The ass thing also happens to me, is similar to give oral sex to them, sometimes just happens, they may ask you or sometimes they just do it, i think maybe is because the mc is incapacitated due to drinking too much trying to persuade them.As for someone sticking something in your ass, the only way that can happen is that you are past the sex stage and let your partner pick what she wants to do. If you don't want her to choose that don't pick that. (If she picks first she will ask you first). Outside of that I've seen that happen so if you have more details of when its happening I'd be glad to look further into it.
That's what I meant. If they are "sluts" that means that they are unlikely to be virgins at the time they are created.
The formula that decides whether someone is a virgin is quite complex but it takes their lewdness and a few other opinions and converts that to the possibility that they had sex in a given year. Then we apply that for every year over 18. At lewdness 100, the probability is 60% and at -100 it is 0%. So if their lewdness is 0, the probability that they had sex during the year is 30% and they are 18 years old that means that they will be a virgin 70% of the time. If they are 28 years old, the probability is like 2.8% (0.70 to the 10th power). And to that we add the value for the archetypes file, which in the case of sluts is -100. So a slut will never be a virgin.
About the slut thing i set it to having (+)100 in the archetype but i think the high lewdness + the preference thing probabilty over the years make them lose it, like you said. Thanks.