3.50 star(s) 105 Votes


New Member
Jun 9, 2017
i expect nothing but i'm still unhappy with this chap 5.....no various scene for defeat / submit / win and temptation (except duchess), no exploration, bashing the same mobb...... after 2 years it's a big disapointment. Chap 1 was a pleasure....now i just woow he cleary don't care about the quality. Sad, but just porn game.


Apr 15, 2022
There's even less content in this release, most new succubi are literally 1 or 2 static pictures. No different perspectives, no different defeat/win scenes, no animations, no voices, nothing...

Literally the bare minimum. Quality really went downhill, whoever waited so long and was paying for this got scammed. It sucks because when this released for the first time half a decade ago it actually had potential back then and got people excited. Oh well, what can you do.
I were banned for this statement on his discord xD
Oct 2, 2020
Vote with your wallets, there are far better games to choose from. I think Zion should not touch RPGM at all, just do what he does best that is world building. Let others design the game for them. Atleast use renpy instead of RPGM.
Chapter 5 wasnt even an RPG, what exactly do you do with the Hellish Essense drops ?


Apr 20, 2022
Okay, there are a lot of haters in this thread, probably due to petty reasons like Zion not implementing a feature or fetish you wanted, leading to a vendetta against him. Zion is undoubtedly one of the best developers I've come across. The amount of lore, creativity, great gameplay, writing, etc., he has brought in is truly something to be cherished. He is also very talkative, kind, and responds to any comments, unless you're a hater, then you get blocked :).

Keep in mind that Succubus Covenant is more than just some adult game; it's an entire saga.

Yes, Chapter 5 ended abruptly and needs a few days in the oven, but it's probably not the last update, and more is to come! Having said that, I absolutely loved every single second of it. From the lead-up to the succubus encounter, it was exciting. One scene in particular even almost brought me to tears. If you didnt skip through the dialogues and actually read you would totally relate.

Anyway, this thread is a lost cause. If you enjoy this game but are tired of these haters, I advise you to join us in the Discord. Also, don't forget to support Zion. Every single dollar is appreciated :)
You must be payed, retard or you just simply never played a good game in your life xd The game used to be really good in the past, but now he just doesn't give a single fck about it. And if you don't see that you are blind bro. Same like Bone tales


New Member
Nov 3, 2019
How to find the succubus from the new chapter? Just loaded the last save from Ch4 where the Hunter defeated the dancing succubus during the feast.

Ir0n Ma1den

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2021
I was for zion, but seeing his comment that he stopped having deadlines is a big red flag for me.


Feb 19, 2018
Zion has had a very succesfull patreon with around 3k/month for 4 years!! That alone shows that players who actually engage with his product enjoy it very much. It's also doing better than 95% of trash game that are on this platform, interesting huh? No offense but that alone says more than whatever YOU are trying to spit :) .

Zion if you read this don't let these absolute fools effect you. I for one will always support you.
Someone got stuck in the "sunk cost" fallacy as well as obvious "bubble" mentality. Adulting is hard, I know. But only a surpemely dense person would be this loyal to a lost cause product. Seeing as your new here, just going to assume you got on here just to simp for this game.


New Member
Nov 8, 2021
I feel like he did a lot better on the side games, he put a lot more effort on other games, he did the least possible for this game what makes me sad... the most popular chapters are the 1 to 3 for the good art and animations, now the art is mid, no animations, no more details on scenes... we want a porn game we know what we want but zion forget that this is a PORN game
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Feb 19, 2018
I feel like he did a lot better on the side games, he put a lot more effort on other games, he did the least possible for this game what makes me sad... the most popular chapters are the 1 to 3 for the good art and animations, now the art is mid, no animations, no more details on scenes... we want a porn game we know what we want but zion forget that this is a PORN game
The art and animations were top notch in the first releases. The new (not new at this point) artist, while not bad, doesn't seem to bring the same atmosphere the original did. As well, the newer "effects" from the draining look dumb compared to the original. The girls really had unique looks to them, but now it looks like every other anime type art. It lost its charm, imo.
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Apr 20, 2022
Zion has had a very succesfull patreon with around 3k/month for 4 years!! That alone shows that players who actually engage with his product enjoy it very much. It's also doing better than 95% of trash game that are on this platform, interesting huh? No offense but that alone says more than whatever YOU are trying to spit :) .

Zion if you read this don't let these absolute fools effect you. I for one will always support you.
If you are happy paying someone for 2 years to release trash that anyone could put together in 1 month, then go ahead. I never told anyone to stop support him. But please don't try to explain that he is doing good right now.

People are idiots, they still pay him because he used to make a good game, just like they still pay Mr. Bone, even though he releases 5-minute gametime nothings, every 2-3 years. XD

Maybe he will pull himself together a bit if he sees the numerous negative comments and reviews
Jul 30, 2019
Can anyone share a save before the Red Riding Hood Succubus encounter in Ch. 5? I read that she's supposed to show up before the final battle, but for whatever reason she did not show up in my playthrough, and I really don't want to go through this slogfest again :(
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New Member
Jun 9, 2019
I would rate this chapter 4/10
+Nice artworks
+Season Generals character are amazing

-Too many “useless” cutscene that Ron the mood
-Too few H-scenes
-Maps are empty and the season garden doesn’t add anything different to each other
-No drops from Succubus battle
-Battle with normal mobs are useless
-Battle are practically identical to each others and strategy wise are literally identical (a Gimmick or tag battle would have been nice)
-Dialog wise succubus have the same personality. Adding a bit of character would have been nice.
-Two years of wait are too much for a less than 2 hour game.
-I couldn’t see the love of the developer in this last chapter everything seems rushed and not well polished.

Elsiss Surana

Jan 15, 2019
I hesitate to point this out, but you guys do realise that what is posted on this site is technically an incomplete version of chapter 5? There is still a great deal of missing content. Zion still needs to add in the upgrades to the player's personal tribe and the remainder of the female companions personal quests.

It looks like the person who posted the chapter 5 version is a higher tier contributor and thus has earlier access than most.


Feb 19, 2018
I hesitate to point this out, but you guys do realise that what is posted on this site is technically an incomplete version of chapter 5? There is still a great deal of missing content. Zion still needs to add in the upgrades to the player's personal tribe and the remainder of the female companions personal quests.

It looks like the person who posted the chapter 5 version is a higher tier contributor and thus has earlier access than most.
oh cool, a few more features. totally worth paying every month right?
3.50 star(s) 105 Votes