Thank you for that good info.
On a related note, if I start construction of the closet the first day I start a new game, and then don't hire anyone or open the club until its built and I hire a janitor, do I need to do maintenance myself to keep it from falling apart during that time, or can I focus on other things in that window and let the janitor handle it in March onward when I do bring them on board?
The maintenance points goes up relative to how many visitors you have. So if you have no visitors, you will have very slow accumulation but it will go up a bit. I haven't done the math or tried it, but I'd guess is probably fine. I would just keep an eye on it and if it starts going over 1000, then you can manually handle it. Once over 1000 it starts affecting fame which not only affects how many people will come when you do open, but also how easy is to hire employees.
Thank you for your reply, but I think you didn't understand the meaning of what I wanted to say. I have given the case of the girl's betrayal only as an example. Here's another example: sometimes the game randomly invites me to wish a character a happy birthday (usually these are characters with whom I have no relationship). But I can't wish happy birthday to the characters close to me, because the game doesn't give me that opportunity. If you say it's a small thing, I totally agree with you. But when more than a hundred such "small things" accumulate in one game, it becomes impossible to ignore them.
I'm not trying to find fault, on the contrary, I really like your game, that's why I'm writing about its shortcomings. It's impossible to make a good game without paying attention to the details. But as I understand from your previous posts, it's very difficult to change anything in the game, so I won't waste your time anymore. I wish you good luck.
Yeah, I don't get what you are trying to say because your two examples are completely different. I explained the issue with the girl betrayal and even said I was going to look into it. Not sure what else you want.
As for the birthday, you always get a chance to wish happy birthday to anyone you know. You have to wait for their birthday to come up though. (There's some rare situations in which the event won't fire at all, if the character is not available to be interacted with but those should be pretty rare).
Is there a specific reason for the 20k as suggested limit for dept? I can't really understand how it would be possible to not go at least that much in dept. Unless the game should be played in some specific way. Based on my quick calculations only the buildings for being able to hire singer & host cost >25k. They can't be all immediately and during the wait you probably have at least a couple workers each costing around 1500 month: The tutorial seemed to indicate at least hiring someone to bar, kitchen and janitor. And the early game profits don't really cover the expenses. So, somehow having spent less than total 40k when singer/host can be hired seems difficult. Maybe playing around with the prices could help, but I would hope the default values are OK for the beginning.
Some possible bugs:
1. The action count during a time period seems to stay between saves/loads. Move around the rooms in club, load different save and you can move around less than expected before it moves to next time period.
2. In function &should_tell_father there seems to be some issue in the else brach of if(FH) {. After the decision in that branch, it always goes to else branch even if "true" was selected. Probably because of some limitation "true" cannot be used as value? Renaming it to "true2" seemed to work. Some conflict between string&bool maybe?
3. Some people have gotten "Ex" relation between them. But I don't believe they were ever dating or anything. I even added log prints to breakup function to monitor this and never saw anything. Actually, this is probably because the stalker thing during dates adding the relation.
4. I dislike it when the there many people in one location and the person list gets displayed without the pictures. I have no idea who is who cause I identified them by their pictures... At least on 4k resolution there would have been room to handle this in some different way. But maybe that is not possible in lower resolutions. Similarly, the log window would have a lot of free room to the right, now some long messages need scrolling.
First of all it's not a hard and fast rule. It's around the amount that you start getting some more significant penalties for being in debt. Debt affects the quality of products you can buy, and the employees you can hire. I don't know exactly what the minimum expense is to get to the point you can start making money. Maybe it's 40k, but you will also be making some money during this time. I know that it can be done without going over 20k in debt. It's hard, and it may take you a few tries to do it right and it will take longer to get there than if you just go $40k in debt. And it requires you doing a ton of work yourself. There's different ways to do it, but al of them will have you in debt at some point.
Why have debt at all and not give everyone $100k to start? Cause I wanted people to go thru in-debt phase.
1. Yes, the partial actions that you take are not included in the save file. If you want to save scum then you can get a bunch of free actions. Not going to worry about it.
2. Thank you. You are right, "true" will cause issues when used as a key in that situation. The $ans == "true" actually maps to $ans == true, which is true if $ans is not null, so $ans == "true" is true for any non-blank value of $ans. Amazing catch!
(I did check the code for any other instances of this and fortunately this was the only one)
3. Correct, the stalkers are added with that relationship. (I thought there was another case that did that too, but can't find it now).
4. Yeah, the smaller boxes would cause some names to get scrunched up too much to be readable on some screens. I've toyed with making the images appear in a hover, but can't seem to get that right. As for the message log, yeah it would be easy to do, but so few messages are that long that i don't like that huge black spot.
I am confused by Autosave and Quicksave/Load.
Autosave seems to make a save that occurs on the INT Day after start, aftwards, I don't see it save again. (EX, Autosave listed as1/11/2025, current date is 3/25/2025, INT Days is 10) I am assuming there should be a more recent autosave in the example.
I understand quicksave will save to the last save slot saved to, and Load will load from the last save slot loaded from, is this intentional? (EX Sequence, last loaded from saveslot 6, last saved to save slot 7, quicksave will save to saveslot 7, then when I goto quickload, it loads from save slot 6)
I am doing something wrong or need to change settings?
If you do a manual save, it won't autosave for 10 days after that. As for the quick load/save, no that appears to not be working right. If you do a quick load, if should load the last game that was saved, or if no game was save the last game that was loaded. If you do a quick save, it should save it on top of the last game that was saved or if not on the last game that was loaded. Actually this is too messy. I'm going to create separate quick save/load slots instead like every other game does.
found this command in the cheatsheet "int &get_preg_val(Person P1, string s1)" but it returned error when i try to use it. Can the command be used in the console to get the father id or was it just there in the cheatsheet?
also, is there another way to trigger a paternity test other than relying on the girl to want to do it herself?
You can't use those commands directly from the console. You need to write code in a TFL file and then run that. You can add a function like this to util.tfl for example:
(not sure if that's going to show up right)
There's no way to force a girl to do the paternity test if she doens't want to.
Recently I started a new game and found a bug. My 22 year old male MC had -100 fertility from the start and I can't improve it at a hospital. Had to start a new game.
Hmmm, that shouldn't happen. -90 should be the worst, unless you disabled pregnancies or you are infertile (which only applies to women at this point). Will take a closer look.
So my manager forgets sometimes to order food or alcohol and i could chose punishment.
What is the best way to raise the willingness for punishment?
Liking " following orders" does little to goes only 2 point down,from -63 to -61 currently (or up,depends how you see it).
Being submissive,loving revealing clothes and disliking complaining did nothing.
Managers should check the inventory every day. But that doesn't always work that way. The main reason for it is that they have other things to do. They don't know how to prioritize, so if they are working for a missing server, they may not be able to manager the inventory. So reduce their duties, they less they have the less distractions they will have. Doing other work also tires them, so if they are tired they won't be able to do any job.
Managers also only work Tue-Sat. So if you run out of alcohol on Sunday, they won't be around on Monday to deal with it. So you need to keep an eye on it. If they are at work on the day the low alcohol message appears, they should look into it, but that depends on their job skill. The better they are at their job, the less chance that they miss it.
Unfortunately none of the punishing will make them any better at their job. I may need to fix that. You will need to do training on them. Is the only thing that will make a difference. And still at 100 job skill they won't be perfect.