4 what about club development? what comes after singers? do i need to build a security room to open other rooms? in the help section i didn't see the need for a security room to build a back room or massage room. or how to open them? how to open strippers or dancers? from the laws i have only clubs available for opening that work on saturday afternoon
To add to what was said: the order of your entertainers is singers-dancers-strippers-sex workers. For the first three, you only have to switch their jobs (and probably train them a little) when new options come about, this is only a law issue and does not require new rooms. You can of course also fire your singers and hire some dancers and so forth.
- Gain energy when you drink/eat out. So far, I think, only coffee gives you energy boosts.
- Not only "sleep", I'd like to see the "do maintenance" button, too.
"Do Maintenance" requires energy, so you might just not be able to do it. The thing about the "Sleep" button is that it will restore all your energy (in the morning and late phases, otherwise only 20) but only be available from 20 energy on downwards. So if you start off a day with 21 energy, you will quickly fall into this trap of taking a nap, doing a thing (but nothing too exciting).
Could always call it one's own fault for not keeping a healthy daily schedule - then again, we own a bar ...
Such option exists. It happened to me once, I asked my bartender to change into something more revealing. I don't know what are the prerequisites for this to happen, though.
Can happen when one of your workers does not meet the lewdness requirements for their job. Which is not good: clothes change is not permanent, and the situation will repeat and can also cause really bad outcomes.
4 in general, now the law is in the process of being passed, clubs work on Saturday afternoon, there are no more available, so I'm worried. maybe after it dancing will open. is it critical to put your own person on the commission, or can all laws be adopted by the initial composition through persuasion, albeit long? I'm playing for the first time, I'm still in debt, and I don't see/don't understand the need to participate in elections and spend 5k (in general, the financial component is quite strange, everyone around is in debt, except for new people)) and here someone wrote that he has a debt of 700k in the game ha ha, well, let's write it off to the fact that it's a game)
Laws will sooner or later be passed even without any input from you whatsoever. However, a trial game in which I did that did take over a year before dancers were allowed, and most AI clubs went bust for it. So indeed way more "later" than "sooner" ...
But after "Opening on Sunday afternoon" there still should be a lot of potential laws in the pipeline ...
People who are single. I can usually get one sibling to join easily, while the other wont. Ive gotten people who like me and people who dont like me to join. Mostly i find the gym to be the best place. probably because its always got people there, but i find i get one or two a week when i try. Lots of people get annoyed at you for a couple weeks, oh well.
Once your the leader and the cult is large enough they start recruiting on their own.
The "only one sibling" I would guess is due to the way they are created. My second sister so far has always been created a slut and consequently had too high a lewdness rating to ever join the cult. May just be my personal RNG draw, but that can happen. (And given the "raise money for the team by washing cars in the nude" storyline, it makes sense as well)
As Fluke stated earlier, rationality and lewdness over 50 block entry completely as of now, high willpower is always a problem when convincing people, and the usual opinions (following orders especially) also play a role. I wouldn't know about courage which somebody mentioned.
But single people definitely can join the cult.