Announced things that didn’t get finished, almost like their financial support system suddenly disappeared? Why is that just flying over peoples heads, they’re not gonna work for free.
I’m fully aware of how much they announced in the SFM era (key word, announced, not abandoned or canceled).
The Samus project from her tournament win
A Jessica rabbit sequel as voted by patrons
A Tina VR film as voted by patrons
The rest of Scarlet Nights (Catwoman, Ivy, Batgirl)
The Witcher project (That was put on hold even before their removal, SFM just wouldn’t be able to do it justice)
A chun-li film (tournament finalist)
The Lara remake/sequel (now one of the Throne funding options)
The Kunoichi spin-offs (Marie-rose, and the three teased in K3, tho only Mai had a project name at that point in time)
Kuroinu/Asagi projects: models teased, no project title.
I’m even aware of one more film the others don’t even know of. DC showed me that privately on a really bad day I was having, and I’m keeping that close til the day it comes.
The models didn’t go anywhere, it’s just a matter of porting them over to another engine. Which is the intent.