Unity - Completed - Succubus Affection [v1.09e] [Diary of Sakiba]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    N T R Q U E E N

    Succubus Affection is a 2D side-scroller where you play a human who fucks monster girls and becomes stronger by creating bonds with them.

    The story itself is generic. You play a human in a world of monster girls. Humans were supposed to be extinct but you still exist. Monster girls outside of the village go into heat when they see you, probably because you are a human. For your training you defeat monster girls, have sex with them and create bonds to become stronger. The story does not explain why you still exist as a human or why monster girls go into heat when they see you so i doubt it was meant to be taken seriously.

    The combat is fun and refreshing. After defeating a monster girl you unlock her skill which can be used in combat. There are many races of monster girls so you have many options available in combat. Every monster girls is unique in how they fight and the bosses are also fun. There are many game mechanics and stats which affect gameplay. You upgrade character stats by eating food and buying accessories. You can also upgrade your skills making the stronger or have a shorter cooldown. Unfortunately the gameplay can get repetitive since you just fight monster girls, have sex with them, create bonds and repeat. The controls are also kind of a mess but you get used to it eventually.

    Beautiful 2D pixel art and character designs. Sex scenes are animated and of a high quality. The levels and world design are also of a high quality.

    The music and soundtrack fit the fantasy theme of the game. The music is calm and relaxing but it can also be chaotic during boss fights.

    The game is too easy even on harder difficulties since you can get overpowered easily. Most game mechanics and stats are not properly explained and can mostly be ignored. I know there is a manual but i wish the game explained it instead while playing. The default controls are a mess making it hard to use the main menu. The ending was also disappointing since it felt kind of rushed.

    Succubus Affection is a 2D side-scroller of a high quality. The gameplay feels refreshing if repetitive at times and the pixel art and character designs are of a high quality. You can tell this game was created with passion and i honestly recommend it to anyone who enjoys playing 2D side-scrollers. The game is also not that long since i completed it in about 5 hours while also exploring the map and interacting with the NPCs.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best 2dcg / retro pixel h games period.

    Gameplay ~ 8/10
    A game with actual action platforming gameplay and fun abilities/skills. This game could easily pass as a simple retro-modern sidescroller if you took out the h content. The beginning is rough, dealing with the control layout is rough. The map design isn't too great, and all the warp points by the end of the game absolutely clutter the village. Hope you don't mind memorizing where to go (it's not that bad). Just don't forget to visit that shop and upgrade everything. I didn't know it was a thing until I went and saw I had 130 skill point to spend, after having problems killing things.
    Even with those problems it was so much fun after unlocking powerful skills and getting strong passives. I wish more games had this much depth, wtf. I didn't really get into the accessories much but thats a whole system as well if you care about minmaxing.. in an H game.

    Audio & Visual Design ~ 9/10
    Lovely boss battles and second phases, beautiful environments and free-use audio actually fitting perfectly for this game. The design isnt perfect, but they tried hard and should be fun for most. Fantastic stuff. At times it's confusing what is going on and where you should go, but I didn't have a problem finishing the game.

    H Content ~ 10/10
    It's top tier 2dcg/pixel art. Also, very vanilla, no wild fetishes or anything, just femdom and mild bdsm and various sizes I guess. The bug girls may not be your cup of tea but it's pixel art and focused on the human side of things. If that's what you like, I don't think a game exists that does it much better. Over 20 monster girls each with 2 scenes. There are a few classic drawn CGs so to speak, if you like that, it's pretty average.

    Overall ~ 9/10

    Not gonna lie I was kind of sad when it was over. I can tell this game took a lot of effort to make and it hits different. There's a charm to it that is weird to say about an H game. The charm that you can tell the developers wanted to make something special and not just h material.

    If you like this game, I can recommend different pixelart/2dcg h games. . .
    - Kincaid
    - Mission Mermaiden
    - Vitamin Quest 2
    - Delta series
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic Game. One of the best pixel art side-scrollers I know.

    Just straight facts.

    -Sometimes very chaotic button mashing.
    -Easy to get overpowered

    +Amazing stylish Combat
    +Near perfect pixel art
    +Many monster girls
    +Many sex positions
    +Fluid and well developed controls.
    +Good UI and Menu

    Just play it. There are enough reviews already. Its good for a reason.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Zell23/Zell999 is probably the best pixel artist out there. Ive been following FoBS for a very long time and enjoyed every release he put out. When I heard Succubus Affection was coming out and looked at the pixel art, I already knew this was going to be a banger game. Even when my expectation was high, they somehow managed to go above my expectations.

    When I look for a game, whether its a porn game or normal game, I look for a game. Frankly, Im tired of the same RPGM games being pushed out with the same gameplay mechanics as every other RPGM game but with different art. When you pay for that, you're basically just paying for the art. This game is an exception. If you pay for this game, you actually get a game. Finding porn games that have both good porn and actual game is hard, but this game has both good porn and good gameplay.

    If you have the money, I suggest supporting the devs by buying the game. They really deserve it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game with amazing music. A lot of different enemies all with 2 positions each and the npcs all have at least 1. Enjoyable gameplay with difficulty selection. Here's a link to the OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edontHieEhA&list=PLVN-8kjXvAfBlLWL20zUccyzkLeduXSKI
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 Need more of similar sidescrollers, just a masterpiece if there would be more games like this it would be amazing. hope the dev has a great life for making this masterpiece.
    can recommend this to everyone the scenes are very good with enough variations and the combat is also fine.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 love the story, combat, and sex scenes. A great game for those who enjoy pixels and want to actually feel like they worked hard for the sex scenes. There isn't very many h-games out there with combat where the idea is to actually WIN the battle and not lose it. I truly dislike the idea of purposely trying to lose a battle.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This dev is the real deal.

    This is not the deepest game around, but it still deserves the 5 stars for it's great quality of animations, and visual design in general. While I kind of favour the more cramped, but inventive level-design of his other game, Forest Of the Blue Skin, this is still a very professionally made, enjoyable side-scroller, with a bit of awkwardness.

    The game has some of the best pixel-animation I've seen in an eroge, both for it's combat and it's lewd scenes. The quality and quantity of stuff here are both fantastic, and it really elevates the rest of the gameplay (or maybe, the rest of the gameplay fails a bit in comparison to the rest of the smoothness?) My biggest gripe is the fact that the game-uses "lewd on-touch"-grappling system for transitioning into animations, which feels awkward when fighting in melee, and not being clear on when the enemy is staggered. This causes combat to stop-and-start a lot, as breaking out of grapples is somewhat trivial at high levels. On the whole, though, the animation and move-systems both give the game a smooth feel, as you battle the monster-girls and dodge attacks.

    The story and characters are slightly developed, but fairly bland. The expressive visuals do most of the storytelling, though there are a couple of scripted scenes with cg as well, for the loss-scenes on bosses.

    The difficulty is kind of all-over the place, and the base-gameplay and character-building of the game could maybe have been done better. As it stands, every monster you sex, and every day that passes, makes your character stronger, permanently, meaning grinding and slowly recruiting every enemy you come accross will eventually lead to you becoming as strong as you can be, and stomping through the game. I almost feel that the game could have been improved if you had to... choose you builds, and have a limited ammount of stats you can buff up that takes less time, or if you had had a time-limit Some challenge-modes and some way to block auto-grapples would have allowed the game to stand more firmly on what's here. As it stands, the game is not enjoyable enough to play more of after completion.

    Lastly, the game has a very good system for building affinity with your recruited monsters, where you can grind out both sex-level with a specific monster-type and relationship-points with a monster by... "grinding" on monsters. It's a neat system for enhancing the value of your monster-collecting.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    not a perfect but a cute fun game. nice pixel art animations. gameplay is awesome and the fact that u can combo skills and level them up is just amazing.
    storywise it's kinda random but the gameplay and H scenes covers it.
    wish it was longer but it's all good
    i recommend it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun gameplay and diverse H-Scenes with great looking sprite work, meh story. 2-D combat that allows creativity with the choices of skills and passives the changes how each person would play the game, various abilities like healing or a zipline like attack the player is allowed to choose, many different choices that relates to the eroge side of the game also. Making allies and bonds leading to H-Scenes with amazing sprite work. The main issue the combat in this game, personally, after defeating a enemy a H scene will commence; fun at first but gets repetitive after awhile considering multiple same-type enemies appear which leads to viewing the same sprite animations. Worth a Play.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty simple as cute and wholesome, really smooth animation and not boring gameplay. Also good storyline and freeplay after. One of the best games I'l find over here. May God bless creator of this. :4Head:
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Own this steam because pixel art games as so rare to find. Decent ones that is.

    Good combat, fun system with collecting monster waifus as abilities. Clever gallery system so you don't need to go out into the world to do the scenarios to see them again.

    Hope to see more from these devs
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Wellp. Played this game while was on board a ship. And...I really liked the game!
    I like the animations very much. I'm a fan of pixel stuff in generall so i got hooked by this game pretty darn hard. And it's not just the arstyle held me in, but the overall quality of...pretty much everything.
    I like the mon-girls' designs and the animations they have. And i REEALY liked the foxes'(? played it a WHILE ago so i don't remember the names of the girls), Baphomet's and ice-dragon(? again, don't quite remember the names) shrex-scenes. The dragon's one is also infinite which is good for exp farm xD
    Also, while we are talking about animations, i wana address how good and hot it feels when BOTH parties enjoy the act! The expression of pure bliss on girls' faces is priceless.
    Setting aside the shrex,the rest of the animations is also great! The battles therefore are quite good to look at. And i like the possibilty to make a build that would annihilate anybody at almost any difficulty lvl, he-he. ALMOST any difficulty, mind you. You still need to think what and how you are using on higher difficulties if you don't want to loose. And the battles are not at all tiresome. I like how easy it is to get to experimenting with different skillsets and difficulty settings. Speaking of which
    I like how not serious this game is. Like if you loose it doesn't equal humiliation, death, end of the world, etc. Like it's just "Oh, looks like you lost, tee-hee! Don't mind if i take the lead in our little sexy time then ;)". And if you win still BOTH parties enjoy the act and I as a result enjoy the game.
    And the game is not too long and not too short. With all that i can say it's a 5* from me.
    So, TL;DR:
    Good animations (both sex and everything else)
    Enjoyable combat
    Just the right length
    Most deff a recomend
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute gem of a game. If you like hentai side scrollers with battlefuck themes you're gonna love this game. The combat is pretty fun and with the right difficulty can be challenging. I didn't think I'd get so into a pixel game but oh was I wrong.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game enjoyed it a lot, decent fighting mechanisms and multiple h scenes with a basic story that feels good. If this had better graphics it would be nuts.

    Still looking for a game like this long after I finished it..
    There is no question if you're thinking about giving this a go.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy fucking shit. This is one of the most wholesome games I have ever seen. You have the monster girls, big boobies, includes some fetishes, its simply perfect. I love the ending and the game is simply nice. Sadly it is completed and I have finished
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice graphics and general idea but too tedious and repetetive.
    Making a pact takes much too long and watching the same scene after defeating 66-th opponent of the same type gets boring pretty quickly.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an absolute masterpiece of its genre:
    > Abundant high quality pixel art (courtasy of zell23)
    > Fun and balanced combat with a large variety of different options for different playstyles
    > A simple but entertaining story
    > A well designed system for incorporating h-content into gameplay without tedium

    Basically, its a sidescrolling platformer where you can equip skills from enemies you befriend (which you do by defeating them). Unlike many games, you dont have to lose to see content and all of the interactions are actually consensual. The combat in the game is instead basically flavored as you playing hard to get with the local monster girls, so when you lose, you just 'lose' with a big smile on your face and wake up back at home stronger.

    Played through the entire thing in around 5 hours and had to go and buy a copy on steam because it was so well done. Looking forward to the sequal after Shiro No Yakata comes out!
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    I really didn't think I would get hooked on this as much as I did, but the gameplay is fun, there are a ton of sex animations, and the plot is sexy and fun. I liked this a great deal and hope to play more by this developer.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Played version 1.09E.
    This game has actual gameplay in it and that's great. Sidescrollers with pixel-art also have thier charm in porn animations and there are no complaints to graphics in general. But number of different mechanichs and animations is very limited, hence it easy to get a little bit bored because of repetitivnes after the start. Adding lack of narrative, one can conclude that this project best decriped by phrase "pleasant grind".