VN Ren'Py Stories from the Gloryhole - Dev Thread

What kind of View do you prefer for scenes?

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  • Poll closed .


Nov 29, 2020
So i created a new Poll for all of you.

The vote for the next Story Part has concluded. It will be the Story of Laura which makes sense. I already have some stuff scripted for that so it might be in the initial release. After that we will start with the Story of Ben and Jen (I am still annoyed by myself with the similarity of those two Names <.<) I will hope that i have something to show to you at least till the end of the year but i am not quite sure i will be able to do it. I will try my best though.


Nov 29, 2020
Game Stuff:

The Results of the Poll are not quite what i expected so i will leave it running till the Start of January. I will still try to finish the first Part of the Game till the end of the year though so the changes due to the Poll will be embedded later on. I haven`t done much in the last few Days since my Job and my "Side job" keep me kind of Busy. I still have some more Ideas flying around in my head which i have written down to embed them in later Stories. I did also watch some Videos regarding handling DAZ and an approach for VN by IT Roy. If you plan to get into VNs and DAZ i can only suggest to watch his Tutorials on Youtube.

Private Stuff:

I will have 3 Weeks of Vacation though with a split of one week in between where i have to work.
The first week will be next week from the 29th to the 3rd of December. Then i have to work one week and after that i have an additional two weeks off from the 13th to the 24th of December. I hope i can use these weeks to get some stuff regarding the Game done and have it for you as kind of a Christmas Present :)
I will try my best to keep this deadline. If there are still things which are not quite ready i will keep these things out of the Testversion and embed them later on with the next Release.
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Nov 29, 2020
Game Stuff:

Yaaaaaaay. There is stuff happening. I did work on a new animation yesterday which will replace one i had done already. Unfortunately a rather important part was missing. I did also work a bit on the Code and the Images i havent implemented yet.
Hopefully i will be able to do more stuff next week since i most likely wont be home tomorrow. Baby Steps though. I am nowhere near as much done as i would like too.

Personal Stuff:

So kinda good and kinda bad news. I might not be home tomorrow to work on the Game but that might be change after this evening. A friend of mine i went to the cinema with last Saturday was diagnosed with Covid. Both of us have been fully vaccinated so i hope it wont be a huge impact for him. But since i have a Tournament tomorrow and after that i wanted to visit my Dad for his Birthday i have to take a Test to see if he infected me. Till now i dont have symptoms though so i hope its nothing. Especially since i would get my booster shot on monday. Also i would have my yearly review with my new Boss on Wednesday face to face. If i test positiv that wont happen. I would have time to work on the Game though if i would not get Symptoms in the future. If i dont test positiv i will have to work next week. I think i might get some side effects after the Booster on Monday and probably on Tuesday too. So i most likely will be out for these two days anyway. But after next week i will have two weeks of Vacation again and i will have less to do for my side job as well. I was quite busy this week even though i had vacation.

Edit says: I tested negativ for Covid so i will get my booster on Monday and wont be home on Sunday.
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Nov 29, 2020
Game Stuff:

I havent done too much yet but i am currently in the works of cleaning up the Code + another Animation is currently rendering. I hope it wont look too shabby. But well i am here to learn.


Personal Stuff:

Well Money is flowing out of my pockets xD Had to buy a new Bed and decided i would also buy a new mattress since my old one is ~9-10 Years old so i decided to get a new one while i get the new Bed.
So i will be waiting for those and hopefully they will arrive before christmas.
I will be visiting a Friend on Monday and Tuesday and therefore not be working on the Game on Mon/Tue. But i will work on it the next Days.


Nov 29, 2020
Game Stuff:

ITS ALIVE! Well no not really but at least i am and heavily working. Rerendering stuff. Changing Stuff. Coding Stuff. Creating new Stuff. I am in the Zone. Unfortunately i was cut short for time due to different stuff happening but well its always like that aint it?
I am working on new Renders which will hopefully give you a good feel. I will change some stuff i have built in already which will be replaced and remodeled. Unfortunately one of those things is the Blowjob/Handjob Scene i had rendered for LauraxMike which was the BIGGEST Freaking Animation i had BUT due to the Poll results it will not be in the Initial Beta Release since its not focused on the Character you are playing (yet) It will be available later on in Lauras Part which will give me some time to rework it cause due to some awkward Renderissues with her Nipples so i did decide to use a different Model instead. Unfortunately this means i have to rerender the scenes. But hopefully with the 3090 it should be quick. I hope and i will work today and tomorrow on it that i can still keep my promise with a Release on Christmas. Normally for me that would mean the 24th since thats Christmas Eve here in Germany. But i will use the American Standard the 25th aka Boxing Day to get a bit more time since i will visit my Parents on the 24th. But as soon as i am back i will work on the Game again if i am not done then.

Private Stuff:

So my new Bed did arrive and i did already set everything up. Its quite a lightweight in comparison to my old Bed which was feeling heavier. At least though that meant i was quick with putting everything together plus it means i could do it alone. Now i just have to wait for my Mattress and my new Pillow (from the same vendor). Interesting side Fact according to the Post Office the Pillow should be already here but i dont see it anywhere *scratches head*. So either someone took it or it is at one of my Neighbours since the Postal Worker thought i might not be home and decided to leave it with one of the Neighbours. Hopefully i will see tomorrow. And hopefully the new Mattress will arrive tomorrow as well. I also bought a new Monitor (again i know). This time its a WQHD one with 27 inch instead of the 24 inch one i bought last time. Most likely i will add those to my Setup as well. Since i feel that 3 Monitors just are not enough for what i am doing. I am not 100% sure yet though.

Job and Sidejob Stuff:

Good news! At least for me. First i received a letter since i am currently on Holiday that i finished my trial Period successfully. So i will stay at my current job which makes me Happy. Since i really like the People there and the company itself. Even though i have less free time then prior.

As for my Sidejob we are currently finished with all our Projects for the Year and January will be a bit slower. But after that i am really looking forward to 2022. It will be an awesome year with lots of possibilities. Plus i will meet many new People i have only talked to online till now. I am really really looking forward to that. And hopefully it will open the doors further to what i hopefully will still call my "Hobby" in the future. This will mean though that i will still keep working on the Game but releases wont be fast. Even though i would love to work on the Game more (at least while i am struck with Ideas and the motivation). Its annoying though that for my taste i loose motivation too fast if i have to pose the Models and stuff while all these Ideas are in my Head just waiting for me to create them. That is one of the reasons why i try to mainly work with Stuff that is already available rather then creating poses/animations myself. But i did realize quite fast that that is almost impossible. At least for some things. So i am also creating my Own animations even though it annoys me ^^

While i am typing this there is a new Animation currently rendering which will be used in the Beta. I hope you will like it.
Talk to you on the Evening of the 25th. Till then enjoy the Time with your family if possible and if not enjoy the Time you have and eat some (hopefully) tasty cookies or stuff.

I hope that what i did in this Year since i created this post will at least make you interested in what i have planned for the future and in what else i might be capable of when i am further into DAZ and Renpy :)

P.S.: I did play some old and new VNs one of those is Sun Breed which i really loved. Unfortunately the Dev decided that he did not like working on it and therefore stopped it which is a shame imho since i really did enjoy the Story. Some others include but are not limited to Devil in Your Eyes, Sunshine Love, Nursing back to Pleasure, The Roommate, My Best Deal, Hackers Restart, Bloody Passion, This Romantic World and of course some of my all time Favorites with Intertwined (which still manages to hit me right in the god damn feels). And of course i still have to play the new Update of Being a DIK which also manages to screw with me on a mental level since both of these are so well written. If you have some time on your hand i would advise to check the Games listed in my Signature or above out.
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Nov 29, 2020
Alas it has been done!

I wish you all Merry Xmas. I hope you are enjoying or did enjoy the time with your family or the time on your own.
The Files have been uploaded and the Thread is waiting for approval.
I will post the link to the Mainthread in the First Post but for now here are the Links. Please enjoy the Tech Alpha as i called it.
If you encounter any Mistakes Grammarwise or missing Images etc shoot me a message or write here in the Game Thread.

Without further ado here you go:

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Mac: - - -
Android: - - -


Nov 29, 2020
So. Long time no Update. I hope you all had great Holidays and started great into the New Year.
I haven`t done much these Days since i had quite some stuff to do IRL which kept me busy.

Game Stuff:

I am currently working on rerendering the Scenes for Laura due to a bug with the HD Nipples. I did update them to v2 but i am still not happy with it. I will use them to be able to get another Update out faster. I will upload a fix for the mentioned stuff in the Thread next week i guess. Getting rid of the MC Question and reducing the time till the Cum Command is available. I will also work on Scripting an End Screen where it lets you know thats the end for that Version. After that i will work further on the Update for Laura and a few more Scenes for Mike which need to be there in place so that it lines up with Lauras Storyline. I am not quite sure when i will have that available but hopefully it shouldnt take another year.

Private Stuff:

Like stated above i had quite a lot of things to do in the last Days and therefore didnt get around to work on the Game. I will have more time the next few weeks hopefully. But unfortunately i wont have much time on the weekends. I will try to get some work in under the week. At least i will be able to render some stuff under the week while i am working. Aside from that no changes to the old life.

Job Stuff:

I finally had my appraisal Interview with my Manager. He told me again that he values me and that he is happy that i finished my trial period. Its a yearly thing and i am looking forward to next year where i will most likely be able to talk about a pay rise. Not quite sure how i will talk about that though never had to do that till now. Maybe it will resolve itself though since the company is currently debating about a company wide labor agreement.


Nov 29, 2020
Alright this took a while longer then i wanted BUT i bear good news at least partially.

I fixed some of the things mentioned in the Release Thread and provide you with a Hotfix for the current v0.1 for PC/Linux

Its no new content but i am working on that.

This will fix/add the following things:

Endscreen for Mikes Story
Getting rid of the MC Question
Time till Cum Option pops up in faster screen set to 3 Seconds

New Additions:
Added the Option to change all Character Names in the Menu after starting a Game.

You still need to download the Normal Files and then replace the Content with this one.
If someone needs the Hotfix for the APK/MAC/iPhone Version i need to figure a way out how to get those.
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Nov 29, 2020
Time for Updates.

Game News:

Havent done much after the Hotfix. But before i continue anything storywise i want to finish what i started for the Menu with the Rename. I will have a little Gallery there with all the Names and Images so you see who you are Renaming. After that i will work on Implementing the Part of Lauras Story i have rendered so far and focus on proofreading both Parts for Laura and Mike.

Private Stuff:

Decided to take a day of this Friday to check the Release of Dying Light 2 and i was hyped to say the least. Played it for 25 hours straight almost with some Toilet and a short break for eating and getting some fresh air for 5 Minutes. So it got me hooked. Will continue to play some more of it this Sunday.

Thats it so far no real news but i wanted to get back to posting stuff at least bi weekly.
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Nov 29, 2020
Yay Updates. Or are they?

Game Update:

Not really much new stuff. I am still working on the Gui. So far i am quite happy with how the Namechange Menu turned out. I am not 100% finished with it. Will post a Pic of how it looks so far tomorrow when i am back on my Main Rig.
I will also rework the Mainmenu since i am not happy with that. Unfortunately i am not that great with Graphics but well i will try my best so it looks at least a bit more fitting then it does currently. Did a few Renders but not much new stuff here. Still have to Rerender some scenes due to the new Boobs of Laura. I also have to create the Animations out of the Images and order those. I hope i will have some time for that next week.

Private Stuff:

My 2nd Job is taking up some pace again. I missed doing that stuff and i am happy its starting again. I will be away from home from the 11th to the 21st of March so i wont be able to work on the Game most likely. I will take my Laptop with me so i might be able to do some coding. So i will try to get as much done regarding to rendering as Possible.

Edit: as promissed here the current Rename Screen

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Nov 29, 2020
No News are good News? Unfortunately not.

Game Update:

Well unfortunately there is no such thing. I still have a few things lined up which i need to implement but i am not in the mood and right mindset to work on the Game at the Moment. I did have a few ideas though for the story which i scribbled down. But aside from that there was no Progress made and i am sorry for that.

Private Stuff:

My Side Job is taking up pace again and i have a lot to do which leaves less time to work on the Game. I am trying to juggle everything at once again. Unfortunately this is not working great. Initially last week was planned to be my week of but that was changed due to the Hotel we would have stayed in needing to shift capacities. So the Even which was planned is now rescheduled to May. I will have two weeks of in April where i hope i will have some peace of mind and some motivation to work on the Game again.

I will try to post Updates more regularly again even though there is no Progress. It was a month again which is pissing me of. I hate being not motivated again. And even when i am motivated i dont know where to start which is bugging me too.


Nov 29, 2020
Long time no see....

This took again longer then i expected it to take.
Unfortunately i was out due to being sick but i am feeling better now.
The next two weeks will be a bit packed again with work stuff but after that there will be morge Progress on the Game again.

Game Stuff:

I am currently working on more Story for Lauras Storyline. Its only a bit i added yet but i at least know now in which direction i want to take it. Especially to show you what i was talking about with the Story Choices having Impact on each other. I am also currently thinking of Remaking the Start Menu cause i am not happy with it. But i do have an Idea what i want it to look like. That will take some time though since my Graphic skills are mediocre.

Private Stuff:

There is a LOT going on currently. Aside from me having been sick there is also currently a lot happening with my 2nd Job. I finally filed for something like a trade license which i need so i am allowed to write Invoices without getting problems with the local tax office. The week after next week the Event i was talking about which was delayed will be happening. After that i will have at least some more free time hopefully.


Nov 29, 2020
Time for an Update.

Game Stuff:

Like i said i am not happy with the Start Menu. My current Idea is that i would like to have it resemble more of a Webpage then the current Toilet Stall with half peeled of Stickers. Especially since the Sticker look isnt really working imho. Aside from that i havent had much time for the Game this week.

But here is my current draft for the New (and improved) Main Menu:

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Its just a quick Draw Up in Paint (my Graphic Design Skillz are not that great so i will rely on the help of a Friend for that :)

Menu Points will be the Following:
Join Now! -> Link to F95
Take a Peek -> Start a New Game
Member Area -> All Saves. While below the last 4 Saves will be listed so you can go there directly from the Main Menu. So like a Continue but with 4 Choices
Gallery -> Will be implemented later maybe. So in the first draft it will be not clickable
Searchbar (with Preferences as Text) -> Will open the Settings Menu
Logout -> Will Quit and close the Game Window
Red Window -> The Images inside will Rotate with a few Seconds Delay like a preview Video type or i will have different short Videos play there which will be different each time you start the Game like currently but with Videos instead of Static Images. Not sure currently.

What do you think?
Yay 1651974524614.png or Nay 1651974566003.png

Private Stuff:

Next week our big offline Event will take place. I am looking forward to it and finally to some normality in these Times. Hopefully everything will work out fine. Aside from that if everything turns out well i might be Traveling to Thailand for 4 or 5 Days next month for another offline Event. Which would be great. But it all depends on External factors again. Today i will need some time to pack everything and will have another Event to take care of. And then i will drive to the Offline Event on Monday.
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Nov 29, 2020
Updates Updates

Private Stuff:

Welp the Event was a huge success and sooooooo much fun. Unfortunately it seems i catched Covid. I am not feeling that bad yet. Only have mild symptoms since i am tripple vaxed. Had a severe Headache yesterday. I still have a runny nose, a slight scratch in my Throad and i am feeling tired as hell. None the less its not that bad that i couldnt work according to my Doctor and Boss. Unfortunately this means i wont be able to do something Game related after work since i am feeling totally spent. I will try to do some work on the new MainMenu. But nothing render or coding wise since i am not really able to focus on anything.

Stay save and healthy everyone.
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Jan 22, 2018
Updates Updates

Private Stuff:

Welp the Event was a huge success and sooooooo much fun. Unfortunately it seems i catched Covid. I am not feeling that bad yet. Only have mild symptoms since i am tripple vaxed. Had a severe Headache yesterday. I still have a runny nose, a slight scratch in my Throad and i am feeling tired as hell. None the less its not that bad that i couldnt work according to my Doctor and Boss. Unfortunately this means i wont be able to do something Game related after work since i am feeling totally spent. I will try to do some work on the new MainMenu. But nothing render or coding wise since i am not really able to focus on anything.

Stay save and healthy everyone.
Thanks for the update lordparcival. No worries, take all the time you need, I hope you recover soon :)
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Nov 29, 2020
Another Update. Yay.

Game News:

So i am currently working on the new Menu. Currently i am working with OBS to Preview it since its easier for me to work with it then with Photoshop.

Here are some Previews of the New Menu. This is not final yet. I will add some more stuff Designwise for the Background. But at least it should give you a rough idea what i want it to look like. Hope you like it :) If you have any Feedback regarding the new Design feel free to shoot me a PM or answer to this Post. I am always looking forward to Feedback.

As long as it does not get too hot in my Room i might work a bit on the Story and on Renders for the Game.

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Private Stuff:

Took some time but it seems i am close to Covid Negativ again. Plus i am feeling better. This means i feel good enough to get back to work on the Game. As long as its not too hot in my Room. I did still work normally in my Dayjob even though i did not feel to well. But well perks of Homeoffice i guess ^^"

Stay safe and healthy Guys and see you for the next Update Post.
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Nov 29, 2020
Ooff... Again it has almost been a month since my last Post here.

Game Stuff:

Unfortunately nothing really new here.
I got around to checking my current script for Laura for some Errors and changed a sentence here and there.
But thats about it.

Private Stuff:

Unfortunately work wise the last 4 weeks have been kinda hellish and it wont get better in the next weeks.
Memo to myself i should stop saying yes to every project that comes around the corner...
There should really be more hours in the Day for me...
But well over time it will pass and hopefully i will have more time after the next two Weeks so i can finally start working a bit more on the Game.
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Nov 29, 2020
Updates Updates i am not dead. Yay.

Game Updates:

Work on the Menu is progressing but very very slow. Its way harder then i thought it would be and it seems i have to use some shortcuts so everything looks kinda like i want it to look. Or at least remotely.
I also progressed a bit with Laura's Story and have some new Ideas for the other Stories. But it will still take some time. I will also limit the choices i currently have implemented in Mikes Story cause its way too much work for a Beginner. Instead of the K.I.S.S. Method (Keep it simple stupid) i will use the K.I.S.Y.I. Method (Keep it simple you Idiot!). So less overcomplicating things for myself and rather getting in some Progress.

Private Stuff:

Chaos all around would be an understatement. Two weeks ago we got the Info that my current Team Lead will leave us at the End of the Year together with another Colleague who retires. This means for the current Job i am doing only me and the apprentice will be left but we are searching for a new Team Member for my Position and i most likely will be taking over the Team Lead additionally. Once it gets colder i most likely will be working more on my PC again since its currently heating up the Room way too much and with the rise in Gas and Power Prices i try to not use my PC as much.

Additionally to that my 2nd Job is keeping me busy as well and it looks like i might be traveling for a Day or Weekend next Month either to Istanbul in Turkey or Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Depending on where the Event i want to visit is being held.

I am sad that it took me over two month to get a new post done. Holy cow. It`s like alright you did a post and had some progress lets keep it up for next month and then its like no time today for this i do it tomorrow and then i gradually forget about it while still visiting the Forum almost Daily at least to check quickly for new Releases.


Jan 22, 2018
Updates Updates i am not dead. Yay.

Game Updates:

Work on the Menu is progressing but very very slow. Its way harder then i thought it would be and it seems i have to use some shortcuts so everything looks kinda like i want it to look. Or at least remotely.
I also progressed a bit with Laura's Story and have some new Ideas for the other Stories. But it will still take some time. I will also limit the choices i currently have implemented in Mikes Story cause its way too much work for a Beginner. Instead of the K.I.S.S. Method (Keep it simple stupid) i will use the K.I.S.Y.I. Method (Keep it simple you Idiot!). So less overcomplicating things for myself and rather getting in some Progress.

Private Stuff:

Chaos all around would be an understatement. Two weeks ago we got the Info that my current Team Lead will leave us at the End of the Year together with another Colleague who retires. This means for the current Job i am doing only me and the apprentice will be left but we are searching for a new Team Member for my Position and i most likely will be taking over the Team Lead additionally. Once it gets colder i most likely will be working more on my PC again since its currently heating up the Room way too much and with the rise in Gas and Power Prices i try to not use my PC as much.

Additionally to that my 2nd Job is keeping me busy as well and it looks like i might be traveling for a Day or Weekend next Month either to Istanbul in Turkey or Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Depending on where the Event i want to visit is being held.

I am sad that it took me over two month to get a new post done. Holy cow. It`s like alright you did a post and had some progress lets keep it up for next month and then its like no time today for this i do it tomorrow and then i gradually forget about it while still visiting the Forum almost Daily at least to check quickly for new Releases.
Thanks for the update lordparcival, glad to hear that you are not dead (I never imagined I'd ever write that!) No need to feel sad that it's been a while since the last one, it's all good and I'm glad to see that you're motivated to continue and there's progress! Chaos Life gets in the way as always though (trust me, I know that feeling too well), but no need to sweat it, it'll all work out :)(y)


Nov 29, 2020
Damn man. This has again been waaaaay longer then i want....
But i bear slightly good news. The new Mainmenu is progressing at least a bit. I am currently working on it.
The Stress i had due to working two Jobs might lessen a bit in the coming Days. At least i hope so.
So many things to take care of none the less. But i plan to work on the Game at least a bit each week now.
I dont have any Vacation left this year though. Lets see what next Year brings.

The hardest for me currently is to find Images in the Quality i need for the Borders of the Mainmenu.
Hopefully i will be successfull in the next few Days so it doesnt look as shitty as it currently does anymore.