which is making me a bit sad cause i would have loved to work in that company but hey. You dont always get what you want so you have to appreciate the stuff you have.
I am also still waiting for the Graphics card i ordered but also to speed things up am currently searching for a RTX 3060 and an RTX 3090 close to MSRP. Unfortunately due to the current situation if you dont want to spend nearly double the normal MSRP its nearly impossible to get one here in Europe. Back when the RTX 30 Series was announced and AMD Announced their RX6 Series i was bent on getting my hands on one of the R Series since they do have a higher memory and work better with my AMD CPU. But since i got my hands on VN and DAZ i figured that unfortunately even though i never ever wanted to spend that much money on a GPU i would have to pay around 1k €+ to get my hands on a Card which would be able to Render the stuff i had planned in at least an okay time. Since my kinda 2nd Job relies on me using my Gaming Rig i am not able to Render as much Images as i would like so its mainly running while i am working from home for my normal Job.

But well enough of this. Hope all of you have a nice Weekend.
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Nov 29, 2020
More updates (Yay?)

Game related:

I am currently rerendering the whole Blowjob Scene and will add further Frames so we have a loop in the Animation itself.
At the moment i have the Scene rendered which gave me a slight headache in the middle and the part at the end. Now i am Rendering the Scene at the Beginning which should take me around 22 hours. That will be split between some days since i cant leave my PC running all the time. Also i rendered a Masturbation Scene for Mike which i will be able to loop. Thanks to the Interpolation AI i was able to get it from 5 Frames to an almost in my eyes seamless Animation. But hey feel free to judge yourself. The Interpolation itself was done within around 4 minutes on my Laptop with an Geforce 980m. I also worked a bit on the Scripting Part of the Game and checked which renders are still missing. There are still a few Renders missing i still need to add. I am also working on one of those Caution 18 only yada yada images. It wont be pretty but hey at least i did it myself ^^"
I also got my hands on a new CPU (Upgraded from a 3900X to a 5950X cause it was available). Unfortunately it isnt really speeding up the process of Rendering. So i still have to get my hands on a new Graphics Card to get faster renders. But that is planned anyway. So at the moment the Blowjob Scene has around 72 Frames (with 6 FPS) but i have to be precise cause some of those will be with moving limbs and therefore will be rendered with 12 FPS. This impacts the Range from Frame 45 to 63.

So to calculate that it means we will have Frames 0 to 44 (yeah there weirdly is a 0 Frame) = 45 Frames
Frame 45 to 61 doubled = 16 * 2 = 32 Frames
and the end Part which will be from frame 62 to 72 = 11 Frames
Which means we have a total of 88 Frames. With the help of the AI i hope i can quadruple that. So we would have a total of around 350 Frames for the whole Animation (without cumshot).

There will be also a cumshot scene but i am not sure if i will Render that as Video or if i will just use single images for it. I am not sure if the AI will be good for cumshots. But we will see what it can do.

Private Life:

Well like i said the Company i wanted to work at did not consider myself further. But i do have another Interview lined up for Friday and sent another company a Job application as well. Also i will have a follow up talk with the company i visited earlier this month. Seems they have other applicants lined up as well so i am not sure if i am as safe as i thought i would be for that Position. I will update you tomorrow as soon as i know more. I will also have a talk with the local Jobcenter tomorrow. I assigned it for the 29th in hope i would already have a Job till then but well things dont always happen as planned. I talked to my HR Department and as i thought the Vacation Days i will have will be rounded up from the 12,5 Days i would have in the first 5 month of the year to 13 Days. This means i have 13 Days of Vacation next month if i start my new Job at the 1st of June. This means i will have at least two weeks with time to work on the Game (if i feel motivated enough).

I also have a great Idea for a future game which i might tackle after i finish this (if i do). I might also do that as a second project and take turns developing both Games. This might help prohibiting myself from getting a Burnout while developing. Most likely my new Job will be 40h a week instead of 35h. So this will also impact the Time i am able to work on the Game.
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Nov 29, 2020

Game Updates:

Not much to say. I did some more Renders today. I might be able to finish the blowjob scene this weekend maybe (aside from the cumshot). What is your take regarding cumshots would you like to have a Cumshot Scene with an Animation? Or rather like most of the other Games with the flashing screen?

I have a few more Ideas for the Game. If anyone is up for trading Characters or would like to have one of his characters as a Background Character in the Bar Scene feel free to hit me up via DM. It should be a G8 Character and be exported with all needed files.

Since the damn pandemic is running strong: Laura says dont forget to wash your hands.

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Personal Life:

Unfortunately the meeting with the company did not go as planned. It seems i took to long to decide so the company decided against me. (Which was the outcome i was afraid would happen.) At least i have a few more Companys i already contacted.
I will have an interview with one of those tomorrow morning.
I also got in contact with one of the companys i applied with earlier but cancelled before the second interview cause i thought the other two companies would secure me a job.

But well most times things dont go according to plan. " Life isn't fair, so you have to play the best game you can with the cards you're dealt." So i am trying to make the best out of that situation.

I also almost got my hands on an RTX 3090 today for MSRP. But well the Page of the Store decided it would not respond the first 3 times i had the card in my shopping cart.

At least its almost weekend and i did add a good amount of + hours to my time account at work. Which means i can go earlier the next days. At least partially.
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Nov 29, 2020
Another Update

Game News:

So i did not quite finish the Renders for the Animation at the Weekend BUT i did today cause there were only two Images left to Render. Now i am currently working on some more Images for that Scene to show you what it would look like with and without Loops. Both way will be implemented in the first Draft of the Game. There are currently something around 9 more Scenes i need to render so around 20 or something more Images. Maybe more. There might also be two or three more Animations. So we are kind of on the finishline. One thing is though that i am not sure in which folder the poses where i used for the Blowjob Animation. But well i will find them sooner or later. Currently i am rendering one of the Loops which should finish today. After that i will do another Loop. Then i have to finish the Cumshot Scene.

Personal Life:

I did another Interview on Thursday as you know. I went good i think. Both of the Team Leads where happy with me and i got invited to a second Interview. This time with the COO. For that Meeting i do have to prepare some stuff. He wants to do something called ABC analysis. Meaning they want to know stuff about 11 different characteristics and where i see myself at those with an example. This will take some time. Considering that i have to work more hours again tomorrow.

I also have another Phonecall on Thursday which might lead to another Interview. I am not quite sure though if i want to work at that company. But well we will see what happens in the future.

On to the Advertisements. I did play some new Games this Weekend. One of those being a normal Game called Insurmountable. Feel free to check it out on Steam. Its quite fun and a nice change in pace if you want to play something while watching TV or stuff.

I did also play some Lewd Stuff. One of the Games is called Bloody Passion. Currently its released in V0.4. It might be an Early Release but the quality is awesome. I hope i might reach that Level of Development and Quality. It might be the usual "Living with your Landlord and two Romates" kind of Game but there are also other Characters. What i saw so far looks at least Promising.
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