Sorry, due to my lack of vocabulary I'm sometimes not very clear. Hair length was just an example, but I'll try an abstract one.
Imagine you have a set of 3 values (A-B-C) in the range 0 - 100 anyone can imagine that a is 0-33, B is 34-63 and C is 64-100.
But as a pro dev myself I never seen an analysing using a so simple algoryth. In this example if I make myself the analysis A and C will cover the extrem values of the range (for example A would be 0-20, C would cover 80-100 and B would be the "standard", covering 21-79...
And I don't feel so stupid when I look at the file "likes.txt" and see :
If I read well a "Tall" npc is one with a value higher than 80.
What I wanted to say is that is you show a numeric value, for example for the "height", you must document elsewhere in the game the limits. If you directly convert the value and show a text like "Short/Medium/Tall" you don't need to document anything elsewhere and the player has directly the information
Concerning the grey text I did specifically speak of the arousal changes. When you have a long sex session you can have a lot of lines concerning arousal changes filling the box and rarely an important information you can easily miss due to the spam.
As the arousal of the player is also up to date in real time on the top bar of the screen (the red smiley), showing it in the box don't really give any more information and would be removed, to let only the important informations.