
New Member
Nov 21, 2021
First timer here, anyone encountered a bug in character creation where it keeps saying "You must select one liked and one hated food types" and not let you start the game. Ive selected all of them and this happened


Feb 17, 2020
I'm running up against the bed limit of the mansion and it took my a while to realize even slaves away from the mansion still occupy a bed at the mansion. So even slaves I have just for resource gathering away from my mansion mean I have to build more beds when I want more slaves.
they come back home and sleep between expeditions ;)


New Member
Mar 11, 2018
they come back home and sleep between expeditions ;)
No really, my best run is to have a death knight orc starting servant never once return to the mansion
She just keep sweeping goblins and bandits from dungeon to dungeon [then send some worker later after no more monster to collect material] to farm loyalty on herself, the game suddenly become a joke, lol
1-2 easy/medium dungeon per day only because of low stamina, after a certain point she didn't drop a single blood the whole medium dungeon, got bored and never tried hard dungeons, wanna try futa and new contents now but dev keep dropping bugs, i have no motivation [maybe i farmed too hard, lol]
PS: how can she equip a new equipment i craft at the mansion while never return once ? maybe they can secretly teleport ?


Jul 26, 2018
For those having trouble getting Cali : Finish a Bandit Fort, do all of the collection zones, leave the area and then save. Return to that Bandit Fort and there is a small chance that there will be a question mark location (start of Cali recruitment), if it dosent appear then load and enter the area again. You can buy Bandit Fort Location from market (random chance).
May 29, 2024
While I haven't played both Strives enough to really form a ton of opinion, I can at least point at two things that I think are huge upgrades, although I feel one is more significant than the other.

The one that is less significant is the fact that all your slaves actually get pictures now. Sticking some pre-fab bits together will result in all of your people having pictures, and I think that's really helpful when going down the list or doing combat.

The one that is much bigger is that it feels like this game gives you more chances to be shitty in a meaningful way. I think this is best explained with some examples: in the first game, you can meet Emily the urchin, and you can give her some food and offer her a place in your home. When you get home, you're given the choice of drugging her with an aphrodisiac potion, assaulting her as she leaves the shower, or just leaving her in peace. I chose the "assault" option, because that's the kind of character I wanted to play, and the resulting scene is pretty fun. (Well, fun for me, anyway; Emily not so much. :Kappa:) The problem is that if you do this, she will run away in the night and take a lot of food with her, thus costing you not just her and her plotline, but her sister's plotline and service as well.

Contrast this with Daisy in the second game: you can fondle her when you buy her, and she just takes it. When she asks for a new dress, you can buy her one with a lot of removable panels that also stimulates her. When you send her off to be trained, you can choose to turn her into a fucktoy. And finally, when she is kidnapped, even if you've been treating her horribly, you can still take her back by force, and berate and abuse her the entire time, only to mistreat her further when you get home. And through it all, she never leaves you, because she is stuck there (as long as you make sure the relevant meters don't empty out; but you get what I mean), and she knows it. And I think that's fantastic.

That said, I do think that having to level up your slaves and invest points in "make them actually do anything at all" is a bit silly. I also miss the ability to make your first slave your sister, although there is a mod I'm using that not only restores that, but expands on it (so the slave can be your mom or daughter if you want). It also strikes me as a bit weird that you have to unlock the ability to dress up and tattoo slaves. They're slaves, them not having final, or even any, say in the matter is kind of the point!


May 6, 2018
Why is this button on the bottom like this?

Is this normal? I have 0.9.1a.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
maverikToday at 10:18 AM
@Announcements 0.9.1b patch is up

Fixed Lilia quest optional rewards not adding properly
Fixed tutorial not being visible
Removed an option to set character to upgrading from travelling which caused characters to get stuck


New Member
Jun 16, 2018
I find it kinda funny how the game showers you with characters spec'd for magic or charming.
Like, I understand that you don't want your game's unique roster to be relegated to the mines, but if the player wants to keep them around and not whore them out they end up just kinda sitting around uselessly lol
I guess you could up their factors with random slaves and train their physicals from the 0-5 range they usually have, but that seems like a lot of work to justify them taking up a slot until a personal quest deigns to pop up. Or not, more often than not.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Nope i write the code and throws it on the page with the new code in patreon
fkfynroh has been the code since the first game and its still works here, I just tried on the last download and it works.

No caps and make sure you type as I have posted here and on the OP.
May 29, 2024
Now that I've played some, I have a few questions.

Is there a way to turn a subordinate into a slave? It looks like Subordinates have faster growth and need to be maintained less often, but the downsides of "you must pay them, can't give them away, can't eat them for stat growth" are pretty hefty.

Speaking of "eat them for stat growth," I know that's not what's literally happening. I assume what's "actually" happening is a hand-waved "it's a magic ritual, don't worry about it" kind of thing.

I'm not entirely sure how to read the stats. For example, looking at Daisy, her Physics is 36+5, and the number after it is 105. I know that the 36 is her base stat, and the +5 is the net total from classes and gear and such, but I don't know what the 105 means.

Pregnancy rate seems absurdly high, because every time my character comes inside and I get the "could get pregnant" message, the character I'm fucking gets pregnant, every single time. Which makes sense, I suppose, given that you can only bang so many times per week, and it'd get frustrating wasting all your attempts on someone who just refuses to get pregnant.

How do I get people to work on the farm? I will admit that I'm running some mods from the tweaks pack, but I don't think that should be doing anything. When I click on the Farm tab, it shows the some slots with a circle, and when I click those they become empty, but I can't actually put anybody in there, even though I have characters who are lactating, and one I modified to lay eggs. I'm reasonably sure this is a case of "I am missing something" and not "a mod broke it," but since the mod pack is a year out of date, I am not willing to discount that possibility.

How does the "Master Acknowledgement" thing work? It says it lets you set the pronoun for your master, but the Customization screen has a working "set master noun" button.

Some of my characters have incorrect portraits, carrying them over from other characters. Is there a way to tell the game "regenerate the portrait based on the art"?

I asked more than one character to marry me, but I can only do the one. I guess you're allowed to own and breed as many people as you want, but polygamy is a bridge too far. :Kappa:

What do the "subdue" and "rope" actions accomplish now? In the first game, you needed them so you could fuck unwilling girls, but now I don't think they can resist.


May 31, 2020
Could you change character personality? I just realized they affect characters combat skills.
social skills have a chance to change personality a bit. but people seem to react to them differently. and its a grind to get slave to the personality you actually want.


May 31, 2020
Now that I've played some, I have a few questions.

Is there a way to turn a subordinate into a slave? It looks like Subordinates have faster growth and need to be maintained less often, but the downsides of "you must pay them, can't give them away, can't eat them for stat growth" are pretty hefty.

Speaking of "eat them for stat growth," I know that's not what's literally happening. I assume what's "actually" happening is a hand-waved "it's a magic ritual, don't worry about it" kind of thing.

I'm not entirely sure how to read the stats. For example, looking at Daisy, her Physics is 36+5, and the number after it is 105. I know that the 36 is her base stat, and the +5 is the net total from classes and gear and such, but I don't know what the 105 means.

Pregnancy rate seems absurdly high, because every time my character comes inside and I get the "could get pregnant" message, the character I'm fucking gets pregnant, every single time. Which makes sense, I suppose, given that you can only bang so many times per week, and it'd get frustrating wasting all your attempts on someone who just refuses to get pregnant.

How do I get people to work on the farm? I will admit that I'm running some mods from the tweaks pack, but I don't think that should be doing anything. When I click on the Farm tab, it shows the some slots with a circle, and when I click those they become empty, but I can't actually put anybody in there, even though I have characters who are lactating, and one I modified to lay eggs. I'm reasonably sure this is a case of "I am missing something" and not "a mod broke it," but since the mod pack is a year out of date, I am not willing to discount that possibility.

How does the "Master Acknowledgement" thing work? It says it lets you set the pronoun for your master, but the Customization screen has a working "set master noun" button.

Some of my characters have incorrect portraits, carrying them over from other characters. Is there a way to tell the game "regenerate the portrait based on the art"?

I asked more than one character to marry me, but I can only do the one. I guess you're allowed to own and breed as many people as you want, but polygamy is a bridge too far. :Kappa:

What do the "subdue" and "rope" actions accomplish now? In the first game, you needed them so you could fuck unwilling girls, but now I don't think they can resist.
afaik no way to change subordinate to slave. i never buy the subordinates from guilds anymore, and with dialogue choices you can change some uniques into slaves instead, like zephyra (choose i only dominate when she asks to come with you)

the last number is the max for that stat.

you have a choice to use the 100% absolute contraceptives for free from their training and rules page

customization page (for each slave) lets you choose the pronouns and stuff

farm works just like work setting, choose the "work" or farm slot, choose person, then below appears the produce and you choose which to farm. If high growth stats, you can choose multiple.
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May 31, 2020
think i must've forgotton how to actually do quests, how do i get to the old weathered temple? it doesn't appear theres anything in my travel list.
its in the forest area, after lilia triggers the quest.

BTW lilias and liliths marriage scenes are bugged and dont trigger or open the scene on gallery, had to cheat them open.


May 31, 2020
For those having trouble getting Cali : Finish a Bandit Fort, do all of the collection zones, leave the area and then save. Return to that Bandit Fort and there is a small chance that there will be a question mark location (start of Cali recruitment), if it dosent appear then load and enter the area again. You can buy Bandit Fort Location from market (random chance).
Can you confirm if you need to do that before starting the princess rebel chapter?
I used the starting option to skip to there in 9.1a and grinded a ton of bandit forts, never saw cali quest trigger.

Edit: NVM its just extremely unlikely or im unlucky. just got it.
Last edited:
May 29, 2024
Ah, thanks for that! I knew about "you can take some people as subordinates or slaves," but you don't always get that choice. The fact that the cap is after the stats makes sense, even if it's unlabeled. I know about the contraception thing, I just think it's funny that fertility rates are 100% around here.

As for the farm, well, perhaps it's best if I include a screenshot...


This is the thing with the slots and circles. When I click on the circle, the box becomes empty, and mousing over someone gets me a "select resource first" tooltip, so I'm pretty sure this is broken somehow.

Also, a new question: I assume that there is no way to move or edit traits on a slave directly, so if I get a slave that somehow has Pacifist (-50% Attack) and Belligerent (+15% Attack), all I can do is go OH WELL and either hope their kids can make up their dang mind or use one of the various methods the game provides to get rid of her? This is a bigger problem for the named pregenerated characters, because some of them have Rebellious, which isn't a huge problem, but it is a problem.
Sep 17, 2017
Some of my characters have incorrect portraits, carrying them over from other characters. Is there a way to tell the game "regenerate the portrait based on the art"?
On the customization tab, when you choose to customize the artwork for the character there is a checkbox to "apply both" or some similar text (don't have the game in front of me right now). Check that box and it will make the body chosen use a matching face portrait if one exists for that specific artwork.
Also, a new question: I assume that there is no way to move or edit traits on a slave directly, so if I get a slave that somehow has Pacifist (-50% Attack) and Belligerent (+15% Attack), all I can do is go OH WELL and either hope their kids can make up their dang mind or use one of the various methods the game provides to get rid of her?
IIRC there should be a consumable item that is a fairly rare drop from the lava dungeon which lets you remove a single trait from a slave.
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