To start with I have been playing and mostly following topics on SC since the beginning of the project. I kept watching from the shadows and I stood silent. I played lots, probably in the hundreds, of Succubus related games, because I have a very
niche amount of tags I choose from I very rarely find something to fit them all. To give you some: succubus, expansion, age progression, femdom.
When I found about this game I was so excited to have found a hidden gem amoung coals. The art was astonishing, one of the best I found. Kainkout was rising up through the ranks amoung individuals like:
- Shiki (Psychedelic G2)
- Doskoinpo
- nest
This game filled and put together missing pieces that other games had along with a story worthy of being read and immersed in. The gameplay is fun, it hooks you in, making you struggle at times if you did not collect everything
"shiny" you saw on the map and hadn't planned strategically how to beat an individual. So, across various iterations I was always pleasantly surprised by the level of polish and new features and improved systems. The game is passionately developed and I just have to point that out because it deserve its praise

However, due to the injury of Kainkout and its stressful schedule I understand that a change was indeed required between partners. I am glad that they are still with us on a smaller project as
you have mentioned. So I hope that, in the future, you might take in consideration having Kainkout lead the series. Now, as things are placed on the table, with the new leading artist of SC being Devil-V, seeing the art they produced saddened me, because the game is one of the few, if not the only which satisfies my niche genre. So much that it made me come out and write my first forum post.
In order to start criticizing I have to give you a bit of background to better understand my standpoint. I am a
programmer by profession and I am still studying in this area.
I am not an artist, however due to pandemic circumstances I bought several devices which
might enable me to take a step in that area if the time shall allow it. At the moment, I only understand that it is
a tough path, requiring you to put thousands of hours in practice in order to get at least to a
novice level unless you have talent, which might give you a small shortcut, but
effort is still required. Considering this, my opinion comes from an unexperienced/non-artist and is based mostly on content that I have consumed up to this point.
The following opinion is highly subjective and I am going to express differences as I see them between Kainkout and Devil-V.
My first point is about the art styles of both artists, which is quite unique, and because of that they differ quite much.
Kainkout has a more "manga" / "anime" style.
- The lines used in their drawings are thinner.
- The detail / emphasis placed on the hair is richer than Devil-V.
- While the face expressions are, as you say Zion, more evil compared to Kainkout's innocent ones, the faces drawn by Kainkout are much better detailed.
- Softer eyebrows
- Eye Shadow
- Better Blush (drawn subtle yet still being quite noticed). This really plants a "seed" in the consumer, to make them hunger for a scene.
- Even though the faces they might be more "evil" in your eyes Zion, I would say that Kainkout's are a lot more enticing
- Overall shapes drawn by Kainkout are bigger, their scale is larger. For example, hands have much more visibility.
- On a more ecchi note. Curves drawn by Kainkout are bigger, presented a lot better to the consumer. To put more ephasis on this point, from Kainkout's art you can see the curves just by looking at them, meanwhile Devil-V draws explicit lines to point them out.
- Big breasts seem a lot more narutally drawn in Kainkout's art. Devil-V's just seem attached to the body, and highlighted using thick black lines.
- The clothing of the succubi has a much more visible effect caused by their curves. Especially the breasts.
Devil-V has a "cartoony" style.
- Consider all the downsides mentioned above.
- There is a bit more detail on the clothing. The succubi have some accesories which have a kind of texture. Kainkout usually just left a plain color which was kind of bad. Take the queen for example, she has such big wings that should encompass the MC and intimidate him, however they just have a kind of gray color with a bit of shading no texture. I really hope Devil-V will improve of this. As I saw shininess, texture and details added to their tails.
- More aggressive faces, or combat like styled, at least from the two images on this thread. Considering other images on their deviant profile, there is a wider array of expression than Kainkout's. But as mentioned, the details on the faces or the way they are presented is unpleasant. The faces/heads are maybe smaller than expected.
- More proeminent lines on abs / armpits / necks. Give a better structure, but they are overused everywhere. Hands / Arms seem to be drawn with sharp lines while Kainkout has a softer way of doing it.
I put two images side by side to illustrate this and some arrows to point out differences.
To conclude with my opinion, at least in my eyes I can predict the transition will be tough to accept by many consumers. It's almost a dealbreaker for me, except for the tags mentioned above which will keep me in the loop, but I won't be as excited sadly...
I understand that it's your favorite artist but they
pale in comparison to Kainkout

. While I didn't take StormFeder in discussion I think he might be a better alternative to Devil-V as the leading artist of the main series. I will miss Kainkout deeply from my heart on SC. Thank you for all the effort Zion, I am grateful to you for bringing us a piece of art. I will still follow SC as I am interested by it.