VN - Ren'Py - STWA: Unbroken [Pt. 7] [STWAdev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid characters and story so far, Not to much challenge in decisions but still an entreating story.
    Great great models aswel.
    I am very interested to see where the fighting mechanics follow through into further updates
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing. A deep and compelling story that is opening up ina a slow but steady pace that is enthralling and compelling. Extremely well written. Rich, vibrant characters. Beautiful women. Exquisite slow burn on the sex, but enough fun bits to keep it really sexy. Highest recommendation.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    To keep this short and to the point, this game is a hidden gem. Truly one of the best games I have ever played. Everything is top-notch; Renders, animations, story, models, and especially the writing are unbelievably good. Games like this with both exceptional writing and renders are very rare to find so I'm happy that I found this one. A huge recommendation from me for sure!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily one of the best VNs on this site. I have written a fair amount of reviews for other games, and I tend to be much more critical than most, particularly when it comes to story and writing. This game, however, is excellent in all regards, to the extent that I have absolutely nothing negative to say.

    For me, the story and dialogue are the most important aspects of a game. This game excels in both. I have virtually no interest whatsoever in MMA (which is the central theme of this game), and yet I was immediately hooked by the story. The dialogues are witty, natural, and extremely well-written. Humor is sprinkled into the conversations with great effect. It is clear that this dev spends the time to proofread all of his writing, which is virtually typo-free.

    The renders and animations are top-notch, as well. Each of the LIs are extremely attractive and varied, and their personalities and backstories are well-developed. The MC is very likeable, as are all of the secondary characters. There is not a ton of sexual content at this point, but the game is so good that you don't even mind that most of the MC's relationships fall into the slow-burn category.

    I can't recommend this game highly enough.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! Games like this is why i play VN's. It's so refreshing to play games like this who put character and story at the front, and let romance and eroticism develop naturally.

    I'll list some of the things this game does well, and then list some things the game could do better:

    - Amazing characters. All of the characters seems real. They have their own personality, motivations and interactions.
    - Great writing! This is a slice of life story, wich i think make the best erotic games. It is very easy to immerse yourself into the story, and the sory itself is realistic, yet still a wish fulfillment kinda story
    - Hot girls/great renders, the girls are very beautiful, and not to unrealistic for a porn game. The renders are very high quality, and the facial expressions of the character show their feelings and personality
    -Choices! There are a lot of them. You get to choose your own story, and which of the girls you want to pursue.
    -Dev has already made another good game, and finished it! Which is very promesing for this game. I can already see the improvements in this game from the last, even though that was a very good game, the dev has certanly stepped up his own game.

    -Player agency. There are a lot of choices, but many of them are you deciding how to react to things happening to the character. I would like the player to have a bit more control over the story. Choices taht might lead to opportunitets in the story, rather than choices that score points with the girl currently in the scene.
    -Illusion of choice. More choices please! Doesnt have to lead to more scenes, or add more branches to the story. Just more choices bulding on choices leading to scenes/parts of the story.

    Thats it really. Its a VERY VERY good game. Time will tell how good it will be, but it has potential to be one of the best. You would be sorry not to give it a try.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I ignored this game's first two parts. I've been burnt by a few fighting stories here in the past which seem to use fighting as a very loose reason to throw women at the MC and have him seem like the alpha. With little other releases at the moment I decided to give part 3 a go.

    I'll admit I skipped through all the fighting nonsense and most of the dialogue at the start because I don't really have an interest in any of that. As I said, I figured it'd just be a way for the writer to explain why the women all try to jump the MC like in most games and deciding that, really I'm not here for the story, let's get to the good bits.

    It wasn't until after the first scene (which as others have said, wasn't the best animation, but still a good scene) that I decided I'd want to see more of the other women and so I started paying attention to the story out of curiosity.

    A few scenes later and I was hooked. I went back to the start to read it from the beginning to learn more about these characters.
    Now I've finished part 3 and to be honest I'm more invested in the story than the potential for sex scenes.

    It's easily up there as one of the best written stories out there with unique characters, amusing interactions, a storyline that actually seems somewhat plausible and choices that do seem to have an impact (even though some are just agree or disagree to potential sex).

    There’s plenty of moments with some skin flashed, a nice outfit here and there, but for those wanting non-stop sex scenes they might be disappointed.

    Personally I’m really enjoying the pacing and I’m very excited to see this game progress!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best written stories on this platform, with witty, fun and clever dialogues and great storytelling. If you are usually just going to fast forward for boobies, do yourself a favor and remove your finger from that button or start over after you're done, as you will certainly miss out otherwise.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A hidden gem, there is a lot to like here, fantastic character models, really good writing, likeable characters and MC, actual choices, I didn't expect much going in, and was surprised by how good it actually is, one of the better games out there .
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm so into this story.

    It's better than The Author. In fact, I'd say it's much better. That's saying a lot because The Author was good. This is fantastic.

    The setting is way more interesting (at least to me).
    The writing is better.
    The renders are SO much better.
    The girls are WAY prettier.

    I'm a STWA fan and I can't wait to see where this story goes. Highly suggested.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It has all been said before, so my review is just a copy and paste of others.

    Great characters, bunch of really well made and hot girls.

    Good story, can't wait to where this goes.

    Keep up the good work STWA.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    Noice! Very well done!
    The goods:
    - Good story;
    - Great renders:
    - Top quality graphics and images
    - Good character development
    - Well illustrated character personality
    - Good writing
    - The models :love:
    - Good use of music

    The Bad:
    - Animations are bad (Low fps, unfortunately)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    stwa the author was really good. having a track record of a Finished game is a huge plus as many devs don't have that. the fact that it was Good and that they learn and establish process and methodology is reassuring to everyone following this project. the characters are distinct and have depth, and the models are fantastic. the story is well written and has branching choices based on the love interests. it isn't as varied as some games that introduce so many possibilities that future episodes get bogged down by being exponentially complex, but is isn't a railroad either; it is a happy medium that allows you to pick whom you want to focus on and tells that story. best of both worlds. really good VN. please support the developers if possible.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good VN, even if there's a bit too much military stuff for me.
    The cast of girls is nice, they are not the typical caricatures and have some depth, even if there is too much big breasts for my taste.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    What a great fucking game. The renders are good, the writing is excellent and the characters feel distinct, interconnected and are consistent in their traits. This is honestly exactly what I'd expect from the dev behind The Author. The two games have a lot in common, but having finished a game has clearly taught the dev a lot and this game benefits greatly from it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    While the renders are perfectly great, what grabbed my attention with this game is the writing. It's just next-level stuff. Each character is fully realized and the author has a phenomenal feel for realistic human interaction and motivations. Can't recommend this one highly enough.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Pt.2 version

    Good game and very very good writing.

    Very mature plot and characters. It's surely one of the best storytelling I ever went through.

    Sound. Weak point. Only music at the menu and at the club.

    While renders are very good and there's a tonn of different and cool assets, animations and the sex scenes are also a weak point of the game. The quality 2.5-3 out of 5. . Also, for example, scene with Serena. You could've cut the sexual tension in the air with a knife. And still, animations give rather the calm wind, than the hurricane vibes.
    No interactions, except where to finish.

    I'm not native speaker and always have tab with an opened translator. With most of the games, here on F95, I'm using it quite rare. But this game gave me fun for sure :D I had to use it more, than usual. Tosser, Putz, hell, I even went google Elspeth because I was really curious :) Obv, the dev is familiar with English culture and language very well. Game tap you on a shoulder very often about that.


    Really decent project. Good luck with development.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The way this developer writes his stories is truly special and stands out from most other visual novels around here, big time. I am really impressed.

    The characters/girls - All lovely and full of depth, look amazing and feel very organic and realistic. This is rare in VN's. The characters in this game actually talk like human beings, the dialogue and interactions are really good.

    The MC - He's not in high school or moving back home to shag his whole family believe it or not. He's a fully grown man with real life problems and struggles. Super refreshing, I love MC's like this. He is still a chick magnet though (as they all are), but it's deserved here because he actually behaves like a reasonable and believable human being.

    The story - I love the story here too, and once again the characters. I am hooked. There is a lot of mystery and intrigue amongst the girls, and the MC is an ex-military turned professional fighter, who is dealing with what I am figuring to be some mild PTSD perhaps, again it's all really intriguing.

    If you're heavily in to the romance aspects to visual novels like I am, this doesn't disappoint there either. You actually get to know the girls very well and the pacing/relationship building is fantastic. I nearly skipped this game entirely because there was no romance tag anywhere, but that would've been a huge mistake. If you like angsty romance (again, like me), this definitely seems to be paving a path for that too, with a couple of the girls.
    It's really hard to pick a favorite girl since they are all really good, but gonna go with Elspeth or Amrit so far.

    I can't wait for future updates. Job extremely well done, STWAdev.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing STWA's previous game, The Author, I'm happy to say that Unbroken does not disappoint.
    The story is excellent so far and the renders and animations are of very high quality. This is the second novel and it's all connected with the STWA Universe. I'm interested in seeing more interactions with the previous novel, The Author, but also how it will progress into the third part.
    There is also something refreshing in seeing another part of the world portrayed, the UK this time. I'm fairly sure that the British spirit and humor are on point(I guess the developer is from UK, but not sure)
    I was always interested more in the story of a novel than the quick and effortless shags other novels/games do, so I'm entirely captivated by this one. Some people might call is slow, but for me it's perfect.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    More Elspeth! The writing, humour, dialogue and characterisation are all great. I love each and every one of the Leading ladies, aswell as our MC and all the side characters.

    Being used to nameless or self named MCs, it is an interesting turn of change to be playing somebody else. But the writing is fun and I'm enjoying it thus far.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything about this game Is great.
    The story Is very well written and I really like the MC In this and the choices he has to make, seem to be important, like you really feel you get to shape the story.
    The girls and the renders look really nice too,also the animations are very nicely done.
    Can't really say anything bad about the game, It all really sucks you right In and leaving you wanting more!