
Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
Yeesh that's what the other guy is bringing up? Yeah defo don't regret hitting ignore on that. As for the game, this was only part of the update, which introduced Sova and her people, a boss fight, and a few galaxies for combat. Lewd-wise foreplay videos were added to the previous girls's recruitment scenes. Sova's scenes and the rest will be included in the latter half of the update. You'd likely be better off waiting, seeing as getting it here requires a redownload of everything.
Yeah, I think I'll do that, thanks.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
Honestly i've long moved on from this thread but still checks it sometime (since it sometimes appear in the latest replies tab) and surely enough i still see the same 2 clowns jumping at every opportunity to defend this game lol

I really do hope that you guys are actually secretly being paid by the dev to be their, idk, f95 influencer or something? because otherwise it's just too sad


Nov 2, 2021
Honestly i've long moved on from this thread but still checks it sometime (since it sometimes appear in the latest replies tab) and surely enough i still see the same 2 clowns jumping at every opportunity to defend this game lol

I really do hope that you guys are actually secretly being paid by the dev to be their, idk, f95 influencer or something? because otherwise it's just too sad
Sad indeed, 24/7 work without any salary is just unacceptable :v


Nov 13, 2021
Yeah, imagine being told translation will come once the game is complete... in different languages, not just Chinese. The outrage of not get special treatment.. because.. you are Chinese..
Sorry I know little about the whole thing and just happened to see this ranking picture. I thought the developers were not planning to add Chinese to the game even if the game is completed, which was concluded from Chinese comments on Steam. Maybe there is some kind of misunderstanding or rumor? I find Chinese language seems to be included in the game's planned localizations, but they do not think so and keep giving negative feedback.


Dec 21, 2021
This sums it up....

"Adult game "Subverse" was review bombed to "mostly negative" on steam by angry Chinese. The whole incident began when many mainland Chinese buyers repeatly requiring the developers to add Chinese localization, however, the developer responded by saying "The game is not allowed on Steam Chinese region and is against the Chinese law, hence we will not make simplified Chinese localization, and we will only add traditional Chinese localization"

And then FOW mentioned they didn't see as much backing from mainland China from their backend data as the Chinese claimed, which created a lot of anger from the Chinese thinking FOW didn't value their support meanwhile FOW just stating a fact. If a lot of Chinese players hide behind vpn's and buy the game pretending to be from other places in the world, well that is on them, data show what it does.
Players in mainland China did participate in donations. Many fans of FOW in mainland China can only use VPN to access FOW due to network problems. This may be why it seems that there is very little support from mainland China, but Chinese players say that they have given The main reason for the support, this game has a good degree of discussion in China's major forums and video sites and social chat platforms

Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
Players in mainland China did participate in donations. Many fans of FOW in mainland China can only use VPN to access FOW due to network problems. This may be why it seems that there is very little support from mainland China, but Chinese players say that they have given The main reason for the support, this game has a good degree of discussion in China's major forums and video sites and social chat platforms
FOW's definitely aware how much China's folks were interested. It sucks that their country is so locked down on adult content. It was difficult for folks to even back the kickstarter, since it'd reject their credit cards. We noticed many spots freeing up during the last few hours of the campaign.

As for the translation bits, it was an unfortunate miscommunication, and they've since shown the list of languages they intend the game to be translated into. From their December Q and A:


Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
FOW's definitely aware how much China's folks were interested. It sucks that their country is so locked down on adult content. It was difficult for folks to even back the kickstarter, since it'd reject their credit cards. We noticed many spots freeing up during the last few hours of the campaign.

As for the translation bits, it was an unfortunate miscommunication, and they've since shown the list of languages they intend the game to be translated into. From their December Q and A:

View attachment 1852376
So they did cave on the "simplified vs traditional localization" of Chinese then.. Feels a bit like reward kids for being naughty.
Don't really want to lash out on Chinese players, but regarding steam and review bombing they got a terrible track record. How they went after "Little Witch Nobeta" really up there.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
At the end of the day, they can do whatever they want with their reviewed copies.
Yep. It's funny when I see people bitching about so-called "review bombing" but never pointing out the flip side "review boosting" where someone had a review that just has a smiley face or says "boobies".

Ultimately to the Chinese folks writing those negative reviews, it's obviously an important issue to them even though it's not an issue to someone who speaks English as their primary language which doesn't make it any less legitimate.

This is why I always tell people just go through and read the thorough reviews both good and bad so you have an idea of what the game is actually like. And on Steam you can filter reviews to only include reviews where the player has a certain # of hours in it which I strongly recommend as well.


Jun 26, 2017
The last part of your post is very important. There are lots of "best game!", "boobies!", and other meme replies of people who still have not played more than an hour of the game. Subverse had a near endless amount of release hype reviews from people excited enough by the game's initial EA release that they praised it before playing it. This is why it's important to look at the game's long term reviews, but too much emphasis on the game's negative reviews gets blamed on the Chinese, which is why I tend to butt in. Games like Cyberpunk 2077 had a shitload of boosted release reviews, then people played the game.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Yep. It's funny when I see people bitching about so-called "review bombing" but never pointing out the flip side "review boosting" where someone had a review that just has a smiley face or says "boobies".

Ultimately to the Chinese folks writing those negative reviews, it's obviously an important issue to them even though it's not an issue to someone who speaks English as their primary language which doesn't make it any less legitimate.

This is why I always tell people just go through and read the thorough reviews both good and bad so you have an idea of what the game is actually like. And on Steam you can filter reviews to only include reviews where the player has a certain # of hours in it which I strongly recommend as well.
If you start browse NSFW games on steam and check out their review section. You will find such type of reviews all over the place though. It's not necessary review boosting. Shit, you had people leave such things over lewd stuff in games such as The Withcer 2 and 3 that isn't even geared towards NSFW crowd of players. The only time I can say I seen review boosting for Subverse was when people started to fight against the Chinese review bombing, and those reviews typically did show disdain towards the Chinese players, not praising the game. In any regard both kind was removed, or rather hidden by Valve. You can still see most of it if you turn that option on in Steam. There been cases in the past where creators on Steam tried to manipulate reviews/ratings and got banned from the platform by Valve.

If you look at reviews of games on this site you will find a whole lot that can't even be regarded as reviewsl. But can't really be seen as reviewing boosting, just guys being simple animals that throw thumbs up at boobies. As for people praise early access releases on steam, or they give some early release with 10 min content 5 stars on this site, is equaly stupid. Plenty of examples around that your "good" first impression turn into a trainwreck.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
I'm glad I didn't pay for this shit
Me too. This is why I'm so thankful for F95 - we can test things out, and if a game has things in it that make it a deal-breaker for us it was good we got to basically just do a test drive.

If you start browse NSFW games on steam and check out their review section. You will find such type of reviews all over the place though. It's not necessary review boosting. Shit, you had people leave such things over lewd stuff in games such as The Withcer 2 and 3 that isn't even geared towards NSFW crowd of players. The only time I can say I seen review boosting for Subverse was when people started to fight against the Chinese review bombing, and those reviews typically did show disdain towards the Chinese players, not praising the game. In any regard both kind was removed, or rather hidden by Valve. You can still see most of it if you turn that option on in Steam. There been cases in the past where creators on Steam tried to manipulate reviews/ratings and got banned from the platform by Valve.

If you look at reviews of games on this site you will find a whole lot that can't even be regarded as reviewsl. But can't really be seen as reviewing boosting, just guys being simple animals that throw thumbs up at boobies. As for people praise early access releases on steam, or they give some early release with 10 min content 5 stars on this site, is equaly stupid. Plenty of examples around that your "good" first impression turn into a trainwreck.
And that's why I am not a proponent of ever throwing reviews out, good or bad. On a site like Steam if someone puts a review in, they've earned the right because they paid for the game whether the developer, Steam, or anybody else agrees with it or not. I support reading the reviews - every player is different and will like and dislike different things so that's why it's a good idea to find a bunch of both good and bad reviews that are very detailed so you can get a good idea of what the game is like.

Like I mentioned, the Chinese complaints for someone like me that lives in the USA are 100% meaningless, so I would just skip over them, but someone over in that part of the world may find them valuable. Likewise, a bunch of reviews (as another poster mentioned) that were written when the game launched, where such players had 20 minutes in the game and were already leaving positive reviews with just the word tiddays were mis-leading as fk, but that's why you don't take those types of reviews that aren't thorough seriously at all.

This is why I have my Steam settings configured to NOT hide any reviews just because Steam or the developer is crying about them - they certainly haven't tossed out those early review boosting scores so they forfeit the right to bitch about bad ones as far as I'm concerned. IMO Subverse has earned its 55% review score on Steam - it has a similar score here on F95 so I feel it's pretty accurate overall, but again - I always encourage reading thorough, descriptive reviews. That will give a player a better idea of what to expect, and then worst case if the player is still unsure, pirate the game and test drive it in order to decide if it's something they want to back financially or not. I always just ask myself "do I want another game like this" and if the answer is yes I buy a copy (or several), and if the answer is no due to a deal-breaker in the game or if it just outright sucks, then I don't.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
So, you have no interest in download and play the game then? Because it have no value for you to support it? I've done piracy for so many years and some of the most used phrases been "I download to check it out if its worth support/buy"... Pirate plays it through...."nah, wasn't worth it"... but they consumed the "value" of it. A bit like always sneak into the movie theaters because don't want to pay for a movie you don't like. Why not just come out... "I'm a pirate, it's what I do"...

Lily is the exception when it come to the Mantics, not the rule. She is the scientist making them, and there is no secret she is playing with them. But you don't get any of that in your face when you play the game. "YOU" need to unlock those scenes in Pandora. That fall on "YOU".. doing so you seek out content you don't want to watch.

Do you go look for scatt porn and then complain how shit it was afterwards as well?
Let me, a passerby, play the role of Devil's advocate here.

Yes, there is no doubt that pirates consume the product even if they complain about it. And yes, pirates don't give authors their due. Yes, it is morally wrong.

But it is not that simple or otherwise there would be no debate, correct?

Piracy often results in pirate buying the thing anyway. Most of people I knew, me included, started from piracy then bought the games we pirated, because we liked them. It is a filter of garbage of sorts - good games suffer from piracy so much less than bad games. So often we have little in the way of trying before buying and piracy becomes an appetizer to tell rotten from fresh.

Other point is that piracy often helps to spread the word about good games - the more people try it, the more people know about it, the more people buy it. Don't underestimate this point, as lousy as it may be - in my experience a lot of people learned about one game or the other from some pal who pirated it or heard from his own pal who pirated it.

Third point is some games are outright inaccessible for players. Take Battle for Middle Earth for example - company lost rights for LotR franchise and so lost rights to sell associated games (at least, as far as I recall it). It was an interesting games that you can get almost exclusively by piracy. Or take for example regional restraints that sometimes make certain game or platforms like steam impossible to access.

Its much more than simple: "I am pirate I do what I do".

Also, pal, you choose one of the worst platforms to criticize pirates. Its F95, dammit, everyone here could call his trusty galleon and yarr all day long. Its like you're preaching about drugs in crack house, essentially.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
Let me, a passerby, play the role of Devil's advocate here.

Yes, there is no doubt that pirates consume the product even if they complain about it. And yes, pirates don't give authors their due. Yes, it is morally wrong.

But it is not that simple or otherwise there would be no debate, correct?

Piracy often results in pirate buying the thing anyway. Most of people I knew, me included, started from piracy then bought the games we pirated, because we liked them. It is a filter of garbage of sorts - good games suffer from piracy so much less than bad games. So often we have little in the way of trying before buying and piracy becomes an appetizer to tell rotten from fresh.

Other point is that piracy often helps to spread the word about good games - the more people try it, the more people know about it, the more people buy it. Don't underestimate this point, as lousy as it may be - in my experience a lot of people learned about one game or the other from some pal who pirated it or heard from his own pal who pirated it.

Third point is some games are outright inaccessible for players. Take Battle for Middle Earth for example - company lost rights for LotR franchise and so lost rights to sell associated games (at least, as far as I recall it). It was an interesting games that you can get almost exclusively by piracy. Or take for example regional restraints that sometimes make certain game or platforms like steam impossible to access.

Its much more than simple: "I am pirate I do what I do".
Fantastic post. Yes, some people probably just pirate and never buy, but I've run into MANY MANY people on here who try a game, like it, and then jump on the developer's Patreon because they want more of it, or buy the game on Steam (or both). I am the same. Currently backing multiple games on Patreon and I will also buy those same games on Steam to support the dev.

F95 is a great platform for "test driving". Some games we like enough to buy and we do. Some maybe we like some aspects of the game but there are deal-breakers present that we refuse to buy it (my current spot with Subverse). And some we try and think they suck and are just glad we didn't waste our money.

Definitely a gray zone, with many areas people look at uniquely.


New Member
Jun 16, 2017
I have lost my save file. I have searched this thread and the save files in here keep giving me that they are corrupt. does anyone have anything. Kinda don't want to unlock everything again


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
I have lost my save file. I have searched this thread and the save files in here keep giving me that they are corrupt. does anyone have anything. Kinda don't want to unlock everything again
You're welcome to use my save file - I don't have everything unlocked (by design), but lots of Points should be available so you can unlock most, if not all of the other clips you want.
This save is from v0.4.5
2.90 star(s) 250 Votes