Some things I personaly consider as non-coherent in the gameplay:
- I'm a club manager, I have some vacant slots for job, I encounter someone and ....
I can't propose her a job if there I did not tag the job as "available"! Weird!!! Who is the manager, me or my computer?
- I have a young girls recruited as a janitor, I consider she have all the required physical and sexual abilities to be later a good hostess or more and ......
I can only train her endurance and strenght because she is a janitor! See suggestion below.
- I can have a serious encounter with a girl and can discuss with her to know her more.....
Only if she is a commisionner and engage the discussion on speaking of laws!? WTF?
- I can hang out with a girl in a dinner .......
and must wait for random events to come from the sky to eventually get a random information! It's clear I really feel like a dominant club manager
More generally there are too much interactions depending of random events and not enough options for the player to manage and manipulate people. I feel like a puppet in the game...
Suggestion concerning the training process :
1/ Create a little office room supporting 1 NPC with a job of "trainee" where you can train her to any job you have access (depending of the rooms you have in the club). Eventually add the abilities (honor, happiness , focus ...) to the list of what can be trained.
2/ Later in the game add another room to do the same for sexual abilities.
I can train a girl without knowing the value of her attribute and after training I don't know the attribute. Weird... 2 choices would be more coherent :
1/ I don't know the initial attribute so I can't train her (more and more grinding required)
2/ After training her I know the attribute (more rational and interesting)