
Mar 18, 2019
even if its a "Never coming out" would be better than sitting in limbo lol.
Well it's in limbo because it is still planned to come out. So take that for what it's worth?

Does anyone know how to get to that room with the box in the lab?
It can't be accessed. For what it's worth, it's just a normal random-item box, so you're not really missing out on anything though.
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Feb 14, 2019
Do the Drain powers lower your willpower and charm stats for the fight?

Eventually, I realized that for min-maxing purposes there is a point in farming over 700 mementos, because Temptation, Terror, and other powers like that seem to cut your willpower in half, so having 2000 willpower would still leave you in the cap of 999 (presumably). Plus there are straigh up stat effects that will lower your willpower by a percentage too. But I can't remember any debuffs affecting your charm, unless Drain does that...


Mar 18, 2019
Not entirely sure if the de/buffs to Willpower and Charm actually interact with the stat itself, or only with the way RPGMaker does its math. It'd probably be the same as any other RPGMaker standard, for those particular statuses, though.

As for Energy Drain and its various variations, they do not have debuffing effect. The only effect on the player is the EP increase and Life damage. The enemy gets a (permanent? I think permanent) buff to attack and defense.


Feb 14, 2019
Sure, I assumed that was a possibility too. I know that outside of combat, gear with -%, like the Hatter's key II which has -50% willpower, still leaves my willpower at 999, but the math could be different with combat debuffs, sure. I guess I'll learn soon enough for myself, as I'm already on a run with +1551 willpower from mementos.

Thanks for letting me know about Drain. I was always unsure if the way it worked was that they drained your willpower and charm to add to their own, and I think it would make sense if they did, but I guess they don't actually touch your stats. And since I don't recall any actual debuffs to charm, I guess there's absolutely no point in continuing to increase it past 999.


New Member
Jul 20, 2022
Can I ask how to complete the triple shot trophy? havent found any methods to do that(i think in one of the saves I got that but i forgot how)


Mar 18, 2019
Can I ask how to complete the triple shot trophy? havent found any methods to do that(i think in one of the saves I got that but i forgot how)
You need to have an enemy make you climax three times in three consecutive turns. The easiest place to get it, in my experience, is with the final match with Mochizuki. Since you can't get a game over in that encounter (if your Life drops below zero, she heals you), sand since she can hypothetically boost herself infinitely (and since already has a very high natural Atk stat even before that), you can turn on the Mood Lock and just keep going until you get it.


Feb 14, 2019
Damn I know it's the point of the game but it's kinda unsatisfying how the succubus win no matter which ending you get.
I think that's how I felt too, at first. That changed after seeing the true ending, and getting some more context. But, at first, I wasn't too keen on the imperviousness they have. It felt like, for all the actions my characters were allowed to partake (while they were getting raped), it was all for naught. Like, for all the "hard work" in satisfying the succubi, it was difficult to see the difference between doing it and not, based on the short-term results. After going through the true route though, it's hard for me now to see any of the succubi as anything more than tools in this nightmare
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Mar 11, 2019
congrats on full clearing the game
in hindsight, there are some glitches and jank, but there's so much passion put into the project this is still a full five stars for me


Mar 18, 2019
On the topic of RNG, I already knew that an item giving +100% resistance to a stance change didn't guarantee it, so I tried a few times wearing 2, and even then, I saw my character forced to change stances too many times.
What happens there, perhaps, is that on Nightmare, you typically get hit with the "advanced" version of the bad status (Horror vs. Terror, Fury vs. Berserk, etc), and that the armors give less protection against those. Still since they're typically supposed to give half the base level of protection, two with 100% should work...unless it's something like 50%*50%, which means you can still get hit with a 1/4 chance? As mentioned before, I don't really know how the RPGMaker engine processes stuff like that.

And as I already said, Regret was completely useless for me. As an aside, I think your memories of dying to each of the 5, doesn't give you the life bonus when going against them together, which is odd...
Yeah, I'm not sure exactly how those work, but they don't protect you during the boss rush. Interestingly, don't know if you caught it, but they do cause Life-spending magics to also have a half-cost in repeat encounters though (although IIRC, they're still coded to require the minimum amount of Life they'd normally like, Analyze only costs 1.5% Life, but you can't use it unless you have 3% or greater).

Btw, can anyone tell me how to get the guy with the purple jacket, on the top-right corner, to show up during dream stage 6?
In the Clubhouse Village? He's supposed to spawn if you "make peace" with the delivery truck. I went back and checked and for some reason, the code to spawn his sprite and put him there on repeated visits afterwards got overwritten at some point (I don't take the blame for this one, he's gone in the Japanese code as well!). But if you were playing before on an earlier version and then did your Nightmare run in the up to date game, that would explain why he's gone.

And good going on finishing. Now you're ready for the expansion. (It should be soon. It really should.)


Feb 14, 2019
congrats on full clearing the game

in hindsight, there are some glitches and jank, but there's so much passion put into the project this is still a full five stars for me
Thank you! Oh, yeah, lots of jank. But it's got my favourite succubus-battle system. I wish there were more games like this.

What happens there, perhaps, is that on Nightmare, you typically get hit with the "advanced" version of the bad status (Horror vs. Terror, Fury vs. Berserk, etc), and that the armors give less protection against those. Still since they're typically supposed to give half the base level of protection, two with 100% should work...unless it's something like 50%*50%, which means you can still get hit with a 1/4 chance? As mentioned before, I don't really know how the RPGMaker engine processes stuff like that.
Yeah, you probably get a 75% resistance w/ 2 keys, maybe I just kept getting unlucky. I think I resisted the 1st Terror from Sophia, and suffered the next 3.

Yeah, I'm not sure exactly how those work, but they don't protect you during the boss rush. Interestingly, don't know if you caught it, but they do cause Life-spending magics to also have a half-cost in repeat encounters though (although IIRC, they're still coded to require the minimum amount of Life they'd normally like, Analyze only costs 1.5% Life, but you can't use it unless you have 3% or greater).
I noticed the Life bonus affecting ability costs way back, as I was trying to get fast fooded. I think that the Key to Survival affects ability costs too.

In the Clubhouse Village? He's supposed to spawn if you "make peace" with the delivery truck. I went back and checked and for some reason, the code to spawn his sprite and put him there on repeated visits afterwards got overwritten at some point (I don't take the blame for this one, he's gone in the Japanese code as well!). But if you were playing before on an earlier version and then did your Nightmare run in the up to date game, that would explain why he's gone.
Yeah, that seems to check out. I still have an old version of this game installed, from back when lvl 11 artifacts got bugged in NG+, and in my old save that guy is there.

And good going on finishing. Now you're ready for the expansion. (It should be soon. It really should.)
Ah, the ever elusive soon. I'm looking forward to it, however soon soon is.

I'll just leave this screenshot here, of Elfride increasing Ichinose's EP to the 6 digits. I wonder how that must have felt. I was wearing the Arena key and got pretty lucky with repeated Moans while in Discipline (if she's satisfied, any move you do during Discipline, she'll respond with an attack worth a bit more than your max EP, this applies to free moves that don't go into the next turn too, like Moan).

Elfride 106128.png
4.60 star(s) 22 Votes