Here's a game-design critique that I hope somebody can pass on to Maverick, if he isn't on the boards somewhere already.
There's a gameplay issue is the first quest in the main storyline. The player needs to sacrifice a human slave with Beauty 40+, and by no coincidence the player's starting slave defaults to human, and has 40 Beauty. It's obvious that a new player is intended to either sacrifice their starting slave, or else at least have the option, but that's unsatisfying: it would immediately leave the player with zero slaves to manage. Yes, Emily is obtained almost immediately afterwards, but a new player doesn't know that, and anyone who decided to customize their start and changed the slave's base race is shafted.
The best solution is to either a) guarantee a human with 40+ beauty will appear in the slave market on day one, or b) provide an option asking for a qualifying slave. There are many advantages: this would ensure that all players have ready access to the first quest; the quest starter already mentions "I would go to the slave guild for this, but..." so it's the obvious first place for a new player to look; this teaches the player to check the slave guild in the future when a slave with specific traits is required; this solution is already possible by exiting and restarting the game repeatedly, so it's not creating an option that isn't already available (it just makes it convenient); and possibly the most important, there's no drawbacks apart from requiring some time to code.