- Mar 1, 2023
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Check in 08/23/2024
4 hours ago
Hello all!
Fun times here at at Stew industries. ATM about 38,000 words of the script completed, churning through at a decent pace. Hoping that I should be finished and off to the proofreader by early or mid Oct, huzzah!
Started renders today, and as of the moment I have a whopping a herculean 9 renders finished as I type this. Try not to swoon, I promise my PC won't catch fire at those blistering speeds. Jokes aside I'm about where I was hoping to be at the begin of September progress wise so that gives me about a week or so of wiggle room for things, always exciting.
That's about it on update stuff. A few behind the scenes notes. When I started dev stuff back in the day I found that Wednesday and Sunday where the best days for me to make my weekly/ Blue belt update posts respectively. Since then my schedule has shifted slightly so it's been easier to to do Friday/Monday, so while I've been sort of drifting there unofficially this is the official announcement so you can expect those days going forward, no change otherwise, just a shifting of days.
Final note I'll be having an impromptu art stream for an hour or two Sunday at 1pm pacific time, it will be open to all patrons so feel free to drop by, I'll be working on supplementary work and or customs so no spoilers for Unbroken part 8.
That's it for today, hope you have a lovely weekend and as always thank you for the support.
4 hours ago
Hello all!
Fun times here at at Stew industries. ATM about 38,000 words of the script completed, churning through at a decent pace. Hoping that I should be finished and off to the proofreader by early or mid Oct, huzzah!
Started renders today, and as of the moment I have a whopping a herculean 9 renders finished as I type this. Try not to swoon, I promise my PC won't catch fire at those blistering speeds. Jokes aside I'm about where I was hoping to be at the begin of September progress wise so that gives me about a week or so of wiggle room for things, always exciting.
That's about it on update stuff. A few behind the scenes notes. When I started dev stuff back in the day I found that Wednesday and Sunday where the best days for me to make my weekly/ Blue belt update posts respectively. Since then my schedule has shifted slightly so it's been easier to to do Friday/Monday, so while I've been sort of drifting there unofficially this is the official announcement so you can expect those days going forward, no change otherwise, just a shifting of days.
Final note I'll be having an impromptu art stream for an hour or two Sunday at 1pm pacific time, it will be open to all patrons so feel free to drop by, I'll be working on supplementary work and or customs so no spoilers for Unbroken part 8.
That's it for today, hope you have a lovely weekend and as always thank you for the support.