Every sexual encounter. The normal size female image takes that normal conversation spot on the far right side of the screen while the player model is smaller, but more centered on the screen. From left to right it is text box - player - female.
I just made a fresh install to be sure it was nothing I edited. Nothing changed. It's still arranged as text, me, her.
So when you are reading the text, you also see a naked man. It's a boner killer. Moving it to the edge of the screen would be an improvement, but I'd really like to the option to not see the male model at all.
I get what you are saying... some people want it one way, others want it another and there's no way to please everyone. Making this an option would require too many changes and would be very inefficient. I'll need to think about how to do this.
The v2 image pack links may not have been properly updated. You can get the v2 image pack from say, the gofile link that contains the game.
Crap. Yeah, those links are added by F95. I gave them instructions on how to do it but apparently they ignored them and assumed the old Amber links were fine. The GoFile is my personal file sharing and it's correct so use that for now until I run out bandwidth.
Sex workers I hired/assigned before the update (when sex rooms didn't yet function) are not appearing to work in the rooms.
Yeah, I'm not surprised as that wasn't supposed to work before this update. Can you change their job to another one and then back to hooker? Hopefully that fixes it.
Bug I'm having: After meeting someone new, opening their profile from My Contact List, then closing all of the windows, the My Contact List screen now has all of their traits revealed. Their profile page still has the traits hidden.
I've tried restarting the application and starting a new game. Same issue.
That's really odd. When you say "the contact list screen now has all their traits revealed" do you mean for the new character only or for all characters? I can't even begin to guess what would cause to do that. Did you modify any files?
I think this is a very interesting game, I played it for several hours, but there are quite a lot of things that I think could be improved.
When talking to a character, if you want to see their stats you have the open up your contacts and then find that particular character. There should be button that takes you directly to seeing the characters contacts page when speaking to them.
If you wait until next day you don't recover energy like you do if you sleep. This means that occationally you need to wait for the entire day and then sleep instead.
The help page for jobs should tell you what skills and/or abilities affect a workers performance in that job.
It is very difficult to understand why a worker is or is not happy with their job, or what you can do to make them happier.
Hiring new workers is not fun. You have to run around randomly a lot trying to talk to random people to ask if they're interested, and you have to remember who you've already tried. Simply posting a job should probably be enough most of the time.
There is no gameplay benefit to sex in this game. Its clearly inspired by lab rats 2, which had the clarity system that made you care a lot about sex. In this game sex is just more clicking you need to do.
Money doesn't feel meaningfully enough. You're trying to make a successful club, which will make a lot of money, and then what? I think the idea is supposed to be that you make money to expand the club to make more money, but this is hamstrung by the difficulty of hiring. In the mid game you can try to hire someone for months without a single interview, so being able to expand the club at that point won't matter as you can't hire people to staff a larger club.
The passage of laws isn't very interesting. It happens pretty much automatically and you really don't need to think much about it.
In general there isn't enough interesting stuff for the player to do, a lot of the game is just waiting.
Thanks for your feedback. I'll clarify some of your points here:
It's far from obvious, but you can click on a characters' name above their image to see their details in mid-scene.
You need to sleep to regain energy. Is part of the game - to force you to manage your time and prioritize what you want to do. You can sleep at night or in the morning to regain your full energy. Sleeping in the middle of the day can be done when you are very tired and only recovers a fraction of your energy.
Workers are unhappy for various reasons, most of which are out of your control. If they are unhappy because they are doing a job their are not comfortable doing (because their lewdness isn't high enough) they will say that. Otherwise it's just the sum of a lot of things. Some people are just more unhappy than the rest. There are four ways to appease them: changing their job, giving them more money, doing the Recognize Good Job interaction or having the marketing manager work on the improve morale duty. They will normally pick the unhappiest employee but is not possible to direct a particular one.
You can post jobs. That's the main way to get people that want to work for you to come over. If you run into someone that would make a good worker, you can ask them to interview, but no, posting jobs is how you will get the majority of your employees. Not sure how you missed that. But without that yeah, it becomes almost impossible to get a working club cause the other clubs will hire everyone else.
And here all people complain is how hard is to get laws passed... It's depends on the commissioners you get. If you get 4 lewd ones, you are all set. If you don't then you have to work at it.
And yes, the game is still in development. The club mechanics (particularly revenue) is not balanced and once you start hiring strippers, money just snowballs.