
Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2018
Why do people keep asking for the 'new' code when it hasn't changed for the last I don't know how may versions?


Apr 29, 2017
I figured the part about the walkthrough being outdated, but you didn't actually answer my question. For someone who doesn't have a ton of time to figure out the game mechanics is there a noob way to get through the first 10-20 turns without your slaves running off with your food and money? I didn't ask about beating the game, just getting through the start. Or to put it another way, this thread is 100 pages long, is there a post or a few posts that relate to the current build that you could point me to that would help? I'm not lazy just don't have a ton of time and don't know exactly what I'm looking for (like changes to the sex system means nothing to me), if I go through the thread myself, well to be honest at this point I will probably put it off for who knows how long which is fine, but i was hoping there were some 'no brainer' pointers for someone trying to figure out what they are doing wrong at the start. I don't mind the game being difficult, I just have no idea what I'm doing wrong right now which is frustrating as the help doesn't offer much in the way of pointers (again unless I'm missing something which is possible).
1) Don't fight anyone until you have 2 slaves, each with at least a dagger, and more likely a dagger + leather armor. This might take 2 days, might take a week. I'll give some tips to get there below.

2) First step: Go to Town -> Mage's guild and get your first quest - they won't talk to you until you get them a girl with 40 beauty and high obedience.

3) Go to Town -> Slave market. Look at the options. Check out the Mini-quests here first (middle button), take note of the requirements. Then see who they are selling. If they are selling someone you can turn in for the quest (ie: female, beauty 40+), buy her. If they are selling someone you can turn in for a mini-quest (these are randomized, but likely you'd only find someone who matches "easy quest" criteria), buy them also.

4) The one stat that these girls won't have is obedience. Once you buy them they'll go to your house. Go back home, and start learning the interact button - you should be maxing out your interactions in the early game every turn. There are different approaches. Basically, if you make her happy, she'll develop loyalty and obedience. If you make her scared (FEAR up), her loyalty will develop over time. If you make her stressed, she will NOT be happy and bad things happen.
Here are two approaches for first couple interactions with a girl:
- "Meet" the girl. Take her to the garden. Talk, hold hands, brush hair, etc. Maybe get in a few hugs and a kiss
- "Meet". Take to dungeon. Use a few of these options 1-2 times each. Then go to Garden and try to mitigate the stress with some nice talking/hugging.

5) Once you can turn in the main quest or mini-quests, do so. You'll get a whole bunch of gold. Use this to either rinse/repeat mini quests (you should be checking every day in early game), or to buy leather armor and a dagger for your girls. The other good early-game buy (imo) is a maid's uniform. Adds obedience every day - makes finishing the quests faster.

6) Your first girl is the one you start with. You should be doing all the interactions each day with her that I describe above. When you make her, give her a useful trait. Strong/Quick/Robust (+2 to strength, agility, or endurance) are 100% best for a beginner.

7) Your second girl can be the one you meet in town. Be nice to her, offer her a place, and she'll come work for you. Don't rape her or she'll leave and take your money. If you have an aphrodesiac potion before you get her that's best but that's not for a first playthrough. Just be nice to her.

8) Alternative second girl - if you see one in the market who has points in Str/Agi/End, go for it. If they're cheap it's because they're ugly, which doesn't matter at all for your fighters. A trait like "Strong" auto-adds 2 strength, which makes them way better to start with when it comes to fighting. Robust is even better for the first few weeks, then falls off.

9) Once you have two girls in armor (and armor for yourself) with a weapon (long sword is significantly better than dagger but requires 2 agility - if you have a girl with Quick, you should most assuredly save up 150g and buy a longsword), put them both in your fighting team (buttons in bottom right allow you to make your team and equip them).

10) Buy 2 or 3 ropes, buy 3 bandages

11) Go out into the world! Pay VERY close attention to who you're running into. 2 bandits, level 2, might beat you badly. Some of them wear good armor.
Best bets for early fights if you can avoid the tough ones:
- Go after 2 bandits, level 1, where there's "someone else involved". This means that even if the bandits run away there's still one person you can capture for your jail if they are any good
- Going after travellers looks like a good idea because it might be a solo level 1, but they will almost always run away
- Another good option - skip every fight and go to the woods. You should be able to kill a whole bunch of wolves with this team, picking up some bestial essences (good later on) and maybe get your team (or at least yourself) to level 2.
- Keep fighting bandits, level 1, especially when there's a victim around. When you kill them you can get drops (free armor and weapons), and you can capture them as well.

12) If you capture someone they go to your jail. Here you can use interaction menu to "abuse" them - your aim is to increase fear because this builds loyalty, and you eventually "break" them, meaning they are no longer prone to running away so easily.

13) Running away happens either because it says you recently captured them, or because loyalty is too low. Again, to raise loyalty make them happy or fear you.

14) Keep checking for mini-quests each day - completing these is a MASSIVE boon in terms of gold, but also gives you mansion upgrade points that you can use to buy more jail spots, more regular spots, etc.

15) I USED TO MISS THIS ALL THE TIME - don't forget to actually assign points when you go up a level. For you AND for the girls. The girls it's easy to click on and see how many are available, but check yourself out as well - bottom right button.

16) Suggestions for points for a beginner:
- 1 str and 1 end for the first two points
- Next will be up to you
- If you're dying and not using bandages or can't afford them, add 1 or 2 to end
- Otherwise Str makes you kill faster and do more damage
- By level 3 though (level 1 later in the game when you have better armor), your slaves should all have 2 agility - this allows them to use long sword instead of dagger which is a WAY better weapon, especially when enchanted.

17) By the time you have 2-3 slaves, one should be foraging or hunting each turn, one should be making you money, and one will either cook or clean depending on your needs.

I hope this helps. You get into a rhythm by the third week and start to figure it all out. It's like Free Cities that way. Holy crap that game took me a long time to figure out. Let me know if you have questions.


Sep 19, 2018
Got a new error for you guys, if anyone might have a potential fix for it. (edit)Besides the obvious of not capturing so many at one time ;) (/edit) I'm using the pat code to unlock housing requirements. Have the jail set at 40. if I happen to catch more than 20 or so slaves, I get the screenshot on the console. Sometimes the slave list will get bugged, and I have to save, exit to menu and then load the game again. less than twenty is fine. I'm endgame, so just playing around with capturing and abu...ahem...'training' my bounty.
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Aug 12, 2017
This game reminds me one on Rags system, forget the name.

Anyway, someone can say what i download here? The game i have on Win64. Who pack of Portraits i choose or can i take all three? And the Bodies i can download too? Thanks.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2017
Is there a specific thing that effects how often your servants fight? I'm assuming there is
They can't have health go below zero, obviously, but there's a meter on the bottom below their name showing how much stress is built up. Once that reaches past a certain threshold, they won't work on the assigned jobs because they need to rest, and I think reaching 100 results in them returning home. Certain traits and one of the mental stats affects the stress buildup if I remember correctly.


May 15, 2018
That game can easily manage hundreds of slaves. I don't think SfP has been tested with such numbers. Also Maverik used to say that he didn't want to make a clone of FC.
Anyway, imo you should report the issue to him on
This game can also easily support 100 of slaves. by just editing save game.
But then again the game gets boring as F with 60 slaves.
So boring I started to edit portraits and bodies of 3D artists :p to fit them into the game.

But I am still waiting for a conquest system to own the whole map, rival slave houses to take over.
Brothel to own or more places to visit or own.

But feedback.
The ranking shouldn´t be Slave Poor Commoner Rich Noble.
Infact it should be Poor Commoner Rich Noble and Royalty.
Slave Servant (indebture servants) and Citizen (free citizen) . should be a seperate label. to note their status.
The game engine can easily accommodate it.

Also when do we get a 2nd or 3rd specialisation based on levels like every 10 levels you get 1 additional slot
for specialisation.

But looking forward to the new sex system.


Aug 12, 2017
I'm playing and I'm finding this beginning very slow ... The first quests seem to be quite complicated, every day the money reduces on food, and the way to get more is strange. Capture to sell, and spending 40% of the profit on rope in the process. Hp recovery does not help much either.
Oct 11, 2018
What do you mean by "often"?
Lust affects negatively the fighting skills of your slaves. If it is too high, you will see a white/grey heart under their avatar (when outside).
To add slaves to your group, they must have:
- energy > 10
- stress < 80
- obedience+loyalty >= 90
Slaves do not hit more than once per round, except for Ayneris (when she has her rapier) or if they are equipped with special items, like the Cursed Blade.

Eta: in the fight screen there is a checkbox, if activated your slaves hit automatically (Autoattack mode).
Last times I used it, it was bugged though: some of your slaves may skip the first round (in other words: when the battle begins, your enemies hit twice). I don't know if the bug has been fixed.
... I mean each other... like a "quarrel"


Aug 12, 2017
sad when you discover the baby system, which takes longer to be able to create one, and because of that lose him.


Mar 17, 2018
I see some people struggle with starting weeks. I tried this game for the first time, without guide, and thought it's too easy, especially economy wise despite my combat specialization. Since I disagree with some tips and remarks posted in this thread, here are my 2 cents.

- Don't waste time on exploring before you get good team with chainmails and first offensive spell (about week 2 in my case). You can do it but it's not worth the effort and time spent healing.

- You can forage food and buy it from merchant before assigning someone to cooking.

- Talking with people is by far the most effective tool. No cost, great effect.

- As a waypoint I had about 100g/daily income per week, so 100 after first, 200 second and so on. Early on more money comes from reapatable missions.

-As long as you can manage economy, magic specialization is perfect, you get half cost (!!!) on one of the main resources (mana - so you dont have to grind sex scenes) and your spells will 1 hit most enemies.

Finally: Tooltips and descriptions provide every info you need. If you follow some outdated and biased guides you miss on the fun.

You don't have to do any questionable things that people advise.
-I never used farm/laboratory
-Never captured anyone (save for main quest). Enslaving people early is more trouble than it's worth anyway and later you won't need it.
-Never jailed anyone
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