VN Ren'Py Stories from the Gloryhole - Dev Thread

What kind of View do you prefer for scenes?

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Nov 29, 2020
Game stuff:

So no new Renders Today.

I have a few more Ideas for things in the next Stories.
Which path would you prefer next?

I could either do the Story of Kevin and continue the Game (well it would be more like a Flashback) to see what happened before the Story of Mike. Or would you want to see the Story of Laura which would also be partially take place before the Story of Mike and a bit afterwards.

Private Life:

So i will have more time starting Friday. I dont have a new Job yet but i decided i want to take my Vacation Days beforehand so if i get a new Job i want to start at the 1st of June. If i would get a contract signed till Friday it would work. But since i doubt that i took that into my own hands. So i do have time to sign a new contract till the 27th. Cause i have to quit my Job with 3 Days notice. So that means a few things.

First if i get a Job till the 1st of June i will get paied double cause my old Job will pay me till the 30th of June. So it would have been even greater to get a Job till the 1st of May but well.

Another thing is since i do have time of till the 31st of May i will have more time to work on Renders and the Game itself so i hope i can release the first Beta Alpha Whatchamacallit till the end of the month. :PogChamp:

I also did receive another Appointment for an Interview on Friday. So things are starting to pace up. I sent out another Application today too. So lets hope for the best. All three Interviews i have lined up currently are for 40 Hours per Week. The one i applied for today would be 37,5 Hours. Also most of my old Colleagues which already left (except for one) work in that company. So there might be a chance to at least get an Interview there.
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Jan 22, 2018
Hey lordparcival, I've just found this thread and the game looks like it will be great, and using multiple protagonists with their own stories adds a nice touch! I'm defintely adding this to my watchlist :)

Also, good luck with the interviews :)
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Nov 29, 2020
Game Infos:

So i did a few new Renders (to be precise ~10 or something) this week which i had to repose and stuff. Next week i will continue with the posing and Renders since its my first week of Vacation.

I am not sure which Storyline will follow the Story of Mike. Like i said it could either be Kevin or Laura. This is up to you and i will create a new Poll for that. To have a slight overview: Lauras Story is directly related to the one from Mike (Duh thats kinda obvious from Mikes story isnt it?). While Kevins Story is related to Lauras Story too. The Story from Laura kind of is the link between both Stories. Like it overlaps with both. But both Stories (Kevin and Mike) are close to each other timewise with a Gap of just a few minutes. Its like three Lego bricks. Two sitting at the Bottom (Kevin and Mike) and one sitting at the Top and connecting them which is Lauras Story.

After that i will work on the longest and biggest Story i currently have in mind which is the Storyline of Jen and Ben. Did you know that Jen is not her real Name and just a nickname cause she does not like her real name? Maybe that will change. BUT to be fair. The Story between those two will be a bit difference since the Gloryhole itself wont be part of it. Even though the Game is called Stories from the Gloryhole (i know i know) but this Name Refers to the Setting of the Game itself (the Nightclub and the Toilet in it). So yes there are also other ways to get to know someone or bump into someone which might change your life ;)

All other stories will have something to do with the Gloryhole though. Just not the Story of Ben and Jen (it would be boring though if all stories would be kind of alike wouldnt it?)

So we have a 4 to 1 Split regarding the Animations. Just to humour you i will put both Versions into the Path of Mike so you can see what the difference would be, like i stated in my last post.

I might change the look of Kelly once again. I like the looks of Manette which got released recently. I might switch her out. But before that i will check the difference and see if i like the outcome.

Private Life:

So it seems to look good Jobwise.

The Interview on Wednesday went great and the Company offered me a Job. Unfortunately the Pay is the same but with 40h instead of 35 which means a drop in pay by ~13%. But the colleagues are nice so far from what i can tell. Plus i realized that one of my new colleagues would be and acquaintance of mine. I am not quite sure if i should take the offer. I told the company i would need time till the end of next week to think about that and asked them to send me the contract so i could have a look at it before deciding. Seems though they are quite eager to sign me cause they limited the contract to the 11th which would be Tuesday evening. I dont like to be rushed or pressured into situations.

I also had another Interview on Thursday and the Company wants to know me better to so they invited me for the 19th. I am not quite sure if they fit good either. The Job might be interesting but i am not quite experienced in that field.
The Call on Friday went good as well and 15 Minutes later the Company invited me to a second Interview on Tuesday. That Job sounds way more Interesting and fitting for my knowledge. But i am not sure if i will get that Job.

Two other Recruiters also invited me for Interviews on Tuesday so that makes Tuesday kind of eventfull. One of the Jobs might be 100% Remote. The other one would mean i had to drive ~2h every day to the company (Yes i know for some of you that is not really a long drive.) Currently i have only 20 minutes of commute per way. But the Job seems Interesting and the pay might be good but i will see that on Tuesday. I do have 4 other companies i applied for but havent heard back yet. One of those companies told me they will contact me next week.

So currently i am bashing my head to figure out if i should take the save road and take the Job to have something. Or if i should put everything on one card and see if one of the other Jobs will pay more and fit me better.

I guess i will take my time and wait till Tuesday before deciding what to do. The thing is though i am not the kind of guy to take the Job offer just to say sorry i am leaving after a few weeks. Thats just not my kind of thinking or style. But i am also someone who values the security of a Job over uncertainity.

Thats it for today folks. See you for the next update.

Btw Helena says "Hey its weekend wake up and enjoy your free time."

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Last but not least Bagley thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate it. I hope the Result will make all of you happy.
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Nov 29, 2020
Game Infos:

Not much to say. I havent worked on the Game yet. I have a few ideas flying around in my Brain. But nothing fixed yet. If the week continues like this i might have time to work on the Renders on Friday and Saturday.

If you could vote in the Poll here in the Thread i would appreciate it.

Private Life:

This is where it gets spicy. So like i said i had a contract ready to sign here. I had 2 Interviews on Tuesday and another call from a recruitment company. After those Interviews i decided i would not sign the contract (which in the end was a good choice.)

One of the Interviews was a 2nd Interview (first one was more of a get to know each other and check if i could fit, second was more about tech and what i could do and also about payment). Like i said they called me back 15 minutes after the first Interview to get me for the 2nd Interview and it went great too. Today i received a call or well a mail from the Recruiter of the Company telling me that they wanted me to sign. I now have time till Monday to decide if or if i dont want to sign it. (Tomorrow is a holiday here in Germany (or well today since its already 1:20am) and he has a day off on Friday so he is not in the office).
The other Interview on Tuesday went awesome as well. The guys are really nice and i could fully expand my horizon as i see fit. Cause the IT Department is quite small with 6 Persons. They dont want someone who knows everything. They want someone who WANTS to do the work. Who is not doing it because he gets paid for it but because he loves doing what he does.
The commute would be an hour if the highway is free. Which is a small bump.
They told me they were also quite interested in me but it was just a first call so they would talk to their department head and get back to me next week.
This would also be a really great job considering that i could kind of cherry pick what i wanted to do instead of having to do something i am not sure i would enjoy and "being stuck" on a single task.

But let me get back to the contract. Like i said it was ready to sign but it would mean i would have to work 40 Hours for the same Pay i got in my current company for 35 Hours per Week. For a job i am not quite sure i would enjoy.
Like i said i talked to the Recruiter from company 1 (the one with the second Interview) today. They even offered me a higher payment then i initially wanted. Which would be over 10k more then the other company offered me. Plus instead of 40 Hours a week its 39 Hours + 2 additional free Days.

So most likely (99% sure ^^) i will take the Job on Monday and hopefully sign the contract so i can start working there on the 1st of June. (hopefully)

Plus my god damn Internet is FINALLY working again. Finally i can stream again and do my second "Job" without 20-30% Paketloss.

This has me hyped as hell. Internet working and a Job offer with a significant pay rise. Now the only thing i am missing is the shot to get a 3090 at MSRP or at least close to it or my 3080 finally arriving.

Sorry there is not that much Game Info today but i was dying to get that off my chest. But i still have something for you guys.

Sorry to the Lady or Guy who has to clean that up ;)

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Nov 29, 2020
Game Infos:

Nothing new here. "Unfortunately" i had no time to work on the Game today but tomorrow is 100% dedicated to rendering and positioning. More on why i did not work on it in the Tech Infos.

Tech Infos:

My PC has yet gotten another upgrade. Currently all my files are stored on my 10 TB HDD. This is slowing down the Load Times for the Scenes quite hard. So since i see a light on the Horizon in form of my new Job i decided to add 2 new 2TB SSDs to my System which will replace the 2 525GB ones. Those Disks will run in Raid 0 (which means they are merged to one Big 4TB SSD) this means if i am unlucky and one of those SSDs fails all Data will be lost. This is only half bad cause i will store the Files on the HDD as well as Backup. My project files are stored on C anyway so only models and stuff are currently stored on the HDD. I am now in the process of copying the files (roughly 300GB). This will take some time but at least the loading of the scenes will hopefully be faster now.

Private Infos:

I am rather impatiently waiting for Monday so i can accept the Job offer i received and get the contract and sign it. I also have to write my notice of termination for my current employer since i guess i will start on the 1st of June. Which means my last vacation day will be spent visiting my (ex)colleagues and getting my stuff which is still at work and handing back the stuff from work like my ID Card and my Laptop.
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Nov 29, 2020
Updates Updates :D

Game Infos:

So i got around and got Manette implemented as new Model of Kelly. Tomorrow i will render both Models for you to compare with light. I also did some more Renders and completely rebuilt the Corner where the Female Group will sit in the Game.
When trying to get the same Angle i had before when making the Render of the whole Group i realized i was wasting space and time by having more space for it then needed. Therefore i moved some furniture and stuff. Also with adding Kelly v3 to the bunch i had to redo the Renders for the Group which also meant adding Cameras i had not added before. This is fixed now and will help.
I am not quite happy with the time it took me to Render those scenes. But well till i can get my hands on an RTX 30 i have to endure it. Tomorrow i will work on posing some more scenes i need. After that i hope i am finished with the poses i need. (Still have to figure out how i can attach the cum to the wall ^^" At least changing the Model of Kelly fixed one Problem i had before. Which was the Gens being completely white. This works fine with Manette as Model for Kelly.

On to the Images i know you want to see something.

What do you think looks better Kelly v2 or v3?

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Unfortunately the Kelly Render is not completely how i want it to look. I was more aiming for the look like it is on the DAZ HP.
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But somehow those guys ALWAYS dont mention stuff which seems to be used for the previews (example the Hair color which is not included in the Elysa Hair Pack it seems <.< ) At least i know that the Darkness of the Skin color is caused by the Lighting in that Scene. I am still not 100% happy though. I would love for DAZ to at least add ALL things needed so that the characters look like the Preview Pictures....

Difference FG Old and New

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As you can see its cosier now and more booth like. Also i have to rerender that scene cause i removed three of the candles in the middle. I did add another Lamp though. Also if i change Kellys looks further due to the Angle of the scene i only have to rerender Kellys Closeup. Cause her face is not visible in Jens Closeup. I still hope i can finish the Alpha Beta Demo whatchamacallit this month. But i am getting kinda less optimistic considering that i am fixing and changing stuff left and right.

I will also work on the BJ Animation tomorrow since i have to work through the renders and find the exact position to order them in and rearrange them so the loops dont look too butchered.

Private Stuff:

So i accepted the Job offer. But unfortunately i wont change Jobs as fast as i hoped i would. This has its ups and downs. On the plus side i have one more month i can add more time for this project since i know what to do at my old Job and there is enough down time. On the down side i am loosing money. Cause every month i wouldve started earlier before the 30th of June i wouldve been payed the salary by both companies. My old and new Company. Unfortunately the company i will start at wants me to start at the 1st of July. So i dont get doubled salary. And dont start right after my Vacation. But well. There is only so much i can do about that. At least that means i can annoy my old colleagues for another month before i leave. And have more time to clear out my Desk and stuff. And dont have to do it in one day. Unfortunately me accepting the Job offer is still not the end of the onboarding process. The Worker`s Council of the new company has to check the contract before it will be sent to me and i can sign it. They will decide that next week. So i am still not 100% in the clear if or if i dont have the Job. There can still be things that change like the Salary and/or if i get the Job at all. Which is a real annoying position it puts me in right now.

Thats it for work / job hunting related stuff. I still had some good days. I did help a friend of mine move this week on monday and tuesday. And i got a contact for my "sidejob" which will help us in getting new opportunitys maybe (at least i hope so since its a direct contact to the company which is responsible for the stuff we are dealing with).

Last but not least. Thanks for all the People who voted on the poll till now. And especially thanks to all the people checking out this Thread and liking / following my work. Even though there is not that much to see till now.


Nov 29, 2020
Dont get me wrong i do like the v2. And i agree that the current v3 does not look as good. But from my pov i think the DAZ Preview also looks great.

Thats the thing i dislike most about those Previews. Even if you buy the character (and yes i did in this case cause i did not want to wait till it was available for DL) you are still missing like 90% of the things. The Hair is missing the color so you have to do that manually. The Makeup is missing and a bunch of other stuff. Normally if i buy stuff i expect it with the list of additional assets to look the same as the preview. But not with DAZ it seems which is annoying. Every time i think ok that Model looks great like that and get it its still the same stuff is missing and even with the assets listed below its still not 100% the same.... But well enough ranting against DAZ.

I am currently rerendering some of the Images i already have cause the lighting was off in the first ones. So the scenes at least look alike. Those are only three images of Mike going to the Toilet. After that i will get back to posing and pose at least parts of the stuff i still need to pose.
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Nov 29, 2020
Btw for everyone "wondering" what i am listening to when doing Renders or stuff and not in the know about the awesome Folks here. Head over there and check them out

Alright (kind of) productive day. I finished posing and Rendering 21 new Renders in the last 10 Hours. Some Renders took longer. Some were faster. None the less. I will fall into my bed now and get some sleep. Will post some Results of the Renders tomorrow.
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Nov 29, 2020
Alright. So i promissed you guys some more Sneak Peaks.

Here you go. That is all for now.

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Since i helped a Friend move today i havent had the time nor the motivation to do something today. Aside from noting down a few ideas for the next Storyline which will be Laura as it seems (since the vote is quite clear xD). Neither Mike nor Lauras Story will be complete but after Lauras Part of the Story i will start with what i think of as the Main Story. The Story from Ben and Jen. Theoretically all Stories happen kind of simultaneously they are more like notable events of that specific Day. While the Story of Ben and Jen will extend to Day 2 the other Stories will happen at Day 1 for now. Normally Game Devs Focus on whole Days for their Stories. This will differ for my Game. I will focus on the Stories so you can decide which Stories to play and which not. You dont want to play the Story of Mike? Thats fine no need to. Start with the next Release after that and play Lauras Part. (But you would miss out on the Alpha in this case ^^")

To get you a glimpse how it will fit time wise into the whole Game:
Day 1:
18:00-19:00 all People arrive at the Bar. (Start of all Stories theoretically)
20:30-21:50 Storyline 1 of Kevin
20:50-21:55 Storyline 1 of Steph
21:15-22:45 Storyline 1 of Laura
22:20-23:20 Storyline 1 of Mike
23:00-24:00 Storyline 1 of Jen and Ben

Day 2:
00:00-12:00 Continuing Storyline of Jen and Ben

Those are just some rough estimates for the Stories i currently have placed on a timeline (at least somewhat timelineish). All other Characters will have some content on Day 1 as well. But i havent picked a time yet where that happens. Also everything is subject to change as i see fit storywise.


Nov 29, 2020
First and foremost let me say sorry.

Game News:

Unfortunately i was everything but motivated to work on new Renders/the Game. I made a few notes for the Next Storyline but that was about it. I will see if i can get something done next week. But since i have to work again i am not sure how much time i have on Weekdays. I might have some time on the Weekends. Not sure though. Sorry i have to let you hanging longer before i can release the Alpha Beta Demo whatchama callit. I should have most of the Renders i need though. But there are still some i would like to add.

Personal News:

The Reason behind that Delay and my missing motivation is based on a few things. Since my Internet is working again and one of my favourite Game opened Registrations to become Partner for it i had to Stream a bit more to maybe become Partner. This was or is one of the Goals for me in 2021/2022. I also started to play some Story Games (It Takes Two and Assassins Creed Origins) to keep my mind of the matters at hand. If you like a soppy Coop Story try It Takes Two. Its awesome. I finished it today with a Buddy of mine. We had loads of fun.

Like i said i was waiting rather impatiently regarding the feedback of my hopefully new Job. On Tuesday i received the news that i will be getting the Job and had to wait for the contract to arrive. Which did yesterday. I hate waiting. Especially if i really really want something. So i can understand that some of you might get impatient and like i said i am deeply sorry that there was no real process.

Also i was almost rushing to the hospital this morning or rather calling an ambulance. I had really really heavy pain in my lower abdomen. Pain i havent experienced ever so far. So painful i almost had to puke. The first wave passed after ~30 minutes. After that i had a pause of ~20 minute before the second wave which took around 45 minutes. After that it passed and i am so far without pain. I dont quite know what caused it but it was no Problem with my appendix so it shouldnt kill me (hopefully).

My new company wants a shitload of info from me for the contract. So i will visit my parents on Tuesday after i finish work. I will start the new Job on the 1st of July. Since thats a Thursday i will take of Monday till Wednesday before that which will be spent working on the Game (at least hopefully if i dont finish it before then).

So that sums it up i guess.

But still i got something for you. This was interpolated from just 4 images from the AI.
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Jan 22, 2018
First and foremost let me say sorry.

Game News:

Unfortunately i was everything but motivated to work on new Renders/the Game. I made a few notes for the Next Storyline but that was about it. I will see if i can get something done next week. But since i have to work again i am not sure how much time i have on Weekdays. I might have some time on the Weekends. Not sure though. Sorry i have to let you hanging longer before i can release the Alpha Beta Demo whatchama callit. I should have most of the Renders i need though. But there are still some i would like to add.

Personal News:

The Reason behind that Delay and my missing motivation is based on a few things. Since my Internet is working again and one of my favourite Game opened Registrations to become Partner for it i had to Stream a bit more to maybe become Partner. This was or is one of the Goals for me in 2021/2022. I also started to play some Story Games (It Takes Two and Assassins Creed Origins) to keep my mind of the matters at hand. If you like a soppy Coop Story try It Takes Two. Its awesome. I finished it today with a Buddy of mine. We had loads of fun.

Like i said i was waiting rather impatiently regarding the feedback of my hopefully new Job. On Tuesday i received the news that i will be getting the Job and had to wait for the contract to arrive. Which did yesterday. I hate waiting. Especially if i really really want something. So i can understand that some of you might get impatient and like i said i am deeply sorry that there was no real process.

Also i was almost rushing to the hospital this morning or rather calling an ambulance. I had really really heavy pain in my lower abdomen. Pain i havent experienced ever so far. So painful i almost had to puke. The first wave passed after ~30 minutes. After that i had a pause of ~20 minute before the second wave which took around 45 minutes. After that it passed and i am so far without pain. I dont quite know what caused it but it was no Problem with my appendix so it shouldnt kill me (hopefully).

My new company wants a shitload of info from me for the contract. So i will visit my parents on Tuesday after i finish work. I will start the new Job on the 1st of July. Since thats a Thursday i will take of Monday till Wednesday before that which will be spent working on the Game (at least hopefully if i dont finish it before then).

So that sums it up i guess.
No need to apologise lordparcival, it's all good. Sometimes it can be difficult to stay motivated, it's just one of those things, and the situation with the new job (congratulations by the way, that's great news) and the health scare (fingers crossed it's nothing serious) are more important than the game at the moment. :)


Nov 29, 2020
News News News News News

The Game:
Err well i may have overstated too much with that "Headline" there is nothing new in regards to the game BUT a whole lot stuff aside from that is happening. More in Tech and Private.
I am currently trying to figure out in which order to put the Images of the BJ / HJ so we will have a nice animation including cumshots. I will do some work tomorrow and on Sunday but wont have time Today either.

I DID IT! (At least it seems like it) I was lucky and could FINALLY order a RTX 3090 Founders Edition. So i didnt only pay MSRP for it which is around 1560€ here in Germany. No it should also be shipped in the next days hopefully. At least i think so. It is still showing up in my Orders so im slightly optimistic. I am also in the process of ordering a water cooler for it. So when both things arrive i can finally upgrade my Rig.

Personal Stuff:
So i finished all the stuff i needed for my new company and sent out my contract today. So its official :) I also made a doctors appointment on my first day since they need one too. And on a side note i will (most likely) get my covid vaccination on Monday. This might mean though that i will be out cold next week completely. Since i will get Johnson & Johnson which is the Vaccine which knocks you out the most since its 1 shot instead of two like all the other vaccines. I would have the chance to wait at work and get Biontech/Pfizer instead but i am not sure if i would be able to get it. So i will choose the faster solution which is J&J.

On a side note i will take care of a friend of mine and talk to him a bit. His wife is threatening him with divorce and barred him from their apartment. Its not the first time they have trouble but this time it could be quite serious so i want to be there for him.

Take these Images as a little i am sorry note. (Yay more Main Menu Images)

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Nov 29, 2020
Alright Alright....

The Game:
Unfortunately i still havent had the time to do something for the Game yet and i wont have time this week either. Not sure about next week / the next two weeks. After that my schedule will clear up. Especially the last three days of the month will be less packed with chores.

IT ARRIVED AND GOD ITS A FN BEAST! The 3090 and the Watercooling Block both arrived on Monday. And despite the Vaccination i felt fine enough to tackle the modification. So the Cooler is installed and i did a test drive. And HO LY MO LY. This thing packs a freaking punch. I rerendered the Female Group Scene and instead of the 4h+ it took me with the CPU (even though its the 5950X) it took me roughly 20 minutes. I am beyond happy with that Result. Considering that additionally to that 20 minutes i was running my Browser with a few Twitch Streams it still was running fine. GPU was running at approx 45% and the VRAM was at 12,9/24GB. With the old Setup i had to close everything except DAZ. So i can freely work and watch some Series or something while doing so. This might boost production cause i dont have to go to my living room to watch the series while waiting for the Renders to be done. Also i might even be able to render bigger Scenes without the need for splitting them which will enhance lighting related stuff.
So when i will be back to rendering it will be running fast and smooth.

Private Stuff:
As i said i will have less time for the Game the rest of the month unfortunately. The only side effect of the vaccination i currently have is being tired. Aside from that i only had a numb feeling in my forearm and the edge of my hand.

Regarding my Friend i hope i was able to protect him from doing something totally retarded. He is still alive and i hope it will stay that way. Unfortunately it seems his marriage is beyond repair and his wife will file for divorce. He might need to stay with me for a few days. Which means in those days i wont be able to work on the Game cause i have to fix everything in my home and clean up. Also i have to take care of him while he is here and get his mind of that situation. I am not sure if that is needed or how long it will be. That totally depends on if his wife will find a new appartment in time or if it takes longer.

He will start his new Job at the same Company and the same day i will start. I hope this will maybe take his mind of things. But i guess it will take him some time to heal.

As said i got my Vaccination shot on Monday. Feeling great so far in two weeks i will count as fully vaccinated. Looking forward to that. If i will be able to do something prior or have new news i will update you as always.


Nov 29, 2020
So since we havent done one yet here is a Screenshot of the Full Cast. Including your favorite Bartender and Storyteller.


And i did say so in my last Post but yeez i cant say it enough. Comparing to the 1060 and 1080 the freaking 3090 is a GOD DAMN BEAST! Guess how long it took to Render that scene?
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Funny Sidenote. Like i stated the Rerender i did of the Female Group. Took me 21 Minutes. Browser was running Both times. This time the VRAM Usage went up to 20GB though and the CPU and RAM Usage went up to 100% and 61/64GB as well. But it worked well. The Rest of the day though i will chill on my trusty couch. And enjoy playing some VNs. I still have to play the newest update of Intertwined. Not sure if my Brain is up for the Task though since this game tends to impact me and mess with my feelings quite good... But there are also a few others i have yet to continue. So i will see what my trusty library holds while binging some series.

Enjoy the Rest of your Weekend everyone. Talk to you soon (hopefully).

Edit: And since i was curious same Render in 4k took me 32 mins and 5 secs you can find it attached.
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Nov 29, 2020
So like i said i wanted to play some VNs and stumbled over a nice Easteregg in one of them.

For those of you who havent played Ataegina yet i highly recommend it if you are into Fantasy and Games with more then Story only. It has a nice fight system and the Story is well written and fun to Play.

This is the Scene i am talking about i will keep it in Spoilers if you Plan on playing the Game and the Solution to what it hints at in a separate Spoiler. Some people might recognize it some not.

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Nov 29, 2020
Updates Updates or as Terry Pratchett wouldve written Updates! Updates! (aka Guards! Guards! for those of you who havent read the Discworld Novels if you enjoy Fantasy i highly recommend those)

Indeed i did work a bit on the Game. I reworked some of the Code and will rewrite it a bit further also i did some (fast) play throughs and realized that there was still some stuff i was missing and need to render too. But with the 3090 i hope it will be faster. I still need to wrap my head around the Animations. (How many parts do i want and how do i want to split them etc.) And i am curious. Would you rather have a playthrough without Animations to get a grasp of my initial Idea or wait till the Animations are done? (If you dont want to spam the chat feel free to vote with Emotes Wave for Animations / Like for Images)

The most time will be consumed by posing now which is something i kind of dislike especially when it comes to limbs and stuff. Its just so damn unintuitive. It would be way easier if i could somehow do it with motion capture instead of having to move every single limb every single joint and every single placement. But one must do what one has to do.

Personal Life:
4 more days and a chapter of my life will end and a new one will start. It would be great if it would be my love life instead of my work life but well you take what you can get.

Also i am now counting as Fully Vaccinated. YAY! Finally my Chip has reached it full 5G Potential xD

I am kind of glad i jumped ship as early as i did since my colleagues now all received the news that they need to search for a new Job too. So ending it early leaves me with less worry and i can focus easier on my new Job. Better end something on your terms instead of having terms forced onto you.

Nonetheless i will miss all the folks i had the pleasure of working with (except for a few but you do have those in every company dont you?).