The third and final game of this series has finally been released, so I'm going to take the opportunity to recommend one of my favorite visual novels to everyone. And honestly one of my favorite series of fiction in any medium.
I've been playing visual novels for 20 years, and this is probably the only one where I really wish there wasn't sexual content in it, because the story is so damn good that it really deserves "The Last of Us" levels of attention and respect. But sadly it seems like most people seem to think sex in a game makes it smut by default, and completely unworthy of any attention otherwise, so that will likely never come.
The game series is named Kara No Shoujo, which translates to "Girl in the Shell", and is also known as
The Shell in recent Western releases. The first game released in 2008 in Japan, the
sequel came out in 2012, and the
final game in December of 2020. The third game took 4 long years to be translated and finally just released in the West yesterday.
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The series is set in the 1950s in Tokyo. A bizarre and gruesome serial murder case is dominating headlines, and you play as an ex-cop turned private detective that is hired by the vice president of a private high school to go undercover as a teacher to investigate the disappearance of a couple of their students.
The series consistently does an incredible job of having multiple plot lines going on and then weaving them together masterfully by the end. The writing and translation are top tier as well. It's genuinely a pleasure to read day to day interactions between these characters, in a way that it rarely is for me in other VNs.
It's also an absolute pleasure to play as a competent adult protagonist that actually has a personality and isn't a creep. Years before the game begins his fiancee was a victim in a similar murder case, and him working through this trauma is a big part of the story.
A few warnings, as despite how good this game is it certainly won't be for everyone.
1. It's a very dark game. Bad things may happen to good people. There are for sure lighter moments as well, but the overall tone is similar to things like The Last of Us or the movie Se7en.
2. As alluded to, the sexual content is not the focus of this game and it probably would be a better game without it. There aren't that many scenes, but even so when they're there they often feel shoehorned in or out of character (though from memory, the latter is mainly the case when you're on the way to a bad end). In Japan visual novels sell better if they contain sexual content, so sometimes you find it stuffed into a game where it really isn't the least bit necessary and this is one of those times.
Be warned though, you do absolutely need to play the uncensored version because the censored one doesn't just cut out sexual content, but also almost anything related to violence. In a game about investigating murders ... they actually cut out things like a crime scene being investigated or scenes from the killer's perspective. It's ridiculous.
3. It's mostly a visual novel, but there is some gameplay. It's very much a detective game, and at times you investigate crime scenes, choose a location to go to, or are asked to figure out some part of the mystery, such as picking the right culprit out of many choices. You may need to use a walkthrough to find your way to the true ending. Some people have expressed some frustation with this, but personally it didn't hinder my enjoyment at all. I genuinely liked the gameplay elements. But do save often and in different save slots just to make sure you don't lock yourself into a bad end. I know the recent releases have made that harder to do, but still, be careful.
This plot summary and description is mainly only covering the first game, as this is definitely a series you need to play in sequential order. IMO the series gets even better as it goes along, and the series also gets better at addressing its weakest areas from points 2 and 3. But honestly none of these things took much enjoyment away from me personally.
I get the feeling that in general Japanese visual novels are a bit under the radar on this site. But take it from me, I've read a lot of both Japanese and Western VNs, and this is the absolute cream of the crop. I recommend that basically anyone that wants a good story and is not too turned off by my listed potential downsides give it a shot.