I don't know if I would consider this grindy. I mean sure you do the dungeons several times but on higher levels you basically get 100k each dungeon level (not an entire run from start to last!!!) or so it was for me anyway. With that kind of cash it won't take long for you to buy the best gear for dungeons or a few of the best cards out there as of now. I actually liked this game a lot, didn't find it to be so grindy to be honest. What I didn't like much was how few summons you could get through the monster soul combination or whatever its called. Best one I could get was vampiress. Anyway enough blabbering. when is the update coming? anyone know that? I kinda want to finish the game and restart so that I can fuk the card battle contestants this time around.I absolutely HATE quitting games partway through, but this game is GRINDY AND TEDIOUS. I don't like getting lost and dying and having to load game to a half hour earlier, so why would I like a game focused entirely on that?
Fuck this game.
If anything I'd rather want a fix for that malware in it.Its been a while now, no news yet about a potential fix for the shitty last boss? Also I was wondering. The cards the last boss uses are already ingame so is it then not possible to get the "id" of said cards and add them to the players inventory? Anyone knowledgeable that could answer this question? Thanks in advance!
post picture dude or give name of card... I actually managed to win even despite that crap. I had to lure out her last card, which is weaker than the other ones. Effectively it doesn't matter how strong her cards are, if they trying to get a low level card. The low level card can be retaken from all sides. I just had to make sure, I didn't end up in a position where she could take 2 cards. When she finally played the weaker card I was able to win... when I won the game crashed FML.
It's been a while. I spend so many hours making my deck, only to have the game crash on me, after I finally won (a lot of fights also winning my cards back after she suddenly changed tactics). I had enough and deleted the game at that time. I recall there being 2 Diamond Foxes, 2 Okomis, and some other card, I think it was another Holy Warlord or something. She would often start out or only use the impossible cards. But rarely she'd use the worse card out of the blue. You have to sort of "wall it in", and make sure your sacrifical cards are open. Meaning they have 2 slots (or more) open, so you can retake them.post picture dude or give name of card
Maybe your anti-virus software is deleting it since it flags it as being a trojan. I'm using windows 10 and my windows defender did that until I told it to ignore it.when i extract the rar file, the game exe does not come with it.What is going on?
Here is a save file with lv 99 at the start of the game.I absolutely HATE quitting games partway through, but this game is GRINDY AND TEDIOUS. I don't like getting lost and dying and having to load game to a half hour earlier, so why would I like a game focused entirely on that?
Fuck this game.
just download one of themI absolutely HATE quitting games partway through, but this game is GRINDY AND TEDIOUS. I don't like getting lost and dying and having to load game to a half hour earlier, so why would I like a game focused entirely on that?
Fuck this game.
no one knows how i guessso any one beat the last boss cause i can not get better cards 2 beat her.