VN - Ren'Py - Stormside [v0.23.1.4] [Atemsiel]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Stormside is a rather strange VN all told. While it has all the elements of your typical harem VN, it also proceeds to go to some strangely dark places while simultaneously trying to keep a light tone. I’m not sure how the game wants me to feel about a lot of the content, and I’m not sure the game knows either.

    It’s the story and gameplay combined that really throw me for a loop. Stormside takes place in a pseudo-dystopia. It's a near future, sorta real world scenario in which college prices have ballooned to such insane levels that most of the story's cast has agreed to sell their bodies to an experimental obedience system to save their wallets from several hundred thousand dollars of college debt. Apparently it’s the only way to get a well-paying job I guess?

    To reiterate, the main girls of the story are genuine, bona fide whores. Sure, there's a little uncertainty in regards to what the GATDAM system entailed, but the contract they all signed suggests that, on some level, they all knew what was likely to happen. Strangely though, the girls are rather blasé about the whole thing? You’d expect some raging against the machine, dystopic nihilism, or just raw misunderstanding of the contract amongst the cast given such a fucked up world but there’s basically nothing. The most the girls do is attempt to manipulate who receives the role of the magistrate, the one delivering their punishments, and several of the girls didn’t even seem to care, even those who really, really should have.

    Each girl has three different paths the MC can follow with them. There’s a romance path in which the MC refuses to abuse his authority over the girls and they naturally fall for him since he could have turned them into mindless cum-puppets and didn’t; a submission path in which the MC plays the boyfriend by day, but also can’t resist tying his girls up and mind controlling them at night; and a slavery path in which the MC goes full heel, manipulates the girls emotions, bodies, and minds, and does turn them into obedient cum-puppets. Riley’s slave route is just starting out and the emotional manipulation is already pretty heinous.

    The submission and slave routes are reasonably similar. The former may have a little more kissing and romance to it, but at the end of the day there are still mind control collars, punishments and a lot of “for your own good” and “better me than someone else” rationality. The romance path is wildly different, though you still get plenty of sex. Personally, I enjoyed it greatly, as there’s a strange sort of power trip through… not power tripping. Akemi’s story presents this in the best light, as she’s constantly baffled by the MC’s refusal to abuse his position of authority. It’s always fun to show a transactional character that altruism exists.

    The fucky part is how you can mix and match routes for different girls, romancing one while enslaving another. Conditional morality just isn’t moral and there’s no way any decent individual could think sexual abuse is an appropriate punishment for misbehaving at school, no matter what contracts were signed. I’m curious whether there will be story consequences for being a horrible human being or if this is all just a vehicle for porn.

    Admittedly, it’s really good porn. Outside of the weird sort of tonal juxtaposition and the girls just not caring enough about something REALLY IMPORTANT to their immediate futures, I find it difficult to complain about much of anything else. The girls are beautiful with extremely expressive faces and strong personalities. The story, while quite unrealistic in the ways I’ve mentioned, is still interesting and engaging with some fantastic writing, both in and out of sex scenes. And the animations are pretty incredible. Hell, the game even has a couple of laugh out loud funny moments that I really didn’t see coming.

    I truly can’t do anything other than recommend it strongly. While I’m concerned about there being too many girls to properly focus on, and the sheer breadth of content that having three different paths through a half-dozen different girls will bring about, what I’ve seen so far has a great amount of promise. I’m looking forward to where the dev decides to take things. Given a couple more updates, I could definitely see myself rating this five stars.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the avn I've played that has the most potential in my eyes, especially with where 0.22 is taking things

    The girls are fantastic but what I really think is the main point of the game is the routes, I've only played through up to current on the slave path (which is very easy to follow with the in game walkthrough he added) and even though it's the least popular one it is still written extremely well and really the only time I've seen such content done to that quality in an avn. I also massively appreciate the lesbian setting that got added for 0.22. Sasha best girl
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Pleasantly surprised by this game with great potential but already very good, I like the graphic style, I find the rendering pretty, the animations are good, the story is nice, I also like the dose of humor in the games, the sex scenes are good, I just hope it won't be a harem game where we end up sleeping with all the girls at the same time
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.22

    IMO this is a 4/5 game for me, but 5/5 is a more honest rating and I'm going with that for a convoluted reason explained below.

    Everything good that has been said about this game is correct; it's magnificently built, has amazing attention to detail, I personally loved the ghost hunt section, and the conversational chemistry is best in class. I very much want to give the game 5/5 because it is that fucking good. It's iconic and deserves a place on any short list of great games.

    So why 4/5? Because its premise is deeply flawed, at least from my perspective. The game feels like it's on a knife-edge between consensual non-consent (CNC) and outright rape/abuse; as soon as you deviate from the romance route, MC gets just ... bad. Without going into detail, BDSM should have some eroticism to it; my experience with the sub routes is that they really don't. Girls are reluctant and never, as of 0.22, really get past it; you're basically abusing your authority position to coerce them into stuff they don't want. They don't like you for it or see any value in being a sub, beyond becoming opportunistic or, in one girl's case, cold and ruthless. I actually really like this girl, but MC is too dumb to appreciate her enough to have any respect, and that's a major turnoff for me.

    Stormside falls into a common trap for BDSM-oriented games: MC's power is mostly bullshit. It sort of falls into his lap by a fluke, so we're playing a chill guy who all of a sudden rationalizes being a massive asshole to people -- and his reasons are flimsy; aforementioned best girl would easily be able to see through it. In other words, sadist MC is a pathetic dimwit with delusions of importance and morality. (Romance MC is well-written and I have no issue with him; it's just not most of the focus of the game.)

    Let's contrast this with a game about a dude in a post-apocalyptic desert who stalks things. That guy has actual power, and his BDSM tendencies are both dominant and caring; he doesn't need to be an asshole to be influential, because ultimately women depend on his good will for their survival. Sure, they're in just as precarious a position if not more so, but he can be a benevolent dom and not use sadism as some cheap threat; the world around them is threatening enough and you get the intimacy along with the erotic intensity of an organic dominance scenario. MC's special abilities could have been used to frame the story this way, but they're largely ignored and instead we have something that in my opinion is a lot less satisfying.

    It speaks highly of the game that I've knocked a point off largely for the way MC treats Akemi, and because I was so upset about this I'm giving the point back in the actual rating. The girls are so well-written that I'm actually like "fuck you dev, write me a better MC to treat them right" and honestly, that's an achievement in itself. So yes, fuck you dev, but also god damn you can write some compelling ladies -- hats off.

    I hope MC ends up with some more cohesive development that turns him into less of a tool and more of a considered human being. I have a really bad feeling about the frankly stupid closing scene in 0.22; it's a great cliffhanger but it also means MC is going to pull more dumb shit and we're along for the ride. Can MC acquire any real power that wasn't trust-funded to him? I mean he's already got it technically; the party scene gives us a glimpse of where that might go. It's a strange, disjointed thing right now that I hope will improve.

    Despite my complaints, I'm eagerly looking forward to the next update. This game is unique and brilliant and I'm on board -- but will play carefully to get the style I'm looking for. (Walkthrough is superb, highly recommend.)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game all around. A rare gem on this website. Let me go through a few areas:

    1. Characters

    6 out of 5 points. A game with a diverse cast needs consistency, characters need to always feel like themselves and not like a grey mass of people with boobs. The developer delivers here big time with six noticeable different girls who have different hobbies, different characters, a different feel to them.

    2. Choices

    5 out of 5 points. Now, this is not yet fleshed out as much as one would hope, but it goes into the right direction and from what one can see right now, it's already rewarding to play and to replay. Of course, there will always be a "main path" in these games, especially in a project with only one developer. But this game really changes things up, and it at least tries to guide you to the outcome you as a player want to have - even though that is not perfect. For example: The girl that one could see as the "main"-interest, Riley, can somehow still derail to a "slave or nothing"-decision even if you have done everything to keep her in the submissive-line. A bit more clarity would be appreciated, but I have no doubt that this will be provided - especially since the developer has already gone to huge length to make most choices as clear as possible.

    3. Graphics / Scenes

    4 out of 5 - first of: The graphics are serviceable. Not a feast for the eyes, a bit outdated at times, but it gets the message across without being ugly or bad. This story deserves more though - sadly, as we all do, the developer has limits with the rig he is working on, which is understandable.
    The scenes though make the most out of what the graphics / models can offer. Not much variation right now, but the game is only beginning and we have already some nice events to go though. All the chains of events is made with an eye for detail, and it is appreciated.

    4. Setting / Perspective

    4 out of 5. Lastly, what is to be made of the setting? Well, it is basic: Guy at school has power over girls and can use / abuse it to varying degrees. Nothing to write home about, nothing that hasn't been done before. There is some nice mix with Fantasy-Elements (also not new, but implemented in a very healthy way), but there is a reason this formula stayed relevant for years now: It is proven to be fun, especially if the developer plays with it and expands upon it.
    Now, what can we expect int he future? A main story seems to be teased that is... well, expected. Some threat to the position of the protagonist that will be defeated though the chapters of the game. Nobody plays these games for the main story though (or at least I think so, correct me if I am wrong).
    Other than that: More of the existing girls, new girls. Hopefully not too many new girls, maybe leave it as it is even - at some point, girls are just faces and boobs and nobody even knows who is what and what is why anymore. But the developer has shown that he likes to go deeper (pun intended), he cares for the characters, so there is hope that it won't just end in a boob-bonanza.

    But there is also the Raven-Plot, which leaves room for a shift of the setting, a concept-change in the middle maybe, or at least maybe a sequel at some point that leaves the beaten path? There is at least room to speculate. Which in of itself is rare, since let us be honest: How many games on this side leave you thinking orhoping for interesting story-developments? That also is a testament to how good this game at its best already is!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't wrote a review in awhile, but this game is worth saying something.

    The quality from top down is so insane. Just the simple touch of UI quality, a built in guide, gallery button (at the end), and other features really puts it above.

    This sort of attention to detail is actually throughout the game. It's pretty awesome seeing something in the background be more than that.

    The writing is honestly a blast to read. It's a lovely mixture of serious moments, sexiness, and goofiness. Pretty similar to Eternum in that regards. Maybe a bit more goofy in some ways, but absolutely hilarious and doesn't take away from the plot.

    The plot is certainly, and unmistakably, a porn game plot, except it's well written with layers of intrigues and debauchery. What the hell is this school, what the hell are these powers, and why does everyone involved with the school act as if someone mentioned candlejac-

    Even the adult scenes are a great length and fleshed out.

    What really makes the game great is the girls. They're all very distinctive and noticeably talk differently. Which is HUGE plus because it's so easy to accidentally give the same tone of voice to everyone when you're trying to finish a story. The adult scenes also carry the girls' personalities, which is much appreciated.

    Honestly, I really really enjoyed what I played. I could say, the only thing that has me worried is how much work is involved with having three paths for each main girl. It's wild choice, but I hope Atemsiel pulls it off.

    What they already pulled of is nothing sort of grade A+ work, and they should be proud of it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Level of Detail in Dialouge, Charater Details is very pleasing.
    The actual Sexy/Kinky scenes are flashed out with reasonable and plausable Detail, also having the Character have their own spin and reaction to it.
    I like sex scenes when there is variety and more so enjoyment for the female orgasm, not still images and 2-3 renders with no effect on the character design.
    Also it looks very much like the Creator really wants to flash out the details of many interactions.
    Looking forward for more
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good writing and humor, I like the context and the place
    Girls are cute and mostly interesting
    Some renders are really good
    I can see a lot of effort with this game,and I really appreciate it, good luck with it !
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game with nice graphics and good animations. Good variation of characters which may lead to a good choice and fun for everyone. Really looking forward of the development. Some more school scenes would be great.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know how this game just got under my radar up until now, but I'm glad I found it.
    This is an absolute gem of a game. Great use of HS assets, good renders, good animations, music, sound effects, well written, some nice humor in the mix...
    Although there is not (yet) a BDSM tag, this should appeal to gamers, such as myself, that appreciate those themes.
    Be prepared to *not* have as much sex (version 0.22.4 reviewed) as in other games/VNs, but this is due to the fact that the dev is taking his/her time to develop the story.
    And yes, there is some originality to the story, including real ghosts (!) and some shady bad actors doing shady things not yet totally explained.
    I hope the dev feels the love and support of the gamers for this project, and he/she can proceed all the way to completion!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Seriously one of my favorite games on the site. The graphics and animations are top-tier, the story is great, and the writing is good.
    I consider this a must-play for people who enjoy maledom, corruption (a tag this game really should have, by the way) and training.
    There is technically a romance route, and if you prefer that, you'll still find great enjoyment in this game. But the focus is clearly on following either the submission (romance with BDSM) or slave (no romance, just domination) routes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game, first i was a bit disapointed how virgins where using dildos so i thought it wouldent have any deflower scenes but happy to say that i was worng, it came down to the choices i made doing the game so play it right and its great, but if you dont you missed out since missing the deflower scene with Riley means game goes on like she had sex meaning future scenes she wont have a hymen or pain and such, let that be a heads-up for those that want the hole package, be sure to pick the right choices.

    Other then that this game has alot of pontential with the reward/punish system could be great fun and cant wait to see what future updates.

    Story 5/5
    It can be fun, sweet, romance or you can choose to be more evil/mean to the girls.

    Girls 5/5
    I like the girls in this game it has a bit for everyone and the girls are cute.

    Music 3/5
    Music is mostly just a background thing and not really a mood setter, also not the best music ive heard in game but its alot better then silent, and the sound effects are pretty good.

    Animations 4/5
    I found them pretty good and above average, deflower scene had blood which seems to be rare and maybe not for everyone but i like when its realistic in scenes.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Difficult to believe that this game has so few reviews. There's an incredible amount of passion and talent at work here. The sounds are great, the animations are great, the story is engaging and interesting, and the characters are immediately endearing. Play this if you haven't.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of love behind it. Also going with 3 routes (per girl iirc) is a hard task to say the least.

    Also, nice models and all LI's have character. It has sounds added which is a big plus for me personally.

    I liked the ghosthunt part of it even if I had to keep checking the notes and had some issues while doing that.
    Likes: Aremo
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    I've been pretty disillusioned with AVNs, lately. Particularly the ones with the "male domination" tag. It happens very often that the MC doesn't reflect what's in that tag. I don't know about you guys, but when I see the tag, I expect an assertive, dominant guy.

    Luckily, this one started great. Admittedly, I started this game without zero expectations but I was pleasantly surprised. The first sex scene starts with the MC seizing the initiative. Yes, the girl teased the hell out of him previously, but it's good to finally see an MC take what he wants and not be a passive "lucky guy." He wasn't really dominant, I guess, but I'm fine with assertive at least. This game also makes assertive girls like Cassie a lot more likeable. Usually in these games, the assertive girls end up feeling like creepy perverts; either because the MC is too much of a pussy or because they never, EVER, hesitate. They are like the epitome of assertiveness. But in this game, you can read the character's thoughts and it shows their anxiousness, eagerness and more. Makes them feel more human and likeable.

    The MC also has great reactions. He actually looks like he's enjoying himself. You'd think that'd be the norm, but no, it's the opposite. Normally, the MC would hesitate the whole scene being a stuttering mess, but this MC communicates how good he's feeling without looking like a fucking pervert or way too submissive. Overall, pretty content with that side.

    Overall, a great game. Decent enough plot, kinky shit and likeable characters. That's usually all I want from AVNs but many miss the mark for some reason. The only complaint I have is that I have seen very little of what the game promised in the synopsis, i.e the actual punishments. But whatever, I guess we'll see more of that with new updates.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really well written, the main LIs are interesting and sympathetic, sometimes it's very funny. The MC is pervy but not over the top cruel, so you don't hate yourself for playing him. Love that the author is leaning into the B/D kink and the girls are both suffering some pain and enduring sexual humiliation but also find themselves enjoying the hell out of the experience despite themselves. Rather than being miserable and broken they are excited and horny. That is a super hot approach.

    Great job on facial expression within the limits of what Honey Select can do. The ghost hunt was not playable on my machine, but that's ok. Looking forward to much more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Clearly based on other reviews there are elements of this game that some will like and others wont.

    I enjoyed the use of other languages within the VN. However, I do wish that when Sasha speak in russian you would leave a tiny () translation above it.

    However, in general I think it adds to the atmosphere. I doubt i've ever missed much due to my lack of russian understanding while playing the VN.

    I really, really appreciate the use of sfx. Especially during H scenes, my favorite games on this entire platform my complaint is usually lack of good sfx during H scenes. The amount of games that do it well are so few, so I really appreciate that this game puts effort into it. The sfx even vary per character.

    Furthermore, the graphics while not on the level of some of the games that really use the underlying engines to their limits, is very impressively done. And considering there was a scene the developer's graphic card just straight up wouldn't render. I'm going to assume it can get even better when his equipment improves.

    The character designs are all really good. I enjoy all of their designs to some degree. Though, personally there are no character design im in love with, it's lacking my personal wow-effect character. Probably mainly due to the fact that I love dark red-haired characters in H games and this game doesn't have any. Cassie is probably my current favorite.

    If you can't stand lesbian content, it does allow you to skip it, however in it's current state you are honestly missing out on a decent chunk of content if you do so. I personally enjoy it, especially when the girls both are dating you as well. Just a warning to people who can't stand it.

    You have the choice of whether or not you want to see the girls sexual history or clear it. That does imply that even if you clear it they have one. (at least some of them do). Not something that bothers me, I chose to keep it, however again for certain people. Might not be for you.

    Story is pretty good. It has a nice amount of intrigue without being overly complicated. Agree a little bit with another commenter about having to punish girls that haven't actually done anything being a bit messed up. In general you are kind of a more sympathetic version of the H master (u know which game I mean). As you aren't chosing to have them attend this program, you are simlply trying to diminish the damage it might do to the girls.

    However, punishing girls who haven't done something is not something H master would do. Personally doesn't bother me that much as I hope eventually we will be able to find ways to apply the system more fairly and not get forced into bad situations as much. Also, at least it's not the characters fault. Though, the story might not end up going in that direction.

    I don't love the fact that it seems like it's important to start using the system properly before you lose the role, however whenever I tried to do that I realized later I kind of missed all the best scenes by doing so. F.ex with Riley, punishing her just leads to non-penetrative, while not punishing leads to penetrative H scene. Maybe down the line, applying the system early will pay off. Currently though, your choices still feel a bit right vs wrong for max amount of content.

    There is a hidden images system in form of onions, and they are hidden waaay too well in my opinion. I'd like to be able to look for the onion on every screen and unlock the little collectables. However, having to replay the game like 6 times scanning every scene and still not having found all of them isn't particularly fun.

    I enjoy the sext images and wish there was more of that and less onions.

    TLDR: quality wise really high. Overall a nice and enjoyable experience.
    The game is still in it's early stages, and while there is plenty of content to enjoy, there is still a lot unknown that can change my opinion of the game drastically.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I wish it was a sandbox.

    My brain really hurts reading this VN:
    - sometimes text just skips forward by itself, because of some weird animation thing I cant control. And I have to roll back to read it.
    - sometimes I wait for animation to continue, but its not there
    - sometimes there are russian words among english text.
    - sometimes it shows japaneese text, which seem like someting untranslated ( I have jpn-eng MTL games flashbacks), and the letters start animating into english text.


    After complete playthrough(v0.21.01) - there is a problem. I'm forced to punish girls not for intentional misbehavior, but because of some stupid setups from others. Its depressing and I dont like it at all, I cant tolerate that.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    I'm giving this one a full mark, despite it being still fairly early on.

    There are a couple of issues, which are not critical, but can put off some of you.

    First of all, the ghost hunt, is problematic to do. The dev seems quite aware of his mistakes there, and is planning on improving things eventually. For now, it can be skipped, without any penalties on the story, so, it's a minor issue.

    Choices are not entirely clear as to what their consequences will be, but the dev has confirmed that route closing will be very obvious, and as such, I'm willing to go on a bit of faith there. You will however potentially, not necessarily have the scene you were hoping for due to that. But, once you're done with the update, you can unlock all scenes and watch them. While it's not ideal, you can still check out the scenes that way.

    This game however, does show promises. While it's extremely similar on ideas and setting to "the headmaster", this one has higher quality graphic, story and setting, but a lot less women. It also has a lot less gameplay or things for now, but, it's not as grindy, as this one for now, seems to be entirely story and choice based.

    As of now, V 021.01, the MC is nowhere near the perv we have the headmaster, and is generally speaking, just a bit pervy, but nothing out of the norm for someone of that age really. The player has some opportunities to go a bit too far (just my opinion there), but this is only down to the dev wanting to leave that choice and freedom to the player. It is however, hinted heavily that if the player chooses in the future, he'll be able to do a LOT more perverted things.
    We only have to hope it does not go from 0 to 200 too quickly, and the MC's developed into it well, but not too slowly either. So far, the story's pacing seems ok to me.

    *edit* I've also forgotten that unlike many ANVs these days, the girls are actually nice to look at. The boob sizes are mostly ok, without going full loli or boobs of mass destruction, which is fucking nice refreshing change!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A really nice blend of humor, sexiness and a MC who isn't a complete douchebag.
    Even though the premise is a bit unbelievable, it fits in with the world they've created. Given the desperate straits a lot of the world seems to be in, you could believe that the girls might be willing to go through some dodgy things to be able to get an education leading to a well paying job.
    Some of the girls come off as a little cliched, but it's early days yet.