VN Ren'Py Stories from the Gloryhole - Dev Thread

What kind of View do you prefer for scenes?

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Nov 29, 2020
Well. Bad news everyone. It seems that the Waterblock of the RTX had a Leak. And as a result the coolant leaked onto the Motherboard and one of my M2 SSDs. If i am lucky only the Motherboard of my PC is broken. If its more fucked up it couldve spread to Memory and the M2 could be done for too. I already purchased a new Board which will hopefully arrive tomorrow. I also ordered a spare SSD so if the M2 is faulty i can replace it.


Jan 22, 2018
Well. Bad news everyone. It seems that the Waterblock of the RTX had a Leak. And as a result the coolant leaked onto the Motherboard and one of my M2 SSDs. If i am lucky only the Motherboard of my PC is broken. If its more fucked up it couldve spread to Memory and the M2 could be done for too. I already purchased a new Board which will hopefully arrive tomorrow. I also ordered a spare SSD so if the M2 is faulty i can replace it.
Yikes, sorry to hear that lordparcival. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it's only the motherboard.
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Nov 29, 2020
Tech Stuff:


My PC is back up again. It cost around 800€ to fix it (well 360€ for the Motherboard and the rest for 2 new M2 SSDs and a Copy Station for M2) but well. At least the GPU was not defective and the Memory is working fine too.

Personal Stuff:

Like i already said i did start my new Job on Thursday. The last days went by in a flash. Normally i wanted to do some stuff for the Game on Monday to Wednesday but my 2nd "Job" had other Plans. (And the Waterblock from my PC too...)
The first two days so far were quite eventfull. I think i did a good choice with that Job even though it will be quite challenging. But i aim to learn and develop my skills even if it currently seems like it is a Mountain of work to do so.
My colleagues so far are quite nice and despite my thoughts it was easier to find my ways around inside those damn huge buildings.
I will have to learn quite a bit but i think i will manage and the Paycheck will be worth it. (Otherwise i guess i would have slight Problems buying new Hardware like that xD)

On to the Stuff you all are looking forward to.

Game Stuff:

Like i asked you in the last Post i wanted to know if you would prefer a faster release with Images instead of Animations or the high quality Animations from the Looks of it the 3 of you who voted blaqkthespian Reifon and Bagley voted for the Images. To clarify this please vote again with Emotes. This time we will go with wave for animations and thinking for Images only. So its easier to differentiate between the Like for the Post itself and the Vote for the Question.

Enough of that though. I havent had the time to work on the Game yet but i plan on moving the Library again so the Load times will be crushed (at least i hope so). With the two old 500GB m2s which i have in a case now i will have enough space for the current library. Next week i will create some more poses and Renders cause i am currently really looking forward to working on this again. Especially since the weather cooled down and its not as hot anymore Plus it seems that after i fixed the leak i now have more coolant in my loop so its not heating up as much as it did before. But that is something i have to test.

Enjoy your weekend everyone. Talk to you next week.
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  • Thinking Face
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Nov 29, 2020
So. Semi Good and Bad News.
Yesterday i did some renders. (Yay good news.) But i realized today that the Cooler leaked again. So i removed the 3090 again and made a Ticket with the Seller to get a replacement hopefully. For now i am back to using the 1080 but Rendertimes are not great. So i will stick to posing and preparing and once i receive the replacement cooler i will continue rendering. Good thing i realized it though before it could grill my Mainboard again.... The Renders i did are related to a Render i posted earlier. It will be a little animation i will put in the Game too. Not really relevant but i wanted to test some stuff and figured that would be a good way to test the 3090.
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Nov 29, 2020
So more news.

Game Stuff:

I havent posed anything yet but will work on a few things tomorrow. Maybe even do some renders with the 1080. Unfortunately i sent the 1060 i had as a second card to a friend of mine since i thought the 3090 was running fine and his GF needed a better card then the one she had.
I have a few new ideas storywise for future content which i will implement in the Game. In the Jen/Ben Storyline i plan to implement a kind of Minigame. Since it will be based on chance the outcome will not really have an impact on the story but i might use that to create a Strip like Minigame as a Stand Alone if you would be interested in something like that.
Since i cant really work on the Renders i started working on Lauras Storyline now since you voted on it. After that i will start the work on the Storyline of Jen and Ben. For Jen and Ben the Storyline is kinda fixed. It wont be as flexible as the others. You still have the Option not to play it if you dont want to. Like i said at the Beginning all the Storyline are kind of interwebbed but you dont need to play all of them to get the Story of one Character.
Since the Story of Ben and Jen will be the longest you still can skip it and dont have to play it. But the other stories will cross path with them at some point since those are two groups of friends.

Tech Stuff:

So i wrote the Seller of the Waterblock a Message and they answered me that i should send the Block in which i will be doing on Monday. I already cleaned the block and just need to pack it back into the original box so i can ship it back. I dont know if they will give me my money back or send me a replacement. Most likely this will take the whole next week so again not really time i can do Renders.

Private Stuff:

So as you know i started work in my new Company on the 1st. So this week was my first full work week. Not much to say though my Teamlead was only there on Monday and then left vor 4 Days of Vacation. He gave me a Task to do which i finished on Tuesday. After that i used the time to polish the program i have written and expand it. He will be back on Monday and i am looking forward to his evaluation of that task. The first Days were Intense to say the least. So much new Information i have to wrap my head around. So many new faces and stuff. Good thing i am quite good with Names and remembering ways and stuff. Otherwise i wouldve got lost in that company a few times cause its waaaaaaaay bigger then my old company.

I also talked a bit to my friend. Seems he is on a more stable path now. He is searching for an Appartment now and is away from the "Its all my fault. I did everything wrong." Path. He is still not 100% back to normal and it has an impact on his work. I hope he will make it through and find a place soon so he has somewhere to go and be able to clear his had and be able to relax a bit.

Hey! Dont fall asleep!

helena bar hey.png
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Nov 29, 2020
Game Stuff:

So i did a few poses in the last few days. But not nearly enough to feel happy. I didnt have enough time. Due to working more hours in my job and my Second job keeping me up as well. Also Temps in my Room are currently not that great. Not as bad as with the 3090 though since that thing really gets temps "boiling". I will try to get some more poses done tomorrow.

Tech Stuff:

The Waterblock will arrive at the Seller most likely at the Start of next week. I am still not sure if i get my money back or if they will send me a replacement. I hope for the later. But i am not quite sure. I will update you once i know more.

Private Stuff:

Nothing new at the moment. The new Job is still challenging. Especially the more hours i have to put in. ~2 more Weeks till i get my first Paycheck. Instead of paying at the end of the month like my Previous Employer the new Company Pays at the beginning of the month. But in this case they skip the first month so you dont get paied for not doing anything. So i will get a double Paycheck at the 1st or rather in this case 2nd of August.
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Nov 29, 2020
So i am currently in the Process of doing some more poses. Thought i might give you this one.
The Render isnt done yet. Just thought you might enjoy a nice sneak peek.

And geez when rereading my own posts i almost everytime find typos and mistakes <.< Maybe thats the reason of this reaction.

whats he laughing about.png
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  • Haha
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Nov 29, 2020
So the Seller sent me a mail on Thursday saying they received the waterblock. Now its back to the waiting game again.
I will see what i can do next week regarding posing and stuff. This weekend i am unfortunately quite busy so i wont have the time to do something for the game (again). I might do some Renders with the 1080 next week if i dont hear back from the Seller on Tuesday.

I did continue a bit with the Code for Lauras Storyline though. So it hasnt been a week without Progress.
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Nov 29, 2020
So. Bad news first.
I still haven't heard back from the Seller.
Since that kind of annoys me and slows me down i will purchase the same Waterblock again so i can finally render again.

Game Stuff:

I am currently in the process of doing the last Poses and stuff which i need for the Beta. I also did some Test Renders with the 1080 so you have something to see while i wait for the new Waterblock. The Test in this case is the Puddle Props/Materials i found. I am not quite happy with those though but they will have to do for now. Both Images will be in the Game most likely. Not with that Camera Angle though i guess. I will also do another "playthrough" of the Code i have so far to check if more Renders are missing. And i will compile the Images i have to a webm so we have some more Animations. Especially for the HJ/BJ Scene.
So as you can read i am quite in the mood to do something.

Private/Work Stuff:

So i got my first Paycheck from the new Job :D
Since it was for two month it was a nice sum. New Job pays on the first of the month in advance except for the first month. So i got payed for July and August. I am getting payed after taxes the same amount i had at the other Job pre-tax. Which means i can start to save quite some money every month now. Which makes me especially happy since it proves that the decision i made was the right decision. It also means i can do some stuff i put off till now. Light getting some matching dishes and stuff and maybe a new Couch. Not that i couldn't have done that before but i chose not to, to save some more money.

Also i really like the new Job. Its not as restrictive as i thought. My new colleagues are quite nice so far. Pay is great as i already stated and the food in the canteen is also great and quite cheap. At my old employer the prices were almost twice as high for the same stuff. With lesser quality and quantity though.

Also it looks to get a bit better for my buddy. His (Ex)-Wife is still trying to fuck him over at every opportunity she has and filing all sorts of restraints and complaints and stuff for the Court to deal with. But at least he has a new place as of yesterday. Still needs renovating and furniture and stuff but at least he has something he can call home after that.

I also FINALLY motivated myself to continue Intertwined. Still love the Game even though it fucks with my feelings. Still props to NyxVN for creating a Game which gets you thinking about stuff. You can check out his Patreon here

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Nov 29, 2020
If you guys are interested in my (current) ranking regarding my Favorite VNs:

1. Rebirth (Awesome story. Really love the Setting.)
2. WVM (Not much to say here Braindrop is doing an AWESOME Job. Rebirth only gets first cause i like the Setting better but its close.)
3. Being A DIK (This one is also a tough one and is on par with Intertwined in my Books)
4. Intertwined (If you want a Game which really FUCKS with your feelings Intertwined is one level above Being A DIK)
5. PhotoHunt (Also a great Game)
6. Ataegina (For everyone who is really into Fantasy i can only say check out Ataegina.)
7. Something to Write About: The Author (This is a Game which really got me thinking its on Par with Intertwined but with a way darker Setting. If you are in an emotional state which is not stable think twice about Playing this Game.)
8. Tales from the Unending Void (This can also kick you right in the Feels sometimes. Its great for everyone who is into SciFi)

The other Games i recommend cant be put into an order since they are too close to each other but you can see them in my Signature. There are still a few missing which i played and liked but unfortunately there is not enough space left.
One of those which havent made it into my Sig and the biggest some of you might know is Milfy City.
That one is a special case. I am not really into the Bang your Mom/Siblings Setting. I mostly played it for the Gloryhole Part which i found online. But the Story is quite well written so i sticked with it.
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Nov 29, 2020
Tech Stuff:


I received a new Waterblock for my RTX yesterday and installed it today. I will monitor if i get any leaks but so far it looks promissing. The first Tests regarding performance also look good. Even though my PC did decide to force quit once so far. Due to it being to hot. Considering that the Heatspreader on the Mainboard is hot to the touch and same for the Memory i can kind of understand it though. Buuuuuuut its running fine now for ~4 Hours. So i did some Renders for you guys and for the Game.

Without further ado here you go. Enjoy.

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Nov 29, 2020
Tech Stuff:

So. I am not sure what exactly is happening. But it seems the PC is crashing from time to time. Like hardcrash. Shutting of. Completely black. No Bluescreen no nothing. It seems not to be due to overheating. Since Temps are looking good. (Except for the memory and Mainboard which are still hot to the touch.) I am not quite sure if its Power related yet or what exactly is happening. I did not have that Problem before changing the Mainboard. Nonetheless if i am Rendering nothing happens only when im playing something AFTER Rendering. Which is fn weird. But well i am able to render again. So far it does not look like the new Block is leaking but i am leaving paper towels i placed around the Card for a few Days longer. (And no those are not the reason the PC is crashing since they are not placed above Parts which could cause that.)

Game Stuff:

Yes yes i know this is the Part which is most important to all of you ^^ I did some more Renders and stuff today. I filled the Scenes with some Dummy People so the Scenes look more lifely. I also finally have an idea how i am gonna make the Blowjob scene better which means i have to repose and rerender it. But that should be no Problem with the 3090 now back in the Game. I am also in the Process of getting some new Hardware for a smaller PC where i will use the 1080 so i can Render something on that Machine too or play while Rendering on the Main machine. I also opened up a Patreon Page which i might use Later once i have a Alpha Beta whatchamacallit running and a more steady workflow. But for the most Part i will use this forum. I will still keep this Thread as (Dev)Diary but will create a new Post for the Game Release once there is something playable to show.

If you would prefer another Language in Addition to English please let me know. I might do a German Version too since thats my native Language. But i am not 100% sure about that yet.

I will also try to get into contact with some Devs of my favorite VNs and asking them for Models which i would then use in the bigger scenes to promote their Games. Just cause i would love to do something for those Amazing Artists/Devs. (Also cause i am a lazy fuck and dont want to think about more ways how People could look xD )

Personal Stuff:

For the moment i am finally having some time again cause my "2nd Job" is currently on break at least for the most Part on Weekends. I still have some stuff to do on Thursdays. But thats about it for now regarding that. I am currently also feeling more motivated to work on the Game again.

Edit: Almost forgot the Preview Images of todays renders. Silly me.

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Nov 29, 2020
Alright bit out of Plan but i had to share this one with you. It will be in the Game but i found it to cute not to share right away.

laura bj close 4.png

Edit goes here:

Game Neeeeeews:

Yay. I am in the Zone. Which means i started reposing and rerendering the Blowjob Scene. Also i finally found the Path for the Poses. And i remembered to create a Cam this time ^^" So no Problem to continue from where i left of. The first few Renders will be done today. With the 3090 i need a quarter of the time i needed with the 1080. At least roughly. And that in Addition to me using the PC to watch some stuff and listen to music. The 3090 and 5950X are just freaking Powerhouses.

Tech Stuff:

Tomorrow i will order the remaining Parts for my second Machine. Which means Case, Mainboard, Power Supply. Everything else is already in my posession. I am still not sure for what i am aiming and if i will use the 1080 with a custom Waterloop or if i will use the Stock Cooler and try to sell the Waterblock.

Private Stuff:

Got a sunburn today while i was on the Shooting Range with my Bow. Aside from that everything is fine.
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Nov 29, 2020
Here we go again.

Game News:

Yayyyyyy. There was Progress. I did a Bunch of Renders. To be precise i almost finished the BJ Scene. There will be two Endings for that. A Facial Version and a swallow Version. The Facial Version will be almost fully animated including the Facial. The Swallow Version will base on the same Renders except for the End. I also redid some Renders i previously used for the Start of the Game Kinda intro-y. Which means i need to rewrite the beginning. That shouldnt take too long though. Still have to pose and rerender the Handjob scene.

I am not 100% happy with one of the parts of the BJ Scene which i used the AI on. Since the BG is quite buggy in the Vid. I am still undecided if i will try to use the AI with the 3090 and check if the result is different or if i will use single Images for that Part. Even if it would look weird. Will add the Part. Shoot me a Message or comment with what you think about it.

Tech Stuff:

Still didnt order the parts for the second Machine cause i havent found the time for it yet. Only thing i did is decide on a Case which i would like to have. Not sure if i will get my Hands on it since its limited and sold out here in Germany. (If you dont want to pay way over MSRP like with the current Graphics Card Prices....)

Private Stuff:

Nothing new here. Got not nearly enough sleep the last days but well.

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Nov 29, 2020
Unfortunately things turn out differently than you think.

Game News:

I was dead set on making a Ninja release today since its my cake day and i wanted you to get the Present.

Unfortunately first i got not enough sleep second thing was that i had to redo the whole handjob scene again. And instead of leaving the PC running the whole night like i thought about i decided against it since i had to work in pc room today from home. Since i did not want it to be to warm. Surprise Surprise it was way too hot after all. I am still in the process of rendering everything now. I also have to create the animations from those renders then and after that i have to code it so it will fit. I am not quite sure when i will be done with that since i wont have much time this week.

Private Stuff:

Well like i stated today is my cake day so i visited my Parents. I also had to work only half of the day so i had some time. But Renders decided to take longer then i would have thought. I will have some mechanics over on monday which will check the Windows. So i have to clean up and this time for real <.< But i dont want to get into Problems with my Landlords. So i got to do what i got to do.

In the Meantime enjoy these Renders of the Cumshot from the Handjob. And a special look from below.

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Nov 29, 2020
Hui. Almost two weeks without an update. Shame on me.

Game News:

So i was working on the Renders and did finish the Handjob Scene at least Renderwise. While reviewing the Code though i found still some other stuff i havent rendered yet. But there is a saying for Beginners which is K.I.S.S. for short which means Keep it simple stupid. So i will keep it simple for the start and will use less events and switches for the start. I will later on start to implement those if i feel like it. Currently i am embedding the Handjob Scene into the Code. After thats done i still need to embed the Masturbation and Blowjob Scene into the Code too. After that i will recheck the code again and see if there is more stuff missing.

Private/Tech Stuff:

So like i said i had some mechanics here on Monday. Everything went smooth i also got another update for my rig. Instead of the 750 Watt PSU i now updated to a 1000 Watt PSU. This seemed to eliminate the Blackscreen crashes i had. I also did work a bit with overclocking of the 3090. Which seems to be running smooth. Unfortunately my allergies are acting up which results in my eyes tearing up and stuff which makes it hard to stare on a screen for too long.


Nov 29, 2020
Again almost two weeks <.< Shame on me. Maybe i should make this more like a two weekly update thingy xD That would put me on schedule.

Not so much news though.

Game News:

Not much new i am currently rerendering some things but nothing big since i havent really had the time for it. Will check if i can get some more coding done.

Work / Private News:

I might be going to South Korea for 3 Weeks in November/December. My boss gave his okay for this so i am just waiting for the ok of the company organizing the Tournament over there. If i am lucky i might be able to work remotely the two weeks i have to stay in quarantine over there. But we will see. Everything depends if we get a positive feedback from the Organizer. This would also be part of my 2nd / Sidejob which is taking up pace again this and the next two weeks.

But i dont want to leave you hanging completely high and dry so here is a little something for you guys.

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Nov 29, 2020
I was totally planning to be on time. I swear....

Alright okay. I am totally not on time. I thought this would mark two weeks but its over Three..... Almost a month. I am slacking and i dont like that one bit. Unfortunately my 2nd Job keeps me quite busy.

"Good" thing though i will not travel to South Korea due to covid. So i will use those three weeks otherwise.

Tech Stuff:

I am waiting for the last Parts for my 2nd System which should arrive within this week hopefully. Depending when the last of the pieces will be available again. Then i can start putting the pieces together. I also bought another additional Monitor for my main Rig and will use the old one for my 2nd System.

Game Stuff:

Like i said i am slacking and i dont like that one single bit. BUT i am currently in the process of copying the Gamefiles over to my main Rig instead of trying to script solely on my Laptop. On my Main Rig i will be able to use more then one Monitor also the 15" Laptop Screen is not nearly as good for scripting then my Screens on my Main Rig so i hope i will be able to script better on that Machine. This should be done next week hopefully. No new Renders though.

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Nov 29, 2020
*Sneaks in for a quick update*

Tech Stuff:

Aaaaaaand its done. Finally after three+ Weeks the last Parts for my "new" Build arrived and i could finally start putting the pieces together. Everything seems to work. So i can finally Game while Rendering.

Game Stuff:

As you could see i was working a bit on the Game and new Renders. But i am again rethinking and rewriting stuff. Also all the Stuff for writing is now on my main Rig. Which is good since it means i can start up the Game and make Renders "on the fly" while playing through it and seeing what i am still missing currently. The biggest thing i still have to implement are the animations.

Also i am unsure again if i should rather go again with the approach i initially planned or which i am currently working with. Which is should i rather go with a First Person Style Cam? A 3rd Person Style? Or a Situation Style Camera.

The first Person Style would mean you would only see a wall and i would have to rely heavily on writing when it comes to the Gloryhole Scenes since you would be able to see only a wall.

When it comes to third Person you would have almost the same Limitation with the difference that you would see more of the Person currently "featured".

A Situation Style Camera would switch between first and third Person and would not stay at the "featured" Person. So as example for Mikes Story you would be able to see Laura giving him a Blowjob or Handjob from her 3rd Person Perspective. That would kind of break the inclusive feeling.

If you have suggestions or wishes what you would like to see feel free to Vote with Emotes. (1st Person (Thinking) / 3rd Person (Drooling) / Situational Cam (Party))

Private Stuff:

Still have to plan my days of from the office since i still have 11 Days left. Aside from that there is not much to say. My second Job will keep me busy in November but i still plan to get some writing/scripting/rendering/posing sessions in.

Aside from that i am currently playing some VNs on the Side to get a feel of what i could do better and what i should try not to do.

For all of you who are into Fantasy / Vampire Stuff i would suggest Playing Sun Breed. I "binged" through it yesterday. And i have to say i really love the style and story. Its the same Style as Rebirth but with more lewd Scenes.
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