RPGM - Succubus Covenant Generation One: The Cursed Forest [Ch. 5] [Olympus]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    - Fantastic art. This is why we are all here. The new art looks great too, but there wasn't a ton added since the last update.

    - Repetitive, pointless gameplay. Fighting the same enemies over and over. guantlet -> attack 4 turns -> gauntlet -> attack four turns gets old FAST. Upgrading the gauntlet with fire/elec/ice is pointless because it saps your magic points, which you cant recover, which makes you lose to every enemy. Defeating enemies doesnt give exp for some reason, so grinding doesn't make it easier to play through.

    -Maps are way too big. Keep them short like you did in the first forest demo.

    -Scenes only occur when you lose. If you are winning and playing well, you are missing literally all of the good content. This needs to get fixed ASAP.

    - The story. The story of the main character is fine, but we are constantly getting bogged down with the side stories of his companions. If there are no hot succubi around, no one cares. The dev is clearly putting a massive amount of work into the story, settings, animating scenes, etc, but all of that work is just making the game slow and boring.

    My recommendations:
    - Make sex with succubi part of success in the game
    - remove all of the extra cutscenes that dont focus on the main character
    - focus on developing character progression with skill trees and leveling up
    - the more succubi variety, the better. I want to see most of the dev time going into art and sex scenes, not making a town and populating it with 50 people for a minute long cutscene.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the demo and the first chapter. Looking forward for future updates such as new succubus and gallery mode where we could see the scene back after collecting it.

    The world map and the lore of the game is quite extensive for the story to progess and also the succubus setting is kinda my thing tho ;)

    Definitely got my support for Patreon 100% (y)

    Although need to wait for my paycheck at the end of the month :ROFLMAO:
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is good and it got a good premise and concept. If the quality of the updates stays the game or even improves it's going to be masterpiece.

    Gameplay needs an improvement though as it's a bit boring and the fire tree is the only one that's fully developed, we should have the option to use the elements to use a particular fighting style, let fire do damage and add a DoT, Lightning deal raw damage while ice slows your enemy.

    I feel that this will be the most challenging part because the plot, level design and art is spot on.

    Good Job.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Hey there!
    Off course i played the demo till the end and i have to say, really enjoyed it so far.
    Liked the intro, story, music and characters are on point.
    The side notes with knowledge about the succbus are interesting and exciting to read, liked that.
    Also the art style of the succubus are really nice, but for me personaly they could be more "milfy" (body/faces).
    The bodies, like the breasts could be lower (with more gravity, no "bombs") but that just me personaly. The fact that the succubus are enhance their bodies when use powers is also a very good thought.
    What also came to my mind when playing, the succubus you fight in the forest looking the same, which drains the excitement.
    If lost in a fight, the scene also takes kinda to long to end. But at the same time it's frightening and exciting.
    I could write thousand good things and continue, lol.
    But so far it's my most favorite game and i played some (more milf/mother games and/or similar).
    Keep up the good work and i'm looking foward for more updates.
    You have my support.
    Last important thing. I read the review from "nogardpans" and i fully agree with it. Good points right there.
    Really nice game
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Look at the images in the download site. That is like the 1% of the game. It just doesn't go to the interesting part (sex. sex stats, customization...).

    You have to see tons of irrelevant dialogues, to walk lots of miles to see a nice and erotic image. That's all.

    It was supossed to be a sex game, but here sex is the 1% of the game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the characters and the story. The combat is OK but the art of the characters is superb. I think this game have potential to have a nice history and be more than a ''porn game'' like monster girl quest. I have a high expectation for the future of this game. Slowly but surely.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    (The rating is JUST for the GAMEPLAY ONLY. Almost everything else about this game is a 4 out of 5 for me. The maps are clearly not finished, are some objects were left in the wrong layers, scoring a 3 out of 5.)

    It's REALLY, REALLY is too early for me to be giving a review for a game that's currently (at this writing) at its first update since the initial demo, which is 0.2.)

    The pros.

    -Artwork is a hit or miss, but for me I do enjoy not just the scenes but also the sprites for the females. That said, it appears only the Succubus and Angels have one body type (almost a foreshadowing, but this is far too early to consider). That said, you can opt out and not give any succubus what they want (which will give a bad end despite showing a scene).

    -The game does contain a pretty decent, even if not original, basis. The character you play in the main game is the ancestor of the protagonist in the first few minutes of the prologue, whom was saved by an intergalactic naval force that is currently losing a war against the denizens of Hell. And through the Animus, clearly making your savior to be Abstergo from Assassin's Creed, you will witness past events through the actual protagonist's eyes in a very reaching attempt to turn the tide, events that are now uncovered thanks to the machine revealing memories through your DNA.
    -The battles themselves are fairly difficult. Which was fine during the prologue, where you had a party with you. Despite all the abilities and movesets being closed off from you, an average player should manage themselves through if they had taken the time to search around and pick up items that provides heals. However...

    The cons:
    -The succubus battle system is... annoying, veering close to having artificial difficulty. Unlike in the prologue, where you had a party, you are alone BUT at this point you are granted access to magic that you have to pay to unlock. The crux to this, however, is the fact that using spells are too expensive for starters when compared to the very limited MP resource, especially when you need to have iron will active at all times if you do not want a succubus to hit you with a Succubus Temptation. A move which immediately goes into a brief sexual scene (if you use the gauntlet's iron will, though at that point the buff does not remain as it doesn't cost MP at this instance), which will heal her tremendously in comparison to the damage you can dish out as well as harming you (which makes sense, lorewise).

    -The item that heals you of paralysis is useless, utterly, as you are by yourself. The paralysis debuff causes two turns to be skipped, instead of usual RPGs where there's always a chance of whether or not you can act. While the debuff can miss, it can also be renewed. In which case, the paralysis's duration extends, leaving you vulnerable to further attacks that can kill you due to being utterly helpless. The only benefit is the fact that the skip turns does not count toward Iron Will's duration.

    -The save area(s?) is too far away from the forest dungeon (perhaps there is one in there, however the current Succubus system can discourages someone from even being TOO adventurous to try to find one, almost encouraging them to back track JUST to heal). Which makes the experience more of a drag instead of the player being wary against a dangerous group of foes.

    -As mentioned before, the current spells cuts too deep in the MP resource, with the damage being too low to be cost effectively with no items to replenish it, you are better off just attacking, use Iron Will after three attacks, with an occasional item heal. Which makes the current iteration of the skill tree almost useless, only putting money into it so you can get the stat boosts, not the skills AND making it so the AOE specific spells a wasteful investment. This bogs the experience in the gameplay tremendously.

    I know that the game creator is accepting feedback and thus tweaking the combat system. Though personally I would have made the game far too easy, even if it was just to ease the player in due to the change from having a party to fighting mini-boss succubi. So I am certain that this review will be invalid quickly enough and thus will need be changed when the next update is release.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I love succubi, erotic evil, and fighting temptation for your life. If you do too then this game is for you. This game has a deep detailed lore to the world, its politics and characters. Yes, I know, story? plot? in a hentai game? lul im only here for the "ReAl PlOt". I know that is the main attraction, but if you read some of the texts and lore, who knows, you might be more invested than you thought you would be (I did and i mostly skip that shit). Now, the art of the characters and H-scenes are super nice, top notch material. The pixel art of the in-game world is beautiful and awesome, I really love it. It even has weather, like snow or blizzard, but just snow for now. There is a diverse option in the dialogue choices. You can really role-play a certain type of character or just have fun with it and choose interesting dialogue. And of course with the choices, also comes the choice to give in to the succubi. You can choose temptation before, during, and after the succubi fights. Right now the fights are simple and not in-depth, but its just the first demo of the first game by Zion. I'm positive it will become more challenging and interesting. I personally don't care about the combat, but I do see some people do so I mentioned it and shared my expectation. Now, the succubi drain, there is various and detail to succubi drains. Your body changes when a succubi drains you, adding more immersion. There are many different clans of succubi and all of them have unique drains. Ok, thats about everything I wanted to say. If you read all this and like what you read then definitely try out the demo, I recommend it. ;):sneaky:(y)
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 492881

    This game left a nice impression for me.
    The game as is now is not 5 stars at all but you can see why below:

    Gameplay: 3/5 - Gameplay is not bad, you have several unlockable skills that you can acquire, also you have many options to defat a succubus.

    Bugs: 5/5 - I have encountered no bugs while playing version 0.2.

    Developer's Updates/Care about the game - 5/5 - We can clearly see they are active and caring about their game, they fixed quickly what the community didin't like ( even if the game is not supposed to be free ) and they are constantly updating this.

    Art: 10/5 - The sole reason everyone rates this so high is the art- yes it's amazing, that's why I rate it 5 stars too, it has amazing potential, for now it's very little content but it is just the first update, I am sure it will be an amazing game ( hopefully not monotonous )!

    Overall : 5/5 stars , would play again.

    TL:DR If you want to give this game a chance go ahead, the content is decent for the first release and you can fap to this no problems, also use saveditonline.com for easier gameplay :) have fun.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    So far its a nice game, i really like the diffrent kind of lands/factions and the storyline is also very good. The big downside for me is that there is no reward. The women and scenes only happen when you give in and lose the game. To me that makes the game far less enjoyable.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent artwork. game is a little slower paced and the combat system is pretty generic but the overall concept of the game is well worth playing it. cant wait to see how the final version of the game looks.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 44282

    From what I have seen: I loved the most criticizable at the moment, it is too much exposure at the beginning it takes to start playing, it is well to characterize your world, but at its rate, the creator would also have to implement a way to skip the tutorial and the scenes. I am a clumsy that lost against a succubus and I had to see again all the scenes of when you travel to the continent.

    the story and the role I will not speak since it is unfinished
    mechanics / combat: we have barely been able to see anything

    The best:
    + art of course!

    + (it's silly but I've laughed) you respect the dialogues and how the characters react even if it doesn't affect the game we don't have to be a BoyScouts without personality

    + character relationship: oh my god male characters that make you care whether they are your classmates / brothers or others, we need more of the rabbit girl >:D
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game started a little slow but I put that down to my personal tastes in h-games.

    Past that the artwork is amazing and the h-scenes are great if you're into busty thicc succubi going to town on your life force.

    Story has some sad moments from what I've seen so far and it's shaping up to be really interesting, the petite redhead is cute!

    Wish there was accessible hentai content without having to lose your life in the process but I know it's all a work in progress and I am super impressed with the fappability of this game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1555042

    I just tested the demo. It is great. Has good music, story and visuals. Can't wait to see the others succubi and how the story unfolds. Hope the gameplay has some more exploration and puzzles too. I'm looking forward to play the final version.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Demo review:

    To be fair I was expecting a more gameplay driven demo, the story so far seem to be decent but I don't think that's a mayor selling or attracting point for the people who plays this games, at least not in this site.

    Its disappointing how you can only get a H scene after losing or letting the succubus do what she wants but I think that can be fixed with a post battle CG room or something like that.

    The battle seems to be in a truly early stage with no random encontounters or fights with more than one succubus, You are forced to use iron will every few turns or the hp loss is massive, which is annoying I hope in the future we could unlock a kind of permanent or lesser iron will

    As for the element I tried (fire) I couldn't see any state ailment or powerful move or weak indicator But I didn't fully unlocked so it could be my fault

    I like that we can raise our skills by hand. The art is awesome and strikes right at my fancies, I really like it, I can tell that the developer cares about this game with all the extra info available, the dialogue options and the nice writing I really want to see this game finished, I think it can turn out to be really good.

    TLDR: Too much story for a demo release, can only see adult content after you lose or aren't really trying to win, truly early stage combat, great art, decent story,it can be really good
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I honestly do not get the hype around this game. It floods you with text and exposition, gives you a not so special story of being a pawn in a big game, and it takes a while and a half to even get to the sex scene in this game. I kid you not, skipping every bit of text (holding z) makes it so that the first sex scene takes around 5 minutes and the nest one you can get to after than , skipping all text (holding z) , is around 24 minutes.

    What are you doing in those 24 minutes you might ask? Playing the most generic RPM maker game out there and getting expositioned to death.

    I must say though the art in this game is quite good but it's hampered by an unskippable and long intro scene and boring sex scenes. Also every succubus has basically the exact same body type, hell the angels and succubus has the same body type, but just different poses.

    I give it 2 stars because it's average in every way but art which it's decent. But an unskippable intro with shoddy saving mechanics and boring fighting mechanics really makes this game a little less than average.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The art so good as hell. succubus body is so big and tall; now i like it
    Although the information that information of every succubus you wrote is make me cum because you can imagine like that. :love:

    Pls support this author.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has few positives but also a lot of negatives.
    (I really don't understand people who rate this 5 stars just because they see big tits.)

    + Artwork is great.
    + The resolution of the game is also suitable for large monitors.
    + The main character is not Shota.

    - The story is barely average.
    - Saving game is REALLY annoying.
    - Enemies without money and item. No equipment stores. (Gearing and looting is a key part of each RPG.)
    - Combat is bad... REALLY bad. "Iron will" + 2x basic attack and repeat it endlessly.
    - You have 3 options. Suicide (die), lose (die) or win. And if you win, no sex scenes for you. In adult game...
    Virtually the game punishes you if you play well. I think that it will be perfectly possible to finish this game as a virgin.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Kawaii Dragon

    The story is really well made as well as it has amazing art style this game project has huge potential with the world being very huge leaving a lot of room for enemies and enemy variety can't wait for the next update;)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really great start, the artstyle is amazing, and the story seems like it's shaping up to be really interesting, the intro is a bit long, but it needs it to really give exposition on everything, and I really liked the characters and their interactions, looking foward to the next versions.